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General ICs Q&A Thread


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
Whatever I don't really care about framestuff when I can just do it, I don't care how I do it.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Not a directly IC's related question but...

does anyone have the link to Swordgard's momentum cancel/DI thread? I'd like to spread the good word.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
What? What? What?

SoPo> Ganon from the way I see it.
SoPo has better mobility than Ganon, has a projectile. The dthrow CG to rack up a lot of damage from low percents. Disjointed hitbox. And stuff.... The only thing wrong with SoPo is his easily read recoveries. I really wouldn't be surprised it we could solo dthrow CG to the edge and then just beat out his recovery.

But that's all in the land of somewhere... =/


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
SoPo has a recovery as good as Ganon's.
I think it's kinda sad that SoPo is better than Ganon really.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2010
can somebody give me some tips for fighting mk with sopo? my sopo is getting way better but mk is just a huge wall I can't get over :/ I know that playing really smart is the key but does anybody have any little tips/tricks that help in the match up?


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
can somebody give me some tips for fighting mk with sopo? my sopo is getting way better but mk is just a huge wall I can't get over :/ I know that playing really smart is the key but does anybody have any little tips/tricks that help in the match up?
At low %'s look only for a grab. You can CG MK with Sopo up till 65% into a fsmash, and you can walk the CG till 40% before you have to start dashing. After this look for small hits or a way to put him above you. I like to go for a back throw because if you do it fast a lot of people DI it wrong and it's a free uair. You only need a few hits before MK is in kill range, and then you want to read an airdodge or spotdodge/roll and get a smash off. It's really just a lot of experience and smart play.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
mks tend to stay on the ground more when you are sopo.

a lot of them like to try to set up tilt walls. if they do this just dash into it>shield>grab

if they like doing stupid things like shorthop fair.... shield grab it.

blizzard is also really good vs grounded mk, but don't be too predictable with it.

basically if hes on the ground just grab him. The biggest problem i have with mks as sopo is when they grab me, but if they are at low percents then we get more out of landing a grab. When they are at higher percents they are gonna stay in their shield more anyways so its easier to get a grab.

once mks is at like 100% they are going to just sit in their shield. grab them and remember stale upair kills around 130 rather than just going for the easy fsmash

edit: also if they start trying to spotdodge your grabs just jab afterwards bc it is faster than any of his options


Smash Hero
Jan 1, 2009
When you are against MK and you are SoPo. Look for some things, does he have a lead? If he does, kill yourself. If he doesn't try to live as long as possible. SoPo sucks.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
When you are against MK and you are SoPo. Look for some things, does he have a lead? If he does, kill yourself. If he doesn't try to live as long as possible. SoPo sucks.
It's not often that I say that this (what I've highlighted in red) is flat out wrong. Every little bit helps. Yeah you'll lose your stock pretty quickly once MK gets a bead on you but you can still get some damage in if you hang tough. Also getting a grab at low percents leads to some good damage with the SoPo CG as Hylian all ready pointed out. Just play smart.


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2007
Yeah, that only works if the mk is going to going to trying to run away the whole time. If he only runs to the ledge, give him the pressure to stay on the ledge to counter time out him. If he's just gonna run away, play smart and pay attention to the clock. This is only if you have another stock though. Thats the keyword.

Else follow what the smarter people said.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
I disagree Guest. If he's OBVIOUSLY trying to time you out, SD. The MK of Houston has told me several times that he'll do this to me when he plays me in tournament.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
I disagree Guest. If he's OBVIOUSLY trying to time you out, SD. The MK of Houston has told me several times that he'll do this to me when he plays me in tournament.
Wouldn't he just time you out the same way SoPo or not? I don't see how having Nana makes much of a difference vs. an MK that's running away from you.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I think the difference would come from punishing power. Although, I see where you're coming from.

If you have nana, you can cg to death. In that scenario, they have to go to platform camping or planking. Planking eats up their ledge grabs on the limit in most tournies, so they lose that option after a while or can't let a time out occur. Underlevel gliding shenanigans can get interrupted much more easily with desynced IB's than a solo IB, forcing them to ledge grab.

Without popo, it's ok for them to use many other stalling tactics such as fair walls that we have a very difficult time breaking through. And it's also ok for them to take high damage, because with a lack of approach options, getting the kill is much harder. We're limited to things like hard read fsmashes, usmash OoS, and hard read FAirs for kills. That's not a whole lot of options.

It is definitely worse than adding in belay (kind of), grab > death, and all the frame special frame trap special shenanigans, etc etc. How much worse is debatable, where the merit of killing one's self to get nana back is predicated on how much worse off in killing power sopo is compared to the climber pair.


Smash Master
Mar 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
I think the difference would come from punishing power. Although, I see where you're coming from.

If you have nana, you can cg to death. In that scenario, they have to go to platform camping or planking. Planking eats up their ledge grabs on the limit in most tournies, so they lose that option after a while or can't let a time out occur. Underlevel gliding shenanigans can get interrupted much more easily with desynced IB's than a solo IB, forcing them to ledge grab.

Without popo, it's ok for them to use many other stalling tactics such as fair walls that we have a very difficult time breaking through. And it's also ok for them to take high damage, because with a lack of approach options, getting the kill is much harder. We're limited to things like hard read fsmashes, usmash OoS, and hard read FAirs for kills. That's not a whole lot of options.

It is definitely worse than adding in belay (kind of), grab > death, and all the frame special frame trap special shenanigans, etc etc. How much worse is debatable, where the merit of killing one's self to get nana back is predicated on how much worse off in killing power sopo is compared to the climber pair.
I see your point, and that seems to be the primary difference that may make it worthwhile. However a char that has at most 2 glides, five jumps and all of his specials being recovery moves along with the fact that you're a stock behind after SDing to get Nana back; MK doesn't have to worry too much about taking hits. It's not too much for him to air camp safely and there are many ways he avoids the grab without running away in the first place. Plus if you truly wished to stop him, you're forced to go aggro. He wouldn't even need to resort to planking to get past IBs (unless you're smart about them and you're on FD). He has jumps to get himself over desyncs involving blizzard. Also since he's a stock ahead, if he's in kill percent already then it wouldn't even hurt for him to land even if he gets hit by an IB if you have to cover some distance. And since you're having to go aggro he may land some shots on Nana as you go after him. So even if you take his stock off, then come the next stock when you both are equal again you're all ready disadvantaged with a Nana that's ripe for getting picked off.

All of that said though, there probably is a way we may overcome that disadvantage. Smart play and good use of our options could get our hands on MK and get a stock away.

Either way you go you're forced to go aggro and either way you go MK has the tools to avoid you. The difference being the difficulty of avoiding you, a smart MK could still find ways to avoid you despite the increase in difficulty. In my opinion the trade off isn't worth it, but then again the value of the trade off may change depending on the stage you're on and the circumstances you're under.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2010
who do you think is better on FD, ice climbers or diddy? also who would be better on fd ic's or toon link? I never know where to take these two characters :/


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
Lux how do you fight peach. Could we do a new Match up write up for her? I got 2-0 by Kyon twice. Here are the results: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=11746543&posted=1#post11746543
and he knocked me out of losers. Squall hammer doesn't work against her unless shes high precents cause after she gets hit she can just nair me and split me up. I shield her floating dair and buffer up smash which works but its hard to time it every time. I just want your opinion because i know you helped me with the MK MU.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
fffffffffffffffffffff snake. what the hell are you supposed to do? its like he can react faster and with better range to anything i have. i mean, if i get the grab he's dying, but its just a **** fest getting that close.



Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
shieldgrab ftilt -> win.

bait dacus -> pivotgrab.

l2 instant throw 'nades.

pay attention to where he drops ****.

basically just play smart and not run into ****, don't fish for grabs, just focus on making his explosives game work against him, or at the very least make him feel like it's doing nothing. it's not terribly difficult to get him offstage if you're not a ******, and not terribly hard to gimp him if you're not a ******.

snake is not that hard really.

oh yeah, don't blizzard unless you want something blown up in your face. I know it's good in like every other matchup, but yeah...


Smash Champion
Aug 11, 2007
ea, Blizzard is good only if you ib before you do it. That forces the grenade drop if he didn't pick it up already and if you space blizzard right after that he'll get blown up by it by himself.

2D-Jeff, Floating peach can't do **** about blizzard if you are in front of her. If you're right below her, shield her dairs -> utilt. You should ask Cheese about the matchup more than you should lux, Cheese takes on Snakeee all the time. (aka alot of experience) Also future has a lot of experience in it.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
shieldgrab ftilt -> win.

bait dacus -> pivotgrab.

l2 instant throw 'nades.

pay attention to where he drops ****.

oh yeah, don't blizzard unless you want something blown up in your face. I know it's good in like every other matchup, but yeah...
these are great points, especially the last one. i found myself using blizzard to try and punish him/catch his dacus, but 90% of the time he pulled a nade out of his *** in what seemed to be mid slide.

i also need to remember squall is bad :(


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
Lux how do you fight peach. Could we do a new Match up write up for her? I got 2-0 by Kyon twice. Here are the results: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?p=11746543&posted=1#post11746543
and he knocked me out of losers. Squall hammer doesn't work against her unless shes high precents cause after she gets hit she can just nair me and split me up. I shield her floating dair and buffer up smash which works but its hard to time it every time. I just want your opinion because i know you helped me with the MK MU.

I don't remember what I said in that post about squall, but now I think it's really useful. Just catch her by surprise and do a rising squall so she can't nair.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I have Nicole in my region, but I have yet to play her in tourney. When I get the chance, I'll play her and give a better answer.

But I play this match up facing backwards. Bair beats literally every aerial. And facing the opposite direction puts you in position to pivot grab.

Don't shield drop on the float cancel fair > jab. There's only 2 frames or something like that, according to Peachkid when I played him for a while. I'd double check the frame data, but I have only one hand atm from playing dodgeball yesterday. I'll get back later if you don't double check

PS: I hate commenting on matchups. Just not my thing lol

Def get Future and Hylian to comment on this one. I think last time I talked to Cheese about the MU, he would go to his MK on the matchup.


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
ea, Blizzard is good only if you ib before you do it. That forces the grenade drop if he didn't pick it up already and if you space blizzard right after that he'll get blown up by it by himself.

2D-Jeff, Floating peach can't do **** about blizzard if you are in front of her. If you're right below her, shield her dairs -> utilt. You should ask Cheese about the matchup more than you should lux, Cheese takes on Snakeee all the time. (aka alot of experience) Also future has a lot of experience in it.
No hate, but i don't like how cheese play and i heard he goes mk for that mu, and there high ranked peaches in Newyork? thats tight. and sometimes she floats to high for blizzard

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
if shes trying to float over you and dair you can nair or bair her. if she jumps higher short hop upair beats or clashes with her dair at the right range.

desync when she is on the ledge. use turnups to desync (catch with nair)

eh matchup in a nutshell lol.

and her fair is really gay and impossible to punish


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
if shes trying to float over you and dair you can nair or bair her. if she jumps higher short hop upair beats or clashes with her dair at the right range.

desync when she is on the ledge. use turnups to desync (catch with nair)

eh matchup in a nutshell lol.

and her fair is really gay and impossible to punish
imma desync when she on the edge but countering floating dair with nair or bair dosnt work ive tried it and kyon always hits first with a nair counter


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
If she can do a nair before you hit her with nair or bair, you're going in way too late. you should be hitting her like in the middle of her dair.


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2008
Provo, UT
What you do is be very defensive while she's float dairing, but once in a while you run in and FH nair and run away again lol. or you can go and shield and belay OoS. It DOES work.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
yeah not saying to do it out of shield lol. you dont want to be underneath her in this matchup unless she is high enough to upair. hit her on the side w/ bair or nair when she is trying to dair you.

best option when she is dairing your shield is to just roll away after dair is finished tbh.

if she is doing to too low you can shieldgrab it sometimes... idk the spacing is really weird and i dunno how to explain lol


Smash Master
May 9, 2010
Salty squadHQ,FL
And what is it about my play you don't like? I grab everything like you're supposed to.

Oh, and yea, I definitely go MK in that matchup...
isnt snakee a ZSS main?
This is why i assume that you go mk in the peach MU
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTGQQhTgFL0 at 1:44
nice counters on the dair tho but snakee is not playing like how kyon plays the IC MU at all

and the reason why i don't like your play style is because you don't do desync grab setups at all but he its my opinion its just me saying this...
you have good reads on mk to but watching you fight DK and other charaters... I just dont like how you play
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