I like Shingeki no Kyojin, but I think I should be fair with it. The music that I remember was good, but I also seem to recall a good amount of times where the music wasn't particularly memorable or atmospheric. I'm not saying they're bad, but it does detract from a score of 10. Animation I'd agree on with an 8. They do reuse some animations (Levi's spinning air slice, some titans) and some of the episodes and scenes show a clear sign of out-of-budget-syndrome. I don't know if that was actually the case, but it does suffer sometimes. 7 or 8 would be fair here.
I'd actually give characters as 6 maybe. Eren is a stupid ****** of a main character what with this being a shounen and all. Mikasa is extremely one-dimensional (given what we're presented. Saying "She's gonna be more important plot-wise later!" doesn't count yet). Armin is the deepest out of the trio. Annie was just as one-dimensional as Mikasa was. If I can give it something, it'd be that side characters are more important than the faceless drones that they usually are in other shows.
Story I'd give a 6 or 7. It was a super interesting concept until it turned from a survival/horror show into a standard shounen show.
Don't get me wrong, I love the show. I watched the anime 3 times and I'm keeping up with the manga and buying it in print as it comes out. I'm also totally buying the BD when it comes out. However, I don't feel uncomfortable accepting downsides and criticisms to shows I like.
I give Shingeki no Kyojin a "Pretty cool"/10
Animation was awesome during fights, that's obviously where the budget went.
The music was great, I sometimes listen to the openings all the time on the bus to this day.
Mikasa is the most developed. They give reasons why she fights, her relationship with eren, her backstory.
Minor characters are most of what keeps me reading. Levi the badass, is my favorite for a reason.
Sasha and Connie are better developed than eren at this point, as they've both grown at least a little in the recent chapters.eren is a ******
Armin, as smooth said, has the most room for development.
I would like for two author to break up their trio and have them each train Individually in their own field.
Eren needs more 3D maneuver gear training so that he can fight without his titan form, or maybe have him work with Hanji and further work on his tran power.
Mikasa should train under levi in combat,she could learn some tricks from him.
Armin and pixis train in tactics
Ten let them come back together with Sasha and Connie, and have a new elite squad.