I wish Sword Art Online felt as good at the start throughout the middle and especially the end...
Of the newer releases I've been watching Senyuu, Problem Children are coming from another world, aren't they?, and thinking about some others. Senyuu isn't amazing, and it's a four-minute run-time one, so it doesn't get much done, but it's comedy and it can provide some humorous moments. Problem Children is a normal sized anime and is pretty good, mostly for its concept and its potential to me.
I've also spent some days devoted to reading all of Kuroko's Basketball, and I caught up to the most recent chapter. Has anyone done so? It has its faults, most definitely, but I love it still.
Also considering watching Lucky Star because the pictures of it that circulate with Konata crying, though I'm unsure if I can do it. The episodes basically consist of cute girls having mostly asinine conversations that can sometimes be a bit quirky and provide a chuckle.