I agree with that long post.
Although I can understand that Epic would want to make a team game team-oriented, I also believe that the game is simply TOO team-oriented. I'm not opposed to the idea of a power position on a map like how one exists in Sandbar, but at the same time, if you're going to have a power position, it better be reasonable to expect players to be able to overtake it.
For example, the Mortar/Mulcher on Mercy and the little deck on Checkout are good power positions IMO because the areas are small, susceptible to defeat from other power weapons around the map, and have a small divide in terms of higher ground and regular ground, unlike Sandbar or Overpass, in which you have to approach in waves just to enter the top position.
Also, I think maps like Sandbar and Overpass are more bearable in other game types like Execution and Warzone because you only have to control the power position once, and then the game resets. In other words, your next life resets into an even playing field, instead of having to surrender your K/D until the round ends.
I'd agree to better map geometry and nerfed ARs, but I also think that more can be done to improve the game.