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Gaunlet August 15th RESULTS


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
:confused::dizzy::ohwell: Damm Anteezzyy it's like that, i told you already i played like complete trash as soon as someone came up to me with congratz like i won the tourny and that just threw me off sooo much. It wont happen again PRMOISE

Next time!


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
1: ADHD ($247.50)-?
2: Atomsk ($110.00)-?
3: Anti ($82.50)-Am i your older son? ;)
4: Jash ($55.00)-nice seeing you again, awesome job
5: Ninjalink ($27.50)-?
5: Fatal ($27.50)-nice seeing you,every teams match i watched of you it was a 2stock by you..too good, your to cool also
7: Pgn-whats up
9: BLACKENESE-You look like eazy e just asian. good stuff
9: D1-didnt expect to see you here, awesome guy and nice job i wanted to tell you that but i had to do a money match lol
9: Vanz-i thought you were this good in melee only
9: D PCH-i heard ma boy Remix beat you one match lol
13: Will-ggs in dubz, cool dk
13: wes-gay dittos but ggs i guess...
13: Orion-good mk sorry i had to sandbagg so much 2nd match lol mk dittos are ****ing ******** i swear, next time im gonna pull out da snake i promise!
13: Shiv-we did pretty good in dubz it was fun
17: TeeVee-hmm...******
17: Basic Sausage-?
17: Bizkit-?
17: malcolm-?
17: BigM-coulda done better
17: Jtails-fun MMS
17: Izumi-?
17: DIRE-?
25: Minty-nobody trash talks as funny as you,ggs in dubz
25: BLU-?
25: doom-if i heard you right, i think im gonna steal your advice on how to beat adhd
25: Kingz Nightmare-you had your chance to team with a legend...but you rejected him for 20min straight ma doo den you were left partnerless and sleepin on the street
25: Zen-GGs see my thing is..i sandbag and get 2stocked game 2 so i can do that same to you last match on my cp lolol jk but seriously i felt bad winning cuz i shoulda never been in losers first place.:)
25: Ch33s3-YOU LOST TO KINGZ NIGHT MARE TWICE IN 2 MMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! QUIT BRAWL!:confused:
25: dillon-ggs guess rob is pretty bad on RC or when your facing an mk atleast
25: Hyper Energy-?
33: cloudfox-?
33: Inferno-?
33: Ray-didnt i play you on wifi earlyier today?
33: Lactose-?
33: chaos marth-?
33: BlackStar-?
33: Viva-fun MMs
33: Acedude-?
33: Limit-fun matches really nice boozer
33: remix-jash jr :)
33: OWL-?
33: Mblaze-thanks for the 2bucks nice seein ya
33: hellfox-?
33: Penta-didnt i play you on aib?
33: slowpoke-?
33: Aarrancar-Bald *** *****
49: dizmy-nice seein you irl
49: Mark-?
49: M4GE-?
49: Dcold-?
49: Jon-?
49: Irvin-?
49: Lawerence-?
49: ProJoe-?
49: Helpr-?
49: Edwin-?
49: HippieDUDE-man 2 lucarios that sucks..:( i lost to 2 mks in dittos, i ****ing hate dittos
49: Guido-?
49: Slim1676-?
49: Snaake-nice seeing you irl
49: AJ-?
49: deven3000-?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Who the heck is remix?

If he is a TL player, he won cause I SD at Zero when he was at 136% last stock. Game one and three I beat him. Game three I 2 stocked him..

Why to people talk **** to me...........


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
Who the heck is remix?

If he is a TL player, he won cause I SD at Zero when he was at 136% last stock. Game one and three I beat him. Game three I 2 stocked him..

Why to people talk **** to me...........
it was a Tl player and.......i didn't talk ****? please stop taking stupid things personally


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
wow At You Using All My Chars Lmao. Iron Man Mm With G&w/peach/wario?
Rofl I Just Realized

Lolololol Wowww

And sure if it's not dittos lol. and no wario vs peach because that matchup's ******** >.>

edit: **** nvm thats impossible ._. lol then just no dittos


Smash Champion
Jan 23, 2009
Fairlawn, New Jersey
I never said you was talking ****. But why even bring up that he beat me to begin with? The hell was the point of it.
well its not like i played you nor did i watch those matches he just told me cuz it ment alot to him since your really good, also i said "1" match bec i know you beat him the other 2 i think


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Dark Peach always johns and **** in results threads, it's nothing new, roflmao.

I'd go as far as to say it's one of his endearing traits.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
lol how about we all watch iCarly's iFight Shelby Marx. and if you saw it already LETS WATCH IT AGAIN


Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2009
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
1: ADHD - Good Job!
2: Atomsk - Very Nice D3
3: Anti - Nice.
4: Jash - TL is simply amazing... you've inspired me O.O good job!
5: Ninjalink - ?
5: Fatal -[ amazing snake. too good
7: KSIZZLE - ?
7: Pgn - Nice job. you did really good. keep it up
9: BLACKENESE - Funniest man i've ever met XD
9: D1 - ?
9: Vanz -?
9: D PCH - GGs. Really good peach.
13: Will - Awsome DK. You ***** meh lol
13: wes - Cool Host.
13: Orion - At least you still have a smile when you lose (unlike cheese) :)
13: Shiv - ?
17: TeeVee - ?
17: Basic Sausage - Really close tourney matches we had. nice pit, but why didnt you go d3?
17: Bizkit - ?
17: malcolm - Good job beating kingz ;)
17: BigM - I cant believe how good you were doing. stilll cant even believe you beat zen. you did very well and hopefully you'll keep this up :)
17: Jtails - ?
17: Izumi - ?
17: DIRE - ?
25: Minty - lol u got cheese extremely pissed XD too funny.
25: BLU - ?
25: doom - Nice MK
25: Kingz Nightmare - Good Job. Fair lawn is gettin better and better....
25: Zen - you destroyed me... GGs
25: Ch33s3 - You lost 2 mms to kingz. Get good. he ***** you.
25: dillon - ?
25: Hyper Energy - ?
33: cloudfox
33: Inferno
33: Ray - i think i saw you play big m on wifi today. not sure.
33: Lactose - Nice peach
33: chaos marth - ?
33: BlackStar
33: Viva - Your ness got A LOT better. nicce job. GGs in mms. It was Close >.<
33: Acedude - ?
33: Limit - ?
33: remix - Needs Moar Practice :/
33: OWL - ?
33: Mblaze - nice diddy. saw you play some mactehs. u had a **** moment.
33: hellfox - ?
33: Penta - i think ive talked to you on aib. not sure if it was you tho.
33: slowpoke - ?
33: Aarrancar - **** son.... we only got to do 3 friendly matches like, Wtf?
49: dizmy - Nice seeing. good rob.
49: Mark - ?
49: M4GE - ?
49: Dcold - nice sheik.
49: Jon - ?
49: Irvin - ?
49: Lawerence - ?
49: ProJoe - ?
49: Helpr - ?
49: Edwin - why the hell wuld you let urself get DQ'd i wanted to play you some moar.
49: HippieDUDE - 2 lucarios? ****...
49: Guido - ?
49: Slim1676 - ?
49: Snaake - remember playing me on GB dubz? next time dont go random chars on unranked teams. thats why we beat u.....
49: AJ - ?
49: deven3000 - ?


Smash Master
Oct 22, 2008
Long Island, NY!
I completely forgot to leave a shoutout to Ryko.

Thanks for taking the train with me, I had no idea what to do :( lol. Nice seeing you again, I'll miss you... have fun in Virginia, hopefully we'll cross paths in the future. :'( :cry: :crying:


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2009
Atomsk- Nice doubles. It was fun, even though we lost


BLACKENESE- i would have won if i wasnt laughing so hard. nah jk, ggs

Will- Nice DK. It was close though ggs.

malcolm- Nice Wario. It was close, but your fart was the end of me. ggs.

Izumi- Nice doubles matchs. They were fun. Nice mm.

Minty- Lol. Doody balls in bubble tea. gg's cafescape

Kingz Nightmare- Nice games with Cheese. I'm glad that you reminded him of his level of skill.

Ch33s3- You don't even deserve to get daphne'd.

Lactose- ggs, cp?

Viva- Ma boi. I still don't know what happened to pizza boy 1.

remix- nice toon link.

Mblaze- Lol. Pizza boi kicked us out and we just went to mc donalds. ggs pizza boi.

Aarrancar- Sorry you got paired up with cheese.

Dcold- gg's. Bombs ftw.

HippieDUDE- >.>

Ryko- You didn't enter, but it was nice to see you before you left to Virgina. Fun train rides even though we missed our stop :D). Next time we see each other I'll mm you and hopefully win.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
No it's not, I just need a metaknight :ohwell:
Not quite. I've seen you and fought you enough in doubles to know that you are quite...lacking. Shadow and ksizzle just happen to be extremely good MKs in doubles, so it worked out fine. I don't think you would have touched Atomsk and I tbqh.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2009
Saturn Valley
1: ADHD - Oatmealmonster12
2: Atomsk - group hug
3: Anti ($82.50) - : D
4: Jash ($55.00) - Why were you using Green Toon link? :( I thought you use Blueeeee :(
7: KSIZZLE - Mission accomplished
7: Pgn - OMG YES I shall discuss this on aim
9: BLACKENESE - You beat my in GnW dittos, I have no purpose in living anymore :( I love you
9: D PCH - You changed in attuitde dude! you looked happy! Don't let people put ya down =( At least you placed ;-;
13: Will - WILLLLLLLLLLLLL Nice talking to you ! : D Good job in doubles with Minty, I wish I could've had a dollar to mm you :(
17: malcom - lol i want your sonic :(
17: BigM - LOL your bro is funneh Good games and thanks for the MM ( I needed teh dollar for ride home)
17: Jtails - OH MAH GOWD EAST COAST FOW I got to get better, I wish we could play offline out of tourny ;-; I need Ness training : / I just hope your Ness' name gets out there! Your Ness is so good ;-; Good games, and nice job on the MMs mah d00d! ^_^
25: Minty - My dear...take what you want from me...I'll give you anything....just don't leave me on my own...desperate and destitute
25: Kingz Nightmare - double shuttle loop bettchs Your funny offline but your ....idk online lol Good games, my Ness was ghey today, I blame PGN's shower
25: Ch33s3 - o 3o
33: cloudfox - Great seeing you again! I wish we could've played ;-; Nice talking out with ya!
33: Ray - You can't tell me who to use! I use who I want, how I want! Good games, I'm still going to play spammy Mk next time lol I see no rules stating otherwise ;D B button all day
33: Lactose - My Boy My Boy My Boy My Boy My Boy
33: chaos marth - ''Chaos marth is pimpin''
33: Viva - You did horrible, lrn2play
33: Acedude - /isnotassumed
33: remix - Mah little boy, hes getting better with Toon Link. You've imporved SO MUCH. Good games dude. My Ness did horrible, I was chocking up and dizzy (my head was spinning so much) Ugh, good games!
33: OWL - OH MAH GOWD BEST LUCARIO IN NEW YORK RIGHT HERE! Your funny and nice! : D Good games dude.
33: Mblaze - LOL So nice hanging out to pizza boys and stuff! xD So lulzy Can't wait til next tourny! Now, get back in the kitchen!
33: Aarrancar - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9pDCkXNvlU
Good to see you! : D Nice playing and hanging out with ya! Theres another good Lucario in NY...watch out!
49: dizmy - We played AiB doubles ladder.......team not double metaknight
49: Dcold - Controller to the face? ;-;
49: Helpr - Apparently my Lucas is better then my Ness? WTF? Good games! : D Open for playing with ya anytime!
49: Hippiedude - We'll get em next time! So fun hanging out with you
49: Snaake - Didn't Minty and I play you on AiB doubles ladder? LOL


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
After jamming on my guitar and doing some **** on it. (made up 2 songs on it) I actually feel better. I left my anger on the guitar and hacked it.

Think "ll leave some shout outs:

Ryko- Nice playing you dude. Been a while since we did Ike Vs Peach.

Wes- Thanks for the ride to the venue. Nice hosting this

Crismas. Good seeing you again. I want those WEWY pins!! Gimme one!

Will- Good set, DK scares the **** out of me. I don't know how I kept going into those Fsmashes. I'm stupid.

Atomsk- Good job about this tourny. And I am still thinking about taking your offer to join enemy controller. I am not sure if I will do it. I was rooting for you in the matches with anti and adhd

Acedude- Dammit, the sickiest Falcon I have ever seen.

D1- Good seeing you again been a while.

Doom- Nice seeing you too.

Alex- Goodshow on hosting this tourny as well.

PGN- Next time you won't get off so easy. Mark my words.

Kingz-nite-mare- Hmm...you are not that much of a **** then I though. Good games. Also Peach>Meta Knight. Remember that.

After tourny dinner people- Nice hanging out with you all. fun nite.

Dark.Pch- You idiot, you could have done better, the hell is wrong with you man. Stop losing momentum when you play in matches and just **** dude. get off this nonsense and just hack it. Show People who Peach is too beast for this game.

Everyone else I forgot, good games and all. I'll make up for this failure at SNES.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Atomsk offered for you to join our crew?


Perhaps... I will require something of you, though.

No more self pity. I want to see confidence.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
He randomly came up to me and ask me to join the crew. I told him I think about it and let him know at SNES. But he aslo said he was gonna talk to you about it.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Not quite. I've seen you and fought you enough in doubles to know that you are quite...lacking. Shadow and ksizzle just happen to be extremely good MKs in doubles, so it worked out fine. I don't think you would have touched Atomsk and I tbqh.
I do well against you in doubles, then atomsk comes to save you. Why do you think i'm so bad? I'm really not.
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