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Gathering of the Brethren II: I Can't Believe it's Not Bill, 7/10, Chapel Hill, NC


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
wow PLUR, just ****ing come to this.

**** your other ****** friends.

FOXY is going to be at this.

****ing FOXY.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*smiles (:)) and gives you a kiss on the cheek as quickly as a school girl*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*references a Jamie Kennedy movie*



Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* references the juggernaut ******
" Either you gonna give this **** up willingly, or ima take it!"


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*after not paying attention for a while, we slam into the ground*

"oh nice keith you forgot to teleport again"


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* remembering that unlike brawl players, melee people cant survive drops from mountains, i quickly rush Cam to the hospital- in hopes he is still within saving.*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*decides to nap after watching Keith scurry around like a fool at the bottom of a cliff with a broken arm and perhaps a hemmorage yammering on about hospitals and ****ty Dragonball villians*


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* realizing that i have been suffering from major delusions and possibly a broken spine, i quickly run to the nearest payphone to call cam's sister.*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*wakes up to find Keith talking into his hand, yammering in gibberish*
*picks him up and puts him on back, walking into the distance*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*drops Keith as he tries to bow while laying on my shoulders*
*gets a little frustrated and bends down to a face up Keith mumbling still about nonsense and asterisks*
*slaps him in the face a few times and says*
"KEITH. WAKE UP MAN. come on!! we have work to do."
*Keith whose eyes were just in the process of rolling back in his head, slowly comes to something reasonably along the lines of conscious and sane, looking into my eyes and with affirmation of reality*
"Thank you." *i say with a mix between a sigh and a cracking smile of relief, one that i try to hold back as i realize the graveness of what lies before us*
*looking up, i see the fortress in the distance*
*i look back down, my heart skips a beat when i see that Keith is also staring at the same destination*
*i am enticed as i see the solace in his face. there is work to be done.*


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* After setting my eyes on the fortress, i come to realize that cam has once again dragged me on a foolish endeavor*
* the sight of the fortress seeped a chilling fear down my spine.*
* I snatch my courage from deep within and stood along side cam for the journey ahead.*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
*helps Keith stumble into a standing position*
*still holding his shoulder, looks at the horizon with a smile and nearly devious eyes, as Keith watches on as well, mouth sealed, with a weighty expression of acceptance, and yet a hint of aloofness*
*continuing to sense, under his forcibly cool exterior, the deep longing i know exists in Keith's heart for another adventure, i begin to descend down the gradual hill, moving towards that dark gray icon that sits right between two sides of the endless grassy plains under the cloudless blue sky*


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* As we continue our descent, i couldn't help but notice a shadowy figure scuttle by in my peripherals.*
* I glanced quickly to my left to see nothing but the familiar grassy plains.*
* " What was that?" I asked to myself.*
* A rush of cool breeze flew through cam's head. time slowed down while he ran his hand threw his hair as if it were a pantene commercial.*
* noticing how cool he looked doing that, i tried myself..... but unfortunately my hair was not as luscious and vibrant as his.*
* "Go back!" a daunting voice demands.
* " who is there?" Cam and i ask, simultaneously.*
* a figure emerged behind us. It was a... a penguin, a tall penguin. He looked like a shady fellow so we kept our distance.*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
"Cam... that better not be what i ****ing think it is" *Keith said with a contradictory warmth*
*while i spent the next moment futily thinking of ways to hide the beads of sweat developing at my forehead without using my arm, Keith bit his lip and closed his eyes, now having a much better understanding of what this mission was about*
"Dont look back again... stay on your toes" *i said to Keith telepathically(****)*
"who do you think i am, Karn?" *he said, aloud. we both smiled until we were interrupted by a massive force, exploding into a cloud of dust from right where we stood*
*flying out from either side of the dust cloud, we moved next to each other, waiting cooly for the plumes to subside*
*awaiting us was a cloaked figure with a black beak pointing at the ground, an honestly ominous and frightening character*
"that cloak must protect him from his own nades, i suppose. useful ****."*Keith transferred his thought to me*
"took the words right out of my head."
"...that was gay"
"...ya. i know.*i replied, slightly embarrased*
"Well gentlemen..."*the beak finally opened*
"I'd like t---" *his sentence interrupted from having to quickly duck under a red laser bullet*
"Sorry, Sabouri. not really in the mood for your bull****." *i said with my blaster now in hand*
*Keith's hunch was now validated, but his continuing suspicions of what this whole mission was about, especially with the prescence of The Shady Penguin, allwed the interest of what Sabouri was going to say to continue to breed in the back of his mind*
*Nevertheless, he reached into his cloak and pulled a dark cape that seemed to subtly shimmer, and put in on his shoulder like that jacket he had in those gay *** pictures on facebook*
"Step 1." *he said ambiguously*
*the penguin smiled under his cloaked head*
*he dramatically opened his cloak pulling out a rocket launcher, and shooting one off nearly at the same time*
*clearly headed straight for me, i began to reach into my jacket, until i realize Keith is in front of me*
*he spins the cape around himself just as the rocket nears, and then dissapears with it in thin air*
*i hold back a smirk as Shady continues to hide his eyes*
*suddenly, to my surprise, Shady jumps up into the air with his launcher*
*Keith then appears dazzingly with his cape in midair, just below the rising penguin, his rocket now shooting towards his now exposed belly*
Gotcha!! *we both presumed. . .*


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
* the smoke from the explosion engulfed the nearby area.*
* I slapped a cocky grin on my face, believing to have downed the shady penguin.*
* once landing on the ground i shortened the distance between me and Cam, still cautious of our surroundings*
*" Crap! keith look!" Cam shouted to me*
* i gazed upwards to see our foe floating in the air, unscathed.*
* "What the hell?" I questioned to myself.
* " Penguins cant fly!" Cam loudly cried. *
* I wondered the same thing, but then asked myself why of all things- that would be why we were perplexed.*
* "I have you now!* the shady penguin boasted.*
* before our eyes, the ground began to quake violently and split beneath us.*
* I rushed towards cam as fast as i could, dodging each opening in the ground.*
* i fear i will not make it in time.*


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
i would love to continue with the rest of the story that we had planned, but unfortunately i just dont have the energy to and we'd probably be threteaned to quit before we even had a chance to finish anyway, so yeah.

for anyone who wanted to know the jist of what was going to happen... i dragged Keith along to help me rescue Abbaspour from the Nari clan, a clan me and him were both formerly respected members of, until while researching methods to splice humans to make them more powerful than even their mains are, we accidently turned another member of the Nari clan, Sabouri, into a big *** penguin, who was insane and unstable. unable to handle the shame of such a horrible result of the experiment, i end up abandoning the clan while Abbaspour recieves blame and is imprisoned and Sabouri becomes the secret weapon of the Nari clan (at some point i was hoping either of the two actual people who would be reading the story would eventually notice that 'Nari' is 'Iran' spelled backwards; Abbaspour, Sabouri, and Milani all being family names of Persian descent.)

Anyway, you dont find out about all this stuff until the end of the tale where it would all tie in, but i'll continue with the summary. Me and Keith end up killing Sabouri who had then become known as The Shady Penguin, as i still never saw him as anything other than an evil violent failed science experiment. that is, until his last words ("*cough**laugh* it was never what it seemed. it never will be *cough*) which i didnt understand at the time, but for some reason made me want to quit the mission. nevertheless i continued.

i needed Keith to convince Abbaspour to come with us because i knew he would still have a grudge against me. it ended up working, and we traveled around together destroying all of the Nari clan's human experimentation labs, meeting the entire NC smash community along the way (yes we were going to incorporate all of you individually, even DH who was going to be a small village's prized hermaphrodite gypsy.) Even after all the labs were destroyed, we would still be meeting people from the scene, some of which would actually would be killiing each other under the orders of another unknown force that we believed to be the last remaining forces of the Nari clan.

Eventually, after nearly all of NC smash had died, it would be revealed that the unknown force that had killed all the good guys after the labs had been destroyed, and even occasionally done away with its own minions (who were also members of the NCSmashComm) had been led by none other than Abbaspour himself. We didnt know why, but it didnt matter. We had to avenge them.

The last people left to confront him were me, Keith, and the famous and powerful wizard Murine, who had actually been transformed into a goat man by Abbaspour's grandmother 200 years earlier (we meet Murine in his true form at the end of the series, but we originally would meet him early in the series in a disguise he creates with his magic that makes him look like a handsome vagabond that goes by the pseudonym, Nan.)

In the final battle, Abbaspour transforms into a giant magical Krocodile, validating what we had assumed after finding out he was the force behind the killings: that he was behind the splicing experiments as well, and had mastered the mutation as he is able to even transform back to his original form and is unimaginally powerful in his mutated form. at this point i also realize that Sabouri was just his research pawn, and understood the meaning of his depressing last words, as the man who i thought i was originally rescuing to deal with my shame had all of us doomed from the start... we played right into his hands. he needed our help to destroy the labs (which he wanted gone so that no one learned to become as powerful as he did), while
he could simultaneously control and kill everyone from the NCSC, the only people in the world who could ever summon the power to stop him.

near the end of the battle, Murine is using his powerful defensive magic to hold back Abbaspour's most powerful spirit attack, The Krackshot, he instructs me to fuse my power with a nearly dead Keith, and tells me the location of a person who he knows from premonitions has the potential smash power to be able to stop Abbaspour with the right training. As he himself is unable to handle the Krackshot, and is wiped out, but holds Abbaspour back long enough for the newly fused 'Kam' to get away.

100 years after Murine's death and the beginning of the tyranny of Krackshot Kroc, an old woman by the name of Lisa is able to easily (and bad***ly) sweep through the security of the master palace of the Krackshot kingdom, finally ending up at the throne where KSK himself awaits her. he notes nostolgcally her similar spiritual aura to that of her blood relative, Murine, just until transforming into The Krocodile. but she does not even say a word, before slicing the giant monster in two with just one swipe of her tiny arm.

She emerges calmy from the collapsing palace, having liberated the world of the evil Krackshot spawn.

thanks to everyone who supported us and believed we could do whatever we set our minds to. it's your guidance that we are truly thankful for in the end. Again, sorry we couldnt complete things the right way, but it was a great way to spend these retardesly long car rides i've had to deal with. id also like to thank god. holy **** he's the ****ing man.
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