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~Gardevoir~ Most Awesome Shield-Caster Ever. Or so.

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Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
****it. The only good RSE rep is gone. Man, that sucks. Ah well, as long as Lucario gets discarded as well I'll be happy.


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
I dunno, you tell me.

I got too little sleep last night. Makes me irritable. Sorry about that.

Anyway. Since this thread will obviously die soon, I guess I'll at least try to keep in touch with some of my fellow supporters.
Brawlman, MysticKenji, HipsterKid, LightLink... am I missing anyone?
MegaDio and Flying Duchman

And NOT Freeman and Luke


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
yay, i was right all along.

nope... yeah, i'm sure. i feel no pitty for you's

in fact... all i really feel is pride towards myself. this just proves my point, STUFF YOUR GENERATION REPRESENTATION THEORY


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
MegaDio and Flying Duchman

And NOT Freeman and Luke
Ah, I already have the Dutchy on MSN.
....The one thing that I hate more than the character getting deconfirmed....Are the haters that rub it in your face. That's just immature.
Why, did anyone say anything? I only heard some background noise that vaguely resembled senseless gibbering.
Yes. Me. ;_;
Oh. Uhm. Sorry.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
immature? why so? why should i care about your feelings? you never cared about what i supported. you're just as selfish as me when it comes to this. in fact, you know what? dragonite stands more of a chance than gardevoir. i wouldn't just keep that to myself unless i auctually cared about what you wanted.

yeah, pretend like you don't care. thats all you can do after all.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
immature? why so? why should i care about your feelings? you never cared about what i supported. you're just as selfish as me when it comes to this. in fact, you know what? dragonite stands more of a chance than gardevoir. i wouldn't just keep that to myself unless i auctually cared about what you wanted.

yeah, pretend like you don't care. thats all you can do after all.
We didn't care about what you support because... Oh wait. Your choice doesn't even have a chance to make it to Pokéball, remember? Yeeeeaaaah, I remember that part!

Good times.

Gooooooood times.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
As hilarious as that was, Dutchy, let's not turn this into a flamewar. The reason why oNi's post was ridiculous was not because the Pokemon he supports is ridiculously unlikely, it's that he thought that his arrogance is actually justified because he suddenly sees a chance to gloat over others who were in the wrong as well, even if they are not the ones who ridiculed his ideas in the first place.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
flamewar? since when did this get personal?
and not ridiculed my idea in the first place?
"oh noooo i like dragonite but he is from the 1st gen we need 3rd gen"
not very ridiculing eh?
and... what "wrong" am i in?


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
As hilarious as that was, Dutchy, let's not turn this into a flamewar. The reason why oNi's post was ridiculous was not because the Pokemon he supports is ridiculously unlikely, it's that he thought that his arrogance is actually justified because he suddenly sees a chance to gloat over others who were in the wrong as well, even if they are not the ones who ridiculed his ideas in the first place.
Very well.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
well anyway, forget anything i said before. i'm done gloating. all i want to do now is teach a very important lesson

dont make up BS to support what you want, and then start believing the BS later on
see what this stupid senseless generation representation theory has done to you all?


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Hehehe. See, this exactly proves my point.
You are frustrated about people ridiculing your idea. Now you found that someone you opposed, lost. You project the object of your hate onto us and gloat in order to make you feel better about yourself and to "prove" your point.
The funny thing is, I don't recall any one of the main supporters basing our support on the fact that Gardevoir is part of the third generation.
And even if that was the case, the only thing that is proven is that Gardevoir is not in, and even if Lucario makes it you can claim with the same kind of certainty that he did not get in as a rep of the fourth generation but because he's famous and stuff.

It would indeed be a good idea to stop it. You are only making enemies for yourself. None of us would heed any animosity towards you if you had not approached us in a hostile fashion in the hopes of feeding your ego. I'm pretty sure I never "ridiculed" Dragonite and that I never stated any issue of generations as the reason for why he's unlikely. And I trust that my fellows here are the same.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
Hehehe. See, this exactly proves my point.
you never came up with a point

You are frustrated about people ridiculing your idea.
for no good reason. thats the only reason why. not for any selfish reason.

Now you found that someone you opposed, lost. You project the object of your hate onto us and gloat in order to make you feel better about yourself and to "prove" your point.
hate? why would i hate a bunch of randoms over the results of who gets in a video game? besides, gloating barely makes me feel better about myself. it just makes me feel correct, because i was. all along. that doesn't really mean much, but nothing much means anything anyway

The funny thing is, I don't recall any one of the main supporters basing our support on the fact that Gardevoir is part of the third generation.
"main" supporters? so you see yourself superior to other gardy supporters? the majority of the gardy supporters?

And even if that was the case, the only thing that is proven is that Gardevoir is not in, and even if Lucario makes it you can claim with the same kind of certainty that he did not get in as a rep of the fourth generation but because he's famous and stuff.
well... yeah. gardevoir really isnt popular. you only think she is.

It would indeed be a good idea to stop it. You are only making enemies for yourself.
oh jee, i'd hate to make enemies on this forum as a result of expressing my opinion. i mean, these people could affect my life so drastically... for some reason i havn't figured out

None of us would heed any animosity towards you if you had not approached us in a hostile fashion in the hopes of feeding your ego.
did i ask you to not heed animosity towards me?

I'm pretty sure I never "ridiculed" Dragonite and that I never stated any issue of generations as the reason for why he's unlikely. And I trust that my fellows here are the same.


Smash Hero
Jun 9, 2007
Must... Refrain... From.. Posting... So... Much... Idiocy... gack! I'm going down! Mayday! Mayday! *explodes*

Kirby knight

Smash Lord
Nov 10, 2006
Oh Gardevoir fans, I can feel your pain. Lyndis being deconfirmed was a tragedy. I don't how people honestly have the nerve to rub that in the faces of those who supported them when a character is deconfirmed.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
So I guess I've been out of it a while, since I just found out.

Part of this is good for me, actually. The disappointment with Gardy being de-confirmed coupled with the fact that brawl is now delayed a bit makes me not even care about the series any more. I'm no longer that hyped about it. Oh, I'll still buy it and all, but at least now I won't be exploding to get my hands on it.

See...silver lining?



Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2006
I dunno, you tell me.
Oh Gardevoir fans, I can feel your pain. Lyndis being deconfirmed was a tragedy. I don't how people honestly have the nerve to rub that in the faces of those who supported them when a character is deconfirmed.

Thank you for your support. You are one of the few sencible people who don't rub things in peoples faces...

So I guess I've been out of it a while, since I just found out.

Part of this is good for me, actually. The disappointment with Gardy being de-confirmed coupled with the fact that brawl is now delayed a bit makes me not even care about the series any more. I'm no longer that hyped about it. Oh, I'll still buy it and all, but at least now I won't be exploding to get my hands on it.

See...silver lining?

Same here....Unless EVERY one of my other hopefuls gets in.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
gee, you guys are acting like your god was just misproven or something. get over it.

and im really being serious
just to prove that, i wont post here anymore


Smash Journeyman
Oct 11, 2007

Chances of Dragonite getting in are about the chances of Gardevoir getting in (or was).

I love Dragonite, in fact, he's my favorite pokemon. I love dragons and he was part of the only original dragon evolution and is my favorite from that evolution, but I don't think he stands a chance getting into Brawl over Lucario, so I'm not hoping he does.

There are many characters that will not get into brawl, and there will be few that do, so obviously the majority of these thread creator's ":: Insert name :: for Brawl" are going to be disappointed, and rubbing it in someones face is indeed immature. Look up the word "immature" on dictionary.com and I'm sure you will find it describes how your acting quite while.

Now, when the character you want so badly is turned down to be in Smash, whatever he or she may be, most people will not gloat in your face or be happy about it, because they know that is childish, they know that it is not called for, they know it's... god... what is that word I'm looking for? Oh right, immature.

Gloat all you want right now, you have the right to do that, but if you feel it's not immature, then your just lacking intelligence.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
Lucky. Some of your hopefuls are actually pretty likely. I only have two hopefuls left, and suddenly I don't like even the "likely" one's chances.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
hate? why would i hate a bunch of randoms over the results of who gets in a video game? besides, gloating barely makes me feel better about myself. it just makes me feel correct, because i was. all along. that doesn't really mean much, but nothing much means anything anyway
Aah, pardon my naivety. For a second I actually thought that your aggressiveness actually stemmed from something that could almost be called sympathetic. Turns out you are just an unimportant lowlife I don't have to care about.
"main" supporters? so you see yourself superior to other gardy supporters? the majority of the gardy supporters?
I don't keep tabs on what every person in this thread said. There might have been a few who used the "generation" reasoning. All I know is that I don't remember the few familiar faces who I saw around here a lot using it.
oh jee, i'd hate to make enemies on this forum as a result of expressing my opinion. i mean, these people could affect my life so drastically... for some reason i havn't figured out

did i ask you to not heed animosity towards me?
I can only make conclusions concerning what you are like in reality from the way you post.
If my conclusions are correct... nah, nevermind.

And just for the record, it's more like the feeling that you get when your parents give you undies for christmas.


Thanks to the random people being peaceful and reasonable.
Faith In Humanity +2!

Now here's hoping for Dedede, Midna, Wind Waker Link, Micaiah and whoever else is cool in my book.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia

Chances of Dragonite getting in are about the chances of Gardevoir getting in (or was).

I love Dragonite, in fact, he's my favorite pokemon. I love dragons and he was part of the only original dragon evolution and is my favorite from that evolution, but I don't think he stands a chance getting into Brawl over Lucario, so I'm not hoping he does.

There are many characters that will not get into brawl, and there will be few that do, so obviously the majority of these thread creator's ":: Insert name :: for Brawl" are going to be disappointed, and rubbing it in someones face is indeed immature. Look up the word "immature" on dictionary.com and I'm sure you will find it describes how your acting quite while.

Now, when the character you want so badly is turned down to be in Smash, whatever he or she may be, most people will not gloat in your face or be happy about it, because they know that is childish, they know that it is not called for, they know it's... god... what is that word I'm looking for? Oh right, immature.

Gloat all you want right now, you have the right to do that, but if you feel it's not immature, then your just lacking intelligence.
oh comon, thats not even fair. i just said i wouldnt post here anymore, as in i wouldnt gloat anymore and all that crap. why did you aim a post at me? you just forced me to break my promise. and insulted me at the same time. please, am i really the immature person here? if i said i would leave you alone, why couldnt you do the same with me?


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
Lucario is not anyone's replacelemt, but he would understand the mantle you are putting on him, Brawlman. Gardevor gave a good showing for herself, being the only pokemon to appear on Sakurai's poll, and being one of the most popular of the 3rd generation. Indeed, If D/P was not already out, this conversation may have been reversed. Lucario will strive to uphold the wishes and dreams of Gardevor fans, Deoxys fans, yea, even wayward Blaziken fans tragically lost to Torchic's betrayal.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
Aah, pardon my naivety. For a second I actually thought that your aggressiveness actually stemmed from something that could almost be called sympathetic. Turns out you are just an unimportant lowlife I don't have to care about.
unless you havn't realised, everyone is exactly the same

I don't keep tabs on what every person in this thread said. There might have been a few who used the "generation" reasoning. All I know is that I don't remember the few familiar faces who I saw around here a lot using it.
well then dont fabricate lies

I can only make conclusions concerning what you are like in reality from the way you post.
If my conclusions are correct... nah, nevermind.
yeah, good job quoting that post for no reason

And just for the record, it's more like the feeling that you get when your parents give you undies for christmas.
yeah... what?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
oh comon, thats not even fair. i just said i wouldnt post here anymore, as in i wouldnt gloat anymore and all that crap. why did you aim a post at me? you just forced me to break my promise. and insulted me at the same time. please, am i really the immature person here? if i said i would leave you alone, why couldnt you do the same with me?
We didn't say we would. Although I personally didn't say anything back because I figured you would come back if I did. The thing is, is you shouldn't anyway. Nobody here forced you to break anything, you broke it yourself because you can't let somebody else have the last word. That's all it would have taken. Just leaving and not bothering to look here any more.

Not that I care much.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 19, 2007
noone allows someone to get away with insulting them
thats common sense

don't make up that people auctually do, because thats being naive
If I say I'm going to leave. I leave. And that's that. Usually though I don't suck and say I'm going to leave. I just leave. Saying you are usually means you want something or are trying to show something, and people usually don't actually leave.

Again, if you say you're going to leave, you should leave. Lying isn't a good thing.

I advise you to change your philosophy teacher.
Lol. That's what I was thinking.


Smash Lord
Apr 6, 2006
Ballarat, Australia
I advise you to change your philosophy teacher.
the same could be said about yours
not that you auctually proved anything in that post

That was directed at how you said something about how we're acting.

You may leave now, by the way.
when people get stupid presents, they don't get this much sympathy. in fact, expecting a good present is being greedy
and i don't have to leave if i don't want to. you guys forced me to break my promise, so well thats just your bad luck
and by the way, i really cant be bothered with this because the truth is, you guys are all pretty insignificant. you really havn't proven anything to me besides that you're greedy. now, if you leave me alone, i leave you alone.

If I say I'm going to leave. I leave. And that's that. Usually though I don't suck and say I'm going to leave. I just leave. Saying you are usually means you want something or are trying to show something, and people usually don't actually leave.

Again, if you say you're going to leave, you should leave. Lying isn't a good thing.
except i didn't say i would leave. i merely said that i wouldn't post. yeah, lying isn't a good thing huh?
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