I thought about it, and I'm banning you from my store.
You are not a friend if you would break my rules like so to destroy the only thing I have going in my life, my business. I can't prove it except for the last time you were here when I was auditing the drawer for the Brawl tournament that I was missing 2 door fees and I can only assume that I've lost countless money from not collecting all the door fees. But most importantly, you are not good with customers, you don't know how to clean, and most of all.. you break my rules.
It started with only 30m before and 30m after , and because you abused that I even raised it to 1hr before and 1hr after. Even Adam who is rich beyond anyone's mind and had 25+ hrs on his account got pissy even though he knew the rules from the start and decided to lead the "revolt" which is pretty ****ed up. Most of the people there that wanted their money back didn't even pay a **** door fee last time from your no call no show and I still gave them their money back.
Everyone back then was happy with 1 hr before and 1hr after, that's the tournament entry + 2 free hours for only $5 which is nothing since It's usually $6 for 1 hour and 1 hour alone.
No outside food and drinks, which there's 2 signs for, and 1hr before and 1hr after. That's all I asked for. Both of them have been broken for god knows how long, and you even tell me what I want to hear just so i'll get off your back.
The Brawl tournaments were not keeping me in business, simply because you were not only letting, but encouraging others to abuse the rules and really the only cleaning you did was push in the chairs. I can keep making excuses to myself for you, but you were solely to blame for this mess. I'm selling my store. Perhaps the new owner will unban you. I'll look around the store and gather your goods into a box for you if you have anything left here for you to take.
Ironically enough, I actually break even from extra business on a Thursday than I did with the Brawl tournaments. More chairs to go around, less attitude from the Brawl people "vs" the PC people and better smells.
I'm sorry it had to be this way, but you did this to yourself and you ****ed me.
This was a fun letter to get via the myspace. Flu + Depression + now losing a friend. I love my life. My favorite part is that overarching feeling of betrayal that accompanies every facet of my life.