I have the key. I have some **** to deal with until about...we'll call it 2pmish.
That sound good?
If you get there and I'm not there, give me a ring. Means I probably tried to fit a powernap in or I'm running late and should be there momentarily.
Now I just gotta hope I didn't lose that alarm code or we will be having to book it and hide out 'til the cops leave and wander up all nonchalantly before Dylan peaces out. Which would really be far more entertaining.
Anyways, how about whoever gets there first, which better be sometime after 2pm give me a ring and I'll head over. I live all of 45 seconds down the road. I just hate being in that place when its empty and no one is there, it's lame.
803.448.9394 for whoever gets there first. Or if anyone needs to inform me of a change of plans, I don't check the thread that often, it moves way too fast for my apathy to keep up with.