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GA Brawl Power Rankings *MOAR~!*

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Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
1 Biglou (Luigi)
2 Kismet2 (Falco)
3 Desu (D3/MK)

This is all of i have of the PR, everything else is up for discussion. as for panelists, also up for discussion, it was said that it should be desu, kismet, and bearsarescary, is this in agreement with everyone?


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
scat beat vietG, and has been doing well. sry viet as much as i like ur play styal better scat beat u.. and me :( ill get em


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
ill be on here soon since im going to start really entering again ..so everybody practice up..and mm's shoudnt be a factor thats stupid..because i dont mm and never will..peace


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
I don't like being on lists :[

Oh and PB&J if you start playing again you should team with me sometime


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
A list in general. I dunno, I've just never liked people having "reason" to say Person A is better than Person B simply by referring to a list.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
A list in general. I dunno, I've just never liked people having "reason" to say Person A is better than Person B simply by referring to a list.
One day you and I need to team.
If I can ever find these FF7 AC mp3s, that's a sign of our victory


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
This is not an official power ranking.
This was not deliberated by a panel of any sort.
A power ranking must be put together by a panel of at least three members.
These members must then discuss and agree upon what the ranking should be.
In Georgia, these rankings are decided on tournament placing alone.
(If we're going by the same system as melee.)
A single person can't post a power ranking.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
There are guidelines that you are required to follow if you are to make a PR thread, which can be found here.

Many of you have been distraught lately over the recent decision to not allow Regional or State Power Rankings. In response to this, the issue has been largely discussed in the Smash Back Room, and it has been concluded that Power Ranking threads will be reallowed. Provided that they follow certain regulations, which will be listed in this thread.

Power Ranking Regulatory Rules

1. Each power ranking thread must have a mission statement.
Mission statements simply state what the panel is attempting to do, and should list the criteria that will be looked at when deciding placement. Mission statements do not need to be unique from others.

2. Ranking threads cannot be below the size of state rankings.
This is to keep "Crew X Power Rankings" or "Small Town Y Rankings" threads from coming up. Anything below that size will be considered as spam and dealt with as such. However, in states with a high density of smashers spread out over a wide enough region, splitting a state up can be considered. As of right now, NorCal and SoCal rankings fit this description. To have a region put up for consideration of this exception, contact me with several valid reasons.

3. There will be only one ranking thread for any given state.
This is to keep rival threads from popping up and to keep the opinions focused. The only exception to this is when a state is split up into regions, as described above.

4. Threads may only be started by well-respected tournament operators within a region.
It is up to these individuals to appoint the rest of a council, as well as decide if they wish to participate in the panel or not. If they do not, they will act as a regional "sponsor", and will be responsible for thread updates and have some say in administrative choices, such as dropping/adding panelists and keeping general control.

5. A panel must consist of at least 3 members.
That would be the bare minimum. Depending on the overall population or competitiveness of a region, 3 may also be too small, and a larger panel will be pushed for. For example, having 3 people to decide the rankings for Maryland would be much too small, given the large population and density. Also, panels made up entirely of members of one crew will not be accepted. Finally, all panelists must be listed somewhere in the first post.


As for other notes, it is the responsibility of the sponsor and/or panelists to ensure that a thread is run smoothly. It is up to them and other readers to report spammers and flamers as they see them (via the "Report Post" button next to posts), so that they moderating staff can take proper action. If a thread gets too far out of hand, it may have to be shut down. So, it is encouraged to report problems as soon as possible so that they can be dealt with.

Finally, if you were one of the sponsors that had their thread closed before this, contact me via AIM or PM and I will reopen the thread. And for all users planning to start new threads, contact me in a similar manner once you have made a thread so that I can verify that it complies with the above regulations. Unverified threads will be treated as spam.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I was asked to close this thread because it showed no signs of being run by a panel, especially not in the first post. Only now, after closing the thread, am I being told that this list was chosen by a panel of three players, AntiC, Dynomite, and Kismet, and apparently FullMetal discussed it enough to give honorable mentions. I'm not big on the GA Brawl scene, so I've never heard of any of you three except Kismet in passing. FullMetal's name adds legitimacy to the list because he is a well respected tournament organizer.

Power Ranking threads are supposed to be at least managed by a well respected tournament director in the state's community. He can then take part in the Power Rankings if he wants, or he can simply appoint good people to the Rankings and see that the thread is designed in a fair way and that it is properly managed. The rules thread calls it a "sponsor." If one of you three are a tournament director, you can just show me links to the one's you've run and this can be legitimate, but you must understand the need for someone who is well respected in the community to run this; a lot of people care about their placing in the power rankings, so it has to be at least managed by someone who is known to be fair.

I was told by the thread creator that it should be left open so that a panel can be made and rankings can be discussed, so if I open this then that is what you guys need to do. Make sure to create a mission statement describing how you came about the rankings that you post (including tournament placements, etc.), make sure you make it clear who is contributing to the list as a panel member, and make sure you at least explain out any problems people might have with the list. Make note that a three person panel is the minimum, and if this is an active community of only a bit over a dozen players then that's fine, but if its more than that you might want to add one or two other people.


There is another link to the guidelines. Good luck with your panel, discussion, and list. If anyone has continued problems with the panel or list, you can discuss it in this thread.

edit: just in rereading the first post, for purely aesthetic reasons I would avoid bigger font and smaller font for different levels of the list. and for obvious reasons, i would include what main and possibly secondary the player usually uses.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
What tournaments went into determining the posted rankings?
Which money matches did you count? (I don't even agree with MMs being counted in the first place.)
Panelists are generally selected from different regions of their respective states, not all one area.
There's a reason for that. Waba tournaments are not the only Brawl tournaments in Georgia.
My suggested panel was Myself, Kismet2, and Elliot (BearsAreScary).
Myself for North Georgia, Kismet2 for Columbus/South GA, and Elliot for ATL/Tech.
I don't agree with Dyno/Antic being Panelists.
Quite frankly, I do not endorse this list, as I have no idea what went into making it.
Show me sources, show me math, and show me why Elliot isn't even on this list.
He placed the fourth highest of any Georgian at Impact Clash, and he isn't mentioned once on this list. He made top 10.
For the record: Fullmetal doesn't even play Brawl hardly at all, much less keep up with it. I basically have to beg him if I want him to play it with me. The man plays melee.
Hell, I doubt anyone talked to Kismet2 about this list before today, and even then, I bet it was after this list was posted and the topic was locked.
I still think that this topic should be locked.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
-Awesome Snip-
Thank you for keeping the thread up and running, and yes Desu, it was discussed between Me, Kismet, and Dynomite, I feel the thread is practically okay how it is. But the bottom five are wishy washy due to tourney rankings constantly moving back and forth between 4th to 13th, Friendlies/MM's constantly being one by one or the other. etc. However the top 4 is as solid as can possibly be, Ice has won fourth constantly twice or three times. Desu you have gotten third pretty constantly except for your recent 4th with P1. P1 although getting 4th should be brought down to fifth only because he lost the MM against Desu immediately afterward and his ranking isn't consistent. VietG has gotten fourth before but loses constantly to Scatt, Scatt is brought to 6th because of this and VietG 7th. Dyno has also gotten 4th at a tourney and has beaten P1 once in a tourney set, but loses to both VietG and Scatt so he's dropped to 8th. I've gotten in the top 7 constantly for two tourneys I've gone to, have beaten Dyno in rankings for those two tourneys, but lost in an MM, i feel i should be at 9th. Octix hasn't lately been in tournaments OR has done any MM's, I'm not certain of his 10th place ranking, but i do know from friendlies that he's very skilled and his previous tourney rankings are closer to date that Fullmetal's or MikeG's.

I base my rankings off of Money Matches and Tournament settings. When it comes to Tournament i base it off if you actually played someone in the PR in a set, or was it because of bracket setup. Obviously playing someone in the PR in a set gives you more credit. Money Matches are of lesser caliber than Tournaments (so PBnJ not doing MM's won't give or take a PR spot from you, but if you're right next to someone in rank and constantly lose MM's against that person, you'll more than likely be switched)

If you wish to be on the Panel, be my guest, also if you wish not to (for anyone who is) that's fine too.

I feel the point system might be too complicated, but that's just me. I would however like to have a set system to how the PR is ran so it doesn't feel like tomfoolery.

Also Tomato Cat, the only person i can see running the PR is Full Metal, however i don't think he has any liking towards brawl or towards brawl tournaments in general. With that being said. Is there anyway i can continue running the PR without being a tournament adviser? :[

@Desu - We don't have a PR, and you're right that only Waba Tournaments are used, but instead of ranting. I would suggest you look through the list and change what you see fit, give me your sources and i add that into the current PR. I don't have to be a panelist, i don't mind, but i would like to have a PR that isn't constantly held back or argued about. Just give me the information and who should be taken out. I believe what you're saying about Elliot, but I've never seen him, and one tournament Doesn't make him completely in the top five (probably, actually). I'm only really considering MM's in the problem where you lose to someone in the tourney, MM out of spite and win. Would you appreciate P1 taking your spot? No, because you're better than him and you proved it in a MM right after the tourney in which you hands down lost to him, Johns or not.

Waba monthlies are the most popular tourney in GA it seems, so i used only that information. I've discussed the PR with Kismet2 before today, and you and Kismet2 being Panelist is fine, but I'm not sure about Elliot, i haven't seen him post anything about the PR, but prove me wrong, i don't mind it at all. It's just good that you're at least showing some upmost interest in the PR, whether it's negative interest or not :)


Smash Champion
Sep 20, 2006
Lawrenceville , GA
FullMetal's name adds legitimacy to the list because he is a well respected tournament organizer.
I <3 you too, Tom!

Yeah, I don't mind "sponsoring" the panelists for this, but I whole-heartedly agree with Desu that the panelists need to be Desu, Kismet, and Elliot.

Nothing personal to the current "panelists", but outside of Kisment you're just not qualified to objectively evaluate and rank players based on their performance in tournament. (Or at least, have not demonstrated that, to date)

A good rule of thumb for creating/updating a PR is that a tournament ONLY COUNTS TOWARDS THE PR IF HALF OF THE TOP 10 PLAYERS ARE IN ATTENDANCE AND ENTERING.

Also- I like brawl teams, so there. :)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Woodstock, GA
I don't think points are a good way to go about this. I think the panel should just kind of make decisions from an objective point of view and have a reason behind it. For instance, say we have a tournament every month. Superman comes every other month and spiderman comes every month. Every month super man comes, he gets first place and beats spiderman, every other month spiderman gets first place because super man isn't there. Now you can tell that super man is the better player her because he consistently beats spiderman... but spiderman is going to have as many firsts as superman and then some additional seconds at the tournaments where superman shows up...

Anyway I don't really care so much about the power rankings... just offering my insight. I think Full Metal makes a good point on having a certain amount of top players there...

As for panelists... I don't know enough of the community to say who should be on it... but a regional approach is a good idea. In a couple months we may have some more people coming out of Woodstock... but for now it's just Rayku and I. We might be bringing a car or two to WABA. I don't think we're worth our own region necessarily though...

And I can't say I know Elliot either... but if he got top 10 at IC3 then there's definitely some sort of brawl scene in ATL/GATech and it should be represented. WABA is definitely the most popular tournament in GA though...

Anyway, I wouldn't mind being a panelist if the list just needs "another panelist" and I'd definitely do my fair share of contributing (Like I said, I think a lot of us are going to come to the next WABA monthly... and I know at least Rayku and I want to start going regularily.) But I definitely agree with at least Desu, Kismet, and Elliot as panelists... of course they have to want to do it.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2007
*******, Georgia
Thank you for keeping the thread up and running, and yes Desu, it was discussed between Me, Kismet, and Dynomite, I feel the thread is practically okay how it is. But the bottom five are wishy washy due to tourney rankings constantly moving back and forth between 4th to 13th, Friendlies/MM's constantly being one by one or the other. etc. However the top 4 is as solid as can possibly be, Ice has won fourth constantly twice or three times. Desu you have gotten third pretty constantly except for your recent 4th with P1. P1 although getting 4th should be brought down to fifth only because he lost the MM against Desu immediately afterward and his ranking isn't consistent. VietG has gotten fourth before but loses constantly to Scatt, Scatt is brought to 6th because of this and VietG 7th. Dyno has also gotten 4th at a tourney and has beaten P1 once in a tourney set, but loses to both VietG and Scatt so he's dropped to 8th. I've gotten in the top 7 constantly for two tourneys I've gone to, have beaten Dyno in rankings for those two tourneys, but lost in an MM, i feel i should be at 9th. Octix hasn't lately been in tournaments OR has done any MM's, I'm not certain of his 10th place ranking, but i do know from friendlies that he's very skilled and his previous tourney rankings are closer to date that Fullmetal's or MikeG's.

I base my rankings off of Money Matches and Tournament settings. When it comes to Tournament i base it off if you actually played someone in the PR in a set, or was it because of bracket setup. Obviously playing someone in the PR in a set gives you more credit. Money Matches are of lesser caliber than Tournaments (so PBnJ not doing MM's won't give or take a PR spot from you, but if you're right next to someone in rank and constantly lose MM's against that person, you'll more than likely be switched)

If you wish to be on the Panel, be my guest, also if you wish not to (for anyone who is) that's fine too.

I feel the point system might be too complicated, but that's just me. I would however like to have a set system to how the PR is ran so it doesn't feel like tomfoolery.

Also Tomato Cat, the only person i can see running the PR is Full Metal, however i don't think he has any liking towards brawl or towards brawl tournaments in general. With that being said. Is there anyway i can continue running the PR without being a tournament adviser? :[

@Desu - We don't have a PR, and you're right that only Waba Tournaments are used, but instead of ranting. I would suggest you look through the list and change what you see fit, give me your sources and i add that into the current PR. I don't have to be a panelist, i don't mind, but i would like to have a PR that isn't constantly held back or argued about. Just give me the information and who should be taken out. I believe what you're saying about Elliot, but I've never seen him, and one tournament Doesn't make him completely in the top five (probably, actually). I'm only really considering MM's in the problem where you lose to someone in the tourney, MM out of spite and win. Would you appreciate P1 taking your spot? No, because you're better than him and you proved it in a MM right after the tourney in which you hands down lost to him, Johns or not.

Waba monthlies are the most popular tourney in GA it seems, so i used only that information. I've discussed the PR with Kismet2 before today, and you and Kismet2 being Panelist is fine, but I'm not sure about Elliot, i haven't seen him post anything about the PR, but prove me wrong, i don't mind it at all. It's just good that you're at least showing some upmost interest in the PR, whether it's negative interest or not :)
I recall Elliot doing quite well at a number of tournaments I've been to, including GA Tech's prize tournament, Waba, and Impact Clash.
You still haven't listed links to the actual results or shown me the math that went into making the current PR.
Your point system appears to come out of nowhere without reference.
As for Player-1, I did that MM to regain my pride. Losing to him in brackets WOULD affect my standing on the PR.
Only the PR is about consistency, and I've only ever been out-placed by him once.
So if we go by a sampling of say, five tournaments for the initial PR, him out-placing me once isn't going to put him over me after my out-placing him four other times.
I'm not saying that this list needs a tweak.
I'm saying that this list needs to be scrapped and a new list needs to be made.

The power rankings aren't just the latest results.
The power rankings are an average of a person's consistency in tournament.
MMs shouldn't be considered.
I'm short on time, so here's a brief reason as to why:
I do really well against BigLou's Luigi with King Dedede.
BigLou does really well against everyone else, even people I have trouble with: Like Kismet.
So hypothetically on your system, I could MM BigLou for ranking points, win, and take his spot without having actually earned it, just because that particular matchup is in my favor.
Or if not betting points, I could MM him until I amass enough points to pass him or Kismet.
That wouldn't be fair to anyone.
I'll post more on this later, but I have class now.

/rant to be continued.

PS: I hate T O M A T O, but I love Tom nom noms.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Yeah. The only thing I'm going to say is that I think this list should be based more on overall tournament ranking, and more discussion needs to be had because only Waba has been taken into consideration (from what I can tell).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
Me not having no honorable mention?!?!?!?! >:| Oh well....It's not like I've been to many tourneys anyway.
Guilt Trip, more tourneys = more placing dear sir. Your yoshi is sexy. But how many times have you been to tourneys in GA?

I don't see why everyone's complaining and NOT making a new list. It's as if you're only here to bash the list and then go amongst your day.

1. Reflex (Wario/Pokemon Trainer)
2. BigLou (Luigi? <_<)
3. Kismet2 (Falco)
4. Player 1 (Diddy Kong)
5. Desu (King Dedede/MK?)
5. Scat (Snake)
7. Fri (Marth/Fox?)
7. Ice (Zelda/MK?)
1. Reflex ($280)
2. BigLou ($80)
3. Kismet ($40)
4. Ice
5. Desu
7. VietG
9. Zom~b
9. Rayku
9. Ninja
13. Scatz
13. Billy
13. Scat
17. Dynomite!
1: Reflex [Wario, Pokemon Trainer] ($329.00)
2: Hrnut [Snake, Meta Knight] ($94.00)
3: GDX [Diddy Kong, Mr. Game and Watch] ($47.00)
4: Rx- [Meta Knight, ROB]
5: Biglou [Luigi]
5: Will_ [Meta Knight, Donkey Kong, Ness]
7: Desu [Meta Knight, King Dedede]
7: Kismet [Falco]
9: Elliot
9: elev8
9: Acorn
9: Micheal Martin
13: Billy Beckler
13: Zeon Star

Desu these are the only ones i can base off of considering i can't find other tournament results without solely using my head to remember people in certain places. Which i'm sure isn't allowed. You have much better memories of tourneys than i do, why don't you make a list? Get some panelist to discuss it and be done with it? I don't think you ranting to someone who obviously doesn't have as much GA experience as you would help the PR change anymore. So make another list, get your Panelist to agree on it, show it all on this thread, and none of this conversation will be necessary.

Yeah. The only thing I'm going to say is that I think this list should be based more on overall tournament ranking, and more discussion needs to be had because only Waba has been taken into consideration (from what I can tell).

you're completely right and i take that into acknowledgement, but i have no other experience except Waba tourneys, therefore i can't show much else ranking wise.

@Desu again - it seems you didn't understand what i was saying about MM's, it's only really switch people right beside each other, for example 2nd and 3rd place if they haven't been to tourneys to rank lately. It really isn't strongly important.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Guilt Trip, more tourneys = more placing dear sir. Your yoshi is sexy. But how many times have you been to tourneys in GA?

I don't see why everyone's complaining and NOT making a new list. It's as if you're only here to bash the list and then go amongst your day.
I know I haven't been to enough tourneys, hence the last part of my post; I've only been to tounreys in my college since I never actually took the time to look at where more tourneys were. It's a fault on my part anyway.

I really don't care too much about the list seeing as how I'm not informed enough throughout GA. That will change during the summer, and you'll see me more often. You gotta understand me, I troll at random times and most of the time, you should be able to tell when I'm not serious. That's just how I am.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Basically, I've seen that statement from Desu about he, Kismet2, and Elliot being panelists MONTHS ago. The only thing I have to say is that you three need to get on the ball. If you HAVE been working this out, then excuse me.
I for one need to step my game up, but thats another thing for another time. I WILL make these power rankings.
if it counts for anything, my tourney placings are as follows:
21/21 LOL

*I suck* :(


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
I've skimmed through the current discussion, and I understand what Desu is going for.

Unfortunately, due to anti-Brawl sentiments, a Brawl Power Ranking wasn't made possible until recently. Would it be better to scrap the entire list and start with a clean slate using the two most recent tournaments, or would it be better to hunt down previous Brawl results from IC1, IC2, the results from the old Waba thread, and the ones of those Augusta tourneys?

I know Min didn't post up proper results for like two months, October and November IIRC. Only top 3 were shown and that's because of people who attended it passing that through word of mouth. I'd assume it's best to keep a top 8 of all results, and those two tournaments are [rather] old. It would be hard to fabricate it now. It's a minor complication, and I assume we could simply ignore them from calculating positions.

Also AntiC compiled the list via friendlies as well, but friendlies shouldn't mean anything. They're casuals, a learning experience, a time to goof off, warm-up, whatever. They shouldn't count for ranking since nothing is at stake, or should there be anything at stake.

I'd also agree w/ Desu's point that the ENTIRE STATE needs to be represented. While northern GA (us) is where many Brawl tourneys took place, Georgia is a large state. There's sure to be other tournaments (like the one in Augusta) about.

Therefore, you need a reasonable amount of representatives for each region. Activity is not like that of some Atlantic North states like NJ, NY, etc. Considering [usually] only one tournament occurs a month, three reps is good enough.

Also if Desu were to partake in the PR (which considering his presence in the Brawl community, that's guaranteed), I assume FM can be relinquished of his position (although it doesn't matter either way, his choice) as sponsor since Desu is also considered a Smash Director, and no doubt has helped organize tournaments in some way or form (GA Brawl ruleset is one).

I could go on but I need to be sure I'm not posting a bunch of BS before I go on.

I bet this post will be so ignored.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I've skimmed through the current discussion, and I understand what Desu is going for.

Unfortunately, due to anti-Brawl sentiments, a Brawl Power Ranking wasn't made possible until recently. Would it be better to scrap the entire list and start with a clean slate using the two most recent tournaments, or would it be better to hunt down previous Brawl results from IC1, IC2, the results from the old Waba thread, and the ones of those Augusta tourneys?

I know Min didn't post up proper results for like two months, October and November IIRC. Only top 3 were shown and that's because of people who attended it passing that through word of mouth. I'd assume it's best to keep a top 8 of all results, and those two tournaments are [rather] old. It would be hard to fabricate it now. It's a minor complication, and I assume we could simply ignore them from calculating positions.

Also AntiC compiled the list via friendlies as well, but friendlies shouldn't mean anything. They're casuals, a learning experience, a time to goof off, warm-up, whatever. They shouldn't count for ranking since nothing is at stake, or should there be anything at stake.

I'd also agree w/ Desu's point that the ENTIRE STATE needs to be represented. While northern GA (us) is where many Brawl tourneys took place, Georgia is a large state. There's sure to be other tournaments (like the one in Augusta) about.

Therefore, you need a reasonable amount of representatives for each region. Activity is not like that of some Atlantic North states like NJ, NY, etc. Considering [usually] only one tournament occurs a month, three reps is good enough.

Also if Desu were to partake in the PR (which considering his presence in the Brawl community, that's guaranteed), I assume FM can be relinquished of his position (although it doesn't matter either way, his choice) as sponsor since Desu is also considered a Smash Director, and no doubt has helped organize tournaments in some way or form (GA Brawl ruleset is one).

I could go on but I need to be sure I'm not posting a bunch of BS before I go on.

I bet this post will be so ignored.
Either way, I wont be on it. I haven't been active in the tourney scene in a while.

IMO, since we've been messing up with the whole PR ordeal, I say starting with IC3 and the Jan monthly (ie the 2009 tournaments) we start collecting tourney placings etc. This way it can be as accurate and precise as we need it to be. But thats just my opinion ;)


Smash Champion
May 31, 2006
Birmingham, AL
GA's always trying to come up with some weird ranking system.
just get a panel to make some lists and average them together. stop trying to be special.

The Alpha Gundam

Smash Champion
Jan 2, 2006
we could be like AL were a panelist thinks that Player 1 should be rank higher than player 2 based off the fact that he has played #1 and has never played #2


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
You guys could just send Biglou, Kismet, and Desu to Florida to train for a month and double their skill level.

Maddd props to Biglou for ****** it up with mid-tier!


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
what anti-brawl sentiments? you guys are just lazy. you guys being tim, of course. since tim is lazy.
I know that Elliot is on aim at least long enough that he can discuss panel in between studying and hoes.
I'm not sure about Calvin.
I know tim is always sleepin'.
so for a legitimate brawl PR,
Elliot - AIM - Menorahtaur
Desu - AIM - Tim D Zimmer
kismet2 - AIM - CalvinCapers (I think...)
just get on aim and talk about things all at the same time.


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
we could be like AL were a panelist thinks that Player 1 should be rank higher than player 2 based off the fact that he has played #1 and has never played #2
ice burn.
**** a double post, but please get dazwa to warn/infract me since they don't count towards my sig otherwise.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
1. Reflex (wario/pokemon Trainer)
2. Biglou (luigi? <_<)
3. Kismet2 (falco)
4. Player 1 (diddy Kong)
5. Desu (king Dedede/mk?)
5. Scat (snake)
7. Fri (marth/fox?)
7. Ice (zelda/mk?)
1. Reflex ($280)
2. Biglou ($80)
3. Kismet ($40)
4. Ice
5. Desu
7. Vietg
9. Zom~b
9. Rayku
9. Ninja
13. Scatz
13. Billy
13. Scat
17. Dynomite!
1: Reflex [wario, Pokemon Trainer] ($329.00)
2: Hrnut [snake, Meta Knight] ($94.00)
3: Gdx [diddy Kong, Mr. Game And Watch] ($47.00)
4: Rx- [meta Knight, Rob]
5: Biglou [luigi]
5: Will_ [meta Knight, Donkey Kong, Ness]
7: Desu [meta Knight, King Dedede]
7: Kismet [falco]
9: Elliot
9: Elev8
9: Acorn
9: Micheal Martin
13: Billy Beckler
13: Zeon Star
I'm so good at this game.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
we should just turn this topic into a waba power ranking

also lol @ elliot power rankings

only time he plays this game is the week leading up to a big fighting game tournament where brawl is a side event
you hoes need to step up your game

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
we should just turn this topic into a waba power ranking

also lol @ elliot power rankings

only time he plays this game is the week leading up to a big fighting game tournament where brawl is a side event
you hoes need to step up your game
Yup! especially since im playing again and training with Tim.

Vacation is over guys. :lick:


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
vacation is over ..im playing again too..and rayku i think me and mike g are gonna be teammates for now but if he isnt at a tourny i will team with u
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