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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
This is what I do on my monday mornings

Team BarGorf vs team BroXel


Bronar I've never actually seen you complete a game. You used to always just go inactive so this is the first time I've seen you in action. You cool man, I like your style. Not sure what the hate is about.
You probably caught me in the period leading up to my soft ban, which was put in place because... well, inactivity and Bad Idea Mafia Redux. I was kinda busy with my (now ex) girlfriend and stuff, so didn't have time.

I do regret to inform you I have no play style, though. Don't think a lot of people here are old school enough to testify for that, but take my word for it.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Yo Bardull,

I've always been an ***. These red dices changed nothing. Make a bad post towards me and I'll give a bad response, that's all.

With kind regards,



You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Deadline is tomorrow.

Felipe hasn't said much even after apparently re-rereading.
Chaco hasn't said squat.
WishedLaundry and RR have gone quiet.

@Mod: Are you keeping track of players who are not posting at least once every 24 hours?

Good ol' mafia games. Wasting lynches on people who simply don't play.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
The thing I like about Omni is his consistency, which does weigh a large amount for me. Not cool with Omni being dead. Not cool with Washed being dead. Cool with inactives being dead.

Sooo, Felipe/Chaco (RR/Sword/Inferno)

Except if they're going to contribute. Chaco got dat VLA so I guess he's not an option, and Felipe has started posting more often. We don't have a lot of inactives left in that case (which is good).


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Vote: Felipe

just because i've caught him lurking several times and he still hasn't posted anything of substance

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Tired from lack of sleep, but it's probably due time that I payed this mafia game attention. Going to try not to replace out since it would be lame to Gheb. Going to just be lazy and quote my notes as I go along, as well as quote stuff that I'm asking questions/responding to.

J said:
I don't like this from you Swords. =[ Your vote on RR seems almost mechanical and the way you have to justify it by saying "I am not voting you because of your gambit but because it doesn't make sense." You even mark that the gambit is null. This vote just makes me wary of you.
That vote on RR was purely for pressure purposes. There was no one else at the time who I really wanted anything from with my vote, so I decided that it might of well obeen on him so to get him to clarify himself.
Gorf said:
K, about Inferno, what did you think about me backing off of it after I got what I wanted out of it? Are any of my points against Omni WRONG? I mean I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt, and giving him some time to conjour up his thoughts (mostly cuz he's moved on from drilling RR)... And I didn't quite vote Brosuke in order to tag along with Omni, I didn't like the post at all. Omni just happened to start up the wagon and I expressed my being down to ride with it.
Err, what exactly was it that you got out of Inferno again?

WL said:
I don't know Omni's meta or experience, but I thought it was a bad way to elicit reactions, even from others, because of its obviousness or its extreme nature that early in the game. Should Omni have overreacted (plausible if you disregard all kinds of meta), that's playing directly into scum's hands. Should he not realize exactly what you were doing, he probably would've blown it off and nothing would've been gained. There were a lot of ways that could've gone wrong.

However, in hindsight, I can see that Red Ruy probably went into this with some idea of how Omni would react to that kind of gambit and that his motives were actually a lot better. Throw in Swordy's point and I realize that Red Ruy's game really hasn't been too scummy at all, and that I've just been misinterpreting it.

WL why does it matter that RR went into that gambit with an idea of what to expect?

WL said:
Yep. Main players here are main players there other than you don't have a Ran to ***** at Soup all game and an EE to lurk all game until endgame. Chaco is your Circus and Omni's angry enough to be your Ryker. :v

no but seriously this is irrelevant
Yeah and to boot you got the moderator in this game as well. ^.~

Soup said:
I'm the opposite, I like Gorf's push on Inferno and I feel that inferno is being inconsistent with his thoughts so far, I would really love to see him be more active and that is another gripe I have.

How did you read Inferno's opening posts?
How do you find Inferno to be consistent? Are you counterbalancing that by anychance that he's a newbie?

Soup said:
This post bothers and I don't know why.
I can guess.

It's because he shows that he's aware that he might be called a sheep. Preemptive defensivenes.

Xonar said:
Don't know. At first I read his post agreeing with mine before I went to bed yesterday, then I thought about it and I was like well scum wouldn't post on the go because it could get them in bad situations. But washed knows that so he probably wouldn't care regardless and know that it would make him look town. but he agreed with me which means that he might have been trying to set me up so I can pressure some more while he can kinda stay in the shadows, but after that he changed his mind which I'm still not settled on. It could be because he realized my pressure wouldn't work and that he's going with the general opinion, but on the other hand it would've been possible to just go with still liking the post to avoid weird looks and just ride on my reasons or even make some up for his own.
I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying here. 0_0

What gives you the idea that he was "trying to set you up for pressure" so that "he could stay in the shadows?"

Omni said:
i need more from you brodancer at this point in time. chaco is losing rep points.

@brodancer: want your thoughts on brosuke, WL, and Axel respectively
Like the name "brodancer."

Brosuke leans scum. His scum hunting up until this point is very bad, and I can't get behind any of his reads. Seems too stubborn to change them even though several players changing the ways they have been scum hunting (for example, his call out of your or Gorf's play not doing much is legit for something that happened early game, but both of you have changed your ways since then and it doesn't seem that Brosuke is taking this into account). Is saved from being my strongest scumread due to his consistency and the fact that it's kinda hard to imagine scum playing so riskae like he is.

WL is my strongest scum read. As Axel pointed out his play has been careful, and I absolutely hate his back pedal of RR right after he agreed with RR scum but then saw that everyone else disagreed.

Axel null. As you'll see in my notes up until this point I agree with J's reads, but I also regonize that they are largely a summary of everyone else's general thoughts up until this point, so I can't really give him town points. Disagree with his push of you, but want to see where he's taking this before I make a call on it.

UPDATE: Okay, disagree with his side of things that you're scum, just because the way you had been hunting after Brosuke seems like legit scumhunting to me, and I'm not sure how Axel is missing that. Needs to explain some reads to me. Still have him as null. Not too worried about him as long as I can use him as an alley to help lynch WL.

Bardull said:
Don't like Inferno. Giving Omni a town pass this early is bad. Grasping for a scum read on me with my joke vote on Omni is also pretty bad. "Even if it's just RVS." It is RVS. What're you gonna do about it?

RR pushing day cop gambit as legitimate is pretty bad. Was horribly presented and executed. Probably going to vote for him before the Day is over. Guess the null read here is ok. Don't have meta on RR so I can't say if this is normal behavior from him or not.

Like Inferno's response to Gorf. Sorta. A bit cocky for someone who can't ever seem to play a strong Town game . Overall null, but an explanation for early scum read on me is needed. Don't see how Town could jump to this conclusion. Reads as scummy.

You're probably scum. Omni is probably Town. Maybe. Also, the Rebecca Black thing was stupid.
Inferno is bad town. Trust me.

Insights in bold are wishy-washy.

Bardull said:
Wat. WAT? Explain this to me.
I liked Soup was already starting to make reads. He's the first one to do it, and I feel like he's speaking what's actually on his mind, rather than just going with the flow (which he could of easily done at that point). Again it was hasty of him to do so with so little to go off of, but the fact that he was willing to plant his own flag so early is what I liked.

Bardull said:
Don't understand Swords getting weird vibes from Omni's posts. Not sure how to read this.
I honestly don't recall this ever happening. o_o

@Axel: Can you remind me of your read of RR? Do you agree with Xonar that RR and/or Gorf is scum? Need to sort this out because you said that you mostly agreed with his reads (I can't remember where) and I need to sort out what reads you agreed on.


Axel said:
Sword I hope you don't leave. Kevin wont be active. Even so I'd rather he replace someone that is already active.. just given my 2 cents.

Soup said:
Something about Inferno is bothering me.

It seems he is trying to play up to be townie, but in truth is not actually doing anything that is.

#281 gives me that feeling.

Everything in that post just feels forced, there's no actual intent to scumhunt, just idly stay in the background while trying to seem townie by putting up a couple of questions or two.

Things like this just really match up in my head as far as my early suspicions too.

Vote: Inferno
Soup your one of my strongest town reads but that Inferno vote is weirding me out. Talk to me. How do you not see the newbie town in his play?

[collapse=Notes]Null on J's thoughts for 228 about RR vs. Omni. I agree with his thoughts about it, but so do many other people, and it would of been easy enough for scum J to pick up on that.

Most of J's thoughts in his 228 is pretty much a parrot of things already widely acknowledged, so I can't give him any town points for it. Will give a +.25 points to J though since I agree with hios reads on Inferno and Gorf.

Omni's 234 is kind of a lame reason to think J is legit. It's true that his thoughts have been on point, but it's basically just what everyone else already said, so I wouldn't be giving townie points there.

Felipe's 236-240 was lame. I understand that he has computer problems, but in that time that he did have to catch up he didn't comment on anything substancal, and he did clearly at least get up to RR's gambit. -.5 for him.

Don't like WL's 246. His unvote felt like an opportunistic jump off of the RR wagon after it became unpopular. This is to bear mentioning that it came after he agreed with Brosuke's points against RR. Justification for being on RR's wagon felt week. -1.

Agree with Omni's about Inferno and WL. Plus those reads aren't already set in stone by the majority of players. +.25 for similar reads.

Don't like WL's choice of scumpicks in his 276. I acknowledge that Xonar's reads were bad, but it's weird for WL to be going after him only after Omni asked him to.

Like J's push on WL. +.25

Inferno's 281 is very parrot, but I actually like him for that post overall. He's honest that he's getting his thoughts from elsewhere in that post, and he does have some oringal thoughts. Reads newbie town to me. He seems to be genuinally trying in it which I like. +1 for him.

Don't like Brosuke's 292. It negates the reason as to why people are calling him scum, and his suspicion about the people voting him being his scum picks is not a real reason to find someone scum. Those three could just as easily be townies who just think your scum. They don't necessarily have to be scum counter pushing you. You need a reason to actually suspect that.

Not sure if Axel is serious in his 301 about that scum read on Omni, or that he actually saw it as SvS at first. Seems like he might be taking this somewhere, so I'll withhold from making any preemptive judgements.

Inferno's 307 is really townie. Actually wants to understand what's going on w.r.t. a major topic of discussion. Town.

Omni's 314 has a bad reason to have Axel slip on his read list, and really just reads OMGUS to me. Why should it matter rather or not he's supporting your wagon. It shouldn't -.5

Brosuke's thoughts on page 8 (40 ppp) seem to be hyper focusing on that which he could interpert as scummy. Don't like. -.5.

Like Inferno's healthy level of activity.

Gorf trying to get Brosuke angry on purpose. Matches Gorf meta as town. +.5

If omni's 405 is true then -1 from Felipe since that kind of thing reeks of scarred newbie scum.[/collapse]

Vote: WashedLaundry

Read list coming up, but first I really need to take a **** which I've been holding off so to complete this catch up.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying here. 0_0

What gives you the idea that he was "trying to set you up for pressure" so that "he could stay in the shadows?"
It was just some train of thought. It's WIFOM.

Don't like Brosuke's 292. It negates the reason as to why people are calling him scum
Isn't that what defense is supposed to do?

Brosuke's thoughts on page 8 (40 ppp) seem to be hyper focusing on that which he could interpert as scummy.
Isn't focusing on thing I find scummy what I'm supposed to do?

So Sword, I know you're town. You're my best read atm, so please be clear here and work with me to get somehwere.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Vote: Felipe

just because i've caught him lurking several times and he still hasn't posted anything of substance
I dont know what is this. You know i can log in anonymously ????????

And the reason because i havent psoted nothing from substance is everything i have got was already said. Whats the point of repeating it???? I win nothing from it. I will be called a sheep if i do that. I prefer to make small contributions than make filler post.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Not going to explain myself, Felipe. You need to die.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
It was just some train of thought. It's WIFOM.
Okay. Could you still answer my question please? I want to know your thought process more, and anything can be dismissed as WIFOM when you get down to it.

Isn't focusing on thing I find scummy what I'm supposed to do?
Err, I would try to be taking everything into consideration. Not just parts that could be interpreted as scummy. You're not going to accurectly catch scum if you're just focusing on the first things to strike you.
Isn't that what defense is supposed to do?
Sorry if you misunderstood. I was commenting on the fact that you were defending against something that no one accused you of (having different reads from everyone else). You were "negating" what people were actually saying about you.


Anyways, reads:



lean town:




lean scum:



Order of placement in each tier does not matter.

Out of Xonar/Felipe/WL there must be at least one scum.

Placing Bardul in the null category because, even though I agree with most of his reads (not the RR one, though), it's nothing original. I want to see him produce original content before I place him anywhere.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

Felipe, you're not saying anything. You're simply co-signing everything. We don't care if your ideas are repeats from what previous have posted. What we want to see is your original thought process behind everything that has occurred so far regardless of what people have said.

If you simply just want to be the "me too" guy then we'll simply make you the dead guy as well. That simple.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
What gives you the idea that he was "trying to set you up for pressure" so that "he could stay in the shadows?"
Well obviously he was commenting as he was reading. He could trying to set me up so I could pressure others, allowing him to remain largely untouched. It's something scummies often do.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Well obviously he was commenting as he was reading. He could trying to set me up so I could pressure others, allowing him to remain largely untouched. It's something scummies often do.
That's paranoid bro. =/ You can't be focusing on what people MIGHT do.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
1 / 7​

Omni |
1 / 7​

felipe_9595 |
1 / 7​

WashedLaundry |
Brosuke, Axel, Sworddancer​
3 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, felipe_9595, Red Ryu, WashedLaundry, Soupamario;


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
My Main FoS is Brosuke, with RR and Omni being in second place. I think i somewhat agree with his logic about RR being scummy (*Related to RR and Omni* I dont like how Omni applied pressure over RR. After RR said he ****ed it up then he instantly went over a Brosuke bandwagon. I dont know how to take this. He can be easily Town trying to get a read on RR (Althought he didnt get a read at all because he stopped applying pressure in the critical moment) or Scum trying to fix RR mistake. *Reread this inferno, this is a logical explanation to RR and Omni being scummates*) But after his #299 his gameplay went downhill (I think thats the last post that makes sense, along with his #303. I had the same thoughts then). He went mad after that. He started to bash ad insult others player others (#311, #332 or #347 for example), and then this:

Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.

Also, Love Axel #323

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
But after his #299 his gameplay went downhill (I think thats the last post that makes sense, along with his #303. I had the same thoughts then). He went mad after that. He started to bash ad insult others player others (#311, #332 or #347 for example), and then this:

Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.

These are some weak reasons here, Felipe.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
I dont have slod right now (I doubt anyone haves something solid so far)

I dont mind WL dyng instead of you. Or omni


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Yeah, sorry, Felipe.

11 pages of Mafia and that's the best you got? No bueno.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I want Felipe to claim by the end of this evening. Anyone against this?

If you are, too bad. Idc.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Well someone is gonna claim D1 whether that person gets lynched or not. Whether it's you is a different question. Regardless, with little time to spare, I'm posting what I think should be today's lynch pool:


Anyone oppose this list?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Wait a minute. I just now realized I substituted someone's beginning answer for Felipe's by mistake.

Felipe, how long have you been playing Mafia? And if you choose anyone in this game to be your scum partner who would it be? Why?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
V/la guys are inactives. There's literally no difference between the two here except Felipe's V/LA excuse was literally not having access to the internet.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I wouldn't lynch Felipe if he still was VLA :/

You're dumb if you're lynching Chaco now. That's a cheap excuse to get rid of someone who can still become active.


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
I am not lynching chaco. Lynching inactives is dumb as ****. But linch people who came back less than 8 hours ago and have barely have done something is equally ********.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
FoS: Brosuke

You are being stubborn, silly, and suspicious.

V/LA's are literally inactives. Felipe and Chaco fit in the same category. What exactly did you think I meant by lynching an inactive worst case scenario? Are you against lynching inactives? And if you are why haven't you said anything in regards to it since I've been saying since early D1 that inactives will die.
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