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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Town - Red Ryu, Sworddancer, Felipe_9595, Inferno3044

Null: Omni (Lean town) Brosuke, Gorf, Axel, Bardull

Scum: WashedLaundry

Johns but i'm like super tired and can barely keep my eyes open so I promise I will get back to this


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Laundry has a legitimate case presented in front of him. Sure, I've held myself back from taking the forefront on the case against him and for good reason too, but he's been pretty friggin scummy, looking at his actions for what they are. No way around that. But I thought that Laundry may have come back sooner or later to respond to all of the cases and all of the malarke being thrown his way... Instead, he went inactive. If Laundry does, indeed, turn out to be scum, then that's definite town points toward Sword and Axel just for persistently bringing attention to his play even in his absence... But his inactivity is just much worse of a feel than just that of any of the other's inactivity.
Gouf, can you go into detail regarding what I bolded in your quote? What specifically have you found scummy about WL?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I almost want to say WL is just PoE. But yet again there are things I want to elaborate on when i'm in better health. I just feel everyone else has done things that are townier and better than him, even Felipe.

Changed my mind about not commiting to a vote we in this


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
---End rambling---

Going to take the power nap of the gods and come back later

expect me :reverse:


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Well, seems like this is decided.

Vote: WashedLaundry
Jesus Christ. This does not sit well with me at all.

I cannot be the only one who finds this incredibly safe and non-committal especially coupled with his decision to not thoroughly address his thoughts on the game in fear of looking like a "sheep".

No offense, Felipe, but you aren't committing anything to this game. Have you even asked a single scum question from anyone even after your analysis? Do you have no questions for anyone?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also Omni I appreciated your response to me and I'll give a legit response later

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Felipe receives a modvote for editing a post. One more offense will earn him a permanent modvote.

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Omni |
Bardull, Brosuke​
2 / 7​

felipe_9595 |
Omni, MOD​
2 / 7​

WashedLaundry |
Axel, Sworddancer, Gorf, Soupamario, felipe_9595​
5 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, Red Ryu, WashedLaundry;


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
@Mod: Have there been any 24 hour violations that haven't been V/LA's?

No one better hammer WL without him claiming first.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Gouf, can you go into detail regarding what I bolded in your quote? What specifically have you found scummy about WL?
Straight off of memory, obviously you have the whole non commital thing with the xonar post situation. But even outside of that hes been really non commital and I dont remember anything that hes tried to pursue. More of just throwing reads out there which isnt really worth much of anything.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Looking at what he's done at face value makes him look bad, but meta and vibes are telling me town. I dont rely purely on those though.


#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
No, you guys are wrong. Lynching inactives is extremely necessary.

They -should- be modkilled or replaced. Leaving them alive and lynching someone who is active and has made solid connections is a very, very wrong move.
I got lynched in FF9 mafia for trying to do this.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1. Inferno3044* - leaning scum.
2. Chaco* - null
3. Brosuke - scum
4. Gorf* - leaning town
5. Soupamario* - town
6. felipe_9595 - null
7. Bardull* - null
8. WashedLaundry* - scum
9. Red_Ryu* - town
10. Omni* - town
11. Sworddancer* - town
12. J* - null


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Catching up on what everyone has been saying. While at it, noticed that people have a misconception about the deadline.

Deadline is the LAST MINUTE OF FEB 9TH. We have roughly 72 hours left in this day.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Unvote Vote Laundry

Read and caught up. I'm starting to dislike Xonar less and less. Seeing his head get out of the "Lemme make sarcastic posts that demean people" mindset and onto a legit hunting scum and progressing with the game mindset really helps the light shine on his pretty face. And with the realization that the deadline is in about 30ish hours, I'd be totally fine with either a Laundry lynch, or a Felipe lynch, with slight preference in that order. The thing about just lynching inactives is that they DO have the opportunity to get out of inactivity, whether it be coming back from V/LA, or reading through when they have a chance to just sit down and catch up, or whatever the circumstance may be. Granted, I'm not against the inactive route in any way whatsoever, but we have two great options in front of us:

Laundry has a legitimate case presented in front of him. Sure, I've held myself back from taking the forefront on the case against him and for good reason too, but he's been pretty friggin scummy, looking at his actions for what they are. No way around that. But I thought that Laundry may have come back sooner or later to respond to all of the cases and all of the malarke being thrown his way... Instead, he went inactive. If Laundry does, indeed, turn out to be scum, then that's definite town points toward Sword and Axel just for persistently bringing attention to his play even in his absence... But his inactivity is just much worse of a feel than just that of any of the other's inactivity.

Felipe, on the other hand, is starting to post frequently and whatnot, but there's major holes in what he's doing in comparison to just another inactive. If the inactives are town and find it in them to come back into the game, then they'll have the potential to prove themselves as town and bingo bango that's all good, and as scum they'll give us the opportunity obv to lynch em lol... Felipe's been pretty active for the past coup'la pages, and he's making it more and more obvious that if he's town, he's really not doing much of anything to help. He was FORCED, basically, into making a case on Brosuke and Omni, and those were pretty piss poor in themselves. I hate to make it about him being a bad player, but if he keeps this up it's going to be hell having to have him in lylo (god knows scum won't kill em and we can't just count on a vig shot).

Ultimately, while I'm all for the lynching of inactives, it's the fact that these two have that umph that give them that much precedence over the other inactives in my head (and yea I don't wanna have to go to a votecount to show who I feel is inactive, that should be obvious). Most of the people actively posting I'm cool with going on to toMorrow, though.
Agree with this.

Disagree with Omni lynch. Omni has done more Townie things during this Day phase than Brosuke.

lol, I may as well just give Omni my vote at this point. Pretty much agree with the inactive stance. Replace them ASAP or kill them, either works for me. There's still time for them to catch up though. General pressure towards inactives is good, but we still have some other things to do before we outright kill them off.

Don't get Soup's read on Felipe. Felipe is null/sus to me at the moment. Don't really understand why he thinks Omni/RR are scum along with Brosuke, lol. Soup is bothering me again. Like the vote on WL from Soup though. Don't like the leniency he's giving Brosuke and Felipe though.

Lol, Felipe's vote was just plain bad. Very obvious sheep vote. Anti-town vibe.

@Omni #492, my vote has been on you since RVS. Forgot to take it off.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I would put my vote on WL, but I'm afraid of a self hammer. Still want WashedLaundry to claim.

Gonna put my vote on who I think is most likely scum, and the winner of that is...

Vote: Brosuke


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Catching up on what everyone has been saying. While at it, noticed that people have a misconception about the deadline.

Deadline is the LAST MINUTE OF FEB 9TH. We have roughly 72 hours left in this day.
The 9th? Where you gettin' that from?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Ah. Confusing with the topic headline not being changed.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh lawd, didn't see the topic deadline. It's probably more accurate since the OP was edited after the "Feb 9th" deadline post.

Clarity would be nice anyway though.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh, since it's the popular thing to do, here's my lynch pool:

Lynch pool: Brosuke, Felipe, WL

Inactive pool: Chaco

"Irk" pool: Soup, Axel

Everyone else is either Town or null.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
So if it's not obvious, I think that we should just not give a shiz at this point whether or not Laundry claims if he doesn't by, like, morning if CET is Austrian time. 1 AM there is 8 PM on the east coast iirc and I don't want to have to try and scramble to stop a NL.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
This is the current time for CET, btw:

Tuesday, February 7, 2012 at 5:44:21 AM CET

They're exactly 13 hours ahead of us, which means deadline is in...18 hours and 16 minutes, assuming the topic deadline is correct.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Don't rely on others to read players for you.
Just realized this was a response to me. That's not what I meant by "plus others seem to think he is town too". I just think that Ryu would have been bussed if he were scum. No one thinking he was scum meant no one was bussing him, thus cheese. Don't respond to this.
Am I reading this right?
Gord what did you mean by this? What stood out about it to you?
@everyone: Could you re-read inferno and look at #389, then get back to me?
Your #389 showed me more scum of Inferno than town. I get what you're saying about the consistency, and that's the same conclusion I came to through my observation of his posts. Looking at them again though, the fact that his questions were specifically geared towards who everyone thought was scum so early in the game bothers me quite a bit. As I've seen from Inferno, he's not the kind of player to gain a quick read on anyone so why would he assume that anyone could have any sort of legitimate read at the time he posted those? I initially didn't pay much attention to it, but the fact that he continued to defend his actions bothers me. It seems that now he would know that the questions he asked were out of place.
@Inferno: Please respond to the above.

^I'm fine with Inferno's answer in #397^

The thing I like about Omni is his consistency, which does weigh a large amount for me. Not cool with Omni being dead. Not cool with Washed being dead. Cool with inactives being dead.

Sooo, Felipe/Chaco (RR/Sword/Inferno)

Except if they're going to contribute. Chaco got dat VLA so I guess he's not an option, and Felipe has started posting more often. We don't have a lot of inactives left in that case (which is good).

When Laundry flips scum, your *** is definitely getting lynched. Unless you come up with another explanation for your odd behavior around Laundry (ie you're connected to him in a way that's isn't being his scumbuddy). You're wishy-washyness/surprising elaboration in that first quote in the collapse is extremely odd and I thank swords for pointing it out. That coupled with you're sudden "not cool with Laundry being lynched... wait nevermind" and you're randomly placed vote on Laundry in the first place are seriously making me question you.

J is legit. Train of thought is on point

This is really weird from you Omni. I didn't really think about it at the time, but it's really inconsistent with how you claim to play and how you do in fact play (as town at least).

Exhibit 1:

you new gen mafia players got scum picks on the 2nd page? u guys must be amazing.
You're not the kind of player to gain impulsive reads and you have mentioned this quite a few times. I like to sit back take everything, wait for everyone to post, yadishamabalda. Yeeet you somehow gained a read off of me from just that one post?? I don't like this at all. It's so out of no where, like a made up read on the spot.
Bronar said:
Axel, you cool with leaving WL be for a while and just go with Omni as the lynch? I'm definitely down by now.


1. Omni is 100% right on the inactive issue. Enough with that debate.
2. We are not lynching Bronar today.
3. We are not lynching Omni today.
4. We are not lynching Felipe today.

Omni vote from Bronar is garbage. The sudden attempt to backdoor Felipe is Garbage. lol at the scum's attempt at this.

Soup's #482 match my current thoughts 100%.
Gord's #472/#513 are very very good.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
EBWOP: You're wishy > Your wishy

btw something I forgot to ask you Xonar.

The thing I like about Omni is his consistency, which does weigh a large amount for me. Not cool with Omni being dead. Not cool with Washed being dead. Cool with inactives being dead.

Sooo, Felipe/Chaco (RR/Sword/Inferno)

Except if they're going to contribute. Chaco got dat VLA so I guess he's not an option, and Felipe has started posting more often. We don't have a lot of inactives left in that case (which is good).
Who on earth were you planning to vote if everyone caught up? At this point you were only willing to lynch inactives "except if they're going to contribute". You then go on to say that that the inactivty is starting to decrease. So who on earth would you have been voting then?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Switching to Omni was the smartest thing to do.
Work with me here;
-> Washed has received suspicion
-> Washed is inactive
-> Washed wagon was already started up

This makes it really easy for people to jump on Washed. Should less people be voting on him, joining that wagon is harder for a scum to do. This allows me to get soft reads out of people looking at voting patterns and reasons.
Washed is easy to vote.

Starting a wagon and asking people personally to vote Omni then allowed scum to get a free reason to get their vote on another candidate. We all know Omni isn't getting lynched today, thus scum would be happy to accept a vote on Omni, as it would give them a place to leave their vote yet they won't be on the main lynch.

I tried to keep it up but I guess I owed you this explanation.

Leaving Washed at L-2.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
EBWOP: You're wishy > Your wishy

btw something I forgot to ask you Xonar.

Who on earth were you planning to vote if everyone caught up? At this point you were only willing to lynch inactives "except if they're going to contribute". You then go on to say that that the inactivty is starting to decrease. So who on earth would you have been voting then?
I reconsidered everything and thought about what I wanted to do and this is what I came up with;


That should explain. The voting Omni thing came up later, though I've been working it out beforehand. There was admittedly a bit of chaos around this game in my head yesterday.
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