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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Rereading Axel's 323 makes me wanna reread Omni now, I found myself kinda being like "Woah, Axel's got a point there!" and "Dang, how didn't I see that?"... Plus, reading 336, it seems so much like Omni's trying to make himself neutral to everything that's going on. Giving it thought, most of his play can be summarized as going against people who disagree with em, playing mafia armchair critic, and expressing discontent with inactives.

Reading BardulL's catchup, I really don't have any qualms with it up until this part:

Bardull said:
I'd put my vote here, but I still have 10 pages to go. You're grasping at RR scum when RR is actually leaning dumb. Omni unvote seemed fairly timely considering everyone had the dumb lean on RR and nothing could be gained from pushing the RR train any further. Brosuke is my strongest scum read atm, WL comes second.
This is, like, the exact same thing that Omni said at the time, and this just feels like Bardull wanting to take the popular side of the argument to me... But the fact of the matter is I don't really have anything bad to say about anything else in his catchup.

I don't really get the Laundry hate, sans his backing out on Xonar's post. But honestly I can see myself doing this in his shoes (assuming he may or may not have skimmed it). No comment on em until he comes back and comments on what's been going on.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
im makin hard stances. where the hell do u see me being neutral

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Your hardest stance at this point is inactives should die, and not wanting to pursue Laundry until people have commented on Xonar as far as I can remember, since you've backed out on your Xonar read.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Axel enters the game. Cue cool music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5DZZVLqxVA . Oh, btw, hello Z3n, want to take a guess as to who I am?
**** IS IT REALLY YOU :D!?!?

brosuke, i dont care how u treat my slot nor if u dislike how i play mafia but i find it to be effective so thats the end of that.

frankly, i dont mind being wagoned if i dont have anything to hide. especially when it's the middle of the Day and there are still plenty of reads to go from. hell, you're not even a prime lynch candidate due to so many inactives already in place so there really is nuthin for you to be afraid of but wagons are ****ing important because they force players to make stances. and the ones that dont make stances becomes crucial information for later into the road

so no i dont want the wagon on you to disperse until everyone has commented on it

and i dont like that Axel is fine with moving on to WickedLaundry when enough hasn't happened with you
Two things here.

1. See the problem with this is that a wagon makes no sense and does nothing if you don't actually see the person you're wagoning as scummy or a viable lynch. You yourself admit that Bronar isn't even your top lynch choice. There's no point in wagoning him then. You gain very little when you tell someone "hey we are wagoning you just to get some information". There is no real pressure in that at all. Fake wagons are worthless. If you want peoples reads on someone, you are more than welcome to ask them what their read is. You don't need a halfass wagon to do that.

2. You say the point of the wagon is to get stances, yet you reject mine, which is a strong town read. I have no reason to vote him. I've noticed two town slips by him, one early on. Of course these could be intentional "slips" but I do not think they are and Bronars general play over all is town to me. Don't look for stances and then just reject any that aren't yours.

at this point, i am now increasingly wanting the same responses from the people i keep mentioning just so the stance can be made. i think moving on to WL immediately is a bit too premature and it wouldn't be wise to let people kinda just whiff over you vs. me/inferno/gouf/etc. without any kind of deep thought.

at this rate, however, felipe needs to die or be replaced.

@bardull: how do u want to proceed forward? i read your post and generally agree with most of it.


is this ****?

I don't know what to say to this right now...

I liked the first half of your post btw...

f this post, but it seems you already addressed it.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i unvoted Xonar (not calling him Brosuke anymore) because im much more comfortable with him

however, i still want him to be the flavor of the day, and i want for anyone who hasn't commented on him (Chaco/Felipe/etc.) to give their input before we move on to WL. thats what i meant by wagon

but yea Xonar can live for the time being considering id love to move on to WL, but most importantly, Xonar won't be dying at this rate with the inactives going at it


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
regardless, my stances have been nothing but neutral.

apply pressure.
seek how they respond to pressure.
see what everyone else says.
move on to next guy that seems suspicious.
repeat, wash, rinse until enough information has been dispersed
choose a guy (or several) that need to die combined with guys that need to live.

simple day 1 omniflowchart for those who dont get it


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
@Inferno Id say nobody yet. My wolf pack would be my town reads id feel good bouncing reads off of and those aint here yet... I find it off, the amount of thought you put into an individual question for everybody...
Oh the game started LOL.

1. adumbrodeus

'Sup. There are a coupl'a BBR's in here that I'm really unfamiliar with, like Rajam and Raziek. If I get town vibes from you, is it safe for me to trust your reads on these two players if I can't get one myself?

2. BeatStick

You said you was a nub, but I'm not gonna hold that against you, or treat you differently for it. You said you've been lurking for the past month? What people in this game are you familiar with from the past month, not on reading wise, but out of curiousity? What games, if any, have you read in full? Or are you just reading games that are currently playing/recently played?

3. Cdubs1987

Soz you're FF's bud? Sweet. I'll hope you're good. You've never played forum mafia, iirc, or just in mafiascum? Mind giving us your forum maf experience if you've had any?

4. frozenflame751

Will being buds with Cdubz make it fairly easy to read 'em, or no? This is more of a question of curiosity other than anything.

5. Glyph

Lol DRoom maf. From all of the experience you've learned from mafia so far, what's one big thing you think is important to keep in mind as town, and one important thing to keep in mind as town? Yes, please answer.

6. Gordito

O U!

7. Luxor

You're new too, right? But you hydra'd with Kuz in some game, I think SC. Why'd you hydra for your first game, out of curiousity? And how much did you actually play? Only answer the latter question if Soul Calibur was the game you hydra'd with Kuz.

8. Nabe

Heh Nabe. You gonna do that silly ol' Sherlock thingy?

9. Nicholas1024

I played aimmaf with you right? I think I did. Welp, I've read some of your games. Are you gonna be as hardheaded as I remember you being, where if you get a scum feel, you'll stick to it?

10. Overswarm

Vote: Overswarm

Best to do as town OR scum :p <3

11. Rajam

Not much to say here, from what I remember you're it doesn't help with much. Mostly gonna rely on a town adumb with my read on you, cuz you tend to do scummy things as town (Villains -__-). Is your activity gonna be a problem like it was there?

12. Raziek

I REALLY don't know you, but asking about previous maf experience is useless cuz it's already been answered. I look foward to playing wit cha.

13. Red Ryu

What are you flaming doing here?

14. Vult Redux

Iirc, you've been in DGames for a while, but I haven't seen you around any games at all. How's your mafia experience, and who do you know here?

15. X1-12

Yo mang how youz been? Not much here, considering you've been in just about every game I've been in, but I look foward to a game with you that Swiss ISN'T in (I think Villains was the only one, and I was maf, so that doesn't count for shiz :p).

16. Zεη

Zen... Nothin to say :p.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Hi guys.

I'm over 100 posts behind this game and am still flooded with hw. Plus I already commited myself to OS's game long ago, so I'm considering replacing out. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I saw that KevinM wanted to play, so it shouldn't be that big of a problem.

I'll let you guys know my decision by the end of tonight/tomorrow.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
lets get things settled here
1. See the problem with this is that a wagon makes no sense and does nothing if you don't actually see the person you're wagoning as scummy or a viable lynch. You yourself admit that Bronar isn't even your top lynch choice. There's no point in wagoning him then. You gain very little when you tell someone "hey we are wagoning you just to get some information". There is no real pressure in that at all. Fake wagons are worthless. If you want peoples reads on someone, you are more than welcome to ask them what their read is. You don't need a halfass wagon to do that.

no, he isn't a top lynch choice. the top lynch choice would be Chaco/Felipe but putting votes on them simply to wait for them to post would be like not voting at all. with them aside, i found Xonar's list to be incredibly flimsy and lame and incorrect and didnt match my reasoning at all. so did several others in here. thus i placed my vote there. coupled that with his lame responses and the wagon was a good one.

however, as time went by and his responses got redundant the feeling of him being under pressure didn't net any kind of reaction that made me feel like he was scum. his reaction was pretty equal to how i would react as town me.

tl;dr first point: it wasn't a halfass wagon. the pressure of him being on the wagon didnt lead me to believe i needed to follow up personally, however, i still wanted people to comment on what they think of Xonar's list and play so far

2. You say the point of the wagon is to get stances, yet you reject mine, which is a strong town read. I have no reason to vote him. I've noticed two town slips by him, one early on. Of course these could be intentional "slips" but I do not think they are and Bronars general play over all is town to me. Don't look for stances and then just reject any that aren't yours.
i didn't reject your stance. i simply disagree with. information like this tho^ is what im looking for. im not experienced with Xonar so "Xonar's general play" does not register.

regardless, i will jump on someone's *** if their stance is different from mine. why wouldn't i? if i find someone suspicious and another person doesn't then we two train of thoughts colliding that need to be addressed in order to either reach one path or agree that we both have two different understandings.

just because i say i dont like you due to your stances doesn't mean you're auto-scum. simply means you don't sit well with me because you're not on the same page as me, but


is this ****?

I don't know what to say to this right now...

I liked the first half of your post btw...

f this post, but it seems you already addressed it.

.. well f me responding to everything


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

is this ****?

I don't know what to say to this right now...

I liked the first half of your post btw...

f this post, but it seems you already addressed it.
.. well f me responding to everything


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Hm that last sentence wasn't supposed to be there. I was going to address Gord's angry swine post, but yeah.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Omni said:
just because i say i dont like you due to your stances doesn't mean you're auto-scum. simply means you don't sit well with me because you're not on the same page as me, but
Am I reading this right?


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
A couple of things and I probably wont be back for a while. Chemistry exams and the like coming up.

Inferno wtf is wrong with you? Why are you acting all high and mighty?? Can you actually post some content rather than poking in here and asking random questions that aren't even relevant anymore. You look so scum atm.

Sword I hope you don't leave. Kevin wont be active. Even so I'd rather he replace someone that is already active.. just given my 2 cents.

Omni let's get this Laudry wagon going. I'm pretty sure both sides of the hydra would also be willing to lynch an inactive today as well. Too many.


Bronar I've never actually seen you complete a game. You used to always just go inactive so this is the first time I've seen you in action. You cool man, I like your style. Not sure what the hate is about.

Gord good luck with your Piano thing, that stuff is tight!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh that reminds me that I'll probz have limited access throughout the week because I gotta prepare for more piano competition coming up on Saturday... Procrastination bit me in the clitoris and now I gotta work my tail off if I wanna do well >.<.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Ugh. I hate the fact that because my reads are different I'm getting votes. Like, this is seriously why most of you dislike me, or because of my "analysis" of RR's play.

Wanna know what I think about the RR gambit?

Know what usually happens when someone does this?

2. Oh my god that's so scummy
4. Oh my god that was so towny
5. ~~~fastforward to LYLO~~~
6. He can't be scum, because he did that supertown thingy blabla

Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.

Let me try to Omni it up.

Page 2:
Been busy 1v1ing RR. Minor and fluffy interaction with other players.

Page 3:
Entirely fluff.

Page 4:
Only nonfluff post is here.

Page 5:

This ****ing unvote. What teh ****. Why is this the moment that you jump off? The moment he admits he ****ed up? Why is that the moment that you've gained all there is to gain?

Then the rest of the post. Very few things caught your eye. Cool. You've been basically useless so far at this point. Oh wait, your 10000 posts did have some funny pictures!

Rest of page 5 has been pretty unfruitful as well. Sure Omni, pick a post you didn't find useless, I'll rip it apart.

Page 6:
Well he did give a J stance.

Page 7:
I guess the WL remark was kinda okay.

Page 8:

This is all contained in 56 posts. Congratulations Omni, I'd multiquote your posts but that'd be frustrating and it'd take long. Why quote fluff anyway?

You've done jack****. You're hiding it behind your posts. You have hardly reads, and started giving stances only when you've been called out on it. You've used the RR excuse to do 'stuff'. Either start doing something or stop flooding this thread with your irrelevant ****.

Red Ruy

Page 2:
Gambit and this post. I swear WHERE is the town intent in THAT. Even in a town gambit that's so bat **** ******** I... I don't even have words.

Page 3:

Page 4:
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=14025667&postcount=143 Thanks for saying it bro.

His first real "attack". And it's on Omni. Jus' sayin'.

more bull**** about getting soup mad for reactions and that dumb stuff

Page 5:
Busy with Omni still.
and a bit WL. just a bit

Page 6:

Page 7:

Page 8:

Gorf just hardly posted and haven't done a single bit of scumposting, just feeling others out and asking their opinion. That's scummy on its own. But eh, it's a weaker read I guess.

Listen up dude, I don't take kindly to people claiming scum. Don't be that guy.

So much more to reply to but I'm going to be busy for a while.
Gross generalizations of RR and Omni's play. Don't like it. RR/Omni is interesting, but I don't get much of a scum feel from that relationship, maybe a little at most.

uh, your reads aren't just different. they're bad. we dislike your entire analysis but mainly dislike you having RR as scum.

brosuke, you're looking really far into imo. you are going under the pretense that RR as scum went for some crazy gambit where he looks ******** and potentially could be ousted from lylo and that somehow i joined this charade in order to make myself look more townie altho my response to RR is pretty universal across the board. the fact that u have RR, myself, and Gouf all in one scum patch despite the interactions between the 3 is like wtf


looking at your response above it's obvious that you've got scum goggles on your initial picks. claiming that i havent done anything all game is a bit silly. or the fact that im "hiding". wth does that even mean.

brosuke, what do you think about WickedLaundry? are you still holding on to your idea that RR, myself, and Gouf are leaning scum? why does Zen pointing out that he's scum bring about so much unnecessary anger out of you? are you tense? and why are you so tense?
Agree with this. Omni is my strongest Town read.

Generally don't like "Xonar" as a person after reading #297. Annoying. We're probably not going to be very good friends from here on out.

Axel pressure on Omni in #298 is eh. I'm starting to sense Axel/Brosuke.

Axel's #301 is interesting. Not on the same scum team? Interesting. I'm reading them as TvT, possibly same scum alignment. Don't really get your reads right now.

Brosuke voting for WL this early could be a bus. It's an easy vote to make since WL is pretty scummy. Taking it as null.

Gorf is my second strongest town read after reading #309.

Brosuke's #311...Brosuke needs to quit being a ****ing **** bite and mellow out a bit. Did getting your red dice make you an ego head?

Omni response to Axel in #313 is good. Omni, we're officially bros.

Axel continues grasping at Omni. Bad reads. Gross. Omni should be obvious blistering town by now.

Respect points go to Inferno for his #330. Brosuke can eat ****. Following post Inferno makes is another giant **** on Brosuke. YES! Too good.

Hyuk I'm Brosuke and I've ****ed my pants so much with my own jaded scum reads that anything that comes out of my scum read's mouths needs to be falsely exploited.

Keep playing this game, swine. You're only making yourself out to be scummier and scummier.
Friends forever with me?

Going with personal insults. Aren't you the smart guy.

Listen, you're filling this post with accusations and ad hominems, but not with substance.

There's a difference between 'you're bad' and 'you're a swine'. But eh, I'll let it up to Gheb's discretion.
Laughing out loud at this. RIGHT NOW.

Annnd I'm finished mostly. Addressing Gorf and Omni in next post.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
This is, like, the exact same thing that Omni said at the time, and this just feels like Bardull wanting to take the popular side of the argument to me... But the fact of the matter is I don't really have anything bad to say about anything else in his catchup.

I don't really get the Laundry hate, sans his backing out on Xonar's post. But honestly I can see myself doing this in his shoes (assuming he may or may not have skimmed it). No comment on em until he comes back and comments on what's been going on.
That's my feel, take it or leave it. All of my reads are original, even if someone else voiced similar sentiments beforehand.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Something about Inferno is bothering me.

It seems he is trying to play up to be townie, but in truth is not actually doing anything that is.

#281 gives me that feeling.

Everything in that post just feels forced, there's no actual intent to scumhunt, just idly stay in the background while trying to seem townie by putting up a couple of questions or two.

Things like this just really match up in my head as far as my early suspicions too.

Vote: Inferno

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@Bardull Yea, considering the fact that I have zero problem with you outside of that fact I'm not really gonna look into it too much.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I'm trying to understand why Xonar is playing the way he is. I'm really confused on his approach and is responses make little sense to me. Normally when I or someone else pursues someone they think is scum, the person being accused tries to use logic and facts to clear themselves. Instead Xonar is trying to fight more of an emotional battle which I find very suspicious. I understand that at this rate we are probably gonna lynch an inactive but trying to find out whatever information we can is very help.

Felipe, I see you in here. Talk.

Also I don't know what CET is. Can someone tell me what the deadline would be in EST?


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Da fuq sine when Inactive = Scummy??? I have seen at least 3 persons posting about how i am a Top lynch candidate. I have made... 6-7 posts on this game????

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm having a 180 of thoughts right now.

I'm going to elaborate on this more so prepare for a bit of a wall.


Let's start with this post.

So I have a question for each of you:

2. Chaco - I haven't played a game with you. How experienced are you?
3. Brosuke - If I gave you my vote right now, who would you place it on and why?
4. Gorf - You decide to make a wolf pack. Pick 2 people to join you.
5. Soupamario - Suppose you are a vengeful and you die today. Who do you decide to take with you?
6. felipe_9595 - You're a dayvig. Who would you kill now?
7. Bardull - What PR would you want to out today? You must pick one.
8. WashedLaundry - Pretend I'm an arrow. Who would you point me towards? Who would you point me away from?
9. Red_Ryu - From the games I've played with you, you never have been a front line member but you have seemed to have already chosen Omni as your target. Should I expect a change of style this game?
10. Omni - I have never played a game with you, but I've heard you're good. How should I feel by your presence?
11. Sworddancer - Who here is the towniest town in all of towndom? Don't pick yourself.
12. J - You get to pick one person to kill, one person to protect, and one person to investigate. Who do you pick for each and why?

@Omni - This is my 5th game I believe. As for a scummate of my choice, I'd pick WL. I've seen him play as scum twice and I thought he was very impressive. I didn't know he was scum either time.
I wanted to give inferno leeway for a moment as I felt that maybe he was trying to improve his game by doing other things.

This is an example.

I was really confused and bothered by the randomness of the questions, but in truth the randomness wasn't the problem. The intent was.

Most of my questions have to deal with who someone thinks town or who someone thought was scum. It shows connections and gives me some reads to work with. Others are to understand some people I haven't played with before. For example yours is directed at who you think is scummy. Maybe I asked the questions too early for people to really give a good answer. Expect these questions to return later.

@mod - Can you put the deadline in the title?
Inferno, I want you to elaborate on this, I want you to tell me why you felt you gave those questions too early, and how they have affected your reads, because I've yet to see you follow up on your own play, which is what I'm trying to get into.

They are simple who do you think is town/scum questions. I just worded them differently because I can. It would be boring asking you "Who are 2 people you think are town?" Plus making a wolf pack implies more. As I said, I'll wait for more people to talk and things to flow more. Might ask different questions as well. Haven't decided yet.
I kind of like this, and things like these make me re-think what I was going to do, It really does show if you re-read you get a second opinion.

I'm going to continue on this because I feel it's a good subject to pursue.

have town on Omni atm. I like his posts with his defense against RR and his daycop gambits and wants to get past all the early game bull**** and actually start playing.

I have scum on Bardull. His comment on wanting to lynch him so "he can't get revenge on him" sounds very scummy. Even if it's just some RVS.

RR...meh. I've seen him do this before so it really doesn't say anything. He's playing like RR but in more of a front line manner. Keep him null for now.

Gorf - Maybe you don't see my intents and I don't care if you do or don't. And I did ask that. Just in hypothetical situations. I asked Soup who he would kill if he was a vengeful. Obviously, he would pick his top scum pick. So let's say (for all intents and purposes) he chose Omni and very soon after Soup defends him. I would then pursue Soup about inconsistency on his reads and look into him more.
I was going into this thinking Inferno had lack of consistency, but the more I actually looked into it the more it seemed the opposite, and i'm swallowing my own words to say that I should have re-read before I jumped hastily.

I'm re-reading early game and I think it matches up with my theory that i proposed earlier in this post.

Inferno more and more bothers me mentally, but when I look at it with intent, I'm not as bothered, and I see a player who is trying to change for the better, not for the worst.

Inferno, even though I'm giving you leeway here, I still want you to stay consistent, because your #281 wasn't and I felt you were just trying to cover every subject.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@everyone: Could you re-read inferno and look at #389, then get back to me?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I want to comment on other things but i'm going to put priority first; A lot of things going on right now.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
read it.

nothing sticks out to me about Inferno except for his last question of asking about the CET time zone stuff. easy pm to the moderator is easy fix but something about asking pointless off-related questions is like 'whaaa..?'

regardless scum vibes from Inferno don't appear on my radar.

glad felipe is posting/reading

read all of your analysis, Bardull. yes, we can be bros.

relieved that my sentiments toward Brosuke were read. Brosuke/Axel team would be way to obv; don't see it happening especially considering J's side of the hydra was originally ok with Brosuke wagon.

people who need to die... lets see...

wickedlaundry prolly gettin lynched today if not Chaco.

RR becoming extremely quiet after the early game mayhem pisses me off. w/e, its the weekend.

Soupa seems supa. havent been paying him too much mind, but he seems to be trying to legitimately scumhunt


all in all good information. felipe, do be extensive if u can


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
oh and gorf


i wouldnt mind him dying at night. cant necessarily agree with lynching him tho. gives me bad vibes but they're mostly baseless. only kind of read that i have like that in the game as of now


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2010
Well, as always i have problems getting reads, but i dont trust RR. I have played 2 games with him (Higurashi nad Britches and Hoses) . Both games he have done some sort of stupid gambit. Both games he have been mafia. I am not a fan of meta but in my personal experience RR does this as mafia. Dun know if he does this as town too (havent played with town RR yet)


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Felipe - You as a lynch candidate was not because we think you're scum (at least that's not what I thought). It's more that we don't wanna deal with having an inactive as a liability as the game progresses.

@Soup - The reason I felt that it was too early was because I realized nobody was really able to give a good answer. Yeah I used them as an ice breaker, but my original intent going into this game was to use those ice breakers to give me a path to follow (yes I intended on asking ice breakers before going into this game). I feel like with Gorf my plan backfired so I had to go back to square 1. I saw Brosuke's reads and I got a little suspicious with his choices so I decided to look at him more. As the day progressed he has started to look scummier with his responses fighting with emotions instead of facts. That's why I think he's scummy.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
read it.

nothing sticks out to me about Inferno except for his last question of asking about the CET time zone stuff. easy pm to the moderator is easy fix but something about asking pointless off-related questions is like 'whaaa..?'

regardless scum vibes from Inferno don't appear on my radar.

glad felipe is posting/reading

read all of your analysis, Bardull. yes, we can be bros.

relieved that my sentiments toward Brosuke were read. Brosuke/Axel team would be way to obv; don't see it happening especially considering J's side of the hydra was originally ok with Brosuke wagon.

people who need to die... lets see...

wickedlaundry prolly gettin lynched today if not Chaco.

RR becoming extremely quiet after the early game mayhem pisses me off. w/e, its the weekend.

Soupa seems supa. havent been paying him too much mind, but he seems to be trying to legitimately scumhunt


all in all good information. felipe, do be extensive if u can
Agreed on Inferno point, sooort of. Don't get the "scumread" on me from Inferno early on. Can you explain this? His Town read on you earlier on was also graspy and "too soon."


Axel/Brosuke would be pretty obvious, yeah. Gonna leave that alone for now.

Aside from what Gorf has down so far, Gorf feels exactly like Town Gorf from Adventure Time. I think he's safe.

I want to hear from others about Brosuke, Axel, WL, and general reads.

Probably going to make a case on WL in my next post when I have the time.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
@Felipe - I saw him do a daycop gambit in MM mafia and he was town. Nobody should take his gambit to determine alignment.

@Bardull - It was an RVS thing. I was gonna plan to keep an eye on you to see how you played but you stopped posting for a bit so I dropped the idea.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
1 / 7​

Omni |
1 / 7​

WashedLaundry |
Brosuke, Axel​
2 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, felipe_9595, Red Ryu, Sworddancer, WashedLaundry, Soupamario, Omni;
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