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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Washed I explained. Chaco and Bardull have no basis because they hardly posted. Can't find out where the vibe comes from exactly.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Besides, it's better to switch momentum from me to another player for me. That way we waste less time on someone I know is town and I get to scumhunt. Instead of wasting time I'm scumhunting. If you have questions for me, go ahead and ask.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Yes I do.
What about it dude?

wtf are u talking about

i didnt even realize u were addressing me. which is why i asked. because if u agreed with everything J has said then you wouldn't have a problem with at all. unless you've been reading everything except J's posts himself. i havent played mafia in years. you've got no accurate form of meta on me. lol.
You keep saying that you don't know what I'm talking about, and I keep telling you. Enough of that. I know you can read my friend.

You asked me if I agreed with J on WL and I was responding to that when I said I agreed with everything he said. Misunderstanding there. However I answered you afterwards, clarifying that I do in fact find you suspicious. You ignored it and you're still trying to act like you don't understand.

suggesting that im "doing something" but i'm not "doing anything". that's the 2nd time or 3rd time i've heard that. what exactly is it that i'm not doing? because if nothing constitutes:

1.) wanting to kill RR asap
2.) finding Inferno/RR/J to be townish
3.) starting a nice bandwagon on Brosuke
4.) reserving harsher reads until everyone has posted
5.) showing my distrust for WL

then yes i've done nothin' bro. but everything i've said has been clear, cut, and transparent.

i dont mind the pressure. i actually greet it openly with open arms. but ur not making since Zen (Axel) and perhaps thats because you've omitted reading some of your own hydra's statements and how i've reacted to them.

so let me redirect this back at you so im clear

1.) what specifically about me is making me suspicious, Axel? mainly, you're stating that i haven't done 'anything' (a widely used blanket term that is usually used incorrectly) whereas im stating i have done plenty and show no intentions of failing to continue to do so.
You've been asking fake questions that have no value. i.e making it look like you're doing something, but you really have no scumhunt intention behind them. Two examples:

Zen considering your now J i would imagine that is a good thing. whats your take on WickedLaundry? do u agree with J?
wtf is this?? Tell me exactly what you hoped to gain from this at all. You had J's opinion already and we are essentially the same person. This is what I mean by fake hunting. You're asking a question with no goal in mind. You're just asking to be asking. you had no follow up afterwards nor did you even pursue Laundry afterwards, so what was the reason you specifically asked me/zen about him?
why does Zen pointing out that he's scum bring about so much unnecessary anger out of you? are you tense? and why are you so tense
You're doing nothing here but trying to put a snake in his boot. I don't feel you're trying to determine who is town and who is scum, but rather simply trying to look like you're actively participating. You're not hunting, you're just posting.
2.) why are you not on this brosuke wagon? do you agree with his reads? what do you think about his response to be above where he gives generic replies to what should be very important and revealing answers.

you're slipping on my list simply because your lack of support on the brosuke train. WL is definitely a great choice, but there's been barely any pressure applied to brosuke and he hasn't responded with any kind of information that actually answers the questions. considering J was previously on board with brosuke pressure im a bit confused as to how Axel is now gearing this pressure from him onto WL
So far Bronar is my strongest town read and I see his wagon as a complete waste of time. Your push on him is BS. I agree with most of his reads and I don't get why others, including my other half, seem to have a problem with them. The only one I find unreasonable is his Inferno town read seeing as Inferno hasn't done anything. That last question you asked is another fake question. What could you possibly hope to gain from that at all?


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Oh yeah Gorf what are your current reads on Laundry, Omni, and Bronar?

Bronar where does your town read on Inferno come from?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
"Agree with me or be scum"
the general point if you are in fact town is to find players who think similar to you. distrust =/= scum but it definitely means we're not holding hands

Fair enough Omni. Are you still trying to get a bandwagon on Brosuke? If you are, I have no problem joining. His defenses are all very poor deflections. It's like he's not even attempting to defend himself.

@Brosuke - Stop avoiding my question. You said that Chaco, WL, and Bardull all irked you. Explain.
so down with brosuke wagon. i want to hear chaco, bardull, sworddancer, and felipe's interepration of brosue as well since the RR train was just a hate train (in which i gladly led).

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Don't rely on others to read players for you.

My read on Inferno is based on the fact that he's playing his bad town game that I'm used to.

the general point if you are in fact town is to find players who think similar to you.
No. Just... wat. How did you get to this twisted conclusion?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
What about it dude?

You keep saying that you don't know what I'm talking about, and I keep telling you. Enough of that. I know you can read my friend.
obv. my point was that you came in as a hydra with J and started saying things completely opposite of what he was saying. which im assuming u didnt find confusing because u didnt read up properly

Axel;14032899[B said:
You asked me if I agreed with J on WL and I was responding to that when I said I agreed with everything he said. Misunderstanding there. However I answered you afterwards, clarifying that I do in fact find you suspicious. You ignored it and you're still trying to act like you don't understand. [/B]
again, the lack of even responding to you was because it made no sense. ur not realizing the position to you stepped into. J's previous post stated that he had a strong town lean on me. the hydra is created. suddenly i'm suspicious. very confusing and yet i have addressed that i understand that you (Zen) find my suspicious whereas (J) did not.

no one is acting like they don't understand it anymore dude. stop dumbing down my play

Axel;14032899[B said:
You've been asking fake questions that have no value. i.e making it look like you're doing something, but you really have no scumhunt intention behind them. Two examples: [/B]

Zen considering your now J i would imagine that is a good thing. whats your take on WickedLaundry? do u agree with J?
wtf is this?? Tell me exactly what you hoped to gain from this at all. You had J's opinion already and we are essentially the same person. This is what I mean by fake hunting. You're asking a question with no goal in mind. You're just asking to be asking. you had no follow up afterwards nor did you even pursue Laundry afterwards, so what was the reason you specifically asked me/zen about him?
its not fakin ya *******, lol. i had J's take on me as well but that changed when u came into the play. which is exactly why im asking you (Zen) now for your take on WL. by you entering a hydra your play has changed dramatically and your viewpoints literally became opposite.

this isn't fake hunting at all. this is me trying to gain a clear understanding of what the new "Axel" hydra views are since they have obviously changed. i didnt pursue WL at all because my obvious wagon and attention has been on Brosuke. makes no sense to cover two trains at once, but i've stated several times throughout the game that WL's play has been suspicious

Axel;14032899[collapse said:
why does Zen pointing out that he's scum bring about so much unnecessary anger out of you? are you tense? and why are you so tense
[/collapse]You're doing nothing here but trying to put a snake in his boot. I don't feel you're trying to determine who is town and who is scum, but rather simply trying to look like you're actively participating. You're not hunting, you're just posting.
So far Bronar is my strongest town read and I see his wagon as a complete waste of time. Your push on him is BS. I agree with most of his reads and I don't get why others, including my other half, seem to have a problem with them. The only one I find unreasonable is his Inferno town read seeing as Inferno hasn't done anything. That last question you asked is another fake question. What could you possibly hope to gain from that at all?
who is Bronar? Brosuke?

here's your issue which u just stated. you are now talking like two sides of the same coin. u dont want us to call u by your name (Zen) however u want us to accept that both you and J share different views and opinions? lol, yea dude fix that

there is no fake questions on, Brosuke. a wagon on him is legit. the guy came up with a scum list two days into the game off of flimsy reads. that's my standpoint and your other half agreed as well as several others. my question on Brosuke is to truly pursue his reads on the players he has deemed scum because it doesn't make sense. i've already made myself clear. your hydra understands my point. so what dont you get?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
No. Just... wat. How did you get to this twisted conclusion?
lol nuthin twisted about it. either u agree or disagree but i tend to hold hands with players that have the same mindset as me. it's common sense aside from the occasional mafia buddying.

but arguing the semantics of how we play mafia is neither here nor there. the "agree with me or your scum" was simply revised for accuracy.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Besides, it's better to switch momentum from me to another player for me. That way we waste less time on someone I know is town and I get to scumhunt. Instead of wasting time I'm scumhunting. If you have questions for me, go ahead and ask.

if u consider yourself town and being in the situation you're in now, you should be happily inviting viewpoints we haven't received i.e. chaco, bardull, more sword, and felipe. your wagon is the first to be made without scum or dumb intent which i would call legit for forcing out more answers and viewpoints from the entire cast

not sure why you're so quick to change the spotlight from you to WL so fast when there's still plenty of more connections that haven';t been made or stated. unless you simply do not like the pressure of being wagon'd.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ugh. I hate the fact that because my reads are different I'm getting votes. Like, this is seriously why most of you dislike me, or because of my "analysis" of RR's play.

Wanna know what I think about the RR gambit?

Know what usually happens when someone does this?

2. Oh my god that's so scummy
4. Oh my god that was so towny
5. ~~~fastforward to LYLO~~~
6. He can't be scum, because he did that supertown thingy blabla

Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.
This has to be the worst mafia logic I have ever heard. "People are voting for me. Therefore it strengthens my argument that they are scum." Let's see what's wrong with this:

1. There is no reason why the entire scum team would decide to vote on the same person at once this early. I don't think I've ever seen an entire scum team vote the same person D1. Ever.
2. RR did not vote for you. He just said that he would. That is just plain old reaching.
3. All 3 of your team's gameplay makes no sense for them to work together. Why would 2 scummates decide to do make an argument at the beginning of the game and then the 3rd member of the scum team (assuming a 3 man scum team) try to divert the attention onto another person? If there is a legitimate answer to this, PLEASE tell me.

You're bad.
I'm Gorf I'm on a high horse I say nothing gg

hurdur I'm so good at mafia but I haven't done **** yet

hur dur misconstruing stuff

stanceless replies of fluff!

Wanna wait it out more before judging.
"Agree with me or be scum"
What were you hoping to accomplish with any of these posts? This is just all deflecting and name calling. If that's all you're gonna do you can die. If you want to be productive and try to find scum, then please attempt to do so.

@mod - you mind putting a timezone with the deadline? I would highly appreciate it.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.
This has to be the worst mafia logic I have ever heard. "People are voting for me. Therefore it strengthens my argument that they are scum." Let's see what's wrong with this:

1. There is no reason why the entire scum team would decide to vote on the same person at once this early. I don't think I've ever seen an entire scum team vote the same person D1. Ever.
2. RR did not vote for you. He just said that he would. That is just plain old reaching.
3. All 3 of your team's gameplay makes no sense for them to work together. Why would 2 scummates decide to do make an argument at the beginning of the game and then the 3rd member of the scum team (assuming a 3 man scum team) try to divert the attention onto another person? If there is a legitimate answer to this, PLEASE tell me.

You're bad.
I'm Gorf I'm on a high horse I say nothing gg

hurdur I'm so good at mafia but I haven't done **** yet

hur dur misconstruing stuff

stanceless replies of fluff!

Wanna wait it out more before judging.
"Agree with me or be scum"
What were you hoping to accomplish with any of these posts? This is just all deflecting and name calling. If that's all you're gonna do you can die. If you want to be productive and try to find scum, then please attempt to do so.

@mod - you mind putting a timezone with the deadline? I would highly appreciate it.

reposting because I fail at quoting

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Seriously Omni what the **** are you even doing right now.

lol nuthin twisted about it. either u agree or disagree but i tend to hold hands with players that have the same mindset as me. it's common sense aside from the occasional mafia buddying.

but arguing the semantics of how we play mafia is neither here nor there. the "agree with me or your scum" was simply revised for accuracy
That's dumb. If you're gonna base your reads on stuff like that, I'm totally willing to simply ignore all of them and take you as a playerslot with a grain of salt. This is tyranny. Agree with me or be suspicious. Don't do that ****.

if u consider yourself town and being in the situation you're in now, you should be happily inviting viewpoints we haven't received i.e. chaco, bardull, more sword, and felipe. your wagon is the first to be made without scum or dumb intent which i would call legit for forcing out more answers and viewpoints from the entire cast
If you have questions for me, go ahead and ask.

not sure why you're so quick to change the spotlight from you to WL so fast when there's still plenty of more connections that haven';t been made or stated.
We've already been over this.
unless you simply do not like the pressure of being wagon'd.
Who does? Seriously though, time waste.

I'm going to deliberately ignore Inferno until he comes up with good points/questions and starts thinking about this game. Sorry bro but replying to you will be unnecessary frustration. Like I said, ask questions if you want, but make them have meaning.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Alright, rolling through and posting all my reads. Don't feel like playing a closed hand this game either since I'm pretty new to forum mafia. Gonna out all my reads and say what I like or dislike.

Some of inferno's questions are null and kinda useless, seems more like an attempt at icebreaking. Sorta town-ish.

Omni v. RR is looking TvT, even from this early in the game.

RR is really pushing this and I like that from him, but he's doing it the wrong way. Gambiting (or i hope so that it's a gambit) a Daycop on Omni accomplishes nothing, and I'm going to repeat what gorf said and that RR needs to be more open with his reads instead of trying to play this game with Omni.

I like the Omni side also, I like his defenses and his logic, and I don't really feel there's scum in there.



I don't really care for your vote on inferno either way, but could you tell me how you could see what Inferno did as townie?

Don't you feel that this might be the same situation Kantrip had back in Utrick'd2? Do you feel that Inferno is just reaching for townie points because of it and the questions he made had no barring or use?
How does Omni vs. RR look like TvT this early in the game? Don't see it. Omni feels like strong Town but Omni is a tricky devil, so not giving him a read yet. Too early for an RR read though. Possible slip from Soupa here. Day cop gambit wasn't serious and was pretty useless in how it was presented, I read it as a joke. No offense to RR if that was a real attempt at a day cop gambit, but it wasn't presented very well. Too early in the game to pick a day cop investigation. Read as fake. If I find out that RR is trying to pose this as a legitimate gambit, I'll probably end up lynching him.

Like Gorf's response to Soup's question in his $75. Leaning Town.

I have town on Omni atm. I like his posts with his defense against RR and his daycop gambits and wants to get past all the early game bull**** and actually start playing.

I have scum on Bardull. His comment on wanting to lynch him so "he can't get revenge on him" sounds very scummy. Even if it's just some RVS.

RR...meh. I've seen him do this before so it really doesn't say anything. He's playing like RR but in more of a front line manner. Keep him null for now.

Gorf - Maybe you don't see my intents and I don't care if you do or don't. And I did ask that. Just in hypothetical situations. I asked Soup who he would kill if he was a vengeful. Obviously, he would pick his top scum pick. So let's say (for all intents and purposes) he chose Omni and very soon after Soup defends him. I would then pursue Soup about inconsistency on his reads and look into him more.
Don't like Inferno. Giving Omni a town pass this early is bad. Grasping for a scum read on me with my joke vote on Omni is also pretty bad. "Even if it's just RVS." It is RVS. What're you gonna do about it?

RR pushing day cop gambit as legitimate is pretty bad. Was horribly presented and executed. Probably going to vote for him before the Day is over. Guess the null read here is ok. Don't have meta on RR so I can't say if this is normal behavior from him or not.

Like Inferno's response to Gorf. Sorta. A bit cocky for someone who can't ever seem to play a strong Town game :). Overall null, but an explanation for early scum read on me is needed. Don't see how Town could jump to this conclusion. Reads as scummy.

I'd like to point out this is a blantant lie.

I was not lynched in the 1 game where i played on being rebecca black. I was lynched for messing up colors and poor play.

Just wanna clear that up for tomarrow.

People need to list their thoughts of me v Omni as well and what they think of it.

You're probably scum. Omni is probably Town. Maybe. Also, the Rebecca Black thing was stupid.

Gorf's #88 reads Town.

WashedLaundry reads as null/unproductive. Hasn't outed reads or done anything substantial yet. Puts easy vote on RR.

Soup lean town already. Open, making judgment calls right out of the gate. Perhaps hastily, but I read good intentions into it.
Wat. WAT? Explain this to me.

Agreed with Omni's #83. Probably gonna ask to hold hands with Bromni.

Don't understand Swords getting weird vibes from Omni's posts. Not sure how to read this.

Anyways, here are my thoughts regarding other instances.

I think Gorf is Town so far, I liked his push on Inferno while not agreeing exactly to the scum-read of it, I feel that the questions he posed were incredibly weird and off-base, but nothing to exactly make me want to vote him; I want to see more of this Inferno v. Gorf though.

Like washed for the most part already, seems more willing to help out instead of hide with ad hom and .gifs.

And that's about all there is to it, I feel RR is stagnating any progress if he isn't going to let up with this gambit of his, and until then I don't feel the need to provide anything else.
Agreed about Gorf. Disagree about WL, WL reads as null to me. Explain this to me. Agreed with RR terribleness.

lol. Agreed on most points. Too early to put vote down on RR yet, reading you as trying to bait votes here. He's starting to read more dumb than scum for me.

Like Swords' #136.

Urge to kill RR is rising.

RR is Town, in my opinion.

While in all honesty the way he played it and the way he did things is incredibly odd, and his behavior and intent doesn't reek of scum, it reeks of town attempting something and falling flat on his face.

You could imply that is Backpedaling, but to what extent? RR saw what he was doing was in negative fashion and decided to actually play the game.

I think these things would be obvious and I don't understand why Omni is still pushing RR.
WHAT? Going to take this post into consideration on an RR flip.

Going to continue my read in a minute, figured I'd post this for now though so that people know I'm active.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I want to know what kind of intent you had in your idiotic deflections. You accomplished nothing for yourself and probably made those people more angry at you. Also can you please show the case/points you had on WL scum?

@Inactives (you know who you are)- If the choice was between Brosuke and WL who would you pick?

@WL - Thoughts on Brosuke.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
brosuke, i dont care how u treat my slot nor if u dislike how i play mafia but i find it to be effective so thats the end of that.

frankly, i dont mind being wagoned if i dont have anything to hide. especially when it's the middle of the Day and there are still plenty of reads to go from. hell, you're not even a prime lynch candidate due to so many inactives already in place so there really is nuthin for you to be afraid of but wagons are ****ing important because they force players to make stances. and the ones that dont make stances becomes crucial information for later into the road

so no i dont want the wagon on you to disperse until everyone has commented on it

and i dont like that Axel is fine with moving on to WickedLaundry when enough hasn't happened with you


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
stfu, i cant make inactives/vla'ers start posting

stop being lazy and look into people's suspicion on you yourself. otherwise, stop sayin i'm not doin' ish by forcing players to make stances.

/say people doesn't do anything and proceeds to do nothing


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
You're asking questions based on assumptions. Stop that.
serious mafia advice
That's fine. I still do not know why you posted those comments nor have you even attempted to answer that. So you can answer me and say what intent you had or you can just ignore it after the third time I asked and let those be bad marks that can possbily lead to your lynch. The choice is yours.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether

Gorf's reply was to show his post is ****. Because it's ****.

Reply on Omni was to show that he's been being tyran-guy. Which is also ****.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
right, well, you're becoming as useful as early game RR


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
ad hominem's aside

id rather not clash with someone who is fairly active when we still have players 3-4 days into the game who haven barely offered anything. i think our clean dislike for each other's play has been established. tbqh, your lack of actual cooperation and brazeness reminds me of me as i am now and im town so i feel slightly relieved

i still think your reads suck but they don't seem to have a craftiness intention behind it. to be frank, brosuke, this is the exact same read that i had on RR where i'd find it very difficult to see his gambit play being anywhere kind of acceptable especially if they discussed their ish beforehand

at this point, i am now increasingly wanting the same responses from the people i keep mentioning just so the stance can be made. i think moving on to WL immediately is a bit too premature and it wouldn't be wise to let people kinda just whiff over you vs. me/inferno/gouf/etc. without any kind of deep thought.

at this rate, however, felipe needs to die or be replaced.

@bardull: how do u want to proceed forward? i read your post and generally agree with most of it.


#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm Gorf I'm on a high horse I say nothing gg

hurdur I'm so good at mafia but I haven't done **** yet

hur dur misconstruing stuff

stanceless replies of fluff!

Wanna wait it out more before judging.
Hyuk I'm Brosuke and I've ****ed my pants so much with my own jaded scum reads that anything that comes out of my scum read's mouths needs to be falsely exploited.

Keep playing this game, swine. You're only making yourself out to be scummier and scummier.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
1 / 7​

Omni |
1 / 7​

WashedLaundry |
Brosuke, Axel​
2 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, felipe_9595, Red Ryu, Sworddancer, WashedLaundry, Soupamario, Omni;

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Hyuk I'm Brosuke and I've ****ed my pants so much with my own jaded scum reads that anything that comes out of my scum read's mouths needs to be falsely exploited.

Keep playing this game, swine. You're only making yourself out to be scummier and scummier.
Going with personal insults. Aren't you the smart guy.

Listen, you're filling this post with accusations and ad hominems, but not with substance.

1.) Don't be an *** to others.
There's a difference between 'you're bad' and 'you're a swine'. But eh, I'll let it up to Gheb's discretion.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Axel said:
Oh yeah Gorf what are your current reads on Laundry, Omni, and Bronar?
Laundry is null, I want more from em before I take a definitive stance. Omni I'm feeling null, kinda leaning town but that can shift easily. He was straight up not doing anything at the beginning of the game, but I'm starting to see scumhunting from em. Xonar I'm feeling scum vibes.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sorry if I made you cry by calling you a swine, if you're gonna choose to make that your battle then I'll try to put a filter up just for you.

Superbowl, I'll get back to this later in life.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
There you go again. "made you cry", you've said this an awful lot by now haven't you? Good on you, I guess one has to compensate lacking skills with something. It's not really creative by now anymore either.

You're low, Gorf. I don't mind people calling me bad and all that stuff, I mean man, you're even insulting through assumption. Like, I don't even mind personal insults. Hell, it's the internet. The problem here is that you think that you're actually good at this stuff and that your insults are justified.

Know what Gorf, it's just a lack of character is all. Keep the insults alive, but know that it's nothing but clutter and you being bad at this game.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Part two of my read.

That said, RR, I think you need to remember what people have been telling you, BE OPEN ABOUT YOUR READS.

I can't see where you're wanting to push WL or why you feel what he says is fake, you have to show it to me, don't make it a goosehunt and expect to be on the same page with you, because i'm not.

This includes any other things, please, learn from my mistakes and stop posting lists of who is town and who is not, and show who you think is town and who isn't.
Employs constructive criticism and seems generally townish. Seems like a Soup thing to do, albeit I've never played with him in a game. Anyone have meta that can explain Soup's behavior?

Relationship between Soup and RR is interesting. Dunno what to make of it yet.

I do, if you don't like it tough.

If you think doing a policy lynch because you think lynching me is better for town in the end, your ********.

That is bat**** stupid.

When people are going to call me ******** they do it in different ways or chose to react to it in different ways.

Your a moron if you think it's all null.

If your going to sit there and play policy lynch cause i hate you in mafia, then gtfo of this game, seriously.

Replace out and let KevinM do it if you can't do anything else but play the RR id dumb card.

bte getting you mad was my intent to get you to react to me.


WL remains stanceless. Hasn't contributed much of anything. Still null/unproductive. Seems lynch worthy.

Oh. WL says that he claimed Omni was Town. Didn't see that. Don't know what this is based on though since I'm only reading slight Town on Omni. RR brings up decent point regarding WL. I don't hate RR as much anymore.

Be clearer RR, right now you're just talking a second language.

the evidence is the lack of reason

Where and why?

I'm asking for what he did that was even a leaning town read from WL on omni. It's premptive to have it.

Look at his play, then compare that read to WL's.

Look back at the post where he voted me, Wl to make sure you got this, where here shows nothing to where these stances are.

Don't you feel you're being hypocritical, or even irrational? You do realize we're early into the day, right? And even then, I can understand Omni's frustration with you.

Yes, he doesn't have stances, but does that really make him scum this early? Is everyone who doesn't affiliate a read at some point scum to you? Instead of looking at the why of Omni, you should look at the where, the content and intent is more important than just a flimsy read.
Good questions from Soup. Town lean. This may be TvT.

Reading more from WL. WL trying to defend his stance on Omni...gross. Probably going to put my vote on WL.

God this game. I admit I skimmed a lot of the later pages.

This is probably what I'm looking at right now, though I've been tunneling since my mind's been entertaining a Gorf/RR/Omni combination.

Lean Scum:
Red Ruy/Gorf/Omni

Irks me:


Dat controversial list. I'll be more active from later today onwards.
You're scum. Probably.

I don't like Red Ruy because, well, this gambit of his is just dumb as hell.

If he really is town, he'd never ask to get himself lynched. That's just... wow.
If he really is town, he'd know that people would kill him after killing Omni, if Omni was town. That would be two townies dead.

So he knew that people would know it's a gambit. And if he is town, he'd know that people would get on his penis for it. Why would a town want people to get at him while that effort can be used scumhunting? I can see the whole "hurdurrr reactions, i want em" idea, but this is definitely not a good way to go about that. I don't even see how any well-thinking town would do this.

During all this, Red Ruy had time to be able to say "hey guys i did plenty day1".

Omni also had a good excuse for his vote and something to do for the start of the game. His comments on Red Ruy were never feeling like real scumhunting to me.
Not to mention Omni's unvote from Red Ruy was grimy as ****.

It was weird to me that Gorf didn't comment on Red Ruy's gambit when it happened. Him pressuring Inferno looks unfruitful and an easy way to not have to deal with a lot of things that were going on.

There's more but I forgot. I'll try to reread a bit later today.
I'd put my vote here, but I still have 10 pages to go. You're grasping at RR scum when RR is actually leaning dumb. Omni unvote seemed fairly timely considering everyone had the dumb lean on RR and nothing could be gained from pushing the RR train any further. Brosuke is my strongest scum read atm, WL comes second. Feeling "irked" by Soupa. Dumb lean on RR. Omni is reading Town.

Sort of liked Omni's #196 response to Brosuke. Scumsuke reasoning is legit. Omni's immediate leniency of RR is a little too soon though. Provides reasoning but that reasoning has a shaky basis.

Kind of like Sword's approach so far. No problems with that slot yet.

I don't like it and I don't think it makes sense, but i'm going to give leeway as I'm looking somewhere else right now.
Don't like this.

Omni, several times this game, even before Brosuke, you've stated that you were suspicious of people getting strong reads so early on. Could you share us anyone you had in mind?

@inactives (you know who you are): Reads on Inferno, Gorf, and Omni. First one to answer gets extra town points from me. ^.^

That's all for now, time to study.
Inferno - don't like Inferno. Early scum read on me was bad. Super grasping. Gorf town lean. Omni town lean.

J's #228 is interesting, not gonna touch it yet.

Omni agrees with J's reads. Hmm.

WL agrees with Brosuke. What. Don't like this.

Axel enters the game. Cue cool music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5DZZVLqxVA . Oh, btw, hello Z3n, want to take a guess as to who I am?

MFW Felipe briefly enters the game, says he has the same reads as everyone, then leaves. Null, needs to post his reads and explain them. Agreed that he can die if he doesn't post.

6 pages to go.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
*intentionally misinterprets everything axel just said*
look omnibro.

-Zen fully read everything in thread and fully understands the J side.
-J and Zen are in full agreement about Bronar. The only reason J voted Bronar in the first place was for pressure. I'm telling you now that I (Axel) see Bronar as town.
-I (Axel) want find Washed Landry the scummiest at this point.

I dislike how uncomfortable you are in voting WL.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i have no problem with voting WL

i just wanted more on the Brosuke wagon

i dislike how comfortable you are moving on from brosuke without fully applying any kind of pressure on him or allowing the most amount of people to give their stances on him


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
what i dislike the most are the people still sitting on their votes

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

@Xonar I gave myself time while I was walking home to think about it, and then I just read your most recent post, and yea... Alright, I'm done making insults just to make insults. I find myself doing it, like, every game and for no reason but to be spiteful and to try and make someone feel like **** so they break down... Regardless of alignment, you're right, EVERYONE'S right, it's not just justified because "it's in the game" and it's a bad reflection on me as a player in the game to continually rely on attacking people the way I do. I'm gonna make a legit effort to stop myself from doing that.

Now to reading up.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Good post regardless. Insulting player skill or intelligence is often not a problem, but personal insults go a step to far. Anyways, it's 4:30am and I'll be off to bed.
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