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G3S Mafia | Day 4 starts | Deadline: 1st Feb [11:59pm CET]


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
no, it's not concrete. it's suspicious.

as i said, i wouldn't even come to a concrete conclusion without the full casts' involvement. im suggesting that having any kind of "concrete" stance on anyone early game is suspicious
I really like this quote. Regardless of his alignment I think this is very true and have taken this to heart. Did a little bit of a reread and have some comments.

i say we just lynch him, chalk up a night of fun, and play handicapped d2

i think that would place us at a more advantageous position then having him around by lylo
I really hope you weren't serious about starting D2 handicapped.

5. Soupamario*
9. Red_Ryu*
11. Sworddancer*

1. Inferno3044*
2. Chaco*
3. Brosuke
12. J*
10. Omni*
6. felipe_9595
7. Bardull*
4. Gorf*

8. WashedLaundry*

Later yo.
Can you show me your reason for WL scum? If you already have can you just quote yourself?


ok. glad we can be over this and move on.

i don't think there is any validity in people looking at my responses to your gambit, RR. however, i do believe there is validity in how people respond and the lack thereof. of course, we have a few coasters at the moment due largely to v/la but i could imagine the power of obvtown omni being a good bus for scum to ride.

RR is right that i have no made any stances aside from the dumb/scum train.

i've made several observations about how some of you are responding to each other and there are a few little things that catch my eye. however, i try to refrain from handing down any kind of verdict or heavy accusation of scum/town until everyone has posted and given me enough information to assess the company in its own.

ramble, ramble, ramble

we need more from chaco, felipe, brosuke, and J. i urge that we all keep pressure on inactives once we're halfway into the Day and be willing to lynch players who simply aren't contributing. posting senseless **** creates more conversation then posting nuthin.
I'm starting to like you Omni. Please be town.

God I was reading and I was waiting for this FOR AGES. THANK YOU.

Now back to reading. prejohns cuz tired blabla
Sonic Adventure 2 ftw :D

God this game. I admit I skimmed a lot of the later pages.

This is probably what I'm looking at right now, though I've been tunneling since my mind's been entertaining a Gorf/RR/Omni combination.

Lean Scum:
Red Ruy/Gorf/Omni

Irks me:


Dat controversial list. I'll be more active from later today onwards.
Yeah...not buying the scum team at all. Can you elaborate of the ones that you listed under irks you?

I don't like Red Ruy because, well, this gambit of his is just dumb as hell.

If he really is town, he'd never ask to get himself lynched. That's just... wow.
If he really is town, he'd know that people would kill him after killing Omni, if Omni was town. That would be two townies dead.

So he knew that people would know it's a gambit. And if he is town, he'd know that people would get on his penis for it. Why would a town want people to get at him while that effort can be used scumhunting? I can see the whole "hurdurrr reactions, i want em" idea, but this is definitely not a good way to go about that. I don't even see how any well-thinking town would do this.

During all this, Red Ruy had time to be able to say "hey guys i did plenty day1".
I'll admit RR definitely went overboard with his gambit, but that's definitely dumb over scum. Very narrow mindset of "town wouldn't do something like this." Very poor reasoning.

Omni also had a good excuse for his vote and something to do for the start of the game. His comments on Red Ruy were never feeling like real scumhunting to me.
Not to mention Omni's unvote from Red Ruy was grimy as ****.
So RR is scum because his gambit and stuff was stupid and Omni is scum for pursuing RR's stupidity basically saying that he would kill him off if he continues it? That makes no sense. How did you conjure the idea of RR and Omni being scummates based on that.

It was weird to me that Gorf didn't comment on Red Ruy's gambit when it happened. Him pressuring Inferno looks unfruitful and an easy way to not have to deal with a lot of things that were going on.

There's more but I forgot. I'll try to reread a bit later today.
I really don't think this has any substance to label Gorf scum. Also I'm taking into notice that you basically called the 3 people who actually posted substance the scum team.

Gorf, jump on this wagon with me. You know this is a ride you're willing to take.
RR, where u at on this wagon?

it wont be omgus. i promise. plus we've got animal gummy bears galore in store.
You are really trying hard to get this wagon going aren't you?

I actually don't know yet because I am trying to figure out who I wanna lynch at the current time. I would protect Soupa because I am absolutely in love with his play this game and it feels like an entirely different player.
I was thinking the same thing regarding Soup. He feels unusually towny to me.

Then I'd investigate/kill one of Brosuke/Gorf. Could see myself visiting Swords in the night with an investigative but that's one I'm going back and forth on. However, I'd probably like a cleared/condemned Swords because he is a great asset/enemy regardless of alignment.
Between Brosuke and Gorf, who would you rather kill and who would you rather investigate?

I think he could use a good bandwagon but I'm not sure I'd say I'm absolutely fine with him dying.
Basically what Omni said about this. There's no point of a bandwagon if you don't have any intent on that person being the lynch candidate for the day.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
wow J you could have told me you were scum before i joined


@Omni I agree with everything J has said

also you're suspicious as ****


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill

let's lynch them

From now on I'll be posting as Axel. Please don't refer to me as either J or Zen.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Brosuke |
J, Omni, Gorf​
3 / 7​

Omni |
1 / 7​

Red Ryu |
1 / 7​

Not voting: Inferno, Chaco, felipe_9595, Red Ryu, Sworddancer, WashedLaundry, Soupamario;

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Ugh. I hate the fact that because my reads are different I'm getting votes. Like, this is seriously why most of you dislike me, or because of my "analysis" of RR's play.

Wanna know what I think about the RR gambit?

Know what usually happens when someone does this?

2. Oh my god that's so scummy
4. Oh my god that was so towny
5. ~~~fastforward to LYLO~~~
6. He can't be scum, because he did that supertown thingy blabla

Funny that the people I called scum were the first to vote me. All three of 'em. This counts.

Let me try to Omni it up.

Page 2:
Been busy 1v1ing RR. Minor and fluffy interaction with other players.

Page 3:
Entirely fluff.

Page 4:
Only nonfluff post is here.

Page 5:

This ****ing unvote. What teh ****. Why is this the moment that you jump off? The moment he admits he ****ed up? Why is that the moment that you've gained all there is to gain?

Then the rest of the post. Very few things caught your eye. Cool. You've been basically useless so far at this point. Oh wait, your 10000 posts did have some funny pictures!

Rest of page 5 has been pretty unfruitful as well. Sure Omni, pick a post you didn't find useless, I'll rip it apart.

Page 6:
Well he did give a J stance.

Page 7:
I guess the WL remark was kinda okay.

Page 8:

This is all contained in 56 posts. Congratulations Omni, I'd multiquote your posts but that'd be frustrating and it'd take long. Why quote fluff anyway?

You've done jack****. You're hiding it behind your posts. You have hardly reads, and started giving stances only when you've been called out on it. You've used the RR excuse to do 'stuff'. Either start doing something or stop flooding this thread with your irrelevant ****.

Red Ruy

Page 2:
Gambit and this post. I swear WHERE is the town intent in THAT. Even in a town gambit that's so bat **** ******** I... I don't even have words.

Page 3:

Page 4:
http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=14025667&postcount=143 Thanks for saying it bro.

His first real "attack". And it's on Omni. Jus' sayin'.

more bull**** about getting soup mad for reactions and that dumb stuff

Page 5:
Busy with Omni still.
and a bit WL. just a bit

Page 6:

Page 7:

Page 8:

Gorf just hardly posted and haven't done a single bit of scumposting, just feeling others out and asking their opinion. That's scummy on its own. But eh, it's a weaker read I guess.

wow J you could have told me you were scum before i joined
Listen up dude, I don't take kindly to people claiming scum. Don't be that guy.

So much more to reply to but I'm going to be busy for a while.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
What are you trying to say here?
Sorry, I was dead tired when I posted that.

I was trying to say what RR did was really hefty and if he was in scum he would have a huge target on his back, this not only considering trying to use it on a player like Omni.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
uh, your reads aren't just different. they're bad. we dislike your entire analysis but mainly dislike you having RR as scum.

brosuke, you're looking really far into imo. you are going under the pretense that RR as scum went for some crazy gambit where he looks ******** and potentially could be ousted from lylo and that somehow i joined this charade in order to make myself look more townie altho my response to RR is pretty universal across the board. the fact that u have RR, myself, and Gouf all in one scum patch despite the interactions between the 3 is like wtf


looking at your response above it's obvious that you've got scum goggles on your initial picks. claiming that i havent done anything all game is a bit silly. or the fact that im "hiding". wth does that even mean.

brosuke, what do you think about WickedLaundry? are you still holding on to your idea that RR, myself, and Gouf are leaning scum? why does Zen pointing out that he's scum bring about so much unnecessary anger out of you? are you tense? and why are you so tense?


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
Axel, I have no idea what you're talking about.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
uh, your reads aren't just different. they're bad.
You're bad.

brosuke, what do you think about WickedLaundry?
Don't know. At first I read his post agreeing with mine before I went to bed yesterday, then I thought about it and I was like well scum wouldn't post on the go because it could get them in bad situations. But washed knows that so he probably wouldn't care regardless and know that it would make him look town. but he agreed with me which means that he might have been trying to set me up so I can pressure some more while he can kinda stay in the shadows, but after that he changed his mind which I'm still not settled on. It could be because he realized my pressure wouldn't work and that he's going with the general opinion, but on the other hand it would've been possible to just go with still liking the post to avoid weird looks and just ride on my reasons or even make some up for his own.


are you still holding on to your idea that RR, myself, and Gouf are leaning scum?
Who knows.

why does Zen pointing out that he's scum bring about so much unnecessary anger out of you?
I'm angry as **** bro.

are you tense?

and why are you so tense?


Hahaha I got you bro. btw you're Xonar right?
Yes I am. I prefer it if you refer to me as Xonar instead of Brosuke, so that's the first town point you're getting.
inb4 someone calls me out on "giving townpoints"


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill

Dude it's not like you to just ignore something like that. First of all I call you suspicious and you don't ask why. You just say "you think I'm suspicious?" I confirm that I indeed do think you are suspicious and then you don't question it any further. In fact this entire game you have been playing in this scumhuntless kind of manner. I don't see any scumhunting intent behind any of your posts.

The intent I see behind your posts are to look like you're doing something, but you actually aren't along with attempting to gain town points. It could be possible that you're a PR trying to stay out of the spot light, but my Omnimeta says no to that. I had been very objective when reading through because I gained a scum read on you early on, but I'm just not seeing you as town right now.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Axel what do you think about RR giving Omni a set up to do stuff?

Either way I'm down with riding an Omni, but down with RR too.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Well since my other halve (half? i never got that) wont posting for a bit, my zen part may as well get his thoughts out for the time being.

Unvote: Brosuke
Axel what do you think about RR giving Omni a set up to do stuff?

Either way I'm down with riding an Omni, but down with RR too.
That was the initial read I got from their interaction: SvS. After RR starting posting again though I've gotten more of a town read on him resulting in a SvT interaction, with Omni being the scum. Ryu is certainly someone I have trouble reading, and I could still see him as scum. For now I'm willing to side with my other half however in his townish read. Plus the fact that so many others have a town read on Ryu. Also Omni's #153 and openess to defending RR in #196 leads me to believe they aren't on the same scum team.


Jan 26, 2011
Melancholy Hill
Do you have a problem with that?

Looked over WL again. We both agree that's where are vote should be. Omni, you agree with us yes? Hop off that Bronar train and let's get some scum.

Vote: Washed Laundry


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I do not have a town read on RR. His gambit is completely null and I don't know why he's being labeled town for it. Can someone explain to me the reasoning so many people consider RR town?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Ugh. I hate the fact that because my reads are different I'm getting votes. Like, this is seriously why most of you dislike me, or because of my "analysis" of RR's play.

Wanna know what I think about the RR gambit?

Know what usually happens when someone does this?

2. Oh my god that's so scummy
4. Oh my god that was so towny
5. ~~~fastforward to LYLO~~~
6. He can't be scum, because he did that supertown thingy blabla
Dude cry me a river @ that first paragraph. It's more like I'm voting you cuz the crap that you're spewing is really really weak and it seems like you're tryna take the hipster approach and be like "Yo I'm different so I'm town".

Didn't really read through your little analysis of Omni and Ruy's play cuz I have better things to do than occupy myself with your scrutinizing of their play and try to really dig into that for the moment.

Xonar said:
Gorf just hardly posted and haven't done a single bit of scumposting, just feeling others out and asking their opinion. That's scummy on its own. But eh, it's a weaker read I guess.
I don't even get how any of this is scummy. If you mean "scumhunting" rather than "scumposting", I totes HAVE done scumhunting and you need to get the sand out of your vagina. But eh, it's a weaker read I guess.

Xonar said:
Listen up dude, I don't take kindly to people claiming scum. Don't be that guy.

So much more to reply to but I'm going to be busy for a while.
Why are you even bringing attention to that?

Xonar I agree with you to a certain extent about Omni's play in the beginning, but how are you feeling about his more recent play? He's most definitely starting to do more than what he was in the beginning, does that really make an impact for you?

Xonar said:
Yes I do.


Vote: WashedLaundry
Well if that wasn't so far off of left field I dunno what is O_O

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Oh wait you posted about Laundry.

Your post about Laundry seems to be just WIFOMing yourself into a hole... Can you gimme a solid reason for why your votes on em?

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Dude cry me a river @ that first paragraph. It's more like I'm voting you cuz the crap that you're spewing is really really weak and it seems like you're tryna take the hipster approach and be like "Yo I'm different so I'm town".

Didn't really read through your little analysis of Omni and Ruy's play cuz I have better things to do than occupy myself with your scrutinizing of their play and try to really dig into that for the moment.
I'm Gorf I'm on a high horse I say nothing gg

I don't even get how any of this is scummy. If you mean "scumhunting" rather than "scumposting", I totes HAVE done scumhunting and you need to get the sand out of your vagina. But eh, it's a weaker read I guess.
hurdur I'm so good at mafia but I haven't done **** yet

Why are you even bringing attention to that?
hur dur misconstruing stuff

Well if that wasn't so far off of left field I dunno what is O_O
stanceless replies of fluff!

how are you feeling about his more recent play? He's most definitely starting to do more than what he was in the beginning, does that really make an impact for you?
Wanna wait it out more before judging.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004

Dude it's not like you to just ignore something like that. First of all I call you suspicious and you don't ask why. You just say "you think I'm suspicious?" I confirm that I indeed do think you are suspicious and then you don't question it any further. In fact this entire game you have been playing in this scumhuntless kind of manner. I don't see any scumhunting intent behind any of your posts.

The intent I see behind your posts are to look like you're doing something, but you actually aren't along with attempting to gain town points. It could be possible that you're a PR trying to stay out of the spot light, but my Omnimeta says no to that. I had been very objective when reading through because I gained a scum read on you early on, but I'm just not seeing you as town right now.
wtf are u talking about

i didnt even realize u were addressing me. which is why i asked. because if u agreed with everything J has said then you wouldn't have a problem with at all. unless you've been reading everything except J's posts himself. i havent played mafia in years. you've got no accurate form of meta on me. lol.

suggesting that im "doing something" but i'm not "doing anything". that's the 2nd time or 3rd time i've heard that. what exactly is it that i'm not doing? because if nothing constitutes:

1.) wanting to kill RR asap
2.) finding Inferno/RR/J to be townish
3.) starting a nice bandwagon on Brosuke
4.) reserving harsher reads until everyone has posted
5.) showing my distrust for WL

then yes i've done nothin' bro. but everything i've said has been clear, cut, and transparent.

i dont mind the pressure. i actually greet it openly with open arms. but ur not making since Zen (Axel) and perhaps thats because you've omitted reading some of your own hydra's statements and how i've reacted to them.

so let me redirect this back at you so im clear

1.) what specifically about me is making me suspicious, Axel? mainly, you're stating that i haven't done 'anything' (a widely used blanket term that is usually used incorrectly) whereas im stating i have done plenty and show no intentions of failing to continue to do so.

2.) why are you not on this brosuke wagon? do you agree with his reads? what do you think about his response to be above where he gives generic replies to what should be very important and revealing answers.

you're slipping on my list simply because your lack of support on the brosuke train. WL is definitely a great choice, but there's been barely any pressure applied to brosuke and he hasn't responded with any kind of information that actually answers the questions. considering J was previously on board with brosuke pressure im a bit confused as to how Axel is now gearing this pressure from him onto WL


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
also brosuke you're clearly still scum goggling with your original leans.

what kind of dumb *** scum team would all omgus you back to back? or do u honestly believe i'd be dumb enough to let my scummates rally behind a seemingly omgus if i was mafia?

the same applies to the RR gambit coupled with me and gouf. you're clear accusation of the three of us together is a gambit in itself considering for either 3 of us to be paired up together would constitute of an early game power play which frankly wouldn't be necessary with the amount of inactives in place. needless to say, i don't think you have the clearest solid of basis for your leans which is why i dont trust you.

except for WL. your response regarding him was more drawn out then i like but id rather see a much more stronger stance for WL then you have for Gouf or RR.


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
i need more from you brodancer at this point in time. chaco is losing rep points.

@brodancer: want your thoughts on brosuke, WL, and Axel respectively


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
yea that does nothing for anyone. try plain english dude


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I do not have a town read on RR. His gambit is completely null and I don't know why he's being labeled town for it. Can someone explain to me the reasoning so many people consider RR town?
it is null, but i find it more town-ish at the moment because i find RR's gambit to be too sloppy for a competent mafia team to allow happen. like it was really, really sloppy. and definitely not carefully thought out

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Your reads are flimsy. But I think the thing I least like about you at the moment is actually legitimately finding RR scummy. That doesn't sit right with me at all.
good fix. was about to daykill you
J is legit. Train of thought is on point
uh, your reads aren't just different. they're bad. we dislike your entire analysis but mainly dislike you having RR as scum.
you're slipping on my list simply because your lack of support on the brosuke train.

"Agree with me or be scum"


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Fair enough Omni. Are you still trying to get a bandwagon on Brosuke? If you are, I have no problem joining. His defenses are all very poor deflections. It's like he's not even attempting to defend himself.

@Brosuke - Stop avoiding my question. You said that Chaco, WL, and Bardull all irked you. Explain.
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