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G3s #3: Taste of Vanilla | Town Wins!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

The fact that he came in and voted and then claimed to know that the game hadn't started when he clearly didn't. Why lie?
Did you point that out at that time? I just saw it as reactionary to Soup's vote on Rake.

I didn't ignore him. As you see, neither me or you know what he was talking about.
Oh ok.

That's just me trying to play pro town by expressing my thoughts. How was it quick, if Soup did the same thing? You're trying to make scum tells out of null tells. Seeing that Soup flipped likely townie, you should be taking it as a null tell for me as well.Huh?lol dude what are you talking about making a push after you. The only push you have made is Rake, which I disagree with. My second post you refer to was after I reread some to form reads. However when dabuz asked me in the post before, I hadn't put much thought into it. Both of those posts were no where near you posting so no on the posting after you thing like what?
You seemed to have been developing a town read on Rake (I don't know why) and then voted him. Why did you vote him even though you felt he was possibly towny?

I felt like your instant reaction to Soup's vote was to simply side against Soup. See my POV?

As for you trying to make a connection between Rake and I simply because I wont vote him, wrong again. I wont vote you either. I don't agree with anything you've said about Rake. Simply because I have a town read does not make me a scum mate. If you are using that logic, then we would be scum buddies. I'd defend you to the ground. And I'm not even defending rake. I simply don't think he is scum and I've given you my reasoning.
But you don't even try to CONSIDER Rake at all. If you really were a town bro you would. You haven't been as enthusiastic as you were in Epic Rap Battles. You haven't even used your :smash: The reason I feel you are traitor with Rake is because:

A. I strongly feel Rake is goon.
B. You don't want to consider Rake at all.

Basically, Rake HAS to be goon. If you are town, you would re-read him and reconsider your stance on him. Tell me. How is Rake Townie? What has he done? Is he looking for scum? Why did he vote DH and back out of it?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
So you admit to doing nothing this game except pushing BW and pushing me only when I push you? Cool.

I'm not voting you? Oh, you're right, I thought I voted you :l

Vote: Dark Horse

@Ramen: I'm confused, you think DH is the goon and me the traitor, then why vote me over DH?
Hey, Dabuz. You have to do something important here. Read my points against Rake, and vote him for me please. Give me your thoughts. I need people to work with me here.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Hey, Dabuz. You have to do something important here. Read my points against Rake, and vote him for me please. Give me your thoughts. I need people to work with me here.
Your case against Rake is pretty solid and agreeable. You mention that Rake hides a lot behind his excuse of joking or taking things as jokes, then while his reasons for voting or what he says are consistent, they aren't solid reasons. Now I'm looking back at his posts and he generally has a poor defense when he can't answer a question.

The other thing I'm noticing from reading your case is that his line of questioning really doesn't do much, he restates a lot of events or asks simple questions that really don't do much.

I'm gonna do a complete 180 here and say Rake is scum.

Vote: Rake

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
EBWOP: *What, not why.

So, now that you unvoted, did your read change?

1. Really, did that give you a town read? Why did you think of that now instead of bringing it up before? (You know, being pro-active)
2. Do you think there may be a connection between him and DH? Also, why didn't you consider that until now?
3. Can you elaborate further, what does that mean to you? Is it possible he may be scum doing so? Why?
4. You intended to vote Dark Horse, yet hesitated. Why is that?

Ok, what was the point of this post? (The questions for town reads, and asking if Zen and you are scum for pushing their wagon) How does it help you find scum?

Why did you ask this, and what did you hope to achieve with this?


Yes, he went from inactive non-posting scum to more active , I should see what he posting , hows he reaching those conclusions active member.


Part 1)

It gave me the read I stated at that time (i belive it was 60% town, 40% null) .
It occurred to me , as I stated , when Badwulf stated that Dabuz was "scum hunting " and it made me go , as i previously stated "was he ? " and that made me reconsider my read on Dabuz and if i might have jumped the gun moving him up from null.

Part 2)

There could be a connection between him and DH, that is certainly a possibility. It only occurred to me was because I probably did indeed jump the gun on moving my read on Dabuz, and that effected how i read his interactions.

Part 3)

To me it just meant to that point he hadn't put enough effort into the game , which isn't necessarily scummy. He could be scum doing so , but i'm not going to say "because it didn't seem to me that he wasn't putting in effort yet he must be ipso facto scummy because of it " Which directly upon re-read made me go , as I said "is he scum hunting ? " (as I have said, because of Badwulf's town read on him)

Part 4)

I was going to vote Dark Horse, but I hesitated due to 2 main factors:

1) He was at that time (and right now without a full catch-up ) a null-town read.
2) Voting Dark Horse occurred to me as "let's vote him to see him in here sooner" , but I realized one vote was probably not going to achieve anything more significant (even with 4 needed to lynch ) so i decided to not vote.


WRT to first part :

When (Summoner I believe it was) came into the thread , he had stated that they didn't have town reads yet and proceeded to out their scum reads, so by asking about town reads I was attempting to see if they now had town reads.

WRT to point about me/Zen scum thing:

J side had mentioned getting odd vibes from Zen and that he had liked Soup more, so I felt like I should ask J if Zen wanting to lynch them (IIRC "kill Jummoner" ) were Zen's words, was indicating to J that her suspicion of Zen was correct.

And by asking if I was scum for agreeing , I was simply following linear logic (i.e if Zen is scum for pushing a Jummoner lynch like that, then I would have to be in consideration for scum for slightly supporting it. )

And it does not really help me hunt scum i suppose , but it definitely helps me get ideas on
Jummoner and their reads and whether or not Zen pushing their wagon that way was effecting their read more.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Because I'm more sure of you scum over DH

Switching you to 1. Even though I have a town read on Rake I do still see the possibility of him being goon over DH, but I think you're scum in any case and that by lynching you we will most likely have another day tomorrow.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Did you point that out at that time? I just saw it as reactionary to Soup's vote on Rake.
No I didn't, but it wasn't reactionary. I see where you're coming from now though.
You seemed to have been developing a town read on Rake (I don't know why) and then voted him. Why did you vote him even though you felt he was possibly towny?

I felt like your instant reaction to Soup's vote was to simply side against Soup. See my POV?
I initially saw Soup as suspicious. Rake as pretty much null. Then I considered Soups POV and looked at Rake. Then I got a town read on Rake.

Just saying as scum I wouldn't be so flippy floppy. That's just not how I play. I think you know that.

But you don't even try to CONSIDER Rake at all. If you really were a town bro you would. You haven't been as enthusiastic as you were in Epic Rap Battles. You haven't even used your The reason I feel you are traitor with Rake is because:

A. I strongly feel Rake is goon.
B. You don't want to consider Rake at all.

Basically, Rake HAS to be goon. If you are town, you would re-read him and reconsider your stance on him. Tell me. How is Rake Townie? What has he done? Is he looking for scum? Why did he vote DH and back out of it?
The thing is, I have been considering it. A lot. I've read over his posts multiple times. Just because I haven't stated so, doesn't mean I haven't. Again the logic in his posts are sound so far. Whenever I've seen Rake as scum he is so flail-like and makes posts that just don't make any sense. I look over him again though before the day ends.


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Because I'm more sure of you scum over DH

Switching you to 1. Even though I have a town read on Rake I do still see the possibility of him being goon over DH, but I think you're scum in any case and that by lynching you we will most likely have another day tomorrow.
What caused this change in opinion?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Post #349


It is you being anti-town. You said you were joke voting Soup in pre-game, so why would you be voting him when he was asking you for a REASON? You see, you were being anti-town here by refusing to explain yourself, and just voting him on reaction, because you were pushed to.

It is anti-town because you are dodging the question. You have voted Soup ONCE already, so why would you reply to him in that manner, instead of saying "I'm just joking".

I think that is a half-***** way to justify you voting Soup again when he was directly asking you to explain if he was scum or not in your pov. Why did you poke him, and what good did it do you in poking Soup with that statement?

But why did you post that, and what was your meaning in posting it?

Ok. So, why were you reacting defensively to the questions? Why were you hesitating?

Alright then.

See, I think this is more of a lie. Even if it 'seems' like a joke, it seriously was a point against you. I don't see why you wouldn't want others to know why you may have done something. This is anti-town as well, and I don't like how you are trying to cover up with how you also found it jokey.

Vote: Rake
I think this is the direction to go today. I feel like Rake is trying to cover up his actions by saying he assumed things were jokes, but I do not see his rvs actions as one that was jokey at all. His vote on Dark horse (that he messed up) comes off as in-consistent with his read on him, which was null-town (69% even :bee:). I don't see his hesitation as townie, because if he really believed Dark Horse was scum, he'd put it out there without fear, or at least state that he'd give reason for it later, instead of 'ignore it DH lolz'.
1st Point:

I disagree that I was being anti-town , I was doing what I said i was doing.
If i was really feeling the push to vote him, why would i not vote him instantly to avoid it ?
Because I was handling other stuff plain and simple.

2nd Point:

I didn't dodge the question though, I addressed it seriously later, I simply replied in the moment by "quoting but misquoting " Soup. And my vote on him to that point if you recall my words was "more serious " than my initial pre-game vote was , so I missing the issue here.

3rd Point:

I completely disagree with this, Soup had to know by that point that I was going to be voting him as soon as I handled my other things, which I did, so I voted him.

I explained later why I voted Soup at that point to Soup , and I didn't avoid doing it as you seem to be trying to push so hard.

I poked him to reaction test , if he responded in a way i found to be scummy, i could further justify my vote on him and press him on it.

4th Point:

It was an attempt to get across that the BW was a joke , so I made a joke about it , hence that post. It was pointless that I will admit.

5th Point:

I was reacting defensively because I was quickly at L-2 and IIRC i had barely started to get my defence out to the points against me.

You'll have to clear up on this one on how i was hesitating.

6th Point:

See, I don't see how you finding it a lie , therefore makes it a lie in your PoV. If it was as serious a point against me as you say, then why didn't Dark Horse keep his vote on me or press me harder over it ? He moved right to a vote on BW, hence me not finding it to be all that serious of a vote, the points may have been completely serious, but I didn't read the vote that way.

Whether people see what I have done or not makes no qualms with me, if people choose to press the point Dark Horse brought up, let them. Me saying it was jokey was my honest opinion of that vote on me and I never said the point was jokey or even that the point was inaccurate, i didn't take his vote seriously , and as i stated before I didn't see a need to respond to his point because of that.

I think your focusing to much on me as a scum pick and ignoring pther matters to , but how you see my RVS is in fact not what it was and you saying you don't see it that way is resorting to baseless wifom over something i have clarified multiple times.

I just explained why i was going to vote Dark Horse and what stopped me. Which was unrelated to having Dark Horse as scum.

And whether or not Dark Horse ignores it makes no difference to me , i said ignore that bolded DH because it makes no sense in the context of that post until i say i was going to vote him but didn't. The "ignore the bolded DH" wasn't directed at DH in particular, it was directed to the general thread.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Underlined, what gave you this feeling? Who didn't you feel wasn’t getting into the game enough?
My thoughts on that: No, I don’t. I don’t see a reason to lynch him. Why do you ask?
Read on Dabuz now: Null.
The fact that we are the ones posting the most. (IIRC)
I feel like I could be more involved in this game but RL is getting in the way, I also feel like Jummoner could be more active and that Me/ You ? Zen will be more of a consistent presence in this thread.

Just wondering wrt Jummoner lynch thing.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
When (Summoner I believe it was) came into the thread , he had stated that they didn't have town reads yet and proceeded to out their scum reads, so by asking about town reads I was attempting to see if they now had town reads.
when did I say this? I remember saying "I don't wish to reveal my town reads right now".

/goes back to reading

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

Did you point that out at that time? I just saw it as reactionary to Soup's vote on Rake.

Oh ok.

You seemed to have been developing a town read on Rake (I don't know why) and then voted him. Why did you vote him even though you felt he was possibly towny?

I felt like your instant reaction to Soup's vote was to simply side against Soup. See my POV?

But you don't even try to CONSIDER Rake at all. If you really were a town bro you would. You haven't been as enthusiastic as you were in Epic Rap Battles. You haven't even used your :smash: The reason I feel you are traitor with Rake is because:

A. I strongly feel Rake is goon.
B. You don't want to consider Rake at all.

Basically, Rake HAS to be goon. If you are town, you would re-read him and reconsider your stance on him. Tell me. How is Rake Townie? What has he done? Is he looking for scum? Why did he vote DH and back out of it?
Are you admitting you are looking at no one else but me then ?
How do you know Zen didn't do this (as Zen just stated he did in one of his recent posts )

How am I scum beyond what you've already brought up Ran ?
I have defended everything you have attempted to bring against me and have indeed been hunting scum and I'm not sure why Zen would have to point it out for you in order for you to see it.

Your case against Rake is pretty solid and agreeable. You mention that Rake hides a lot behind his excuse of joking or taking things as jokes, then while his reasons for voting or what he says are consistent, they aren't solid reasons. Now I'm looking back at his posts and he generally has a poor defense when he can't answer a question.

The other thing I'm noticing from reading your case is that his line of questioning really doesn't do much, he restates a lot of events or asks simple questions that really don't do much.

I'm gonna do a complete 180 here and say Rake is scum.

Vote: Rake
Did you really just sheep Ran's entire case on me ?

How are Ran's questions better than mine then ? Just a little while ago you had me as ObvTown for my questions and even stated that i was holding up under pressure ("and has been consistent in reasoning under pressure." ) (Your words), and now your saying I've had a poor defence ? How is my defence poor at all ?

This is literally the most general and open accusation you could make, you fail to elaborate on my poor defence because you leaving yourself a backdoor in case the suspicion moves off me.

This 180 on me reeks as opportunistic scum trying to jump on Ran's case, and his entire thing about DH is him misunderstanding my " Ignore the bolded DH" post.

Same thing with your accusations on my questions
The other thing I'm noticing from reading your case is that his line of questioning really doesn't do much, he restates a lot of events or asks simple questions that really don't do much.
My questions don't do much ?
They are doing what they are meant to do , which is help me on my reads and as above i fail to see your distinction between Ran's questions and my own and how you've suddenly gained this scum read on me by 180ing everything you had me as Obv town for just 2 pages ago.

Saying my questions do not do much is another baseless pile on accusation so your 180 on me "looks natural" when in reality you are sheeping Rans entire case and trying to use open pile-on statements so people do not question your vote on me.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
Oh, you're right, I thought I voted you :l
this emoticon feels awkward

Underlined, you say you like him more than. When exactly did you start liking him, and why?
7. What do you think about Rake asking you this question?
I liked Rake more mostly because his answers matched up to what I was expecting mostly. It's like if I can tell how they're going to react, I'm not as concerned about them if you understand what I'm saying.

I think that Rake was asking it because he thought of a question and didn't put any thought into it.

I don't think DH is the play today. I'll post more than this, it's just the stuff I wanted to talk about first.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
well guys, rake has been sitting at l-1 for almost a day, we're either not in mylo or both scum are on the wagon.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Voted |
Votes to lynch

Dark Horse |
Ramen King, Rake​
2 / 4​

Rake |
1 / 4​

dabuz |
1 / 4​


Not voting: Dark Horse, Dabuz;
This vote count was wrong , I hadn't voted DH

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
this emoticon feels awkward

It's a possible MYLO, I think it's a good idea to focus on who you think is scum.

It might be MYLO and he has what he thinks is a solid case on you, why wouldn't he focus solely on you?

I liked Rake more mostly because his answers matched up to what I was expecting mostly. It's like if I can tell how they're going to react, I'm not as concerned about them if you understand what I'm saying.

I think that Rake was asking it because he thought of a question and didn't put any thought into it.

I don't think DH is the play today. I'll post more than this, it's just the stuff I wanted to talk about first.
Yes but Ran isn't considering me not being scum , he's just saying "Rake must be scum " over and over, which doesn't make it any more true and i'm worried Ran is going to stay so attached to me that other things will slip by him.

Can you see what I mean wrt being "too focused on me ". ?

I'm not saying it's bad to be focused , I'm saying it's bad / odd to be absolutely locked if indeed it is a possible MyLO , i hope that makes sense.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Ran, sorry but stop being a derp. Rake aint scum. Dabuz has played like crap this whole game.

Why did he make that post towards DH about hearing bark, but not seeing any bite? It was a total fake post just made for an interaction with DH. Dark Horse voted in the post that dabuz was referring to so it made no sense at all. Dabuz cleared two people into the day based on baseless "PoE". One of them being Rake who he now just suddenly made a flip on for supposedly your reasoning which you have been presenting all game. For him to have a sudden switch as if it is new reasoning is just no.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
right now I'm thinking about Ran's case and the people currently on Rake's wagon (DH, dabuz), rake's wagon has a bit too much grime for my liking.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
I think today's play revolves around dabuz or rake and I'm leaning dabuz right now. The people currently on the rake wagon are Ran(town), dabuz and DH (someone with interactions with dabuz that don't feel like distancing). It's either MYLO and dabuz is scum since he was sitting at L-2 for ages or not MYLO, so I'm down with dabuz's lynch more than rake's I guess


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
I was basing a lot of that thought process on how L-2 and L-1 interact with scum mylo alpha strikes, which isn't true for this game. I think that BW could have been traitor, but there's no reason to be 100% confident in that and the safe play is to assume that there could still be two scum. I think dabuz's recent posts w.r.t the rake wagon have been grimy and make me hesitant to go along with rake. Rake seems to be getting really frustrated

so basically, I can see dabuz and BW, but I don't really see the point in saying that since it's possible BW was a traitor and it's safer to assume the worst and just think of BW as town(for the sake of MYLO stuff) and try to lynch the scummy people now.
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