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G3s #3: Taste of Vanilla | Town Wins!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Nah. It's better they see it with their own eyes. You give them the excuse to not look at something else, and you miss the chance to see why they may have chosen to ignore something if you do the work for them. Get me?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Hey Ran, if you get the chance , can you talk to me about Dabuz now, I believe i addressed all your questions , if i didn`t just point em out and I`ll be glad to.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes. I found Dabuz to be active lurking, and that's all I have. I just feel like he is trying to hide a bit more than usual because he knows he'd be lynched easily.

What is your opinion on: Dabuz, Zen, Dark Horse, and Soup now?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
With Dabuz, i think i gave him too much credit for pointing out something i felt would be obvious (i.e He points out that Gheb isnt a bad mod and that he wouldnt slip up and not react if the traitor were cofused at seeing their role pm in the game. )

And beyond that, when he gets prodded by Dh for elaboration , he sort of makes a point of mentioning he hasnt poked enough at people to get a read, and reading it , i go : why mention something we can all tell from your posts, it seemed superfluous to add that into that post.

The only thing besides that is to do a small Q&A with me about the games I have played and then make an idle comment about it only taking one mistake. So when i read that, it makes me feel like he could be reading me , but isnt putting any effort into it yet.

Im not sure if that makes sense , but its kind of how i feel right now about Dabuz and im switching my read on him to null-inactive coaster scum lean (i.e he is null but the fact he isnt doing much at this point means he isnt being of use to town. )

Dark Horse:

I really dont see what Badwulf meant by roller coaster, when DH did something wrt another slot, it seemed like he followed through just as youd expect from someone trying to get reads. Like when i asked him about his Badwulf vote, he gave a legitimate reason for finding it slimey and didnt rely on someone else's points to justify voting him (i.e he wasnt waggoning Wulf IMO). Then he also presses Dabuz when Dabuz takes a crack at one of his posts, so hes not intent to sit back and let people get away with not supporting something they say.

My read on Dark Horse is null-town ( think 69 % town, 31% null).

Soup has always been weird for me to read, especially with his intent behind doing something , and after one of the ongoing games, i am not as confident in my read on him as i would like, his defence to my points on first read through were good, and when hes been pressed by Zen (like when Zen pressed him on his Badwulf vote) he didnt just sit there and go : I know this person is scum and im not going to let you in on why , he actually elaborated on it.
My read on Soup has changed as well, right now hes sitting comfortably as null-small town lean (think 55% town , 45% null). I am really not confident in reading Soup and Im probably going to ISO him more than once in the very near future.

Zen is another player where you really have to watch what they are doing and how they do it (at least in my experience). He has been a lot of places, but not in a scummy sense , it feels like reading Zen he is being very thorough and is actually elaborating on how or why he is doing something at one point (like wrt to the Jummoner sudden town read) , or (wrt how he had flipped on Soup from the to live list to the to die list). And when you press him on it, i dont see him doing the same things he did when we were a scum team, (sometimes i noticed he wouldnt elaborate on why someone was scummy and would just be like : trust me on this , or if your not voting with me, your against me. ) type attitude.
Again i know that may not make a lot of sense but those are my thoughts on him to this point.
Zen sits at a comfortable null-town read(think 70% town, 30% null).

And yes i know i have the word null in their a lot, but in this game , the traitor is , at least IMO , more of a Indy Survivor, considering that he cannot out scum right away (because he would be lynched off the sudden suspicion or the mega push on some random unheard of slot or what have you), So the survivor has to not only appear to be with town, but also has to game plan as to how to deal with the mafia (i.e he will want to avoid being killed). (I may be reading the traitor role in the OP role ) but it looks like the Traitor needs to eliminate the goon as well (so he would be both unlynchable and un-killable) so in effect its sort of like a one man no kill scum , who has inside info on the scum with the kill.

Considering that, i have to be aware that the traitor will be playing a town game and therefore , just because people are playing with town-intentions, it doesnt mean they cant be the traitor appearing to be townie in order to control town as it were.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Yes. I found Dabuz to be active lurking, and that's all I have. I just feel like he is trying to hide a bit more than usual because he knows he'd be lynched easily.

What is your opinion on: Dabuz, Zen, Dark Horse, and Soup now?
I also agree with this point wrt Dabuz, but could you elaborate a little more ?

Do you think him hiding like this is more-so scummy because of the he would make an easy lynch target ? Or do you just think he has been legitimate when mentioning not having poked players enough to have solid scum picks yet ?

Also, what is your read on Dark Horse ?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It's a speculation. I feel that may be why he hasn't posted, but what I find scummy about him, is that he started to post in that poem stance, and then said he would post normally until he found a different way to have fun. Yet, he hasn't posted afterwards at all. It shows that he doesn't have the motivation to find scum. That, coupled along with the 'vibe' I get from him, which is that he comes in to seem like he is here, when he really isn't, gives me a scum read on him.

Now can you tell me, what are you wondering about Dabuz?

Darkhouse is null-town. I liked his reasoning with his vote on you (before voting Badwolf), but that's it. He himself has been a bit lurky and will need to be kept under close eye.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
One of the hydra heads would have been on the badwolf wagon. The same head would say the focus should be on dabuz/rake/zen tomorrow. The other head disagreed on rake, but they haven't talked much about it.

This head agrees with the statements Ranmaru has made about dabuz and think that should be followed up. Zen is hard to read but feels weird so this head's going to want to try and sort that out tomorrow. Other head said they didn't like Zen. This head thinks Rake smells bad, but other head doesn't agree.

This head doesn't want to go into town reads right now and is wondering how long he can bother to do this posting style. This head also knows Xonar interview thread is up.



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I am interested why you feel Zen feels weird, and I agree on your direction.


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
Zen just looks scummy from my skim-read of the thread. *this is from the J-side of things*

However, I have yet to read fully but I just do not care for Zen this game. His plan that he has does not feel towny at all and seems to be him trying to set up ways to create MLs. If BW flips scum, than I recant that statement. But if BW flips town, Zen just looks so weird but his reads are usually off. His Soup push is just something I do not get but need to read fully. I feel Soup came out looking better than he did.

/J input for now.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
A lynch has been reached!

Sorry for the confusion but I'm *not* V/LA. I just don't play mafia / other stuff anymore. I'm still hosting as usual though.

Voted |
Votes to lynch

Badwolf |
Dark Horse, Ramen King, Soup, Ranmaru, Rake​
5 / 5​


Not voting: Badwolf, Dabuz, Snoozer;
Badwolf [Townie] has been lynched;
All Night Actions are due until the 15th!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Soup [Townie] has been killed during the night!
Day 2 begins, deadline: last minute of the 21st
With 6 alive it takes 4 to lynch.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
So Dabuz, full reads list and top 2 scum picks. Until you get on that (or actually back in the thread)
Vote Dabuz



Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
Yo Rake, let's have a chat session so I can clear up how one half of me feels about you. I'll ask you some questions and you can ask me some, sound cool? (I'm going to assume you're cool with this)
Consider the situation if dabuz is scum, who do you pick as the other scum?
When did you formulate the ideas in you #365, before or as you posted?
Finally, how does Soup flipping town affect your read on the game?


Smash Rookie
Aug 12, 2012
Also, let me know if you're actually replying, I'm gunna go to bed if you don't see it in the next 10 minutes or so.

oh yeah Vote: dabuz

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Oh I'll repsond toot suite , my psp is evil though for multiple tabs and such so i probably managed to lurk again without even knowing >.<.

Also I'm going to assume that is the Summoner head of the hydra.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Yo Rake, let's have a chat session so I can clear up how one half of me feels about you. I'll ask you some questions and you can ask me some, sound cool? (I'm going to assume you're cool with this)
Consider the situation if dabuz is scum, who do you pick as the other scum?
When did you formulate the ideas in you #365, before or as you posted?
Finally, how does Soup flipping town affect your read on the game?
Q1) If Dabuz were to flip goon, I would have to go back and look for connections on who was calling Dabuz scum where, how they did it, if they pushed too hard / light for it at the time, whether or not they stuck to it or let it ride, stuff of that nature I believe would be the right way to look for the traitor. That being said, because the traitor has to play a pro-town game , i doubt they would slip up and be so obvious about it.

So following that logic i would have to go back and look at Zen and Dark Horse.

If Dabuz flipped traitor (idk how this works lynch wise , the OP says "You are aligned with the town and you will flip 'Townie' upon your death " so can we ever really know if someone was traitor ) anyway lets assume you can flip traitor, i would look directly at who Dabuz pushed where , the timing of the push , how hard he pushed them and for how long , to see if i can find any relevant connections between him and the person he had a confirmed scum on.

So because Dabuz has only made some light pushes that i can recall at this point (One push on me (i guess asking about games is a push ? IDK. ) (Another small push on Zen, were they went back and forth a little wrt Zen`s way of clearing DH of the traitor role) , He also made a small push at DH iirc about his reasoning on voting BW.

So once again it goes to Zen and Dark Horse.


I formulated most of it on the go (i.e my feelings on the slots to that point (i.e the point where Ran asked) my reads are for lack of better words , evolving constantly , so when i did that reads post it was my updated feelings up to and including that time).

However the Dabuz one i had been thinking about previously to that post,(to be accurate ) around the time were BW gave Dabuz a town read for scum hunting , were i didn`t fully agree with that (yes he had light pushes and i believe in one of my posts i talked about this) but when BW posted that , i sorta thought is Dabuz scum hunting ? Maybe in his own way but certainly not enough to put him as town (i had Dabuz as town at that time for separate reasons IIRC).

Q3) Soup flipping town means I definitely want to look closer at his reads and the reasons behind them, so IIRC he mentioned Dabuz , Jummoner (Snoozer) and myself , so I will be exploring that closer.

Now I have some questions for you:

1) Why are you voting Dabuz , besides agreeing with Rans point on him ?
2) Do you agree with any of my points , or do you have a different reason in addition to what Ran brought up to be voting Dabuz ?

3) When Ran posted:

`Yes. I found Dabuz to be active lurking, and that's all I have. I just feel like he is trying to hide a bit more than usual because he knows he'd be lynched easily. `

Did you take it as a scum read , a null read or how did you interpret it ?

4) J head said she liked Soup more, Soup has flipped town, how does the J heads reads change or do they change at all ? Does Soups death impact the Zen read ?

5) Which one of the heads would have been on the BW wagon and for what reasons ?

6) Top scum pick (besides Dabuz)

7) Top town read so far

Also of course I am cool with some Q&A


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
Starcraft 2 is a distracting game. :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome:

@Mod: Will traitor flip as town traitor or vanilla townie?

Ranmaru reads Obv-town to me since he has constant, directed posts.

Rake also reads Obv. town to me, he asks a lot of question, is very active, and has been consistent in reasoning under pressure.

Jummoner hydra is null town by PoE to me.

Ramen king is somewhat scummy to me. I don't like how he was trying to push the J/summoner hydra before they really got into the game. Combined with his logic that voting inactives would be the best way to win the game, it just seems like he's setting up easy lynches.

Dark horse is my top scum read ATM. He pushed BW at the start of the game, then seemed content to not post anything relevant, but he has been posting enough to show he is active. His posts are more or less jokes and seems happy to ignore posting unless addressed.

Snoozer, pull up specific posts about Zen WRT the reasoning why you don't like him this game.

Yes. I found Dabuz to be active lurking, and that's all I have. I just feel like he is trying to hide a bit more than usual because he knows he'd be lynched easily.
:glare: Explain :glare:


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I'm sorry but BW had to be scum. I just realized this. Did anyone else other than dabuz remember this? Because I do find it interesting that he did. I'll read the last couple of pages in a bit.

Vote: Jummoner


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
I'm sorry but BW had to be scum. I just realized this. Did anyone else other than dabuz remember this? Because I do find it interesting that he did. I'll read the last couple of pages in a bit.

Vote: Jummoner
Ramen, good catch on that specific part of the rules, answers my question unless Vanilla Townie flips as "Vanilla Townie" and not "Townie".

@Mod, can you confirm what a Vanilla Townie will flip?

Why so quick to say BW has to be scum? I agree his play yesterday was terrible, but there is literally no way this game to know whether or not the townie flip was the traitor. (Unless mod claims the VT will flip as "Vanilla Townie".)

Also, what's interesting about me remembering this part of the rules?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
If you read the rules of this game there should be no confusions about the flips.


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Alright caught up. Never mind on the knowing about traitor flipping townie thing. I just saw that Rake had mentioned it above.

So to clarify, all players other than the goon flip "townie". This includes traitor, so we need to take flips with a grain of malt likcky with a bardledoo taco.

Another thing to clarify with regards to traitors is that they are not independent. Rake I saw that you had a misunderstanding with that. They are NOT looking to lynch the goon. The goon is in fact their partner.

@mod: If goon is lynched, can Traitor still win? I know that you said town needs to kill traitor to win, but does that traitor's win condition would still be in effect? For example if it came down to 1town-traitor would that be a loss for all factions or a win for the mafia/traitor faction?

So either Badwolf or Soup could have still been traitor. And it honestly did confuse me that badwolf could be town with that play...which is why I still think he was traitor. But hell, we should probably work off the assumption that two scum are still alive. BW's post lynch talk did seem kind of townie, but if he knew he would flip townie as traitor, then he could have kept up the act.

Anyways Jummoner, would you guys mind differentiating your posts? Who made those posts towards Rake? One thing I don't like about your slot is that you both apparently misread the situation of me claiming traitor. Once again, that was a post that I made before the game started. And decided not to after seeing the changes Gheb made to traitor. Does this change your read on me? And have both of you fully caught up?


Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
@Ramen King

Town Traitor [sent to 1 player]:

Welcome to G3S #3, you are the Town Traitor!

*You are aligned with the town and you will flip 'Townie' upon your death.
*You are considered a "threat" to the town. Your death is required for the town to win
*You know the name of the mafia Goon but you're not allowed to communicate with him
*You have the same win condition as the mafia Goon [mafia must have voting majority - or nothing can prevent this - in order to win]

We are currently at Mylo if neither Soup or BW are traitor, and we have no way to know if they are.

1 lynch + 1 NK = 4 people, 1 goon + 1 traitor vs. 2 VTs.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
The wording still doesn't really make it clear.

A traitor is aligned with the town, but has the same win condition as mafia. This means that they count towards town numbers, but win only if mafia wins. So if all the mafia are dead, traitor can not possibly win.

Traitor cannot win, unless goon lives.
However Town cannot win unless both goon and traitor are dead.
If town and traitor both live. Then all factions lose.

Is this correct @mod?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
this is why i thought of the traitor as an indy, the wording is very confusing.

He isn't aligned with town but his win con is the same as the goons.

It makes it seem like the town traitor is more of an independent role of the mafia, but has the same win-condition as the goon does

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

Dark horse is my top scum read ATM. He pushed BW at the start of the game, then seemed content to not post anything relevant, but he has been posting enough to show he is active. His posts are more or less jokes and seems happy to ignore posting unless addressed.

Counter DH ?

Also : @ Zen : Thoughts on Dabuz after his recent posts ?

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation

dabuz is always just a scummy person. I really don't know how to differentiate his scum and town play. I'd like to see more from him DH, and, Jummoner. At this point I'm going to have to put you as ok. At least not good. But if the three of them don't get in the game there's not much we can do. I know J is just going to ignore the game no matter what alignment. That's just what he does as a hydra. I'd probably lynch Jummoner or dabuz though.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm not entirely opposed to lynching Jummoner(their recent posts have not done much for my null on them) , but how about we wait till the deadline is closer ?

Sort of a "if nothing better happens in terms of capturing scum" option.

Also Zen, why the sudden intrest in outright getting rid of Jummoner over say letting J / Summoner get some quality posts under their belt and going from there ?

I think it's safe to say that when J gets going in a game, even as a hydra, he can definitely be a difference.

Or were you trying to say that Jummoner should be the option if nothing else comes along ?

@DH: Read on Jummoner and your thoughts on this topic

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I feel like Me / Zen / Ran are going to have to really kick people to get in this thread.

Also Zen i agree that we should play assuming the traitor is still around.

@Dabuz: Do you support lynching Jummoner if nothing better comes along ?
Why / Why Not

@Ran : Your thoughts on this + an updated Dabuz read
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