@DewDaDash - O no Im not saying you guys WONT come Im saying that you guys will have more motivation to come if CFL didnt have a tourney to take away the SFL and CFL crowd thats coming.
I got ppl comin from AL & GA but its messed up when CFL players selfishly taake away from crowds from different areas.
I can PROMISE that great OOS players will come to my tourneys but its pathetic that I can get those players to come(Hell I EVEN HAVE NC INTEREST) quicker than I can get players from my OWN STATE to come below CFL because the CFL scene Continuously decides to throw tourneys EVEN WHEN People like me attempt to contact them over a month hell it was almost 2 months in advance about a tourney.
Its like ppl from the CFL scene just keep slappin ppl in the face... but w/e I aint mad. I just understand that the CFL scene is greedy and doesnt wanna travel.
Tally is a simple middle ground location for OOS players and FL players to Converge and I've been trying to utilize this major plus but its like players that have to travel more than 3 hours dont want to when I have ppl driving for 6 or 8 hours from up to states over to come play against them.
I think people are generally just more interested in going to tourneys with more familiar players and generally better turnouts + there's of course the distance issue.
I mean let's be honest, how many people give a damn about NFL? It's hardly active beyond Gainesville.
BigLou, Reflex & Kismet
then Lee Martin was interested in my tourneys at a point but I told him let me make sure that other FL players will come through before I have you waste ur time coming to Tally because Lee Goes to tourneys in Pcola all the time(which is why I kno him traveling an extra 3 hours 2 play the lot of you could be worth his time)
Hell I was just chatting with M2K about coming on the 16th of April but in my own mind I couldn't ask the guy to come to a FL tourney knowing that the rest of you might not come through. M2K is in GA for the next month and playing in all the local tourneys.
But yeah... Instead of unifying the state CFL consistently ****s the rest of the state over... Thank you CFL
SN: Y is it that only SFL seriously are the only ones that can travel??? Is it bcuz they are just too damned good?
@HardlyActive - MY *** Pcola and Tally have tourneys once a month... U already know about Gville and even Jvile has a scene. They just feel like Tally does and Pcola just hangs with AL and GA players