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Fire Emblem: Awakening Mafia | GAME OVER: Not Equal To The Challenge


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
so badly want to gun xastrn down.
I'm sorry you feel that way. I find it unfortunate how badly you are tunneling without taking a step back and chilling out and trying to imagine a scenario in which I am town and the shot on soup was rational.
Just chill, take your time, and we'll figure out what to do. Or freak out like soup did and you're either scum or souptastic.

I agree, Xastrn's replies seem like Omgus to Kary's pressure. I still don't see how it's scummy, he's just calling people who oppose his views scummy. Kind of how he acted when he first started scumreading FML.
I am not calling people out who oppose my views as scummy. If you'll go back to page 4 of this thread, you'll notice that I make a case on RR then and there. I didn't like his reaction to it, and I had a scum read on him LONG before we shot soup. When today started and he raged, he looked foolish, and refused to consider what half of the people in this game are accepting: it was a rational thing to do for us to make the shot, and we didn't go against our own rejected proposals, since there was consensus on killing soup.

It's RR's behavior and his tunneling and his lack of willingness to stop being (fake) emotional and start using pro-town thinking instead of what he's doing.

Ran, ask yourself this: would YOU have shot soup given the circumstances we were in? It was clearly going to happen within hours or minutes by scum, since they could pick up an unbreakable weapon. It was clearly also going to happen by any townie with a brain to see point #1 to keep it out of scum's hands. The only question is who shoots first. Since we built the case on soup, and it became clear that he was a liability and dangerous, we took him down. What would you have done? What would you have assumed regarding scum's motives at that point?

Why is Xastrn being so unhelpful here.

FML why are you letting this guy get support from you (I think it's that direction right? or vice versa) without really questioning what he is doing? I dunno you are kinda letting him do whatever, even though he's your town read. It's like you are bouncing off reads with him but you aren't really questioning his motives or anything.

What do you think of his recent actions here? He won't explain himself, nor will he actually explain his reasoning for ran scum vibes.
Below is my post when I said specifically that I WOULD answer questions given the circumstances I asked for, and not just because someone goes crazy with their caps lock button and their swearing. (i swear too, not saying that's bad. Just saying I don't have to react to people being d*cks if I don't want to. I'll answer my own way, with my own reasoning, and in my own time. See below.

I'll answer what I want and when I want. You need to go smoke a bowl or something and chill out. I'm going to my 10 year reunion from college now. I'll be back later when it makes sense and I'll say what i want to say.

In the meantime ... You take the time while I'm away and then I'll agree to answer what I deem is worth my time to address. If I have to repeat myself, I'll just tell you I already answered that and move on and you can read my earlier posts.
ou to spend the next 4 or 5 hours making posts that have nothing to do with me.

Font color changed for distinction from the rest of my post.



POST 702


More caps lock. More swearing. More rage when rational conversation is plenty effective. Look at what raging did to soup, and how it affected town. I won't have it. I'll reply anyways because the answers are simple enough.

I do want to point out that I had to read 200 posts to get caught up and I didn't create a reply tab for everything that referenced me. Even after I had made some posts, there was still so much going on that it was easy to ignore 702 when there was so much else going on. Furthermore, not everyone answers everyone else's questions, no matter how much they rage and spit and scream. I've asked dozens of questions that haven't been answered.

#1 Why did you think Raz attacking soup was a bus? I don't remember you suspecting Raziek at all.

#2 Why did you think it is so important for scum to hammer? Why do you think that they would need the weapons, when every player in the game starts with a weapon, and it's D1?
Here is Kary's 702 that he is referring to so calmly and patiently while I'm staying active AND spending time with my wife AND going to my 10 year reunion.

1. Xatres suggested it was potentially a bus, not me. But as it turns out I agree that it was a fair guess at the time. Raz could have been "doing town a favor" and hitting the obvscum (in all of our eyes) fast and used our reasoning regarding it being safer for the weapon to be in town's hands or whatever. We thought soup would flip scum. All of us who are not scum thought that. If raz was scum, and soup were scum, then the bus would have absolutely been the right play asap. It would get the unbreakable weapon in scums hands without making raz look dirty because he would have made an accurate kill. That's why Xatres made the shot when he could. It was a reasonable assumption that a bus was likely.
We hadn't suspected raz as far as I remember up until that point. Looking at our town -> scum lists, we both had him relatively higher towards town.

2. I think I answered this above, and I'm sure I've answered it countless times. Scum hammering soup (if soup was scum as well) would have kept the weapon he had. Even if he didn't have an unbreakable weapon and that was a "princess" ploy, scum could just bus him to spend one weapon and pick up the one soup had. Scum hammering is bad if they can use the weapon they scoop. If they cannot, then it's probably GOOD for scum to hammer, but of course we have no idea what they can use, and they won't tell us.

Every player starts with a weapon, but that doesn't mean that weapons are worthless. Consider your bullets in RE4, if you played it. At the very beginning, you only have a few. And you need them all. If you shoot a few at a tree, or shoot too early at the early zombies coming through the woods, and miss, or hit an arm or something, you are wasting the only bullets you have.
Weapons are precious commodities in this game. There are a limited number of them, and every kill removes one from the game. We assumed that every scum kill would break a weapon. That's a reasonable assumption, right? Please answer this question quick in your reply. That means that they only get 3 (assuming 3 in a 12 man game is normal, not special information that I have...just the most likely setup) weapons and 3 kills. They HAVE to pick up weapons, and they HAVE to be weapons they can use or else they are done killing and have to just create medley and mayhem and help the town explode. (Speaking of which, who is creating medley and mayhem today? Just a thought.)
So to answer your question, OF COURSE scum need everyone else's weapons, as often as possible. Otherwise they can't kill and can only create confusion and hope to ride it out while town implodes.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
When it comes to answering questions, I would think it comes down to courtesy. If you say "I'm not going to read all these one liners" we can simply say "we aren't going to read all your walls". I'll have to read more of them anyways. >_> But you did anyways so it's fine. I'll wait patiently on your reads and hope to see them.

Also about what I would have done, I don't know.

I hope you did notice Dabuz's posts scum reading you though, once you get the time to agree on reads and what not.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
assuming that was a response to 797
i dont believe he has mentioned any kind of scum read since then and its been null at worse
This is true. We read him relatively null for most of D1 outside of the one post that rubbed me wrong VERY early in D1. Once I got to know how this hydra played, I wasn't as bothered. ESPECIALLY once we got used to BiM, we weren't as bothered.

Ran, I'll try to read on Dabuz again soon, as you asked just now. Because you're questioning and replying rationally I'll respond to you better than I do to Kary or RR. Civility goes a long way. (Someone call me out on this by posting something I said that was a d*ck thing to say. I know I've done it. I'm a hypocrite sometimes. I'm just pointing out that civility IS useful, and in this case, I'll respect it by rereading a character he asked about.)

The good thing is that dabuz hasn't been terribly active. The bad thing is that in order to reread him, I need to catch my post tracker up. This is just my way of doing things, and I'll take some time to do it. I MIGHT get it caught up tonight. It might be tomorrow. I can't make any guarantees yet on timing. I'm busy all morning tomorrow, and I have some afternoon plans and we're seeing Ender's Game tomorrow evening. With respect to this game, I'd like to get some other life stuff in. I'm in a chess tournament that I'm trying to keep up with constantly (correspondance on chess.com), ingress laps to run around my town, and some other hobbies to tend to.

For now, I'll start my catchup now while I'm watching pbs. lol


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Kool. You could look at my spoiler of Dabuz to see if you see what I see as well.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Of course we blame soup for getting himself shot. Look around. EVERYONE blames soup for getting himself shot. He made the dumbest play I've ever seen. He wasn't even necessarily about to die, and he could have stayed calm and made a much more rational play and the heat might have slowed down. Xatres was 100% right in making the play he did, before scum did it to take the weapon. If he was scum, then a bus was obvious. If he was town, then a scum kill was obvious. Therefore, the only right play was to hammer when he did. I didn't do it, and I'm not sure I would have had the balls to do it either, but he did it and I stand by it. It was the right play.

If RR does it, it will be withing 24 hours of Day 2 beginning with the potential of some players not even posting toDay before it ends. How dumb does he have to be to make that play if he is town. The only way to read that play would be as 100% scum. At the very least, if he were town, he'd contend with soup for the dumbest play ever, and scum could just coast to a win since RR would get killed after our flip and 3 days in a row we'd have mislynches and scum NKs. 6 dead townies out of 8 or 9? We'd be DONE.

So no, I don't see how you have approximately zero patience for this ****, because you aren't thinking clearly. If you can't see the difference between the end of D1 and RR's threat to kill 24 hours after the beginning of Day 2 starting then you dumb or scum along with him.

You're starting to make me assume a Kary/RR/pawn team is most likely. You were in my town list until toDay, Kary. Same as Xatres. Why are you all of the sudden playing like scum? You answer me. No more bullying everyone with your questions. Tell me why you are playing like scum today. Put YOURSELF out there and explain how you think RR is being rational and I'm being so contradictory. dumb or scum or back down.
This is absolutely disgusting.

You're making a "scumteam" just because you want to lash out at people who don't like you. Kary calls out your bull****, Ruy threatens to shoot you, and you cling to an early pawn read, and suddenly you have yourself a team.

Your pair-up with FML reeks of self-preservation, and your play ALL GAME has been so grimy I don't know why you're alive.

This is ********, and no claim counterpart with Zen (another grimy slot) is going to make me ignore your play.

Still reading brb


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I either missed or forgot that Ranmaru was replacing pawn. I had to check OP to confirm.

I'm glad that's the case, though, honestly, because I am getting a scum vibe from ran so far. Nothing solid, but I felt pretty good about my scum read on pawn Day 1.

I'll reread toDay looking at Ranmaru closely. for now FOS
You wanna explain these scum vibes?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
That was 2am. I wasn't exactly excited about doing a reread and putting together a list.
I'm up early (for me, especially considering I couldn't fall asleep until 4am) because I have an OSS group (open source software) meeting with some colleagues at lunch. I won't make a list until mid or late afternoon at the earliest, and I said above that I may or may not give it to you yet, depending on a handful of factors, the greatest being the necessity for a conversation with Xatres and my hope that he can read the action from when he left last night until now.

I still haven't been provided a QT from the mod.

@Circus should I wait longer, or just create one and post it to you in a PM so me and FML can get things rolling. It seems that some players have tricks up their sleeves that they intend to unleash to guarantee a scum win, and I'd sure like to have some time to get with FML soon. Thank you sir.

We still haven't heard from a number of players and while I think more conversation about our play at the end of D1 is appropriate, I'd really like to hear from people what they make of other issues as well. Let's hear both.

In particular, I'm interested in hearing people's thoughts on RR's behavior today, Kary's pressure on me, and other ideas about why each person was chosen to be killed N1.

@All Explain what you think a scum strategy that YOU would adopt going into toDay. Please contrast that strategy with the actions of all toDay.

I'd like to reiterate something important: if we were scum just dying to kill soup, why did we ask for the separation to happen AFTER we had heard more? Even my attackers are saying that we've played a "textbook town" approach all game, only offering pro-town ideas, only making pro-town cases, and only defending ourselves in a pro-town manner. They are using this to suggest that we are just doing all of this pro-town stuff to hide behind it so we can truly be anti-town.

How well would that strategy have worked if our proposed rules been adopted by the town on D1? How likely is it that we have played that way if we were scum? Potassium (I think it was him) even referenced Majora's Mask mafia when we hydra'd scum and played horribly and made it clear we suck as scum and all we did was paint ourselves into a corner. (That was his read, there were other significant factors in that game, but w/e).
Is our play this game anything like what you've seen or heard of us in other games. We just about single-handedly won Oddworld mafia as vanilla town.
I read someone's post in the mafia V/LA thread a couple of days ago that mentioned that everyone in D-Games has over yomi-ed this game to the point at which most everything is a coinflip. We have not been active during the era in which this has happened, so I didn't know that until the other day.
Is it reasonable for us to have played the way we did D1 if we were scum, assuming that my attackers are right and we played textbook town with only pro-town behavior? Where were these attackers yesterday, if so? Kary was not on any bandwagon for us yesterday. RR barely interacted with me (or anyone. His post count was LOW by the end of the day.) other than 4 or 5 fast posts in reply to my case against him.

There really wasn't any heat on us until soup exploded and killed himself by all rights, and we simply hammered to avoid any shenanigans. Before you cry foul because this hammer didn't happen according to our rules, YES IT DID. We asked for town consent in our rules and it was there. We asked for a designated hammer and you all refused, probably for good reasons. Xatres took a risk making that kill, but it was easily the lesser of two evils given soup's behavior, his attempt to lash out and attack, and the early attack attempt on soup when he was still connected.
So yes, we DID play according to our "with town consent" rule. It wasn't a quickshot by any means. The only thing missing was a "can we hammer or will someone else volunteer?" Which by our opinion would have been bad if soup's claim was true and scum was ready to scoop that weapon to victory.

TL:DR Scroll up and read anyways.
This is also bull****. There was an abundance of heat on you. I was content with having you killed before you shot soup, and your play this game lines up with your inability to play scum in Majora's Mask. Every townie intent you try to fake is so obviously faked gag a little.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
This is absolutely disgusting.

You're making a "scumteam" just because you want to lash out at people who don't like you. Kary calls out your bull****, Ruy threatens to shoot you, and you cling to an early pawn read, and suddenly you have yourself a team.

Your pair-up with FML reeks of self-preservation, and your play ALL GAME has been so grimy I don't know why you're alive.

This is ********, and no claim counterpart with Zen (another grimy slot) is going to make me ignore your play.

Still reading brb
Cool. Feel free to make an actual case about how grimy I am ALL GAME. Because if you remember, everyone was saying D1 that we were playing so pro-town that it was almost TOO pro-town. Every case ever made against us was either OMGUS (RR early), or oh my god you killed kenny (you *******).


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I've made multiple cases already.

I'll try to explain where I'm coming from.

Xastrn's reads, last I checked, were something like this:

Xastrn - because it's himself
Sokr - because he liked his first post so much Sokr overcame the inactive pile. Reasoning being that Sokr was questioning inactives
FML - for being active and asking questions
Kary - for being active and asking questions

Me - for inactivity
BRB Not posting - for adhering to their name
Raziek - for... I dunno, I think he just doesn't have a read on him yet? Only one who has been posting who he hasn't stated his opinion of

pawn - for inactivity, buddying, lurking
dabuz - for inactivity
Zen - for... withholding dissent or something? When it came to Xastrn's plan he didn't like that Zen apparently didn't give a hard stance (even though he totally did)

Red Ryu - for having a lot of fluff in his posts and little content
soup - for changing his mind from liking the pairing system to disliking it

His townreads really are that shallow, and his scumreads are super reachy. I've disliked his reasoning for every stance he's presented (not necessarily the stance itself), and I've hated how he's been focusing on inactivity and very arbitrary stuff without ever going into intentions, etc. It's all very surface level. Then there's his game analysis, which was generally disagreed on by everybody. That he suggested a plan I have no problem with. That it was so mechanical I dislike. He developed a reachy scumread on Zen because Zen apparently kept his options open wrt agreeing/disagreeing with the rules. This isn't true from what I read, as I saw Zen clearly saying rules like that never work in BiM and giving an example game to read.

Then there's the inactivity pile debacle where he lumped me and dabuz together as inactives who needed to post content, ignoring BRB Not Posting, pawn, Sokr, and all the people who had posts but were saying a whole bunch of nothing. His excuse that he was purposely biasing it to get reactions doesn't fly with me whatsoever, and his attitude after I called him out where he said stuff like "you may be scumreading me now, but this is actually good! I am getting exactly what I wanted from this and now you're posting!" left a bad taste in my mouth.

I'll briefly mention the fact that all the hydra's posts read as very formal and forced, but I'm not putting much weight on this.

Lastly, there's the difference between his interaction with soup and Kary's interaction with soup. When Kary and soup had their argument at the bottom of the first page, Kary called soup out for contradicting himself. In this case, soup did contradict himself and the mistake was real. I feel like it was just a mistake from him in which he tried to explain things in multiple ways and it didn't really work out, and that that interaction was TvT. More recently, Xastrn and soup have been arguing. Xastrn is calling soup out on another contradiction. This time, soup is saying he doesn't like how people are jumping to pair up, whereas before he was advocating the idea. Xastrn is calling this a contradiction, while soup is arguing he merely changed his mind. Reading over the thread, you'll see that soup did change his mind, meaning this is not a contradiction at all, as soup showed his change in ideology that brought on his new opinion! This callout from Xastrn is, therefore, completely unwarranted. I see it having malicious intent as he's moved soup to his biggest scumpick and is trying to show him in a negative light on a very big reach.

All this adds together to make Xastrn look mighty dirty, if you ask me.
A case I already laid out for Kary D1.

I'm personally looking at a Xastrn/Zen scumteam.

Zen was threatening Xastrn with shots repeatedly if he kept making votecounts, yet Xastrn didn't stop despite the threats. Zen used this as a basis for a townread, and honestly I agree it would take some balls as scum to keep doing something when someone threatens to kill you if you don't stop.

What I'm thinking is that that was distancing, and Xastrn didn't feel threatened to stop because he knew he was safe from his scummate's fake threats. Zen went from his super hard scumread on Xastrn early in the game and turned it around to a townread from that alone. I don't like that. Then you look at the timing of when he did that. He chose to change his read on Xastrn to town when Xastrn was the clear target of the Day. I don't like that either.

What doesn't make sense about this is how Xastrn tried to make sure he got the shot off rather than Raziek. Yet their interactions regarding it definitely don't look like scummates. So why would Xastrn want to waste his weapon when Raziek was going to take the same shot? Seems odd to me.

What do you think?
Oh I just read and see why Xastrn did it now.

Raz is town, his interactions with both Xastrn and Zen are not SvS, and when he shot it's because he was trying to stop a rampaging soup.

Xastrn is hoping he can pick up soup's infinite-use weapon, and didn't want Raz to get it.

I am actually sold on a Zen/Xastrn scumteam.
(What's cool about this one that solidified my reads even more was that I ended up being right about Raziek-town as well. Then he died.)
Xastrn said:
Had to make that play before Raz attacked again. No offense to Raz, but the possibility that the two of you were trying to coordinate a bus to save a scum weapon was too much for me to wait. If soup flips scum, I'd look into a Raz/soup or potassium/soup scumteam tomorrow. If he flips town, well, then he played a craptastic game and got himself killed. I don't really believe his claim though.
This reasoning is a lie because soup was not under any threat of being shot before Raz shot. Xastrn actually told Zen not to separate because he didn't want soup shot yet. Raz made his shot out of the blue to try to stop soup, and that would make zero sense as a scum bus (would waste Raz's weapon and kill his scum mate). I refuse to believe Xastrn is that dumb. Please tell me you can see what I'm seeing.
Stuff I said to Sokr during the Night phase, relevant to Xastrn/Zen scum.

Within that stuff I touch on your grimy shot on soup and how your reasoning for it doesn't check out. The shot was, plain and simple, contrary to all the values you were preaching in this thread. You shot from the hip when you made rules on how town should NOT be doing that and basically contradicted your entire philosophy. Major hypocrite points, and you thought soup was contradicting himself!

There are more points to be made about your recent play, and D1 stuff I didn't touch on in my brief case to Kary. The point is, there is a case against you and your play is balls.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Cool. Feel free to make an actual case about how grimy I am ALL GAME. Because if you remember, everyone was saying D1 that we were playing so pro-town that it was almost TOO pro-town. Every case ever made against us was either OMGUS (RR early), or oh my god you killed kenny (you *******).
Also no one said you were playing too pro-town, and if they did they were wrong. Your play reeked of fake towniness. I made so many points against you early so why don't you cut the lying?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Your stupid pair-up with FML self-preservation **** is keeping you alive, because Ruy's not the only one who wants to shoot you right now.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
You wanna explain these scum vibes?
I said specifically that they were slight reads but weren't firm at all. They were colored by my distaste for pawn. I'm not making that case now because I don't necessarily feel that way now. I also told ran I would make a read on dabuz first, so this is on the backburner. Remind me on Monday if you remember, and I'll take a quick peek back at the dozen or two posts that he made when I mentioned a slight scum vibe.

This is also bull****. There was an abundance of heat on you. I was content with having you killed before you shot soup, and your play this game lines up with your inability to play scum in Majora's Mask. Every townie intent you try to fake is so obviously faked gag a little.
There was NOT an abundance of heat on us. There was you, and your comments were "I'm ok with xastrn being dead." That's not heat. It's boredom and lack of conviction. Sounds scummyish to me, but meh. I'll reread YOU when I get a chance. You're not that high on my list of important people to read right now, as you can see. The list is stacking up, and apparently I'm the only one expected to do all these rereads on people. You can feel free to get to work and do some rereads yourself, by the way, instead of just expecting them from me. I shouldn't be doing the lion's share of the work on this stuff.

In fact. Try this. You do a big multi post and don't say a word. Just post all the heat on us, so we can see this abundance. You're making the claim. Back it up. Multipost like crazy. Show me more than 4 players on our case, or show us more than 20 posts even mentioning us being somewhat scummy in the last 36 hours of that day or so. We felt almost no heat whatsoever, and even brushed off your comments or little ones like it because they lacked ANY case or conviction, as best as I can remember.

Prove me wrong. You're calling bullsh*t. Prove it.
You had better hope you're right and you can demonstrate it.

Don't forget. Don't type a word in between any of it. Don't flavor anything in light of what happened from the post we shot soup until this post here. Just quotes. If you do, you'll be adding a caveat or YOUR impression into your claim. There's no room for that. Not a word. Just the quotes.


I caught up maybe 2 more pages, but I'm still like 7 pages behind on the post tracker. Working on it, but I need xatres' help a little bit. This is making me tired. I'll call him now and see what's up.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Wow, that OMGUS all of a sudden. Lack of conviction? Really? I made a case on you and I was bored and had a lack of conviction?


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
1. Xatres suggested it was potentially a bus, not me. But as it turns out I agree that it was a fair guess at the time. Raz could have been "doing town a favor" and hitting the obvscum (in all of our eyes) fast and used our reasoning regarding it being safer for the weapon to be in town's hands or whatever. We thought soup would flip scum. All of us who are not scum thought that. If raz was scum, and soup were scum, then the bus would have absolutely been the right play asap. It would get the unbreakable weapon in scums hands without making raz look dirty because he would have made an accurate kill. That's why Xatres made the shot when he could. It was a reasonable assumption that a bus was likely.
We hadn't suspected raz as far as I remember up until that point. Looking at our town -> scum lists, we both had him relatively higher towards town.

2. I think I answered this above, and I'm sure I've answered it countless times. Scum hammering soup (if soup was scum as well) would have kept the weapon he had. Even if he didn't have an unbreakable weapon and that was a "princess" ploy, scum could just bus him to spend one weapon and pick up the one soup had. Scum hammering is bad if they can use the weapon they scoop. If they cannot, then it's probably GOOD for scum to hammer, but of course we have no idea what they can use, and they won't tell us.

Every player starts with a weapon, but that doesn't mean that weapons are worthless. Consider your bullets in RE4, if you played it. At the very beginning, you only have a few. And you need them all. If you shoot a few at a tree, or shoot too early at the early zombies coming through the woods, and miss, or hit an arm or something, you are wasting the only bullets you have.
Weapons are precious commodities in this game. There are a limited number of them, and every kill removes one from the game. We assumed that every scum kill would break a weapon. That's a reasonable assumption, right? Please answer this question quick in your reply. That means that they only get 3 (assuming 3 in a 12 man game is normal, not special information that I have...just the most likely setup) weapons and 3 kills. They HAVE to pick up weapons, and they HAVE to be weapons they can use or else they are done killing and have to just create medley and mayhem and help the town explode. (Speaking of which, who is creating medley and mayhem today? Just a thought.)
So to answer your question, OF COURSE scum need everyone else's weapons, as often as possible. Otherwise they can't kill and can only create confusion and hope to ride it out while town implodes.
So you didn't actually think Raz was scum at all, you just assumed he was bussing.

And you thought it was obvious that soup was scum, even though (correct me if i'm wrong) you've never played with him before.

But anyways.

This weapon that soup had, if it was so important to scum, why would soup even tell us about it in the first place?

It seems to me like you hung absolutely eveything here on the idea that this weapon is important to scum. But the fact is that there's actually no evidence for that. It is possible that a player may find themselves unable to attack anyone; but there's no reason to assume that will be a problem for scum, or that it even applies to scum at all.

Do me a favour and start playing this game. No more activity police. No more assumptions about the mechanics. Because, for example, if you think Zen is clear, and he flips scum, I don't want to be there just to say 'I told you so'. I want you to just get it right in the first place.

Tell me what you think of Ranmaru so far. I don't need a post-by-post, I want a summary of what you think and why.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
You've challenged our read on soup as shallow and based purely on the one contradiction. I'm going to post xatres' read on soup in it's entirety below, now that it's questioned and we don't have anything to gain from holding it back. We originally planned to only release the first part and see if he buried himself and then unleash the entire read so he screwed himself in between. Here it is:

Soup in ISO

1 - Pairs up with Colonel Stars
2 - Points out that support chats can help with reads
3 - Kary points out that support chats allow players to hide info from town, soup says he wants to see them talk without public pressure (OUTING HIS OWN TACTICS) and reiterates good reads
4 - Partnering ensures that someone can't kill you directly, makes it sound obvious (EXCEPT SWITCHING/SEPARATING MAKES YOU VULNERABLE AND UNABLE TO HIDE LATER)
#30 - In response to our rules post, says spontaneous actions are more telling than orderly actions, claims that following guidelines give scum tools to hide (INCORRECT)... goes on to say it could work in theory, but no one would cooperate (PUTTING DOWN BOTH OPINIONS TO COVER HIMSELF LATER), then says "why bring this up at all, it's not like we haven't played mafia before" (SAYS OUR RULES ARE OBVIOUS, DESPITE DISAGREEING WITH THEM)
#31 - In response to Kary, mistakes how pairing up works, thinking it only lasts a single phase
WEIRD QUOTE: "Would it be suspicious for someone to use a mechanic given by the moderator to ensure their own safety if they're town? Townies want to live as much as Scum does. The idea is null."
#32 - Says he thinks FML is town and that he likes Kary's initiative to question (COMPLIMENTING PEOPLE WHO ATTACK HIM)... doesn't like us because we're "treating town like idiots" (POINTLESS MUDSLINGING BEFORE WE'VE HAD A CHANCE TO RESPOND), wants to see how Ryker/raz pairing plays out
#34 - Admits to getting pairing up wrong, says he doesn't believe anyone would use pairing up as a pure meat-shield, says he'd be willing to switch to attack depending on how Zen/Vandy react, says Kary is forgetting other mechanics like trading, wonders why no one else is using pairing up to get info (ENCOURAGES OTHERS TO PAIR UP, IF HE HAS SCUMMATES, THAT ALLOWS THEM TO GET MORE INFO PRIVATELY FROM TOWNIES), says the game is about survival and nothing stops scum from bull****ting a reason to kill some (EXCEPT, YOU KNOW, AN AGREED PROCESS BY TOWN), then turns around and says scum wouldn't do it because it would be suspicious (CONTRADICTING SELF, COVERING ALL BASES), says he has a townread on FML because it would be suspicious for him to hipfire Xastrn (SETTIGN UP FOR FML LYNCH IF HE FOLLOWS THROUGH ON THREATS), IMPORTANT QUOTE: "I'm going to protect myself by any means necessary, and frankly there's nothing you can do about it."
#35 - says Kary is missing out on important advantages to pairng up, won't say what they are
#39 - possible follow up, says he can switch to attacker depending on Zen/VANDY read (IF SCUM READ, SWITCHING WOULD BE STUPID, IF TOWN, WHY NOT CONTINUE TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND LET ZEN/VANDY DO KILLS)

#42 - says arguing with Kary is pointless, points out he hasn't even started talking to Zen/vandy, asks why kary is so quick to pass judgment when she doesn't know what's going to happen (FAULTY LOGIC, AS KARY IS PLAYING AN IMPLICATION GAME, WHICH IS WHAT SHE SHOULD BE DOING)
#43 - gets pissy and pushes kary to call him scum or shut up
#79 - Says he likes the hammerer idea, but doesn't like the payout... again, says it'll be beneficial but people wouldn't play along... says it'll cause more confusion than just saying you're going to shoot someone (DOESN'T EXPLAIN WHY THIS WOULD BE CONFUSING), says that for simplicity, if someone wants to shoot someone, just do it (ACTIVELY ENCOURAGES COWBOYING), says he doesn't mean hipfiring, but wants people to lay out a case and be willing to shoot, says he wants people to be responsible for actions instead of working around it because of system (FAULTY LOGIC: IF A TOWNIE HAS A BAD READ, THEY ARE HELD MORE RESPONSIBLE WHEN COWBOYING... SCUM CAN HIDE MORE EASILY WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE TO PULL THE TRIGGER)
#80 - says trading is a way to keep weapons out of scum hands (FAULTY LOGIC: SCUM WOULD NEVER TRADE WEAPONS AWAY), says he's cautious of a anonymous killing roll (OP IF THE POWER IS GIVEN TO SCUM, UNLESS THEY ARE UNABLE TO NK)

#81 - asks Colonel Stars if he would be willing to stay paired the entire game (IF HE'S SURE OF HIS OWN ABILITY TO AVOID SUSPICION, THIS COULD PROTECT HIM FROM KILLS INDEFINITELY)
#100 - says he doesn't understand Potato's town-read on Kary, says kary backed down on scum-read on soup and tried to latch on to supposed contradictions.... fuzzy wording, not really sure what he's saying
#101 - warns town to stop giving out claim information in thread, implies he said something about it already (HE DIDN'T, AT LEAST NOT DIRECLTY), acts like giving claim info before the flip is useless (FAULTY LOGIC: CLAIMS OFTEN CLEAR TOWN AND PREVENT MISLYNCHES), asks what possible benefit it could be to town to give out that kind of info (FAULTY LOGIC: TOWN NEEDS INFO TO ROOT OUT SCUM)

#161 - claims to be unable to read us, askes Ryker and Vand how our meta stacks up to our mechanical play (WE HAD OFFERED EVEN-TEMPERED RESPONSES TO CRITICISM, BUT HE WON'T BACK DOWN ON HIS PAST SCUM-READS, INSTEAD TURNS TO OTHER PLAYERS, DEFLECTING)
#163 - says our efforts are townie but method is bull**** (FUZZY READS), says he doesn't understand the data, says it all feels fabricated (IMPLYING WE ARE SCUM WITHOUT SAYING IT /// DATA ISN'T THAT HARD TO UNDERSTAND), points out that Colonel Stars is high on list and yet has FoS on him for "ungodly reasons," says we are looking too far into things but that he likes that we are making effort (AGAIN, FUZZING HIS READS TO NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR MISLYNCH)
#167 - implies tracking post counts is "out there" (PRETTY STRAIGHT-FORWARD, ACTUALLY)
#168 - Potassium has asked for opinions on our reads, soup says he'll answer when he gets a response to his question (????) assuming the question is the one he asked Ryker and Vand, he's waiting to offer his opinion until others respond to him first (AVOIDING OWNING HIS READS ON US)
#195 - in response to dabuz saying he's never a heavy poster, soup says this is not true and that he's being more quiet than usual (DABUZ WAS LARGELY INACTIVE WHEN WALMART STARTED)
#196 - claims to be wanting to get a town read on Zen/Vandy because they could be an asset for him to bounce reads off of
#199 - says the thread is uninteresting, says our data is clogging thread with hard to read and analyze information, doesn't understand why we explain everything, says it "bothers" him (EMOTIONAL LANGUAGE - not necessarily a soup tell, but it's one of Dastrn's), again says he's not ready to accept our behavior as scummy (FUZZY READS), says he'd rather judge us on who we'd kill than what we say (AGAIN, POINTING TO A TACTIC THAT RELIES ON LYNCHING TOWNIES FOR KILLING TOWNIES), asks who I would kill

#202 - says he would kill Sokr if he had to kill someone right now (NO REASON STATED)
#206 - when asked, he says his approach is text noob-scum and that his first post "bothers him", says it seems like Sokr is trying to get as much pointer in and soup claimst o not understand why, says Sokr is posting useless info (DOESN'T CALL ANYTHING SCUMMY PER SE, AND CLAIMS CONFUSION AGAIN)
#207 - says he doesn't think Sokr and Pawndidater are aligned, as it would be ridiculous (probably right here, two inactive scum would be mad gay), says he doesn't like that everyone is jumping on the pairing bandwagon without a plan (DISCOURAGING PAIRING NOW, DESPITE ACTING LIKE IT WOULD BE DUMB FOR PEOPLE NOT TO EARLIER)
#212 - now says that he doesn't want everyone just talking in private chats, he wants conversation in the main thread (FURTHER CONTRADICTION)
#214 - asks Rake if he thinks scum would pair scum or pair townies (OBVIOUS ANSWER: BOTH)
#217 - says he trust people to fess up about what goes on in private chats (CONTRADICTING HIS PREVIOUS POST WORRYING ABOUT PEOPLE ONLY TALKING THERE AND NOT SHARING)
#223 - points out limited use of weapons and trading as benefit for pairing
#227 - accuses FML of being wishy-washy (actually true, this whole page is a mess)
#231 - says it is impossible for town to manage pairings, askes what FML has talked to ryu about -- FML says they discussed reads and soup in particular
#233 - asks FML if he has plans to change pairing -- FML says not right now, maybe later
More than just the one thing, huh? And would you agree that I didn't just type all of that just now? That it was either genuine or prepared? (I'm giving you the out of saying it was likely prepared because I'm guessing that's your assumption since you already have a read on us that you feel good about.)


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
So you didn't actually think Raz was scum at all, you just assumed he was bussing.

And you thought it was obvious that soup was scum, even though (correct me if i'm wrong) you've never played with him before.

But anyways.

This weapon that soup had, if it was so important to scum, why would soup even tell us about it in the first place?

It seems to me like you hung absolutely eveything here on the idea that this weapon is important to scum. But the fact is that there's actually no evidence for that. It is possible that a player may find themselves unable to attack anyone; but there's no reason to assume that will be a problem for scum, or that it even applies to scum at all.

Do me a favour and start playing this game. No more activity police. No more assumptions about the mechanics. Because, for example, if you think Zen is clear, and he flips scum, I don't want to be there just to say 'I told you so'. I want you to just get it right in the first place.

Tell me what you think of Ranmaru so far. I don't need a post-by-post, I want a summary of what you think and why.
I will get to a ranmaru read in time. I've told him I'd read dabuz first and I will. And I've stated that I need to update my tracker before I will do either.
We didn't hang everything on the weapon thing. But that was a major factor in the hammer, for sure. Xatres can tell you more when he is available. I don't want to speak for all of his intentions.

Regarding the weapon in scums hands: we assume that scum have to use their breakable weapons for kills. We may be wrong. Circus isn't giving us certainty in this idea as far as I remember, and he didn't even tell us the night weapons broke, and I felt his reply to the question was vague.

I don't like your comment "start playing this game." We've made cases that had nothing to do with activity. We've interacted with points constantly. We have the second highest post count, and MOST of those were not about other players' activity. I only reference OUR activity as demonstration that we HAVE been playing the game and don't need to "start" playing the game.

If Zen were to flip scum, btw, then this is a poorly designed game. I'd be bothered at Circus for screwing up the odd/even mechanic if he gave one half to scum and left us on a wild goose hunt for the other half only to screw us in the end. (Again, believe us or don't about the role. Time will tell, and you'll probably find a way to justify yourself for being wrong and somehow it being our fault.)

Hiding behind FML is not scummy. It IS self-preservation. I'll give you that. We DO have some heat from 3 players toDay, which is bad. It is likely that were we to die toDay, the falchion would land in scums hands, which would be scary for town. There is still a possibility that this game is already lost primarily because of soup's misplay at the end of Day 1.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
@FML, can you confirm in thread right now that I sent you Xatres' full case on soup in private? Please give the last post count number referenced in that chat for my own purposes.

@FML, can you also confirm to town that I posted to you our full Night 0 chat from facebook both before and after our role PM was posted? Please confirm the timestamp on the first post of the first link we sent, and the timestamp on the last post of the last link we sent (just now).


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
There is still a possibility that this game is already lost primarily because of soup's misplay at the end of Day 1.
I actually cannot take you seriously. If the game is lost, it would be over. But it's not, so let's not be completely ridiculous, and actually look at who might be scum. Forget about roles. Forget about weapons. Forget about what so-and-so said in thread. I don't want you to do anything except read the thread and question the play of people you think might be scum.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Xastrn for the love of god. Can you please stop trying to pick fights with people.
You're the man with the all caps and constant swearing. I'm responding with content. When someone calls bullsh*t on me, I'll respond. Notice I've been responding more calmly than my attackers. Who's picking fights?

For my information, how old are you?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You're the man with the all caps and constant swearing. I'm responding with content. When someone calls bullsh*t on me, I'll respond. Notice I've been responding more calmly than my attackers. Who's picking fights?

For my information, how old are you?
I actually cannot take you seriously. If the game is lost, it would be over. But it's not, so let's not be completely ridiculous, and actually look at who might be scum. Forget about roles. Forget about weapons. Forget about what so-and-so said in thread. I don't want you to do anything except read the thread and question the play of people you think might be scum.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
You're the man with the all caps and constant swearing. I'm responding with content. When someone calls bullsh*t on me, I'll respond. Notice I've been responding more calmly than my attackers. Who's picking fights?

For my information, how old are you?
I honestly can't believe you've asked me this. As if somehow it's even relevant to the game. For the love of god.

And then you protest that you're not picking fights.

I don't even.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Cool. Feel free to make an actual case about how grimy I am ALL GAME. Because if you remember, everyone was saying D1 that we were playing so pro-town that it was almost TOO pro-town. Every case ever made against us was either OMGUS (RR early), or oh my god you killed kenny (you *******).

Where did that happen? I called you out because why you called me scum and treated others was mechanical and surface level. On top of that your reads don't make sense with why you called people out in the first place.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
Wow, ok finally caught up.

Not gonna lie, I did skim a bit of the bigger posts from xast and ran because they're boring and annoy me, so if I missed any questions directed at me, please let me know.

My initial thoughts on toDay:

Xastrn: I don't even know where to start. All your reads are coming across as OMGUS and yes, you are picking fights. I'll tell you how. Someone will ask you a question. That's fine, it's how you play the game. You will respond with a scum read on them for daring to question you, only partially answering their questions because you're above that, and find someway to drag the soup thing into it regardless of it's relevance. Get off your ****ing high horse and play with us. You aren't making this any easier for town. Another thing, you claim to be the only one remaining calm. You aren't. What you're doing is petty passive aggression to rile people up. You know you're doing it. Stop it. Finally, enough with the irrelevant tangents, it's distracting. I'll probably wind up in your scum reads for this because that's how it works with you, right? Looks like you'll just be left with Zen as your only town partner at this rate. But wait, that's not possible. Although you being partners with him does seem very likely.

Ran: I'm not really sure what to think of you. I'm not liking you much atm, but I need to re read your posts to be more sure.

I'm not liking Zen too much either but again, I need to re read.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
This is stupid. Can someone tell me how to quote? I've done it before but it's not working for me and I'm wondering if I'm doing it wrong.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
This is stupid. Can someone tell me how to quote? I've done it before but it's not working for me and I'm wondering if I'm doing it wrong.
reply button to the right hand side of the post.

then scroll to the bottom of the page. might need to copy paste if you want to reply to multiple things on different pages.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
reply button to the right hand side of the post.

then scroll to the bottom of the page. might need to copy paste if you want to reply to multiple things on different pages.

Thanks. I was doing that but it turns out it was just the computer I was using. Don't buy a Surface RT folks! It's ****!


Jun 7, 2012
@FML, can you confirm in thread right now that I sent you Xatres' full case on soup in private? Please give the last post count number referenced in that chat for my own purposes.

@FML, can you also confirm to town that I posted to you our full Night 0 chat from facebook both before and after our role PM was posted? Please confirm the timestamp on the first post of the first link we sent, and the timestamp on the last post of the last link we sent (just now).


Actually i just read the entire thing, i think you forgot to include the sou[ case to us first but i'll check again.

I can confirm the fb thing but confirming the timestamps is useless lol, Me saying : this timestamp good, isnt gonna get people off your throat :/. Plus im tired.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Wow, ok finally caught up.

Not gonna lie, I did skim a bit of the bigger posts from xast and ran because they're boring and annoy me, so if I missed any questions directed at me, please let me know.

My initial thoughts on toDay:

Xastrn: I don't even know where to start. All your reads are coming across as OMGUS and yes, you are picking fights. I'll tell you how. Someone will ask you a question. That's fine, it's how you play the game. You will respond with a scum read on them for daring to question you, only partially answering their questions because you're above that, and find someway to drag the soup thing into it regardless of it's relevance. Get off your ****ing high horse and play with us. You aren't making this any easier for town. Another thing, you claim to be the only one remaining calm. You aren't. What you're doing is petty passive aggression to rile people up. You know you're doing it. Stop it. Finally, enough with the irrelevant tangents, it's distracting. I'll probably wind up in your scum reads for this because that's how it works with you, right? Looks like you'll just be left with Zen as your only town partner at this rate. But wait, that's not possible. Although you being partners with him does seem very likely.

Ran: I'm not really sure what to think of you. I'm not liking you much atm, but I need to re read your posts to be more sure.

I'm not liking Zen too much either but again, I need to re read.
First of all, skimming is frustrating. You're reading me and summarizing my reads but you're admitting that you're only skimming anyways. Don't do that. Read completely.

I haven't been responding to every scum read by calling them scum. But I do believe that there are scum on my wagon. It's either a scum or two on my wagon, or (if you believe I'm scum...I always give you this) then someone is bussing.

There is an element of passive-aggressive play in me. But you're wrong about my intention being to rile people up. I want to draw scum out, and scum IS being drawn out right now, so that's a good thing.
Which are the irrelevant tangents that you are referring to? I'm trying to be direct and I AM answering questions when I can and the time is right.

Also, No, I don't have you in my scum list at all right now. I have said this SOOOO many times: I don't mind heat. I don't mind pressure. I don't mind being called scum. As long as people make ACTUAL cases and interact with each other, then it's all good. The problem I see right now is that everyone is only interacting with ME instead of interacting with each other ABOUT me. These interactions are less helpful than they could be.

One thing should be noted right now: we're not dying toDay, and we're going to have to start working on cases against other players than me/us if we want to get anywhere toDay. Xatres I think will be making a post tonight. I might be around a bit more tonight.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
I haven't been responding to every scum read by calling them scum. But I do believe that there are scum on my wagon. It's either a scum or two on my wagon, or (if you believe I'm scum...I always give you this) then someone is bussing.
Ugh, this wifom.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
WIFOM is always in play. That's why I just always acknowledge it before people pretend I'm hiding behind it. No reason to waste our time bickering on wifom, right? That's why I just air it out there so no one has to post it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 28, 2011
You might not like hearing this because now you are imagining us scumbuddies with FML, and you can think what you want. I'm acknowledging, as I always do, that you can read plays however you want, and you can come up with both pro-town and pro-scum reasons for actions. Clearly, we read soup's poor play as scum when it was just a ****ty plan followed by a god-awful rampage that is probably going to be the biggest factor in our loss if scum win, and will go down as one of the worst plays in history.
Who is this addressed to?

His claim, including the no-lynch if we try to kill on the wrong day, is EXACTLY what ours is, only we are odd and he is even. I have no question whatsoever in my mind that Zen is town. If RR pulls his BS shot tomorrow, I'll flip town, you can take Zen to the bank as confirmed town.

I've got roughly a null read on FML. I need to reread on him because I truly believed he was our even counterpart until Zen claimed toDay. I read FML town once I got that impression, but now I'm back to NULL. I'll reread focusing on FML when/if I have time this weekend to get a more precise feeling in my head.
I really don't like how it doesn't even cross your mind that your counterpart could be scum. You claim to think everything over so carefully and I believe that. You've had enough posts detailing how what you've done could be seen as scummy. In my opinion, this level of thought around how other's read your posts is characteristic of scum. As town, you wouldn't have anything to hide and would feel less obligated to do so. But back to the counter part thing. Why are you so against the possibility of this?


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
Green Xastrn (Xatres) here.

I'm working on a few posts I wanted to make before I went to bed. I haven't had a chance for a full reread, but I am up to date. I do not have time for an extended period of Q and A (I want to actually sleep with my extra DLS hours), but I will try to be around sometime tomorrow to answer questions.


Sep 17, 2010
Dastrn and Xatres Hydra
First Point: Tunneling Us Today is Pointless and Unhelpful

People are absolutely right to be suspicious of us after Soup flipped town. We lead the wagon against him and were the ones to make the final shot. I would question town's wisdom if they didn't at least look into our posts again and ask a few questions.

However, the way we're being tunneled by a few players (and the overall direction of town in general) is pointless and unhelpful.

Why It's Pointless: Regardless of what you think our motives are, we cannot die toDay. FML is incapable of switching or separating with us because he already separated from another player this day phase. In fact, unless town shoots FML, we can't even die in the night and will survive into D3. The people chomping at the bit to see us dead toDay can stop, because it's simply not going to happen.

Why It's Unhelpful: Tunneling is useful in some circumstances for pressure, but this isn't one of them. We can't die, so we can't feel any pressure. The people raging against us literally have nothing to threaten us with.

As Dastrn said, we're happy to answer questions (provided they are asked in a reasonable manner), but focusing solely on us ultimately hurts town.

The amount of rage and vitriol in this thread right now is disgusting. People need to be making rational, well-reasoned arguments rather than ALL CAPS posting at each other and dropping one liners about how much they want us dead. As long as the emotions run high and the game focuses on one player, scum can simply hide in the background noise and go completely undetected.

Whether you think we are scum or not, Dastrn is right: There is almost certainly scum on our wagon. It could be a bus, it could be going for an easy kill, but there's definitely scum in there. The way town is being run right now, it's the easiest play in the world to simply sit on our wagon and rage.

My next post will address what I think town should be focused on...
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