I think that most of what the OP said is bull, a game doesn't have to take a long time and alot of fancy button skills to master to be a great competative game, now melee does and still is a great competative game, but those arent requirements. Furthermore, if a game has a scene where there is no clear "best Player" but instead has many different players winning, is that a MORE COMPETATIVE game than one where whoever has better finger work is crowned the best and no one can beat him untill they get there button rotation better? 'cause melee is getting to that point right now: the players are becoming so technically skilled that they are finding quicker and better ways to perform their tech skill that they will just jockey for position and start up their perfect button rotations that no amount of DI can stop and then they win, that's not competative, thats just shallow with a lot of weeds to chop down.
from what im seeing brawl is more competative that Melee. With the exception of wavedashing, every tech skill has returned, yes some have changed slightly how you do them, but not in any way that removes depth. If a tech skill now has more options as to how to apply it doesn't that make the game deeper? and if something like canceling becomes more about timing than just pressing a button doesn't that add depth? Now you have to preform L-canceling perfectly to get anything out of it, before as long as you pressed L reasonbly close to when you hit the ground you cut down lag, now you have to fastfall THEN do your arial and you cancel all lag, if you don't do your arial the second you fastfall then you'll see alot of empty short hops just like you can see some empy lazers from Falco if you don't time your SHL perfectly. Whats not deep about that?
Why, also, do you require a huge learning curve and a long amount of time to master for a game to be competative, if every one reaches the peak of tech skill rather quickly wont the acctual strategy of the game come into play more? which would in turn make it more competative? Instead of it being who ever messes up an adv tech skill? that's not strategy, thats kind of a crap shoot acctually.
I'm just tired of people getting all mad and depressed because the game is acctually getting deepre than button skills, the tech skill is still there if not more, but the game is evolving, its the evolution of Smash and we shouldn't be afraid of it, the Depth is there, its just not apparent from the Melee looking glass that we are currently looking through.