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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Sorry about my activity. Real life got a little real. Plus Sundays for me generally consists of orchestra sectional and Ravens football. Think either KWK or RR should die. I prefer RR out of the two. Joey Im not really for.

May I request Alexander?



Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Mod: Replace me.

Sorry guys, I have been dragging you all down. I would wish I could play this all out, but I think I need to take a step back and re-evaluate my self and try to improve myself (life wise).

This means I'll try to take a break from Mafia. Hopefully in the future I'll be doing better and will use much more of my time to play.

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Our ability means we know what we were targeted with. We didn't get a pm saying we were rb'd, but we received the "Shot" ability which is why we know we were.

Vinyl's track also hit us.



TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Considering you guys claimed that he didn't go anywhere, and I can verify by RB'ing him that he didn't go anywhere I feel a little better about your claim being truthful and can now just dislike how it was played.

Lynch Joey
Shoot Ryu



Smash Rookie
Nov 6, 2012
Vinyl. | Orboknown
Considering you guys claimed that he didn't go anywhere, and I can verify by RB'ing him that he didn't go anywhere I feel a little better about your claim being truthful and can now just dislike how it was played.

Lynch Joey
Shoot Ryu

ok, that makes a little more sense.
it still wasted our track though :/
probably rereading soon.


Smash Rookie
Nov 6, 2012
Vinyl. | Orboknown
Considering you guys claimed that he didn't go anywhere, and I can verify by RB'ing him that he didn't go anywhere I feel a little better about your claim being truthful and can now just dislike how it was played.

Lynch Joey
Shoot Ryu

I think the track was fine to me, orb. His claiming and power role is something to make use of, and I pretty much want to ask him to roleblock inferno for a moment, unless that already happened.
Wait, what.

How does one get a shot ability from a roleblock?
ask me in the qt lol


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Currently riding in a car, gonna do as much as i can before i start to feel car sick

I'm really unconfident in the Joey lynch, i don't really remember anything about him this game and the fact that he is suddenly up for a lynch because of his claim irks me. His behavior isn't what i would expect of scum. Gonna give him a read through to see what he has done thus far



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Wow, that didn't take long /barf

I'll be back later


Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Kev you are not roleblocking us again. We are getting our Track off, and our RB in conjunction with yours. What reason do you have to block us a second Night in a row (publicly, at that)?

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
Okay, we want Joey shot and Ruy lynched. We want both of them, but we are most confident in a Ruy scumflip because Ruy's play last phase was absolutely abysmal, his role claim is **** and he hasn't used it by now. He's one of the bare few who could have targeted KWK with the QT ability. He's the one that is most likely to flip scum.

Joey still dies tonight.

The reason we post this is because we can protect our vig and stop the night kill by playing our cards correctly this phase. We have two roleblocks to play with. On a scumflip, Kevin roleblocks Inferno. KWK roleblocks Joey. KWK tracks Kevin. Bubbles tracks KWK.

This keeps the night kill under control on the condition that we hit scum toDay. It ALSO keeps our roleblockers occupied and honest so our vig can shoot Joey tonight.

So, assign the GFs, then play it out EXACTLY AS WE ORCHESTRATED JUST NOW! You bring up any problems you have with it now, or you die if you deviate. Fair?

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Murder: I'm confused by you saying RR is one of the bare few who could have used Contact on us. What are you going off with that?

I continue to not think he is scum and no one is working with me. I have made points as to why I believe RR to be town and have seen nothing but "bad claim, bad play" to tell me otherwise. His play is bad, I won't disagree, but there is so much town intent in his actions. He is TRYING to hunt for scum, and he is TRYING to be open and honest. If his role could be verified would he still be scum to you? Or do you think scum universal backup is a thing?

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I'd be in this situation regardless of if I claimed miller or not. As soon as I say Vote Manipulator, everyone would assume I'm scum and I'd be one of the ones up for lynch. I knew this since Day 1. While there may be a townie purpose to the role, it just benefits scum so much more. I have no reason to claim miller when my role is just so anti-town (including the miller part itself).

That doesn't make you scum off role alone, Ryker is ******** read wise this game and I'm surprised after OS talked to Raz about this he is hoping onto the same logic.

I was a vote blocker in FF9 and got lynched off that when I claimed it.

It's bad logic.

Not supporting Joey lynch today. Fear is not scum fear over him not liking he got a semi anti-town role, vote manipulator can be town it's been town in multiple games here.

His play hasn't been bad at all until his claim came up when people hopped on due to that.

Boss is remaining horribly opportunistic and needs to die, his change of reads on players because Swiss flipped town and joey off the claim alone is far far worse. And worse he claims something that is far more likely for scum to have yet hops on the Joey's claim condemns him wagon.

Inferno being a tutor changes nothing, EE/Glyph was a scum inventor in Gigabots and Super Mario RPG in the BBR had a scum variant that gave fake powers that didn't work right.

Bubbles is town, the claim situation earlier is far far more telling that they conflicted on the claim.

J/KWK has the last scum barling me not reading Joey at all correctly.

Vote: Boss

We doing this.

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
KWK, there is NO TOWN INTENT in stonewalling a lynch. There is NO TOWN INTENT in not assiging Carbuncle despite being around the entire time after it was brought to the field. There is NO TOWN INTENT in holding onto a Back-Up ability when your super duper town read is dying.

I'm not giving Ruy time to test a Back-Up claim because Ruy is a scummy ******* who I am not letting run free anymore. He DIES and he dies toDay or toNight!

Dramatic Flair

Jul 21, 2011
Chasing after ladies and swords!
That doesn't make you scum off role alone, Ryker is ******** read wise this game and I'm surprised after OS talked to Raz about this he is hoping onto the same logic.

I was a vote blocker in FF9 and got lynched off that when I claimed it.

It's bad logic.

Not supporting Joey lynch today. Fear is not scum fear over him not liking he got a semi anti-town role, vote manipulator can be town it's been town in multiple games here.

His play hasn't been bad at all until his claim came up when people hopped on due to that.

Boss is remaining horribly opportunistic and needs to die, his change of reads on players because Swiss flipped town and joey off the claim alone is far far worse. And worse he claims something that is far more likely for scum to have yet hops on the Joey's claim condemns him wagon.

Inferno being a tutor changes nothing, EE/Glyph was a scum inventor in Gigabots and Super Mario RPG in the BBR had a scum variant that gave fake powers that didn't work right.

Bubbles is town, the claim situation earlier is far far more telling that they conflicted on the claim.

J/KWK has the last scum barling me not reading Joey at all correctly.

Vote: Boss

We doing this.
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