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Final Fantasy VIII Mafia | ~ Mafia Wins!! ~

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I assume you're referring to the way I'm presenting my read on Red Ryu being similar to my early game read on Vinyl in John's game? Why does that give scum indications? Are you just going off the logic "since the last time he did this he wasn't town, him doing it means he's not town", or do you have an intent-based reason?
It doesn't necessarily present anything beyond a null tell, which is how i read it in BAM at first, here I simply decided to push you on it to gauge your reaction, as i'm sure you'll recall in BAM it was to handwave the entire affair as a get out of RVS plan, i only intended to keep pursuing it if you reacted in a manner similar to this. My intent was to push you on it and see what happened, the reaction was going to be more telling then the post itself

I will admit that I was doing the same thing, and the fact that Rake pointed that out does mean he is processing what he's reading. I'd give that a town lean, but then there's his interaction with Murderbush:

Answering a question directed at someone else is an honest mistake, Rake clearly thought the question was for him. I doubt that Rake and Murderbush are scum together because of this.
I thought it was an open ended question, so i interjected my opinion on the matter.

But I don't like this response. Why can't Rake just say "oh my mistake" or something. It just doesn't make sense that he played his mistake off as intentional. Perhaps he developed an ego or something? Scared of looking dumb...?
Nope, that was me telling the truth that i had interjected. Why is my response telling to you ?

And then this post is the one that I actually dislike. The first part just annoys me but isn't scummy, it actually lines up with him playing off his mistake as not a mistake or whatever. But the question.... Something about it I just don't like. Like what does Rake get by asking that other than a back-door/excuse not to get involved with one of the most influential slots? Certainly not something helpful for town....
And he doesn't even commit to that.
I get ryker's reaction , as i have previously stated, i use rykers reactions to things to read him and even in his hydra the same logic will apply as i can gauge both of their reactions to something like i asked them, now what i was expecting was for ryker to go off on me about how anti town that could be, or how if i did so he would shoot me. Now it's possible he didn't believe me, but he didn't do as i'd expect ryker to do, instead he said he didn't care as long as i didn't ignore him when he wanted something from me. i haven't come to a conclusion yet on this reaction, but it was not what i was expecting from ryker at all.

I was throwing out a fun little accusation in pre-game for Red Ruy. I'm not even going to pretend to cling to it like I did with the Vinyl read in Puzzle Bobble because if it didn't work then, why would it work this time?
OK, why Ryu, and why when i said: Kantrip goes first, you responded with "that was the plan" As i recall you didn't cling at all to vinyl , you made like 3 posts about , caught a ton of flak from me included and you went elsewhere during/after your wagon died off.

But my read on you is legit. Why didn't you just say that your answering Murderbush's question was a mistake on your part?
Didn't come to mind and i had already said i was interjecting.

I have problems with your thought process. Tell me why you didn't think "Hey maybe if I act scummy I'll have the **** lynched out of me"? You've dug yourself quite the hole Rake. Start getting out.

It was all walking the line, as i said, not downright scummy, just enough things that could be argued as anti-town to gauge people's response to it. I have reasons behind everything i did and stand behind them fully just as i did in BAM. The reaction from scum in BAM was pretty instantaneous with Barull going off about how i was handwaving my d1 out the door , when i was really watching to see what happened when i said so, this playstyle also is proven successful as kantrip,194,bardull and riddle were all calling me town, i knew that to be a bs read, because i had played in such a way that the only reasonable read to have on me was null and / or null with a small "i've got my eye on you for scum intent" lean.

Okay well whenever you come back to the thread I want you to tell me the reads you garnered as a result of you employing this technique, as well as an explanation for your tyranitar scum read and your Twilight Sparkle town read.

@TwilightSparkle: Could you elaborate on your JTB town read? I'm assuming that's why you voted to assign him the carbunkle? Also what do you think of RR?
Zenwulfsparklepants is town. He went right for me and didnt' come off my throat too much during the process, he wasn't content to let me not answer his 104, even though it took him a little while to answer my question, his reaction to it all coming out, is also on par with zen town.

You, town. Pretty much when i said please explain how what i have done so far was scummy, i was waiting to see what you would do , as scum i might expect you to just buddy zen and ride with that, but you actually went out and made the effort to put together a reasonable case, and followed through by voting on my wagon.

Ryu: Null town: he defended me early on from zen's questions, but it didn't feel like whiteknighting scum, he remained calm through the entire last page and threw in his own questions, so he's not going to let me sit on my vig claim(which is legit lol)

Rake, I want to know the results of your play style and the reads you've developed.

I'd call 3 town / null town reads a good result. See the above

Rake give me your thought process on this plan and what you thought was gonna happen more indepth than BAS.

As a Vig instead of a VT, what were you planning to use this to accomplish. So you get scum to call you town, this is my guess this far. So if then, what would you do as a vig? Shoot them or what?
I would have kept playing this way, then towards the end of the day, like in BAM i would have asked why they had me as town, much like i did kantrip in BAM, where i accused him of riding my balls to get a reaction and then asked him to elaborate on his town read on me, as the way i had been playing to that point i wanted to see what he came up with, which was i was town because i was "looking information" as well as other weak reasoning.

I instantly knew he was some sort of scum because what he presented was the furthest stretch imaginable to have a town read on someone, this game if i saw something similar , i planned to shoot the person who was making the largest strecth, and regardless of their flip, claim the next day, explain my playstyle and grill the other people who had called me town on it.

rake logic

"ill act scummy so people think im scum and ill just shoot those people at night"

yeah im ok with this lynch

orbo/kwk, dont ignore my posts at you
i never said i'd shoot all of them lol.

and i said i'd act scummy in order to lure scum into calling me town, the people calling me scum or null are the ones who i know are legit reading and not worth pursuing at that point.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
and then i got ninjad by all of inferno, inferno i probably addressed all of those question in the wall i got up, so if you read through that and there's still others you have, i'll be here.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
You wanna explain this a little?

Unvote Vote: Rake

KWK is looking towny right now and I like the slot.
nah, i can't be anti town without trying to be so.

As in, i was purposely walking the line.

I'm not going to do it otherwise lol

I agree on KWK fully btw.

Why pick boss though ? I mean i know it's a kevin hydra but really Swiss cleared or ryker cleared would be pretty awesome IMO.

I'm thinking that whoever the majority is should get it, i'll shoot them tonight and we see what goes down. you don't have to believe i'm the vig, and we possibly get a town scum clear short of me being roleblocked.

Which reminds me

Assign: Carbunkle / Carbuncle : Swiss


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Prod Dodge for Boss ill either post when I get home from urgent care or Tom said he could take it when he's outta work.

Rake wtf is your slot? Swiss I hate you in this game.



Aug 9, 2012
@mod: Is the second portion of Carbuncles role also only effective if the player is town aligned? ie is the player only unlynchable if they are town aligned?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I'm a vig kevin. lol

As in i shot for town.

Also, i see what zenwulfsparklepants is getting at with his above


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
@mod: Is the second portion of Carbuncles role also only effective if the player is town aligned? ie is the player only unlynchable if they are town aligned?
Nope. Town aligned -> Only bulletproof. Not Town aligned -> Only lynchproof.

Prod Dodge for Boss ill either post when I get home from urgent care or Tom said he could take it when he's outta work.

Rake wtf is your slot? Swiss I hate you in this game.

Hey, post in your hydra account!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Rajam, the unlynchable is would be effective immediately upon reception of the GF , if non town aligned, right ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
alright, for those of you playing the home game , if we majority swiss and he's unlynchable, i'm shooting him tonight.

Otherwise if i live through the day i will decide at the end of the day, it will be majority style, so i want everyone before the day ends to say : Vote to Shoot: Some player whoever is the leader in these votes will be shot by me, if there is a tie i will wifom it.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
You are assuming that it is announced he OS unlynchable


Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Working on this game throughout this afternoon.

Are any of those things scummy to you? I don't know if you are laying out the foundation of a scumread on him or just pointing out what you don't like. Please follow up on this.
I'm pretty sure I covered this in a response to Rake. No, the RR read was not legit. No, I was not trying to set up a scumread foundation, nor was I pointing out things I didn't like.

@RazkerIt wasn't about the surface. I wanted to see if Rake would realize the fault in his logic and agree with me or if he would hold on to his reasoning despite the faults.

@Raketard:Nothing. Joey is my strongest scum read, but why would I waste my vote on him while he is V/LA and is not going to produce any content.

@Tyranitar: I am sorry to crush your hopes, but you are correct that I am basing it off pregame? Does this upset you? Is there some reason that you have taken interest in Masquerain? I am very interested.
Ugh this slot is grating my nerves. I'm going to assume it's Zen who keeps asking these questions that just make me ask: "Why?" What is he trying to accomplish with the whole "Joey is my strongest scumread but he's not here so I can't do anything about it" deal? And asking Tyranitar if him using pre-game content for reads upsets him? It just doesn't look to me like the things TS is doing can actually help him form reads....

@Why piling is good: Because it keeps scum from getting em. With them spread about, scum has a greater chance of obtaining them.
@Why it's good to put them on Swiss: Because the more involvement Swiss has, the better. Otherwise he is going to cruise through if he is scum. And be a useless domo **** if he is town.

JTB is on fire with his last couple of posts: Vote: Orbo
Orbo clearly didn't respond to this vote and you since changed it. Was it supposed to be pressure, did you find him scummy, or was it just RVS-style?

JTB, right now, who would you want cleared more than anyone else ?

Ryu / Whiz can answer this too.
Probably Murderbush or Boss. Swiss is a good alternative, but these two slots are hydras that are hard to read, making them even harder to read. I can also see them being harder to lynch if they're scum than Swiss, so getting a definitive answer on their alignment would be more beneficial in my eyes.

Can we just lynch Rake since he is a liability this game please? and lol at boss being right about Rake being indy.

Vote: Rake
Rake you're a scummy *** _____ . And playing increadibly horrible this game. Everyone else is just passing it off as you being stupid, but you need to go. Definitely don't want you around past today.
Who is passing Rake off as stupid? I haven't seen anyone giving him a pass yet, but maybe you caught something I didn't?

If you're town, it won't protect you anyways.
This is a good point. Sokr I love you sometimes.

@Rake: Why, exactly, did you want Carbuncle?

Kantrip did we really just do that?

Yeah, I really did just ninja you with the same question you were asking. Same wavelength. :cool:

Caburnacleable: Swiss
This is somewhat telling to me for Swiss town.

Since the plan involved with giving Swiss Carbuncle is that he will be shot at, killing him if he's scum and clearing him if he's town, the fact that he is hopping onto it without a worry says to me that he is totally fine with being cleared and doesn't need to worry about dying. Of course, he could also be scum who's just confident that he can deal with Rake (the claimed vig) and avoid being shot at by him (via killing Rake first or roleblocking or redirecting or any of the wonders a mafioso could have access to). Still, slight town lean on Swiss right now.

Why does no-one comment on this.

KWK was white in the list - what spurred him to discredit it?

Or rather, who.
1. It was a cool way to quote the video from which our avatar name derives: Don't Hug me I'm Scared.
2. My slot may have been white, but there were plenty of other slots that Zen had completely unwarranted reads on, some that had posted just as much as mine. Just because the read on us was natural doesn't mean the list itself was.

It doesn't necessarily present anything beyond a null tell, which is how i read it in BAM at first, here I simply decided to push you on it to gauge your reaction, as i'm sure you'll recall in BAM it was to handwave the entire affair as a get out of RVS plan, i only intended to keep pursuing it if you reacted in a manner similar to this. My intent was to push you on it and see what happened, the reaction was going to be more telling then the post itself

I thought it was an open ended question, so i interjected my opinion on the matter.

Nope, that was me telling the truth that i had interjected. Why is my response telling to you ?
Ah you see, the fact that you thought it was an open ended question more lines up with what I thought. Saying "I interjected" said to me that you knew the question wasn't for you but you chimed in anyways. Maybe I was getting the wrong impression off of that.
Your answer wasn't super telling, I just found it odd that you chose to say you interjected rather than just admitting you thought the question could be answered by anyone.

I get ryker's reaction , as i have previously stated, i use rykers reactions to things to read him and even in his hydra the same logic will apply as i can gauge both of their reactions to something like i asked them, now what i was expecting was for ryker to go off on me about how anti town that could be, or how if i did so he would shoot me. Now it's possible he didn't believe me, but he didn't do as i'd expect ryker to do, instead he said he didn't care as long as i didn't ignore him when he wanted something from me. i haven't come to a conclusion yet on this reaction, but it was not what i was expecting from ryker at all.
Could you explain this? What do you mean by "[you] get ryker's reaction" yet "it was not what [you were] expecting..."?

OK, why Ryu, and why when i said: Kantrip goes first, you responded with "that was the plan" As i recall you didn't cling at all to vinyl , you made like 3 posts about , caught a ton of flak from me included and you went elsewhere during/after your wagon died off.
Ryu choice was pretty random. No real reason behind it besides it just happened to be the one word post that I chose to point at. "That was the plan" was supposed to be a jest alluding to how I said I would leave and let Sokr do most of the work.

Didn't come to mind and i had already said i was interjecting.

It was all walking the line, as i said, not downright scummy, just enough things that could be argued as anti-town to gauge people's response to it. I have reasons behind everything i did and stand behind them fully just as i did in BAM. The reaction from scum in BAM was pretty instantaneous with Barull going off about how i was handwaving my d1 out the door , when i was really watching to see what happened when i said so, this playstyle also is proven successful as kantrip,194,bardull and riddle were all calling me town, i knew that to be a bs read, because i had played in such a way that the only reasonable read to have on me was null and / or null with a small "i've got my eye on you for scum intent" lean.
So did anyone call you town this time around? You didn't cite any scumreads you got from the "deliberate-scumminess" playstyle this time. Does that mean it wasn't successful, or are the scum just among people who didn't react to it at all?

What I don't get is why jumping on you for acting scummy makes people town. What's stopping an opportunistic scum from jumping on you for looking anti-town?

Zenwulfsparklepants is town. He went right for me and didnt' come off my throat too much during the process, he wasn't content to let me not answer his 104, even though it took him a little while to answer my question, his reaction to it all coming out, is also on par with zen town.

You, town. Pretty much when i said please explain how what i have done so far was scummy, i was waiting to see what you would do , as scum i might expect you to just buddy zen and ride with that, but you actually went out and made the effort to put together a reasonable case, and followed through by voting on my wagon.

Ryu: Null town: he defended me early on from zen's questions, but it didn't feel like whiteknighting scum, he remained calm through the entire last page and threw in his own questions, so he's not going to let me sit on my vig claim(which is legit lol)
For example, the reads and us and TS. You have that both of us called you scummy with our own reasons, and you're saying that makes us town. Why can't scum call someone scummy with their own reasons?

I'd call 3 town / null town reads a good result. See the above

I would have kept playing this way, then towards the end of the day, like in BAM i would have asked why they had me as town, much like i did kantrip in BAM, where i accused him of riding my balls to get a reaction and then asked him to elaborate on his town read on me, as the way i had been playing to that point i wanted to see what he came up with, which was i was town because i was "looking information" as well as other weak reasoning.

I instantly knew he was some sort of scum because what he presented was the furthest stretch imaginable to have a town read on someone, this game if i saw something similar , i planned to shoot the person who was making the largest strecth, and regardless of their flip, claim the next day, explain my playstyle and grill the other people who had called me town on it.
The sad part is the town read on you in BAM was actually legit, and I maintain that even now. I was just too lazy to go through the game again bringing up points that made me feel that way. I really don't think your stupid "act scummy" thing is as effective as you're pretending it is.

Rake aint livin today. Give JTB the carbuncle.
You think Rake is an SK rather than a vig, correct?
Why do you want to give the Carbuncle to JTB rather than going with the plan of using it to clear (or kill if they are scum) a hard-to-read player? I'm guessing it's because you don't trust Rake and want him dead and you have a town read on JTB? Speaking of which, could you explain that town read?

Want answers from Rake before I make a definitive decision, but as it stands now I still dislike him.
Slightly dislike TwilightSparkle. (alignment-wise. Play-wise they're as annoying as Rake.)
Very slightly like Swiss.
Slightly like Red Ryu. This isn't explained in my wall like the others but it's due to the suggestions he's putting forth. Like how he actively advocated for giving Swiss Carbuncle to assist in reading him.


Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
@Rake: Why, exactly, did you want Carbuncle?

Could you explain this? What do you mean by "[you] get ryker's reaction" yet "it was not what [you were] expecting..."?
Covered, i stated in my wall that i was expecting ryker to go aggro on me about saying something like that, he didn't thus, his seemingly non-caring reaction of his response to me was not what i expected.

Ryu choice was pretty random. No real reason behind it besides it just happened to be the one word post that I chose to point at. "That was the plan" was supposed to be a jest alluding to how I said I would leave and let Sokr do most of the work.
Explain this more.

So did anyone call you town this time around? You didn't cite any scumreads you got from the "deliberate-scumminess" playstyle this time. Does that mean it wasn't successful, or are the scum just among people who didn't react to it at all?
Boss called a suspicious null town as i recall.

It means it didn't last long enough and i've been forced to abandon it.

It's certainly possible scum is not among the people who reacted, as some players have not even been around to react.

What I don't get is why jumping on you for acting scummy makes people town. What's stopping an opportunistic scum from jumping on you for looking anti-town?
Because it was treading the line. I'm not sure how your confused about this. Scum wants to keep people around who they can manipulate , if i am being arguably scummy, they can dangle me in front of town as a distraction. While some among them may keep me as a town or null town read for browine points post death. I'd know those people would be bsing that read, therefore they are the ones to look at, the people investigating my actions and following up on them are less to worry about.

For example, the reads and us and TS. You have that both of us called you scummy with our own reasons, and you're saying that makes us town. Why can't scum call someone scummy with their own reasons?
They certainly can, but it's more productive for them long run to have someone call me town or null town for browine points and possibly try to keep me around for a easy lynch later on. Also, it's been my experience that a slot postulating about what they could be doing as scum, is usually town.

The sad part is the town read on you in BAM was actually legit, and I maintain that even now. I was just too lazy to go through the game again bringing up points that made me feel that way. I really don't think your stupid "act scummy" thing is as effective as you're pretending it is.
That doesn't erase bardull / 194 / riddle and your read was a stretch in all senses of the word. I'm not going to quote it , but trust me, you basically took things that i did and with very little explanation essentially slapped the word town intent on them


Smash Apprentice
Jun 28, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
Sheesh, I don't know whether to hate "zenwolfsparklepants" or Rake more. You guys are just irritating.

You both are scummy as hell. But unless you're secretly masterminds working together, only one of you is scum.

Convince me it's not you.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
VOTE: Tyranitarphantom

scum can be no clearer lol.

I'll explain but first:

Tyra: There are only two ways this goes, your either scum or a really dumb VT trying to shoe you are for serious business. Which one is it ?

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
wasn't, i planned on claiming immediately upon being unkillable, being town it would instantly clear me(cuz i wouldn't be unlynchable) , thus helping town two fold: 1) cleared vig 2) i can't be killed at night , so unless i got roleblocked / redirected, i would shoot who the majority was to be shot , or if i thought someone was bsing too hard then shoot them.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
there's no downside besides NLing that day seeing as i would then be confirmed town and vig and unkillable for one night.

meaning i get a chance to shoot from the hip and hopefully kill some scum.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I don't think you understand the logic misstep here.

To prove you weren't unlynchable scum, we would have to try and lynch you and see if you died or not with Carbuncle. If you were town, you would die with Carbuncle if we tried this.

The only way to then prove it at night is for you to shoot yourself, which is unprovable. Or try and ask if anyone else can shoot you, which would ask for a claim as a result, and then they shoot you.

I'm not at all seeing your thought process here.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
wow did not think my plan out far enough lol.

but wait, let's say we make swiss or someone else the GF holder, we can't risk trying to lynch them, becausse they might be town, now whether or not you believe i'm vig is now pointless, because i will be shot, thus i cannot prove whoever gets the GF inno.


Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Don't GFs only last until the end of the next Day?

Rake, I don't think you're that dumb. I think you just wanted the GF so that no town ended up being bulletproof leaving your options for a NK open.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012

best i got now is make me unkillable tonight , i'll shoot the majority pick , you guys can lynch me tomorrow and i'll fufill my town destiny of never lasting long at all lol, short of redirection or roleblock whoever you guys choose goes.

thats about the best i can do working with what we have now. unless you want to pursue my lynch in which case make sure to grill tyra tomorrow

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
lol no Sokr, if i were mafia scum, i would know who is on my team, i could shoot someone else, as for me as SK, the same logic applies, i would just not shoot the GF holder that night lol
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