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Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia: Game finally over! Raziek lynched, Town wins! Lego too!


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

The following links may help new players become acquainted with the game:

Newbie Guide: Introduction for new players.

Basic Rules: Reading these rules, along with the game's specific rules, will help you understand the game.

Common Roles: Includes a description of the roles both commonly and uncommonly found in Mafia.

Smashboards Mafia Archives: This archive includes examples of past Mafia games in Decisive Games.

1. Disputes with and private questions for me should be handled through PM or instant messaging. If you notice that I have made a simple mistake or if you have a simple question, please address them in the thread in bold.
2. Dead men tell no tales. Once you have died in the game, you are dead (unless, later, I tell you you're not). Dead players are not allowed to make any more posts in the thread for any reason whatsoever. No communication about this game is allowed with non-players or players who are dead, even if you yourself are dead. (If you are dead, you may not discuss the game with anyone who is currently playing, even if you could while you were alive.)
3. Unless your role PM specifically allows you the power, you are not to communicate with anyone about this game outside of this game thread. This includes posting content outside of the game thread and linking to it in the game thread. If your role PM does allow you this power, you are to post all conversations in a quick topic. Copy paste instant messages. They're amusing. This includes hydra logs; any private information remains private and must be paraphrased. I repeat, DO NOT COPY PASTE ANYTHING, including your own private hydra logs.
4. Editing your posts is not allowed.
5. I reserve the right to deny anyone from signing up/replacing.
6. Personally attacking another player is not allowed.
7. You are not allowed to quote any mod communication of any kind, real or fake, to anyone. You must paraphrase all information you wish to claim. You are not allowed to post or refer to any images or text (including color) in your role PM, nor may you post metadata about mod PMs in an attempt to break the game (e.g., message ID in the URL, time of day the message was sent, etc.). The same rules apply to hydra logs, masonries, and any other form of non-forum communication.
8a. Do not attempt to post generally unreadable or hidden text, as by changing the text color to match or resemble the page background. (Spoiler tags are allowed because they are easily noticeable. If a player in the game has issues with your text color, you must change it upon request regardless of the reason of said request. This rule is not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text of a message.)
8b. You may not under any circumstances use this color purple or this color red (DarkOrchid and Red respectively) when posting.
9. You may not use ciphers, encryption, or similar techniques.
10. You must post in English when typing a post. Sorry, Rajam.
11. Assuming your role PM does not say otherwise, breaking any sort of posting restriction will result in a punishment of having a permanent vote on you, meaning you take one less to lynch. These punishments can never kill you alone, but one vote and many punishments can. These votes may or may not disappear at the end of a phase, depending on the mod's thoughts of you being a repeat offender. Do not break posting restrictions.
12. Hydras, if in the game, must post in their Hydra accounts. This is so other players can easily review their posting history. All mistakes will be dealt with via a punishment from the mod. All hydras must have the name of both players located in the bio information (location or custom title).
13. All the rules in this post are constant, but powers and statements by the mod in a role PM can trump them. If you feel the mod has told you something that conflicts with the rules above, please check with the mod. He will always side with a private communication rather than these rules.

Voting and Lynching
1a. Each Day, you may vote for a player to be lynched using a bold vote command. For example, vote: Inui.
1b. Do not hide your vote in the middle of a post; make an effort to put it outside of text to help me find them when I'm scanning through the thread.
2. To unvote, use the command unvote. For example, unvote vote: Xyro. You do not have to unvote to switch who you are voting for.
3. No lynch is a viable lynch choice and a majority will end the Day without a lynch. For example, vote: No Lynch.
4. The Day will end when a majority lynch is decided or a pre-set deadline has been reached. If deadline is reached without a majority lynch decided, there will be no lynch.
5. After the majority lynch has been decided but before the lynch scene is posted, there will be a Twilight phase. Twilight does not have a predetermined length. Everyone can post in this phase, including the lynch majority target. After the lynch scene is posted, the game will move to Night.
6. There is no posting in this thread during the Night phase. Doing so will result in a punishment by the moderator for the following Day. There is a brief window that can be considered an acceptable accident, but forgetting to check the thread before posting is not acceptable. Do not abuse this.

Activity and Deadline
1. You are required to post every 72 hours. If you fail to do so, you will be prodded. An accumulation of too many prods over the course of the game (however many I think that is) will result in your punishment, replacement or a modkill depending on the circumstances. When feasible, I will tell you if I'm considering replacing/modkilling you. If you will be inactive for an extended period of time, you must notify me in advance. Unexcused or particularly long absences may result in your replacement or modkill. There will be no replacements after D4 has started except in extreme circumstances; if the person can post on smashboards, they won't be replaced.
2. We will have strict day cycles set on 10-days in real life. The town must stay active and be willing to punish inactive players if they hope to succeed.
3. I do not expect to grant deadline extensions, barring extenuating circumstances. In the event I need to replace a player, I may extend the deadline to accommodate the new player. Certain game events may also result in a change of deadline.
4. Nights will generally last approximately 48 hours. If you have a Night action and do not wish to use it, please send me a PM to that effect, lest I have to wait until the deadline for naught. Should a Night last longer than 48 hours, this does not necessarily mean you have extra time to send in a Night action; this will be left up to the moderator's discretion, but do not expect your action to go through.

Special Notes
1a. There are no jesters in this game, but that doesn’t necessarily mean everyone’s win conditions are uniform! I should really remove this so I can add a jester into a game sometime and people won't know a jester is in my game because I don't have this.
1b. There may be a jester in this game, I'm actually revoking rule 1a with this rule.
2. Ties may be possible in certain circumstances. If this is the case, both factions will win unless otherwise stated in their role PM.
3. I would like to actively encourage everyone to pressure players that are inactive and punish them by lynching them if necessary. I will replace players that need to be replaced, but the town shouldn't let that be an excuse to let players get away with staying quiet.
4. Knowledge of Final Fantasy Tactics isn't necessary to play, but it might be useful. Try reading up on the Final Fantasy Tactics wiki to learn about the flavor.
5. If you rely on flavor, you might get burned. Try to focus on information and player actions if you want to succeed. Not every role will make sense for their actions or alignment.

Sample Role PM:

Welcome to Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia, (name). You are a Chocobo! You've been in every game!

(passive) Flight: Each Night, you may take yourself and another player out of the game for that Night phase.

You have to post all your text in iambic pentameter.

Win Condition:
You are town aligned and win when all threats to the town have been eliminated or nothing can prevent this or maybe if everyone else gets modkilled for posting out of hydra.

Surviving player list:

1. Raziek
5. Inferno3044
8. Gova
10. Rajam

2. Nabe

The Dead:
6. Nicholas1024
4. NickelbackR0cks [Orbo]
9. Red Ryu
13. Gheb
2. (:xXx11!1!LegOLAAAzz!!11XxX (Brosuke/Swordancer) [Legolas for short]
12. Glyph
11. Seph Sangfroid Warrior
3. Ryker
7. T-block Kantrip

Removed from the game:

Important posts:
Day 1 ends
Day 2 begins
Day 2 Ends
Day 3 Begins
Day 3 Ends
Day 4 begins
Day 4 ends


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Everyone will be receiving a role PM. Some may get a “class” in their role, or part of a class, chosen for them. Those who have a “blank” role PM will be able to choose two classes, a Level 1 and a Level 2. You may choose the same class twice. Those will be your abilities for the game, and these abilities will be privately given to you. Your role will then be named after your roles chosen (e.g., Overswarm, Archer/Samurai) for all intents and purposes, with the first being your level 1 and second being level 2. In case of only one class being chosen, only one may be used.

Many of the classes have restrictions. While you can have multiple restrictions, the same restriction would not stack if it came from the same role (i.e., if you take one less vote to lynch for being a class and you choose that class twice, you would still only take one less vote to lynch, not two. However, if the same restriction came from two roles you would get two copies of that restriction).

Choose carefully. Unless you have a quicktopic for this purpose you are unable to discuss with anyone what role choices you are considering. So, don’t do that.

Each player has also received a Zodiac stone. No other information is given publicly about these stones.

When sending these, please name the role PM "Final Fantasy Tactics Mafia Roles" and plainly list them as "Lv. 1 : (name of role and ability)" and "Lv. 2: (name of role and ability)". I want to be able to copy/paste them for easy review.

Ditto with future Night actions. "FF Tactics Mafia N1 Actions" (N2, N3, N4, etc.) with abilities you're using plainly stated. I got a lot of PMs in previous games from people telling me what they were doing in prose. >:\

I apologize in advance for any odd wording or typos or other mistakes in the below roles; there's a lot to keep straight in my head here, so feel free to PM me any questions you may have. If you see something that's seems too good to be true, it probably is; PM me before you think you've found a way to "break the game" or you might get egg on your face.

Roles to choose from for players:

1. Calculator – (does not get a second class)

Calculate – Choose one of the abilities below. Then choose 3, 4, or 5. Any player with a post count evenly divisible by the number you selected will be targeted. You can be affected by this ability. You cannot use the same chosen ability two nights in a row.
Silence- Target player cannot use any active ability that Night and will effectively be roleblocked (as this is simultaneous, your ability still goes through even if you are roleblocked).

Posion – Target player who uses an active ability that Night will be affected by the poison and cannot vote the following Day. It will be announced publicly that they have been poisoned and cannot vote. Should a majority of players not be able to vote, or through use of their abilities gain a lynch, the Day will immediately end in a No Lynch.

Blind – Target player will not receive the results of their actions from that Night phase if they normally would. They will be notified they were blinded.

Slow – Target player’s ability will go last in the Night Action Resolution. If multiple players have this ability used on them, they will follow the NAR as normal for that group of abilities, then the non-slowed abilities will go.

Haste – Target player’s ability will go first in the Night Action Resolution. If multiple players have this ability used on them, they will follow the NAR as normal for that group of abilities, then the non-hasted abilities will go.

OS protects Xivii from a Night Kill. E Night Kills Xivii. EE is hasted, Night Kill goes through then OS’ ability fails because Xivii is already dead. Or, EE Roleblocks OS. OS protects Xivii. OS is hasted, protection goes through and the role block fails.
Restriction – Calculators take one less to lynch.

2. Dragoon–

Lv.1 Dragon Spirit - One shot ability, succeed or fail. You may use this ability during the Night phase. If you are night killed that night, the kill will go through but you will be revived at the end of the night. You cannot be affected by any actions after being killed, and your death and revival will not be shown to the public.

Lv 2. Jump – Unless there has been a change to the NAR, this ability is the first ability in the NAR. You will leave the playing field for that Night and any actions affecting you will fail. You cannot use any other abilities when using this ability. You don't kill anyone when you land the next Night phase, sorry. But I mean can you IMAGINE? A game with that many delayed vigilantes?!

You do NOT leave the playing field for the Day phase; you can still vote and all that and be affected by Day abilities. You jump on N1, you land on N2. You cannot jump two Nights in a row, to clarify.

3. Ninja –

Lv. 1 Abandon - Choose target player. Any abilities that they use that night will not affect you.

(passive) Lv. 2 Sunken State – If affected by any ability, the following Night you will not be able to be affected by any ability; this is including Night Kills.
Ninja Restriction- You may not be in the top 3 “most posts” of surviving players at the beginning of Nightfall. If you are, you will be killed at the start of the Night phase, before night actions are sent in. This will be posted publicly. The lynched player does not count as surviving.

4. Priest –

You may only use one of these abilities per Night; you cannot use reflect and protect in the same Night Phase.

Lv. 1 Reflect – Choose a target player. Any abilities used on that player for that Night will instead be used on the player that targeted him. This does not include factional Night Kills. You may not use Reflect on yourself. Should a player be hit with reflect an even number of times (2, 4, 6, etc.,) in one Night, the reflection will cancel (not be bounced back).

Lv. 2 Protect – Choose a target player. That player cannot be killed that Night. You may not Protect yourself. You may not protect the same person two nights in a row. Should a player be protected with this ability an even number of times (2, 4, 6, etc.) in one Night, the protection will fail.
White Mage restriction - unless an ability forces you to, you cannot cast the hammer vote. Any attempt to do so will fail and you will be given a MOD vote.

5. Time Mage – The time mage gets both Lv. 1 abilities if you gain any level 1 Time Mage ability.

Lv. 1 Stop - One shot ability. Choose target player during the Night phase. They will be roleblocked and voteblocked for the NEXT night/day phase. They will be notified.

Lv. 1 Haste – One shot ability. Target player’s ability will go first in the Night Action Resolution. If multiple players have this ability used on them, they will follow the NAR as normal for that group of abilities, then the non-hasted abilities will go.

Lv. 2 Quick – Choose a player. They will be given the ability to use an ability of their choice twice the next Night phase, including one-shot abilities (it will still count as a use, and they must have at least one use left to use the ability). You may not choose yourself. This ability may only be used once.

6. Thief –

(passive) Lv. 1 Steal – If you are on a lynch of a player, you will receive their last used active ability during the next Night phase only. You cannot receive passive abilities, and any abilities that have limited uses will be given to you with the same limitations in mind; if you gain a one-shot ability that has been used, there will be 0 uses left. You cannot obtain Factional Night kills. Should multiple thieves with this ability be used, the one closest to the hammer will steal the last used active ability, then the next closest to the hammer will steal the active ability used after that, so on until there are no more active abilities left to steal.

Lv. 2 Steal Heart – Choose target player, then choose a victim. The following day, the target player must vote for the victim of your choosing or not vote at all. Multiple uses of this ability or any like it on the same Night phase will allow the player affected to choose between the victims given to him.
Restriction: Any abilities used on you to protect you from Night Kills will fail.

7. Geomancer -

Lv. 1 Pitfall - The first ability used on you in the NAR after this ability goes through will fail, regardless of its source.

(passive) Lv. 2 Attack UP - Each of your votes counts as two votes. This will be indicated on the votecount. Note: If there are any mistakes in the votecount that result in an accidental lynch that involves this ability, the lynch will not count and the votecount will be rectified and the game will continue as normal.

Restriction: Should you be on the lynch of a townie, you will be voteblocked the following Day phase.

8. Summoner -

Lv 1. Carbunkle - One shot ability. Choose 3 target players; Any abilities used on that player for that Night will instead be used on the player that targeted him. This does not include factional Night Kills. You may not use Carbunkle on yourself.

Lv. 2 Golem - One shot ability. Choose three players. They cannot be NKilled this night; they will be considered bulletproof. You cannot use Golem on yourself.
Restriction: The Summoner cannot use any other abilities when using a Summon ability, including multiple uses of the same ability, and takes one less vote to lynch (minimum of one vote to lynch)

9. Dancer-

Lv1. Wiznaibus - Every player including yourself will take one less to lynch the next day. This cannot go below one to lynch. You may not use any other abilities while dancing. This is a global effect and does not target an individual player.

Lv2. Nameless Dance - Anyone who uses an ability on you will take two less to lynch the next day. This cannot go below one to lynch. You may not use any other abilities while dancing. This is a global effect and does not target an individual player.
Restriction: The Dancer cannot be the opening vote on a player. If they attempt to do so, they will receive a MOD vote and the vote will not register.

10. Oracle-

Lv. 1 Silence- Choose two players. Target players cannot use any active ability that Night and will effectively be roleblocked.

Lv. 2 Life Drain – Choose a player. That player will take one less to lynch the following Day phase and you will take one more to lynch the following Day phase. This will be publicly noted.

Oracle restriction - You may only use abilities on players who were on a successful lynch at the end of the previous Day phase. Those "Not Voting" or voting for a non-lynched player for any reason cannot be targeted directly by you.

11. Samurai-

Lv. 1 Murasame - One shot ability. When using this ability, anyone targeting you with an ability cannot be Night Killed. You may still be Night Killed.

Lv. 2 Meatbone Slash – One shot ability. Choose target player. This will count as a NKill and you will die if your target dies from this ability. You will not be notified of its success in any way; the only way you know you succeeded or failed is if you are alive. You can only use this ability on even numbered nights, and cannot use it when using other abilities. This ability will only go through if you are alive; if you are NKilled prior to the ability going through, your kill will not go through. Any sort of bulletproof status cannot protect you from killing yourself with this ability.

Samurai Restriction - The Samurai is voteblocked the following Day phase whenever he uses a Samurai ability.

12. Mime- (no second class)

Mimic - Choose two target players. The first player you will mimic, using the same abilities they use (any and all, excluding Killing abilities) on the second targeted player (if it is not a targeted ability, it will still be used globally or individually). You will not be notified what ability or abilities you are using.

13. Chemist

(passive) Lv. 1 Maintenance - You cannot be roleblocked or redirected by other players’ abilities.

(passive) Lv. 2 Auto-potion - Should you be NKilled on N1 or N2, the NKill will fail and you will be voteblocked/roleblocked the following Day phase. Daykills will still work.
Restriction - You must be on a successful lynch every day. Should you not be on a successful lynch at the end of the Day phase you will lose your Chemist abilities. This still occurs during a No Lynch but does not occur if a Day phase ends for any reason other than a lynch (mod kill, special phases, etc.)

14. Archer

Lv. 1 Charge - Choose a night phase. Your ability will go through on that Night Phase, even if you died prior. For all intents and purposes the ability will be "used" on that Night, but any prevention of that ability would need to occur on the Night Charge is used.

(passive) Lv. 2 Speed Save - If you had at least four votes on you (not including MOD votes) at the end of the previous Day phase, that night you may use any ability twice. This does NOT include one shot abilities or Killing abilities, regardless of uses left.

15. Monk

Lv. 1 Spin fist - Two uses only. Anyone who targets you with an ability the Night you use this ability will be roleblocked the next day.

(passive) Lv. 2 Hamedo -One use only, passive. If someone tries to kill you during the Night phase, they will be roleblocked that Night AFTER the kill should have affected you. You will be killed. Any abilities used prior to the NKill will still go through.

16. Wizard

Lv. 1 Poison – Target player who successfully uses an active ability that Night will be affected by the poison and cannot vote the following Day. It will be announced publicly that they have been poisoned and cannot vote. Should a majority of players not be able to vote, or through use of their abilities gain a lynch, the Day will immediately end in a No Lynch.

Lv. 2 Magic Counter - Should an active ability be used on you, the same ability will be used on the person that used it on you. It will still come from the original source, so any results that would normally be given will be given to them. This does not include Factional Night kills. Some abilities may not be reflected for various reasons. The original ability will still affect you. The ability will not be reflected if you die before you can use this ability.

17. Worker 8

Lv. 1 Bodyguard - Choose target player. Should they be affected by any active ability, you will be affected by it instead. This includes Factional Night kills. Please note that this does not count as a redirect but rather you “taking their place”; as such if you are killed any other abilities will continue to hit the normal target. This does not protect against global abilities.

Lv. 2 Guard – One shot ability. The Night you use this you cannot be killed by a Night Action and will be unlynchable the next day. Should you be hit with multiple Night Kill Actions in one Night, you will die as your Bulletproof status is one-shot. Should any special lynch activities appear, such as two people being lynched in one day, you may be lynched in the new lynch scene.

18. Mediator

Lv. 1 Intimidate - During the day phase, choose two target players. Player A will take one vote less to lynch if they are voting for Player B. It will be privately noted that you sent the intimidation to the player. You cannot use this and Praise in the same Day phase.

Lv. 2 Praise - During the day phase, choose two target players. Player A will become a double voter if they are voting for Player B. It will be privately noted that you send the praise to the player. You cannot use this and Intimidate in the same Day phase.

Restriction: The Mediator cannot use any Killing abilities nor be protected from Night Kills. This overrules any bulletproof ability you may have.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Postan. Could you send the rolePM to Sworddancer. and this account in addition to the hydra? Thanks in advance.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You guys better appreciate how ****ing complicated this game is for a MOD. Just saying. Role PMs going out shortly.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Role PMs are going out. Locking thread, do not discuss role PMs.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
PS- send me a confirmation PM with whatever necessary info; that's when the game begins. Please don't take forever on this.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Also also...

Check the second post for those that don' read role PMs thoroughly.

In the first post I highlighted some rule changes in yellow.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
For anyone who hasn't sent me a confirmation PM with the necessary information, please do so today.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005

The battlefield is nothing but experts in their own chosen craft.

There is secrecy, but only in plain sight; there is treachery, but only when it is expected. Deceit is as important as any ability you may have, and oftentimes moreso.

Good luck!

Day One begins
With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
A deadline has been set for Friday, Feb. 17th at 3:00 p.m. EST


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I like to start games with a healthy dose of skepticism.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
You know, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if that was in fact the case. Does this mean you're actually going to be helpful D1 this time around, Ryker?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
That reminds me, NO TAKING WAGONS TO L-1 in RVS. Because there's a good chance the wagon target might have the "takes one less vote to lynch" restriction, and that would be bad for (hopefully) obvious reasons.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
That reminds me, NO TAKING WAGONS TO L-1 in RVS. Because there's a good chance the wagon target might have the "takes one less vote to lynch" restriction, and that would be bad for (hopefully) obvious reasons.
Although obvious, I wanna take this a step further. NO TAKING ANYONE TO L-1 WITHOUT THEM CLAIMING! Any wagon at all ending in a ML due to the 1 less vote restriction, whether RVS or not, will be harmful.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
When do RVS wagons ever go to L-1? That's always taking it too close.
L-1 RVS wagons are actually (or used to be) fairly common. In normal games they're usually harmless, but then again there's the potential for incidents like D1 of TV-allstars mafia. Check it out for some of the worst fail since Rockin last got a vigilante role.

And I agree with Inferno, since anyone could be lynchable at L-1, L-2 is the point that players should claim at.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Putting somebody at L-2 potentially means that we're actually putting somebody at L-1 without knowing it. I don't think that this should stop us from going for some early wagons or wagons in general. If people start being oversensitive about putting somebody at L-2 because it might be actually -1 then we won't be able to apply pressure anywhere.

I disagree with the suggestion that players should necessarily have to claim at L-2 ... everybody knows themselves whether they require less votes to be lynched or not. They can be expected to know when their claim is due. I'm more concerened with people trying to discourage productive wagons on that basis and will keep my eye on them.

Vote Nicholas



Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

From now on, the first player who says "me" (bolded) won't receive a vote from me during all of D1
Dec 6, 2011
Sup guys. I kinda wanna talk to Sword some more but I'm cool with starting off.

Besides that, I'm not one to drop an opportunity. It will make it easier for me to scum-hunt if less people are voting me and pressuring me.


If you lied I'll have to investigate deeper into your slot.

Vote: Rajam I know your meta buddy. I'd be cool with you being dead, you'll be mr. Catchup all game regardless.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Putting somebody at L-2 potentially means that we're actually putting somebody at L-1 without knowing it. I don't think that this should stop us from going for some early wagons or wagons in general. If people start being oversensitive about putting somebody at L-2 because it might be actually -1 then we won't be able to apply pressure anywhere.

I disagree with the suggestion that players should necessarily have to claim at L-2 ... everybody knows themselves whether they require less votes to be lynched or not. They can be expected to know when their claim is due. I'm more concerened with people trying to discourage productive wagons on that basis and will keep my eye on them.

Vote Nicholas

Look, I've both put others at and played at L-1 a lot in the past. And trust me, ending up at L-2 with two people willing to vote you in short order is as much pressure as you can really put on someone. So I don't see how that's really discouraging productive wagons, it's just ensuring some idiot doesn't accidentally hammer before the target gets a chance to claim. Also, I find it a bit odd that you chose to go after me, despite the fact that Inferno was the first to actually raise that specific point. Care to shed a little light on your reasoning there?

Nicholas, if you were scum this game, who would be your scummates?
Whatever the RNG picked. :awesome:

If you were going for the slightly more meaningful question of who I'd most want to be scum with, I'd probably go with T-block and Gheb, since I know they're both capable of pretty good play from past games. Now let me ask you a question, what were you looking to learn from me with that?


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
Sup guys. I kinda wanna talk to Sword some more but I'm cool with starting off.

Besides that, I'm not one to drop an opportunity. It will make it easier for me to scum-hunt if less people are voting me and pressuring me.


If you lied I'll have to investigate deeper into your slot.

Vote: Rajam I know your meta buddy. I'd be cool with you being dead, you'll be mr. Catchup all game regardless.
This post feels off. A few questions for you, Xonar (I'm just going to call the hydra "Lego").

What exactly do you want to talk to Sword about? Considering that it's only a couple pages into D1, there isn't exactly a huge need for townies to compare notes at the moment.

Would you agree that your statement about it being "easier to scum-hunt if less people are voting me and pressuring me" plus posting that bolded "me" (which Rajam claimed would make him safe from his vote D1) shows a focus on self preservation? If not, why did you say those things?

Vote: Lego

Would you say that you have a good idea of Xonar's meta, and would you consider yourself a threat to Xonar-scum?
Dec 6, 2011
This post feels off. A few questions for you, Xonar (I'm just going to call the hydra "Lego").

What exactly do you want to talk to Sword about? Considering that it's only a couple pages into D1, there isn't exactly a huge need for townies to compare notes at the moment.
Overall game plan. I know I'm overall less of a "standard" mafia player than Swords. I like to pull gambits, I like to bait people etc etc. Those are quite important things to discuss before you start you know.

Would you agree that your statement about it being "easier to scum-hunt if less people are voting me and pressuring me" plus posting that bolded "me" (which Rajam claimed would make him safe from his vote D1) shows a focus on self preservation? If not, why did you say those things?
It's simple.

I know I am town.

Time spent with people looking at me is time spent wasted over all. It can hold good results for town, but it is always better to be looking at someone who can be scum than a town, right?

Now normally I don't mind pressuring me, as I can get reads off of people pressuring me, but I'm not sure how far Sword lets me go with that. I think accepting Rajam's gambit was close to crossing that line possibly.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
You took a harder stance against the common tactic of wagoning people by claiming that "RVS wagons going t L-1 are / used to be rather common", which is probably not true at all and even if it was true it requires some solid backing up ... I, at least, remember differently.

Pressure ... is relative. In this game you're at L-2 if you have 5 votes on you toDay. If you need one less vote to be lynched then a mere 4 votes puts you at L-2 already. And that's D1. 2 Deaths until toMorrow and we're already at a point where 3 votes potentially puts you at L-2. I don't know about you ... but I can't help but think that that's not actually a lot of pressure. Being forced to sway one or two out of three people might put pressure on some newer players ... but Nickel and Inferno are the only ones I can imaging feeling seriously pressured with a mere 3 votes on them.

So yeah, it kinda is dicouraging wagons.


#HBC | Ryker

Netplay Monstrosity
Sep 16, 2008
Mobile, AL
You know, I wouldn't be remotely surprised if that was in fact the case. Does this mean you're actually going to be helpful D1 this time around, Ryker?

That reminds me, NO TAKING WAGONS TO L-1 in RVS. Because there's a good chance the wagon target might have the "takes one less vote to lynch" restriction, and that would be bad for (hopefully) obvious reasons.
Wanted to touch on this later, but this is fine. You're wrong, btw.


When do RVS wagons ever go to L-1? That's always taking it too close.
This information applies outside of RVS. What did you hope to gain with that rhetorical question?

Although obvious, I wanna take this a step further. NO TAKING ANYONE TO L-1 WITHOUT THEM CLAIMING! Any wagon at all ending in a ML due to the 1 less vote restriction, whether RVS or not, will be harmful.
You're annoying.

L-1 RVS wagons are actually (or used to be) fairly common. In normal games they're usually harmless, but then again there's the potential for incidents like D1 of TV-allstars mafia. Check it out for some of the worst fail since Rockin last got a vigilante role.

And I agree with Inferno, since anyone could be lynchable at L-1, L-2 is the point that players should claim at.
No it isn't. Luxor in BiM4 was infinitely worse. Not to mention Adum in MMX.

Putting somebody at L-2 potentially means that we're actually putting somebody at L-1 without knowing it. I don't think that this should stop us from going for some early wagons or wagons in general. If people start being oversensitive about putting somebody at L-2 because it might be actually -1 then we won't be able to apply pressure anywhere.

I disagree with the suggestion that players should necessarily have to claim at L-2 ... everybody knows themselves whether they require less votes to be lynched or not. They can be expected to know when their claim is due. I'm more concerened with people trying to discourage productive wagons on that basis and will keep my eye on them.

Vote Nicholas

Everything except the vote in this post is correct. You shouldn't be afraid of applying pressure, that's how we move forward. However, refer to my bold post and realize that if **** happens, you can't claim that you didn't know it would happen.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2009
You took a harder stance against the common tactic of wagoning people by claiming that "RVS wagons going t L-1 are / used to be rather common", which is probably not true at all and even if it was true it requires some solid backing up ... I, at least, remember differently.
Yes, it did indeed happen. I don't remember a whole ton of games (mainly because RVS isn't that memorable unless someone does something stupid), but a notable example would be TV-allstars mafia (which you hosted), where an RVS wagon went not only to L-1, but even to a lynch.

Anyway, on further examination, I have to admit that Ryker's correct. I'd forgotten about the other vote-manipulating roles, and although one vote isn't a huge deal, it'd be impractical to say "You can't go any further than L-4 just to be safe". I think in this case it's the responsibility of the player being targeted to let people know he's a vote away from being lynched and claim accordingly.

Ryker, Gheb, what do you think of Xonar?
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