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Final Destination: Workshop General social thread


Smash Ace
Apr 18, 2009
North Carolina
...was that a subtle innuendo implying that you're gay for m2k and you touch yourself at night thinking of him?

Because if it was, you're sick. :<

If it wasn't, you're still sick. v:


Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2009
hey? what about my code in the last page? :( could you add it to the first page? please! my code 1505-3759-4471

Deleted member

I really need some new first party controllers, I have 5 third party ones and a first party one, they're all over 3 years old, and the third party ones aren't working very well, the first party one still works perfectly, though.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
You know you are intense when you still use your very first purple Cube controller that you got with your Cube (Along with Luigi's Mansion in my case, and I don't care what people say. That game was the **** back then)

And you know you are even more intense when the paint on the controller is worn down where you put your hands because of the sweat and blood put on that masterpiece of a controller from hours upon hours of Melee, Double Dash, Metroid Prime, Windwaker, and Pikmin.

Yeah, I'm intense.

And now I'm all nostalgic... Those were some good times. It's so depressing to see where Nintendo is going as a company; I feel like they have the same problem as George Lucas. "Let's take our best series and make crap out of them."

Now we are stuck with ANOTHER Mario Galaxy... I loved the first one, but have they seriously run out of ideas that they need to put Mario in space for a second time? Okay, it's got Yoshi but that's no excuse for another Mario in space game.

Spirit Tracks? LINK IS ON A TRAIN?! Phantom Hourglass worked considering it was a sequel to Windwaker (<3) and I will admit to enjoying the game, despite having to do the same dungeon 50 times (the ability to drive a solid gold ship helped me get over that). Now, you are going to put him on a train? Seriously... what the hell.

Brawl... I think we all know about how that went... Melee and 64 were beautiful. Then they threw out the formula for Smash success. Great job. Seriously. GG.

So Metroid seems to be going in the right direction for a change. Team Ninja spearheading Other M, and it looks sexy. But notice how its a 3rd party pulling the strings? Yeah. No wonder why it looks good.

I'm a little afraid of what's going to happen with Pikmin 3 when it's finally announced. That is such an amazing series, and my favorite thing to come out of the Cube (besides Melee) that if Nintendo ****s that up I will cry.

I also hope their overly casual designers don't touch Donkey Kong or StarFox. Without RARE working with the DK series though, anything can happen. Hopefully StarFox just stays with the great ship combat that actually made the series fun (I personally hated the ground missions in Assault and Adventures).


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec

Nintendo's series are falling into mediocrity faster than you can trip into an Ike fsmash.

Paper Mario<Paper Mario 2>>>>>>>>then throw out the formula and lets have some casual fun!
StarFox<StarFox 64>>>>>>Screw flying, lets make a Zelda game!

Coupled with the family outlook, Nintendo is running out of ideas. Those 2 things together make things like "New! Super Mario Bros. Wii". Sounds familiar...It's an easy Mario game designed for goofing off with the family. YOU CAN EVEN LET THE COMPUTER PLAY FOR YOU IF YOU'RE STUCK ON A HARD PART!! No joke.

The Wii (seriously, WHO THE **** would call something that?!) is basically a death sentence for hardcore games. I don't mean M rated ones full of needless blood and swearing, I mean GOOD, DIFFICULT, and SERIOUS games like from the past.

If Nintendo continues this approach, all the classics will be gone, and there will be no point in owning the lowest-end console on the market when the games you love don't even exist on it.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I still go back on a regular basis to play the old games of Nintendo series.

The gameplay was so simple to learn, but the task at hand required a new style of thinking and problem solving that you just didn't see in video games until that point. As frustrated as I was, those hours spent yelling at my TV because the puzzles in Zelda games, or certain stars in Super Mario 64, or failing over and over to find a boss's weakness were truly fun. Finding all the secrets in a game would take hours, things like Donkey Kong Country would have the simplest hints as to where the hidden secret would be but they were so well placed in the level that you would never notice it until your umpteenth time through the game.

THAT was fun. Nintendo may be making millions on the mindless "gamers" out there who want to flail their arms around for a half hour, where as Sony and Microsoft make millions on the mindless gamers who just want to make things explode and die.

All the companies are forgetting gamers like me (and the old school Nintendo fans) who want to be challenged through their brain, not AI that can headshot you 2340958 miles away and can take 3 rockets to the head before dying themselves. Difficulty is no longer about how challenging a puzzle is, but instead how many times you will die before advancing.

Hardcore gamers aren't the people spending money on the goriest things possible. Hardcore gamers are those who look for a higher quality in the experience. It's not just Nintendo who forgot about the true hardcore gamers. Sony and Microsoft don't care about us either. As long as every grandparent and little child is playing Wii Sports, and every teenage boy is killing off hordes of "insert target here" the game market won't change.

For all of those like myself, we are a dying breed of gamers. It's sad to say it, but it's true.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
To those discussing nintendo's failures, I believe this article is relevant (yes, I know it's long, but it's a very good read).

After reading that, I'm actually looking incredibly forward to SMG2. If this article is right, we'll be seeing some actually good games in the upcoming years, designed for the "higher tier" gaming audience. I see there actually being a good chance that SMG2 will be considerably harder than the original SMG, which if that ends up being true, we won't have nearly as much to worry about as we initially thought. If it ends up being a watered down game, though, our fears may very well be justified. SMG2 could be the turning point for nintendo to get back to serving its upper tiers, or it could show that nintendo has simply dried up on good games. We'll have to wait and see.


Smash Champion
Aug 31, 2007
turn around....
I read that article earlier today.
I was am a bit confused at how it said there were no casual and hardcore gamers, then went to say in a nutshell, there are hardcore and casual gamers, but just reworded, paraphrased and analysed the characteristics.

I find that there is some real truth and insight to it, but to say that there are no casual/hardcore gamers is a bit....well, stupid.
They exist because were are categorized and defined like that.

That's like saying there are no Christians and Jews, just people who think Jesus is the messiah and people who don't.
That's what distinctively characterizes them.


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I read that article earlier today.
I was am a bit confused at how it said there were no casual and hardcore gamers, then went to say in a nutshell, there are hardcore and casual gamers, but just reworded, paraphrased and analysed the characteristics.

I find that there is some real truth and insight to it, but to say that there are no casual/hardcore gamers is a bit....well, stupid.
They exist because were are categorized and defined like that.

That's like saying there are no Christians and Jews, just people who think Jesus is the messiah and people who don't.
That's what distinctively characterizes them.
Yeah, I agree that was sorta dumb playing with semantics like that. It's more like he was trying to clear a stigma associated with those terms, I think. Either way, the points about nintendo and its strategy were certainly interesting/insightful.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
That was a great read.

I really hope Nintendo follows through on the "upstream" aspect of it.

If SMG2 is a harder game, then I will love Nintendo. I miss the type of games they made in the old day, and if this is all some sort of business scheme to get more people into what seems to be a dying genre... then ****. GG Nintendo, if you follow through on all those quotes the article had to move upstream to more hardcore games.

Please prove us all wrong.


Smash Champion
Jan 18, 2009
Montreal, Quebec
"OLD" in capital.

Current Sonic games=lol. They're on a downward incline like Nintendo, but instead of going family friendly they're just getting bizarre.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
At least Sega stays pretty **** faithful to the upstream gamers. :V

Also, Sonic Rush 1 and 2 and Sonic Unleashed for 360 and PS Triple is hella legit son.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2008
El Paso, Texas
That article was great, it almost made my hate for nintendo disappear. Then, I remember vBrawl/4th Generation of Pokemon. Hatred is back.


Smash Champion
Mar 17, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio
That article was great, it almost made my hate for nintendo disappear. Then, I remember vBrawl/4th Generation of Pokemon. Hatred is back.
My disdain is still there for being 'used' during this 2-3 year transition period, but if what the article says is true SMG2 could be the big turning point that makes me wet for Nintendo all over again. And truthfully guys, lets be honest. vBrawl was the only big Nintendo game that we were all truly, utterly, disappointed with and didn't like. Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, and a few other big name games were still all very very good games, just maybe a little too easy.

At least Sega stays pretty **** faithful to the upstream gamers. :V
And that's a good thing? I don't know about you but I don't like every game to be a huge budget sequel or epic story driven game. I do enjoy the occasional casual ****-fest of a game, just like I enjoy going to see a casual movie, like Transformers 2.

I don't need to see another Dark Knight or Benjamin Button to get enjoyment out of a movie, a few 'casual' movies here and there make the huge movies seem better. Madworld was one of the freshest and most well designed games I've played in a long time and it SCREAMS casual.

One of the main reasons Unleashed seems so awesome is because the last good Sonic 3D game was Adventure 2 Battle. Unleashed is great, but it has it's load of problems that I overlook because it's so refreshing to see Sonic not sucking dog crap for once.

Either way, all I want is for that article to be right. It's been too long since Nintendo released a hardcore game (I'd venture Metroid Prime 3 was the last one, and that's second party)


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
My disdain is still there for being 'used' during this 2-3 year transition period, but if what the article says is true SMG2 could be the big turning point that makes me wet for Nintendo all over again. And truthfully guys, lets be honest. vBrawl was the only big Nintendo game that we were all truly, utterly, disappointed with and didn't like. Metroid Prime 3, Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, and a few other big name games were still all very very good games, just maybe a little too easy.
*cough*Mario Bike Wii*cough*

It'd actually be kinda sweet if they came out with a non-fail version of MKW and SSB in a couple years, too, like they're hopefully doing with SMG2.


Has never eaten a plum.
Jun 28, 2008
Rochester, NY
I stopped caring about Sonic when he turned into a werewolf (though the day levels of that game were sweet) and when he went medieval RPG on me.
I stuck through the crap of the first 3D games, hoping one would eventually go back to the roots that were actually... you know... fun...
Unleashed looked like it would, but then they slapped the werewolf in there and made something potentially awesome into mediocre.
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