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FGD~ Time to get SHTL done


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
I took my momma and her older friends out to the bars last night, didn't drink much but caught a cold, and feeel gross today :\ So I think I'm going to rent an entire season of a tv show from work, and have a nice relaxed day :)

On that note if anyone wants to friendly online Lemme know, I doubt I'll be leaving my sanctuary for a while

Good luck Judge, Hope you non-literally knock 'em dead :D


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
it is friday the 13th isn't it? i don't feel like being moody, lol

Cherry i'd like to wifi later if your still on, haven't played it for a while


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
For sure man, Like a couple hours? or like when is later lol? I'ma watch glee, Apparently it's great, most of my co-workers liked it so I figure I'll give it a shot.



Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
OMG, Asdioh, if you lost to Excel then that means he was right the entire time. Please, don't let that happen.

And I saw Scott Pilgrim vs The World today. It was a weird mixture between Americanized anime and live-action, but my friends and I enjoyed it nonetheless.


Smash Hero
Mar 16, 2007
Northville, MI
hm, I've never played my music at 30% volume before. It's ****ing loud. Also, my amp's only at about 50%. Any more and I'd be worried about seriously pissing off the neighbors.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana

asdioh didn't lose to excel. this happened three times.

asdioh pushed my poo in doubles but it's okay cause i beat him in singles friendlies and placed higher than him

i feel like i should have placed higher, not really happy how I placed but i felt like i was playing well :x

i used fox one game in mid-tiers against DLA and lost, it might be recorded though.

i watched asdioh almost beat dj iscascribble, his fox is actually really good and so is his kirby.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008


Oh yeah, it's going down like 2 horny teens in a movie theater. You guys shall witness me get it in on Asdioh. Sorry, you're cute and all that jazz, but a man has got his priorities.


asdioh didn't lose to excel. this happened three times.

asdioh pushed my poo in doubles but it's okay cause i beat him in singles friendlies and placed higher than him

i feel like i should have placed higher, not really happy how I placed but i felt like i was playing well :x

i used fox one game in mid-tiers against DLA and lost, it might be recorded though.

i watched asdioh almost beat dj iscascribble, his fox is actually really good and so is his kirby.
wow this guy summed up my feelings pretty well. good job dude XD I got inb4'd so hard!

long story short: I got 2nd seed in pools (out of 5... should have been 6th, but Renegade decided not to do singles. I probably would have gotten 3rd seed if he stayed in) and 1-2 in bracket. typical results for me -_-

I lost to a dude named Joey that's like, inexplicably good, which is what I expected because EVERYONE told me he was really good. He beat my Kirby with G&W and then freaking Zelda. Freaking Zelda. God I don't even have wifi johns for that. 1 stock both games though.

In bracket, I had to play Hilt, the Olimar player. I went Kirby because I didn't feel comfortable with Fox, but according to some people the matchup isn't that bad for Fox? Anyway, lost (1-stock) on FD, won (1-stock) on PS1, and then lost (1-stock) on Delfino. I actually had a lead on the last game, and I SHOULD have timed him out to win, because fighting Olimar with Kirby is an absolute NIGHTMARE, but I screwed it up because I don't have a timeout mindset, it's not something I do >_< I should practice running away though -_-. What pissed me off most about that game is that I had a lead, he was at 64% on his second stock and I was still on my third stock at high % when he killed me. The problem though, is that ENTIRE STOCK I didn't do a single point of damage to him. It was horrible. But yeah, that's when I should have timed it out, but I screwed up horribly there.

Then I beat a guy that plays Pit, using Kirby. It feels like such a piece of cake with Kirby that I don't see a point in using Fox.

Then I had to play DJ iskascribble's Meta knight. I went Fox because I strongly feel that the matchup is dramatically better for Fox than for Kirby, and it turns out I was right, because last time I played that guy with Kirby I lost, despite gaining an entire stock lead with a Kirbycide. This time around, I ALMOST won game 1 on smashville. Anytime I got behind, a little bit of camping put me back in the lead. He was on his last stock, well over 100%, and I was on my last stock at like 50% or something, but I just could not land the kill move to win the game, I got too impatient or something. Then he beat me next game too, one stock as well. It was a good experience though, I'm no longer afraid of Metaknights, I feel like I can make them fear Fox. I've never had cold hand johns before, but it was freezing at the venue all day long, the air conditioning was so low. When I played him, my hands were so cold, and while it didn't affect my gameplay THAT much, I was still ridiculously nervous about doing stuff like retreating SHTLs because the slightest input error and I would be Illusioning to my death. I've never had a problem with cold hands before because Kirby isn't as technical as Fox x_x

So yeah there's the longer version of AvP's summary. I'm not happy with my placement, but I'm pretty happy with my performance, and I know if I just play a little better next time I'll be able to go so much farther. All of my losses were to good players, and most of them were VERY close, which makes me happy.

Oh yeah, Kain's Wolf is so good. I literally thought Wolf was going to be a piece of cake until he Shine gimped me both games and I was like "oh ****"
So after this tourney, I learned not to underestimate any character. Twilight Prince beat my Kirby in friendlies with Ganondorf (I might have been unconsciously sandbagging because whenever I play Kirby against Ganondorf I feel like it should be a free win) but then I switched to Fox and 2-stocked him because it's such a bad matchup for Gdorf, as they all are. And whenever I play Fox I play seriously because I really want to get better with him x_x
I lost to Joey's Zelda in pools, so I can't underestimate her anymore. And I lost to Kain's Wolf in the mid tier tourney, so I know Wolf is pretty good. I now wish I used Kirby against Wolf, in doubles I used Kirby against his team and it was so much easier.

Also I beat Excel's Sonic with my Fox in 2 MM's (4-0 in games) and then beat his Luigi 2-1 in pools with Kirby :p
First game I lost because Luigi was at like 170% or something and I was at 70%, but he read a spotdodge and Shoryukened me XD

there I made the font smaller so my post doesn't seem so long
edit: it was too freaking small

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=283921 results

edit: holy **** Kain got 3rd using Wolf ._.
I need 2 step it up
Maybe I SHOULD play wifi more...


Smash Champion
May 12, 2008
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Also I beat Excel's Sonic with my Fox in 2 MM's (4-0 in games)
Not to sound like a prick, and not to undersell Asdioh's obvious talent, but... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I wonder what johns Excel will come up with this time. He was talking about blowing the money matches "like he always does", I guess money shouldn't have been on the line?

All in all, great **** Asdioh, I'm (at the very least) proud of you :).

I also finally attended my first tourney in over 5 and a half months yesterday. It was a rather small tourney, placed like 7th/17. I lost to PolarJunkie's Wario and MichaelHey's DDD. I think I could have won if I had been playing Brawl for more than like 4 days, for several hours each day, this entire summer, but I think they were definitely respectable losses. Both sets against each player I SD'd using a non-rising Fair. I definitely didn't deserve a win from them playing like that. Anyways, MichaelHey definitely knows how to keep his composure during a tourney, and I'm happy because I outplaced Meep and Lucien. Meep was high though, and Lucien hasn't played in who knows when. I guess I'm happy nonetheless. All my opponents were very talented and they all were great sports.

In addition, I got a TON of Fox ditto friendlies with RPK, and I can't wait to upload them :). They were just friendlies and we both made our share of mistakes, but we also pulled off some crazy **** that I definitely think is worth watching!


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Not to sound like a prick, and not to undersell Asdioh's obvious talent, but... BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

I wonder what johns Excel will come up with this time. He was talking about blowing the money matches "like he always does", I guess money shouldn't have been on the line?

All in all, great **** Asdioh, I'm (at the very least) proud of you :).
I think I said this, but the only guy I play against plays Sonic, so I have tons and tons of hours of Sonic practice, and NOTHING ELSE.

Of course, that doesn't help much against the multitudes of (insert non-Sonic character here) that I will play in tournament, but I pity the Sonic that has to play me in tourney lol.
Both sets against each player I SD'd using a non-rising Fair.
like this?


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
Yeah, for me, when it gets real intense I start inputting commands faster than I should... So instead of letting go of the ledge and doing a rising F-air, I just F-air to my death :(.
exactly exactly exactly

buffering is both a blessing and a curse

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Good **** to Asdioh. Like I said before I fail in mms. I'm like 0-20+ in money matches. I'm not losing to him next time. Hopefully I won't have as many input errors as I did. Which partly the reason I played Luigi in pools he was up to snuff the whole day. No confidence in my Sonic whatsoever. Also, Asdioh Ganon is no slouch, DLA gave my Luigi the biz in Mid Tiers. Curse him and his YoshQ exp.


Smash Master
Dec 7, 2008
Southern Alberta,Canada
Switch FC
So, my fox training has come a fair bit, so far I realize just how abysmal fox is against Meta. Like, screw recovering.

And I can successfully SHTL bout 60-70% of the time Running the average is more like 30% but I'm getting there, I feel pretty good about it :D


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
btw this was from the BBR fox disscussion:

100% serious, I think Fox counters Metaknight 6:4. MK cannot camp Fox at all because of lasers, mixing up drill -> stuff, air dodge -> up tilt, and air dodge -> grab gives Fox a good way to get in on MK and punish him a lot of the time pretty strong, blocking MKs down smash gets him up smashed every time easily, and he combos him hard even if you smash DI the up tilts MK is still in a bad position. I think Fox is an extremely, extremely underrated character because they are not enough good Fox's. I have never played TKD, but some Fox at Apex2 almost beat me in pools, and probably would have won both matches instead of lost if he didn't fall into habits such as constanlty spamming up tilt after a drill or double jumping in the same spot or spamming up smash when I'm at kill % while I am just waiting for it and baiting it. I honestly think Fox has a clear advantage in this matchup if he plays it right.
I also think Fox beats MK on most neutrals. In addition to everything Jason just said, Fox's often underlooked saving grace is his full hop escape. He can just full hop out of any pressure, and his jump height off a full hop is ridiculous (you will not hit him with SH ANYTHING). He also rises very quickly, and due to awesome FF speed, can punish most whiffs. This allows him to destroy vertical spacing battles, despite losing in more popular horizontal spacing. Not falling into habits as Fox, learning how to use your good close range, being able to stall in midair ridiculously while having the fastest falling speed, breakneck rising speed, and 3rd fastest Dash, makes this characters camp game STUPIDLY solid.
Fox is hard to play though, but I think this character is A Tier.


Smash Hero
Aug 17, 2006
Cleveland, OH
You! I am so sorry I missed our time yo, Sorry :(
its alright lol. something else came up around that time anyway :3
we'll have to play another time

good job to Asdioh and Light on how they did!!

exactly exactly exactly

buffering is both a blessing and a curse
yes, so much so
btw this was from the BBR fox disscussion:

sounds like Fox could potentially move up lol


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
fox should move up. im not suprised at what pierce and m2k said because its all true. i am surprised that m2k said that the match up is 60-40 though, especially since most mk's say otherwise.fox is obv better than all of mid tier.
Mar 28, 2008
I still don't think Fox counters MK, NO character does this, then suddenly out of the blue, Fox does?

Eh but w/e, I'll leave a TKD v M2K match to decide this.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
I still don't think Fox counters MK, NO character does this, then suddenly out of the blue, Fox does?

Eh but w/e, I'll leave a TKD v M2K match to decide this.
NAKAT (think thats it) nearly beat m2k and id rate him somwhere between 5th to 7th best fox atm


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
i still disagree with fox winning at the match-up, at least, there's no way of knowing for a fact because it's such an unexplored match-up

Assuming that what M2K and Pierce are saying is true about there not being many good Foxes and the really good ones (TKD) do exceedingly well in the match-up, it'd take more time for more top level MKs to learn the top level Fox match-up and not the average doesn't-make-it-out-of-pools Fox level match-up. A TKD vs. M2K match-up wouldn't prove anything with TKD having massive good MK MU experience while M2K has kinda bad Fox experience. Still, I think Fox is underrated in some ways and definitely does well in the match-up but I can't see him having the advantage anywhere.

if only his f-air wasn't so booty lol, also fear the day everyone gets mr. doom SDI and SDIs out of d-air followups and one u-tilt >_>
Mar 28, 2008
NAKAT (think thats it) nearly beat m2k and id rate him somwhere between 5th to 7th best fox atm
Okay this is something I've been saying for a while now, I'll say it again:

KillerJawz said:
You can get somebody to 260%, last stock and say you nearly beat them, but at the end of the day, you didn't win. You came close, but didn't win. NEARLY beating somebody in a grand final of a major tournament doesn't get you the first place prize, you get second place.


Smash Lord
Oct 11, 2008
Okay this is something I've been saying for a while now, I'll say it again:
thats true but someone worse than you by a significant margin shouldnt be coming close to winning.it is highly unlikely for example that the worst marth in the world would get the best mk in the world to the same damage and stock as the best marth in the world. nvm the match up
Mar 28, 2008
The fact still stands, he didn't win.

Some players get very lucky. We also have to consider match up experience as well.


Smash Champion
Oct 29, 2009
In Belleville NJ, with Leap of Faith
Thank you CRZ, but I still lost. I came close, but the ending result was me losing the set lol. It's ok though last time I played M2K I got 2 stocked that just shows me how much I have improved regardless if I lost or not.
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