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Farmer Pitches in! (Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons Farmer for Super Smash Bros Ultimate)

Would you like to see the Harvest Moon Farmer in Smash?

  • Total voters

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC

The farmer (farmer and name vary from game to game, the one shown above is commonly known as Pete) is the main protagonist of the Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons (Known in Japan as Bokujō Monogatari) series of games. After acquiring an abandoned farm in a small town, you are tasked to bring it back to it's former glory, by growing crops, and raising livestock. Along the way, you can grow acquaintances with the local townsfolk, and if you're good enough, you'll even be able to woo the bachelor/bachelor of choice and get married.


Harvest Moon has been a notable third party series on Nintendo platforms since the first game's release on the SNES in 1997. Going on to have releases on almost every major Nintendo console, onward. Nowadays, due to legal shenigans regarding the Harvest Moon name, the series now goes by Story of Seasons over here in the west.

Like Hero, there are different versions of the farmer throughout the series, both male and female. Also like Hero, we're just gonna stick with four. Two for each gender
First up, Pete and Claire are the most prominent designs being used in most of the original games. For Smash i'd say they'd take most inspiration from their Friends of Mineral Town Design

Mark and Pony are the designs from Harvest Moon A(nother) Wonderful Life, and I'd argue they're second most notable set of farmer design in the series. It doesn't hurt that AWL is always seen as the most Nintendo-y of the games,

Moveset wise, there's quite a bit of potential. Of course we need to talk about the farming tools. I can see some moves involving a pitchfork, a hoe, an axe, and even a sickle. There's also potential in a possible stamina system. You see, in the Harvest Moon games, when you use tools, you drain some energy, use too much, and you'll faint from fatigue... In Smash it'd probably work like Robin's tomes, being a little bar above the character HUD. Using the tools will drain a bit of the bar, and when it's all gone you'll stop everything to regain some breath, of course, this'll leave you open, so you'll have to think out your moves very carefully, and use your tools wisely.

Like I said earlier, the Bokujō Monogatari games now go under the Story of Seasons name due to Natsume still owning the Harvest Moon name despite no longer having the license to localize the series. There may be a problem with brand recognition here as not many people know the Story of Seasons name compared to Harvest Moon. At the end of the day though, I don't think it's too big of an issue. If they see the farmer's reveal and recognize it as the dude from Harvest Moon, that's all that really matters. Besides, it's literally only a title issue. Characters and stuff like that are still fair game. For example Harvest Moon: Freinds of Mineral Town is getting a remake and it's coming here under the title of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town

Same franchise, different name

You can help me out in one of two ways

1. Give me suggestions like a potential moveset, or some alternate costumes (This thread is far from complete, so any help will be appreciated)

2. You can show support for their inclusion
All you have to do is vote in the poll above with a yes, or tell me in the thread replies that you support their inclusion. Do either of these things, and I'll add your name to the support list


Thank you so much for checking out this thread! And I hope you have a great day!​
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Smash Journeyman
Dec 5, 2018
Harvest Moon content would be great!

Maybe they can use their pitchforks for their tilts and smashes? I’ll admit, I haven’t really played much Harvest Moon, don i can’t really contribute too much towards moveset.

Their alts should probably be like Villager’s: 4 male, 4 female, with each pair being based on a different Harvest Moon game.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Loved me Harvest Moon. Sadly I think the Villager does roughly what they could do. Can even grow a tree which would have been a nice idea for the farmer to reference crop growing. Isabelle even took the fishing pole away!

All there's left are the sickle, hoe, hammer, and barnyard animals. I suppose it would be doable...but Villager is essentially taking its charm.
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Deleted member

Forgot to join before, but count me in as a supporter. I have a bit more experience with the spinoff, Rune Factory, but regardless I like the idea of Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons as they are quite one of the most relaxing series there is, have a good story with Nintendo, and overall is just charming.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Little late on this, I love the harvest moon games and it would be cool to see it get some kind of representation in smash bros.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Oh hell yeah, I love the Harvest Moon games and I especially love Rune Factory. I want to see these games get represented in Smash.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Man, I used to love playing these games back in the day. I could see Sakurai making a fighter from this game, and using farming tools and chores to beat up opponents would be pretty funny. Count me in.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
Nintendo DREAM and Harvest Moon
Nintendo DREAM is a Nintendo video game magazine published in Japan. There are pages about Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Fire Emblem, Mother, Pokemon + Capcom + Sega + Konami + Bamco + Marvelous + Level 5. Harvest Moon has been featured each on 8 covers of magazine. But the series don't appear in Smash Bros, not even Spirit / Mii Costume. So, it would be possible for there to be Harvest Moon content (40 different games with the spin-off Rune Factory) in the DLC.
ND Harvest Moon.png
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Hey guys, due to recent events, I have decided that I'm gonna be leaving the site.

As such, this thread needs a new owner to take care of everything and such.

Please let me know if you're interested in the role.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
So Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is getting a remake on Switch! This is amazing news irrespective of Smash, but it is also interesting when it comes to potential Smash representation. Specifically because we will be seeing the return of the classic Harvest Moon character design, like the one used in the OP, on a current console. It's been a while since the player character has had a consistent design, so I would imagine if the farmer were to make an appearance he would have the classic design. Also that tends to be the route that Sakurai goes anyway.

Could this indicate a return to roots for the series? Or perhaps Nintendo seeking out this franchise for the Switch? Probably not to be honest, but it's interesting to think about. I would absolutely love to see the farmer in Smash after all. He was one of my earliest wants way back in Smash 64 along with Banjo and Kazooie.

And the more I think about it the more I want it again. There is a lot of potential for a very quirky character. And besides Bokujo Monogatari is a long standing, beloved Japanese gaming IP with heavy ties to Nintendo. And it even appeals to an audience that most other potential characters may not, which is always something to consider if we assume that marketing is a factor with DLC at all. Again I doubt it will happen, but the more I think about it the more I want it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2019
Yeah, I don't see it as likely, but I would love it so much! It is a series I have played for almost two decades now, mostly on Nintendo consoles. There is some good moveset potential, and I even thought about a system of 'seasons' that changes your specials as the battle goes on.


I made a thing

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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Friends of Mineral Town remake hype also brought me to this thread! I've been kinda daydreaming about Farmer all day... Here's some random thoughts.

- For moveset, I'd probably go with a Seasons mechanic that works kind of as a cross between Lucario's Aura and Joker's Rebellion Gauge. As Farmer takes damage, he progresses through the four seasons, which alter some of his specials with new vegetables with which to fight. Spring is standard strength, Summer is a bit stronger, Fall is especially strong, but Winter is much weaker. This would create a unique "damage the farmer, but don't damage them too much!"/"OH GOD THEY'RE STRONG; QUICK DAMAGE THEM RIGHT NOW" dynamic, while also representing the mechanics of the series.
- "Farmer Crops Up" is a good tagline, though "Raises the Stakes" is also pretty great.
- Mineral Town seems like the obvious stage choice, as it has appeared in both one of the most popular games and was a staple town, even though some games didn't call it Mineral Town.
- Pete and Claire are definitely the main choices for designs, though I'd probably go with Mark/Pony (Wonderful Life), Henry/Holly (Trio of Towns), Toy (the reoccuring PlayStation Harvest Moon protag) and Sara (the first female character who was playable alongside Pete in the gameboy games) as other skins. I'm not wholly sold on Toy, but if we're getting eight unique skins, then I'd want Sara to be included. Pete just got two female counterparts across all his games...
- If we get 4 designs, a la Hero, then I'd go with Pete/Claire and Mark/Pony. Two reps for handheld games; two reps for console games.
- The main reaction to a "Smash Brothers x Story of Seasons" announcement would be "Weird that this other farming sim got recognized before Harvest Moon," as I don't think people have caught onto the whole "Story of Seasons is Harvest Moon now" thing in the wider world.

I don't think it'll happen by any means, but it's been fun daydreaming...


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
And Rune Factory 5 is planned to be released on the Switch in 2020.
There could be a multiple promotion, like Dragon Quest.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2019
The main reaction to a "Smash Brothers x Story of Seasons" announcement would be "Weird that this other farming sim got recognized before Harvest Moon," as I don't think people have caught onto the whole "Story of Seasons is
I mean, wouldn't Pete and the mineral town stage make it clear that SoS = Old HM?


Smash Ace
May 12, 2006

This basically settles questions I had about the HM/SoS split-up & legality over the use of older entries: they're straight up using the original subtitle & everything. Consider me all in on a SoS rep.*

*with Stardew Valley echo.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
I mean, wouldn't Pete and the mineral town stage make it clear that SoS = Old HM?
Hopefully, yes. I don't mean that people wouldn't figure it out eventually, but I bet that reaction videos to the trailers would have a lot of confusion when the "Story of Seasons x Smash Bros" logo pops up.

And Rune Factory 5 is planned to be released on the Switch in 2020.
There could be a multiple promotion, like Dragon Quest.
I don't expect it, but Nintendo has been helping boost its reputation lately, both through Direct time and Nintendo-related crops and items... So, an argument could be made...

Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC

Ever since that remake got announced, the supporters have pretty much doubled!

Nice to see some appreciation for a potential Harvest Moon / Story of Seasons rep.

As for my thoughts on the FoMT remake, yes please! The original's my fav Harvest Moon game of all time so seeing it getting remade like this gets me pretty excited.
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Ramen Tengoku

Sep 7, 2018
Switch FC
Anyways, updated the page a bit, adding a section regarding the whole series name debacle, and streamlined the amount of farmers that'd be used as alts in smash to just four, like Hero.
I made a thing

Nice... I love the references to the other farmers in there. The GB one in particular was a pretty nice touch
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Well, here's a video...

(Spoiler Alert: the titular "Shocking Smash Newcomer" is Farmer)


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
I posted this in the general newcomer speculation thread, but I figured I should post it here as well.

Conspiracy theory time!

So! I have successfully convinced myself that a Story of Seasons character, most likely Pete, is more likely than most would think. Especially given the almost total lack of discussion about the possibility. My reasoning is as follows:

1. Story of Seasons began as a series, back when it was known as Harvest Moon in the West, on the SNES back in 1996. Since then 23/26 titles in the series have released on Nintendo consoles. The majority of which released only on Nintendo consoles. All of this to say that Story of Seasons is a very long running series that originated in Japan, created a new genre of game, and is a series which has very strong ties to Nintendo.

2. Now, if you've been paying attention, we are seeing a lot of Story of Seasons content or adjacent content on the Switch. First I'd like to point out that Stardew Valley came out in 2016 and by all accounts became a mega hit as far as indie games are concerned. This is relevant because I believe, I think reasonably so, that Stardew's success has sort of galvanized the industry a bit in terms of recognizing the demand for games like it. Like say Story of Seasons, the series of games that literally inspired Stardew. Stardew was recently pretty early on in the Switch's lifespan and was given a fair amount of screen time in the Nindies Direct. How as far as actual Story of Seasons content? Well if you recall way back when they released an infographic of games in development for Switch all the way back on initial release, Story of Seasons was present. The whole point of this infographic was to cement that the Switch, unlike the Wii U, was going to have support in the years to come. And Story of Seasons was relevant enough to showcase here. Note that we still haven't seen this title. However, we HAVE seen Rune Factory 4 Remaster showcased prominently alongside an announcement for Rune Factory 5 being in development (note that Rune Factory is a spin off of Story of Seasons, also published by Marvelous). This is significant both because this acts as a sort of revival of the Rune Factory IP, but also because they showed a teaser for a game. Not even a smidge of gameplay. This does not happen often. And now, the most recent example is that we have both the Doraemon Story of Seasons game released and the announcement of the remake of Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. That's a lot out of Marvelous already and all of it is Switch/Nintendo exclusive. Note we have also gotten Little Dragon Cafe, which got a fair amount of coverage by Nintendo and was made by the creator of Story of Seasons.

3. This point is a little convoluted but, just bear with me for a moment. Story of Seasons as a series/IP has had a bit of a rough time recently what with the company previously in charge of the games localization has commandeered the name Harvest Moon and is now making terrible shovelware versions of Story of Seasons using the name Harvest Moon in hopes of capitalizing on name recognition alone. This is why the IP is known as Story of Seasons in the West now, in case you weren't aware already (it has always been known as Bokujo Monogatari in Japan). So where am I going with this you might ask? On the face of things this might imply that there is a confusion in branding in the eyes of the Western public and that this might devalue the series in some way. I'd posit that Nintendo and Marvelous were in a bit of an interesting position around the time of the Switch's release. Story of Seasons is one of Nintendo's longest running third party games. Third party titles of course being something Nintendo was in dire need of at the time in order to secure faith in the long term viability of the system. Story of Seasons on the other hand was/is in the middle of an identity crisis in terms of branding/consumer awareness in the West and could use a boost in terms of marketing/sales. What better avenue to do so than Smash? This would act as critical outreach to the more general Nintendo gaming public about the series and specifically that it now goes by Story of Seasons, while also helping to secure or possibly even save a third party series that Nintendo very much needs. If Nintendo does nothing and let's the series fall into obscurity (I'm being a bit melodramatic here lol but still) they stand to lose a series of games that a solid fanbase going forward.

4. Beyond ALL of the above points, Story of Seasons also offers gameplay that is fairly unique compared to all series represented in Smash so far with the lone exception being Animal Crossing. And while this is a hunch, I would not be the least bit surprised to find out that Story of Seasons influenced the creation of Animal Crossing at all. But again that is just speculation on my part and certainly the focus of the games are clearly very different. This is notable both because it would potentially attract a different audience to Smash than other characters already on the fighters pass and also because it would (hopefully) lead to an interesting moveset. If we assume that part of the point of the Fighters Pass is to attract more and different players this could be important.

5. While Story of Seasons is not the most wildly popular of game series (though as Stardew has shown I think it is more popular than many might think), particularly amongst core gamers, the series has undeniable charm, stamina, and importance to the overall gaming industry. It created a genre all its own, what more is there to say really?

6. And of course most importantly, what vegetable is most iconic to the series Story of Seasons? That's right, the turnip. The very same vegetable that already exists in Smash Bros thanks to one Princess Peach. It was meant to be!

For real though, I think there are some interesting points here. Story of Seasons is long standing, Japanese, and has very close ties to Nintendo. It offers something unique. It has recently been fairly heavily marketed by Nintendo themselves, and in the case of Rune Factory 5 somewhat inexplicably. There is the potential for a mutually beneficial relationship for Marvelous and Nintendo moving forward, regarding the series and its futue on Nintendo consoles. The genre itself is experiencing a boom (Stardew Valley, Re:Legend, My Time at Portia, and Yonder with many other indie titles to boot). And not insignificantly it would provide for a surprise character pick that would actually make some sense despite being very much slept on. And in an environment where almost every possible character pick has been picked over and dissected by the Smash fanbase. And assuming this factors in at all, it would provide an interesting balance to the fighters pass in terms of which audiences each character appeals to.

At one point I thought Story of Seasons might have been a thing of the past, but now the series is stronger than ever, its future and the future of its spinoff Rune Factory seemingly secured on the Switch. Given all of the above I think the return to roots with the Friends of Mineral Town remake, and more specifically to one of the most recognizable faces in the series, might not be a coincidence. Note that Pete has many a time shown up in those ridiculous dream rosters that people used to make back in the day. You know back when Banjo would also be listed because that could never happen, right?

So all of that said my predictions for the final two DLC slots are Pete and Leon/Jill. It's happening guys! ;)

And if you take nothing else from this post, just take this as a lesson on the extent to which someone can convince themselves that something they want to happen will happen if they simply believe hard enough. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
And if you take nothing else from this post, just take this as a lesson on the extent to which someone can convince themselves that something they want to happen will happen if they simply believe hard enough. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Wow. That is a lot of text with some pretty great points!

I think you're getting at something I find particularly interesting about the farmer: They do so much of what people expect a "likely" Smash newcomer to have, but also they don't feel likely? They do Nintendo collobs; Nintendo publishes their games; Nintendo lets them announce new titles for their spin-off games in Nintendo Directs; they have Nintendo history; they helped define a genre; etc. In spite of all of this, the thread is kinda lonely and Billybo10k's video on them doesn't even have their name in the title.

I don't know if I share your certainty, but I definitely admire it.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
Can Farmer gameplay be fun, unique and different, as the Joker/Hero/Banjo gameplay ? At this point, Farmer must be able to do better than Villager and Olimar. Could he do it?


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2014
I feel like Sakurai could do it with any character so honestly I'm not too fussed about that. But certainly the farmer has access to a scythe, a hammer (a very large one at that), a sickle, a watering can, an axe, various farm animals, vegetables (perhaps as a projectile of varying damage), harvest sprites and or harvest goddess for a final smash. Pretty much every move could be with a different type of "weapon." I put weapon in quotes since none are really meant to be a weapon, but it certainly works in context. Also if you watch the video the person who made the infographic suggested the farmer riding his horse a la Wario on his bike as a side special which seems like a neat idea. And again could used varying animals to varying effect (cows, sheep, goat, ostrich).


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
At this point, showing tools and animals is not enough anymore. Joker has Arsene (unique), Hero has RPG attacks (unique), Banjo has Kazooie (fun). If Farmer gameplay can't be fun, unique and different, his competition ends.


Smash Rookie
Jul 11, 2019
Hello everyone! First time here, but I always saw Pete as a good third party candidate. Admittedly I've only played Back to Nature but I love the game and Pete could work as a rival for Villager (and through in Claire as an alternate costume!) I wonder how Sakurai could work with the farming mechanics.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
At this point, showing tools and animals is not enough anymore. Joker has Arsene (unique), Hero has RPG attacks (unique), Banjo has Kazooie (fun). If Farmer gameplay can't be fun, unique and different, his competition ends.
I mean, yes, one does assume a Smash character would have to be fun. That said, the Farmer is a farmer and could probably do some, well, farming? Crop-growing would be a unique mechanic. You could have them fight with various crops, having them change across the battle in accordance to the "season." You could have a stamina system, you could add in relationship mechanics, you could have literal magic because Harvest Sprites. You could do like a lot of different things - adapting a life sim into a fighting game has a lot of potential approaches.

That said, Sakurai made a potted plant fun, so I don't know if this is the best approach to pick and choose characters?

Hello everyone! First time here, but I always saw Pete as a good third party candidate. Admittedly I've only played Back to Nature but I love the game and Pete could work as a rival for Villager (and through in Claire as an alternate costume!) I wonder how Sakurai could work with the farming mechanics.
Welcome aboard~! I do hope we'd get Pete and Claire at least...

That does prompt a fun-ish discussion question: What is everyone's favourite Story of Seasons title?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
I mean, yes, one does assume a Smash character would have to be fun. That said, the Farmer is a farmer and could probably do some, well, farming? Crop-growing would be a unique mechanic. You could have them fight with various crops, having them change across the battle in accordance to the "season." You could have a stamina system, you could add in relationship mechanics, you could have literal magic because Harvest Sprites. You could do like a lot of different things - adapting a life sim into a fighting game has a lot of potential approaches.

That said, Sakurai made a potted plant fun, so I don't know if this is the best approach to pick and choose characters?

Welcome aboard~! I do hope we'd get Pete and Claire at least...

That does prompt a fun-ish discussion question: What is everyone's favourite Story of Seasons title?
Definitely Friends of Mineral Town, it was the game that made me buy a gba. Harvest Moon 64 is a close second though.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 17, 2019
Can Farmer gameplay be fun, unique and different, as the Joker/Hero/Banjo gameplay ? At this point, Farmer must be able to do better than Villager and Olimar. Could he do it?
Easily? I don't get Farmer - Villager comparisons, the toolset each character has is really different. Might as well compare Snake, Cloud and the Hero of Dragon Quest VIII since they are all soldiers. Its a lot of assumptions with little substance.

You could have cooking for buffs, you could have the tools not yet used by any character in Smash (Hoe, Pitchfork, Scythe) or just keep the Hammer / Axe since those are not that overused anyway. You can summon the animals like the cow, the sheep, the chicken. You have a dog companion and maybe use the frisbee. You can have the horse. And of course, the biggest mix up "Oh yeah he plants stuff like the villager!" but its completely different in the sense he plants crops, flowers and the like, not TREES. You could take the crops and make fun projectiles out of them, turnips are basic, watermelons are slow, tomatoes apply slow down, carrots hit high, yams do fire damage, corn explodes into popcorn, pineaples do the most damage.

There is a lot of potential moveset, and the gimmick could be a 'season' system that changes your specials in a cycle as time goes by, so say, in spring you summon cows and throw cabbages and down b is prickled turnips which enhances your speed, in fall you summon the dog and throw yams with down b being the spinach stew which enhances your smash power. so on.
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Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
Definitely Friends of Mineral Town, it was the game that made me buy a gba. Harvest Moon 64 is a close second though.
Good choice! What are you thoughts on the remake?

There is a lot of potential moveset, and the gimmick could be a 'season' system that changes your specials in a cycle as time goes by, so say, in spring you summon cows and throw cabbages and down b is prickled turnips which enhances your speed, in fall you summon the dog and throw yams with down b being the spinach stew which enhances your smash power. so on.
I really like the season gimmick idea. Partly because it ties in perfectly with the Story of Seasons title, but also it would be super unique and fun.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 3, 2018
Good choice! What are you thoughts on the remake?

I really like the season gimmick idea. Partly because it ties in perfectly with the Story of Seasons title, but also it would be super unique and fun.
I'm pretty hyped, while I'm not too big on the more chibi look, I understand why they went with it.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
Easily? I don't get Farmer - Villager comparisons, the toolset each character has is really different. Might as well compare Snake, Cloud and the Hero of Dragon Quest VIII since they are all soldiers. Its a lot of assumptions with little substance.

You could have cooking for buffs, you could have the tools not yet used by any character in Smash (Hoe, Pitchfork, Scythe) or just keep the Hammer / Axe since those are not that overused anyway. You can summon the animals like the cow, the sheep, the chicken. You have a dog companion and maybe use the frisbee. You can have the horse. And of course, the biggest mix up "Oh yeah he plants stuff like the villager!" but its completely different in the sense he plants crops, flowers and the like, not TREES. You could take the crops and make fun projectiles out of them, turnips are basic, watermelons are slow, tomatoes apply slow down, carrots hit high, yams do fire damage, corn explodes into popcorn, pineaples do the most damage.

There is a lot of potential moveset, and the gimmick could be a 'season' system that changes your specials in a cycle as time goes by, so say, in spring you summon cows and throw cabbages and down b is prickled turnips which enhances your speed, in fall you summon the dog and throw yams with down b being the spinach stew which enhances your smash power. so on.
I don't see how to bring in seasons, agriculture or animals in a successful gameplay.

At this point, using a tool as a weapon would be indicative of a poverty of ideas. Villager was been made fun of psychopath partly for using an ax (this time it's a comparison). Farmer is non-violent, and should have a better treatment than that of a mad or angry peasant. Anyway, that's not what makes an original gameplay.
Harvests are likely to be a slow system. The food is already used as projectiles for several characters (G & W, Peach, Diddy, Pac-Man). That's not what makes an original gameplay.
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Deleted member

Farmer is non-violent, and should have a better treatment than that of a mad or angry peasant..
Then do something similar to Isabelle where they fight while keeping the positive-vibes of the farmer.


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2018
At this point, the required condition is that Farmer has a concept quite different than Isabelle. A field control with plants with different effects (tangle, whip, life, lip poison, stun...) could possibly propose something new.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2018
At this point, the required condition is that Farmer has a concept quite different than Isabelle. A field control with plants with different effects (tangle, whip, life, lip poison, stun...) could possibly propose something new.
Thanks for keeping the thread alive with discussion, I suppose, but people have been posting various Isabelle-similar ideas and you've just kinda ignored or dismissed them? The only moves I could see directly copied from Animal Crossing characters would be the fishing rod and bug-catcher net anyway - neither of which would even be compulsory to the farmer, given how they don't even fish/bug-catch in all of their games.

That said, no character is going to be fully unique in every move. 73 fighters into Smash, many new characters share a few attacks with other characters. The point is they have to feel different. Having a mechanic wherein the moveset evolves across the battle in accordance to "Seasons" that change based on the amount of damage Farmer has sustained is an idea that makes them feel different while also representing the franchise in a unique way. As would having a stamina system, or one of the other few suggestions people have made for the Farmer.
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