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FAP: North AL - July 24-25 - Results & Shoutouts


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL

Wobbles: Thanks for coming out, and congrats on winning! It was a tough obstacle getting over that Kirby. :)

DoH: I won't give you my dollar next time. Thank you for coming out also. I hope you and Wobbles come back for FAP2!

Iori: No shoutouts to you. Mwahaha.

Winnar: Thanks for coming out to this, it means a lot. Our Falcon dittos were epic :)

moogle: **** you and your sheik, arrrrgh. Grats on beating me I guess lol

Nite: Our pools match was really close, I really enjoyed playing your Falco. Thanks for showing up, hopefully you'll come to the next one.

SleepyK: Our pools match was also really close, and it appears I needed the luck more than you did :D gg's.

vts: I can't believe I lost to a scrub like you. lol :D I'll get you next time

Ambix: Sorry you were playing bad during our pools match, if you go to TO6 you can rematch me :)

Fullmetal: I had a blast during our MM and our friendlies, I need that Marth practice. :)

spaceballs: I finally didn't have to play you in tourney, mwahaha! Also good friendlies :D

BunBun: Thank you for helping me with the tournament, I learned a lot from your teachings. I got this **** down now!

Chad: Thanks to you also for helping me run it and ensuring that everyone had a good time.

more to come when I remember them

EDIT: More shoutouts:

arby: I won't let you beat me next time >:[


Smash Ace
Mar 17, 2006
joot said:
I hope you and Wobbles come back for FAP2!
You should be able to host at LEAST three FAP's a day.....four if you take a week off.

joot said:
Ambix: Sorry you were playing bad during our pools match, if you go to TO6 you can rematch me
Twas my own fault sir.

However, at TO6 it shall indeed be on like donky kong.


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
For those of you who went, I want to ask for some feedback

Was the venue nice enough?
Enough TVs?

Basically were there any concerns (besides the bracket/pools thing I am sorry again :< ) that you think we can use to make the next one better and would you attend again.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
For those of you who went, I want to ask for some feedback

Was the venue nice enough?
Enough TVs?

Basically were there any concerns (besides the bracket/pools thing I am sorry again :< ) that you think we can use to make the next one better and would you attend again.
Very yes
Not really. The only thing that sucked for me was that I couldn't stick around for crews, but I guess that's more of a personal problem


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Lemme clarify that I'm not fishing for compliments or anything, so if you have to be mean and tell us something that you legitimately think would make the tournament run better/be more fun please don't hesitate to let us know. This is because we hope to hold another in the same venue and want to just up our game :D


Smash Champion
Dec 29, 2005
Memphis, TN
Late *** continued shoutouts...

Wobbles- Good stuff winning singles and doubles. I'm sad I only got to play you like once. I will fix that if you're at Tipped Off.

Joot- Nice falcon, buddy. Nes Noob Jr for sure. Always have fun hanging out with ya. Good set in pools and nice spankin that *** in the MM. Hahaha. Thanks for hosting, bro.

Sleepy- Don't worry about playing like ***. It happens. I missed you and I'll see you at TO6 <3

Fullmetal- ^ Same. We didn't play enough. There also weren't any Marth FFAs, but I know there will be at TO. Good **** in teams. <3

Soft- We hardly played man. Good seeing you again though. Good **** in teams, forreals.

Iori- I love you, haha. So funny to watch you play and yell random things at people. GGs

Jack- Fun matches as always, man. It seems that we have to play wherever we go. Let's play a lot when you get back from Japan.

Chad- GGs. I'll get your Fox one day :D Thanks for hosting too

Tubes- I think that was you I played. You played Falcon, I think. GGs, let's play some at TO. I felt like you, me and Dan were not playing very well lol.

Dan- Haven't seen you in a long time. Let's play more. =)

Moogle- Always cool to see you, dude. Hunstville isn't too far away. Maybe we'll see you guys more often now that we know that.

Coach- GGs in teams. You and Andy kinda pooped on us, haha. Next time, my friend!

Mslano- It's been forever, dude. Great to see you and hang out again. Good set in pools. :D

Cheap/Kosine- Me and S.Link played you guys a little bit. Fun stuff. You guys seem really cool. GGs

Rob- I don't think you'll see this, but thanks for providing the venue! We appreciate it. You seemed really chill. Practice and get that Ganon beast!

Ambix- Keep your cool when you play. You're not as bad as you think you are.

VTS- Keep practicing man. Good set in pools. Get them ICs like Wobbles.

CO/S.Link- Good stuff guys. Thanks for having me. Thanks for driving, Skoot. Thanks for teaming with me. We'll get that team chemistry in no time.

BunBun- You suck. :D

If I missed you, let me know. :D
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