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FAP: North AL - July 24-25 - Results & Shoutouts


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
Shut up Peef, handicapped people have never had multiple constitutional amendments proposed out of animus to discriminate against them.

It's also very subjective; when Fox spams bairs, it's playing cautiously, when Jiggs does it obviously she's a big mo. When Falco lasers he's playing control, but when Peach uses turnips she's being a *****. But that's what we get for playing fake characters.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
They complain about stitches like they can't just catch them and use them against me.

When are vids gonna be up? I can't wait to see some fail on my part


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
They complain about stitches like they can't just catch them and use them against me.

When are vids gonna be up? I can't wait to see some fail on my part
Last update I got from SleepyK was that the vids he recorded were rendered and he was matching them up to the commentary.

Spaceballs recorded crews, I haven't heard anything from him yet. I'll create a thread as soon as something pops up.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
True facts: Ambix got 3 stitchfaces on me in one match. I was wtf'ing at the ludicrous probability, but even that I can't really complain about.

people are weird


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Shut up Peef, handicapped people have never had multiple constitutional amendments proposed out of animus to discriminate against them.
The disabled have been protected from discrimination by about a dozen laws and Amendments, including most notably incorporation through the 14th Amendment, and the Disability Discrimination Act of 2005. The disabled have entire networks similar to LGBT ones trying to fight disability discrimination.

Anyway it doesn't matter who is the more discriminated against. You recognize that the term is not directed at homosexuals, and it is completely subjective and really means nothing (as you said yourself). Nobody is trying to threaten you or anything, and if they were I'd show up guns blazin. But people just say the word as an alternative to "fairly easy and difficult to get around". If it bothers you then it bothers you, and we will do our best to cater, but I just don't see it as devastating to the heart and mind.


Jul 1, 2004
Washington, DC
The disabled have been protected from discrimination by about a dozen laws and Amendments, including most notably incorporation through the 14th Amendment, and the Disability Discrimination Act of 2005. The disabled have entire networks similar to LGBT ones trying to fight disability discrimination.
Thanks for proving my point? They get their rights articulated and further protected while we have people trying to amend the constitution to deny the protections of the 14th Amendment; DOMA is still federal law and DADT is still in effect. The systemic harms towards LGBT Americans is are in no way comparable to the discrimination that disabled Americans face other than they are both immutable characteristics. No one campaigns for being able to fire people for who they are unless that person is LGBT.

It doesn't matter if the term has to explicitly reference sexuality, at the point in which it is derived from and perpetually endorses the idea that being gay is wrong or bad, that type of discourse should not be tolerated as it spreads seeds of hatred and discord.


If you think there's negligible impacts to this type of discourse you're sorely mistaken. 86% of LGBT students report being verbally harassed just in their own schools. GLSEN studies have shown that there are severe social, mental and emotional impacts to the bullying and harassment that affects LGBT students today. Cyberbullying means that this harassment doesn't stop at school, leading to a sharp increase in youth suicides.

My point about subjectivity is that there isn't even a coherent standard as to which tactics are deemed 'gay' and which ones are 'legit' and cause mad styling. People *****ed out Amsah for camping Jman at pound, but if Jman camps a Peach player he is playing 'safe' and 'smart,' because Fox is a "real" character and Peach (like Sheik, Climbers, and Puff) is a "gay" character; I never said that the phrase "that's so gay" means nothing, but I've been arguing quite the opposite, that the phrase and its context (even if the intent is innocuous and not meant to be offensive) has several problematic impacts and consequences for our culture, not only as gamers, but as decent human beings.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
Falcon is the only real character in Melee.

Can we please stop this debate? Take it to PM since you two are the only ones actively engaged in it. Not trying to be rude, but the point of this thread isn't to debate.

Once again I want to thank Wobbles and DoH for coming all the way from Texas to be in this tournament. I hope you guys had a good time, and I hope you come back for FAP2 (Or whatever new name it might take).


Desert ******
Oct 9, 2006
Gilbert, AZ
Shine kills = legit. Infinites = gay.

Rests WERE awesome until our two best players were Puff mains. When it was Mango--the underdog--playing the never-wins-a-major-tournament Puff and beat M2K's Fox on Corneria by resting him off the Arwing, people cheered. Now? Broken, no-skill, gay.

Peach is alright now provided it's Armada playing; otherwise you just hear complaints about priority and d-smash.

ICs are boring, unless they're doing silly tricks that aren't actually efficient.

Nobody ever complains about Falcon, because he's manly, combo-oriented, and (I think this is actually the most important part) HE DOESN'T WIN. If he won all the time, people would do nothing but complain about he has the best aerial finisher and can combo into it against just about every character. Or they wouldn't because he's so very manly.

The point? The tactics never matter. The term "gay" is applied to "I don't like it right now," usually only when the tactic wins too much. So now you have people being criticized for trying to secure victory, and you have a word being used in a critical manner and drawing negative connotations to a group of people that don't deserve it.

Please don't tell me that the word "gay" isn't being used with derogatory connotations towards homosexuals. You can't. Because in the gaming community, you know one of its most common epithets? Often used when somebody plays "gay?" Starts with F and ends in "aggot." Don't feed me nonsense about how the word "gay" isn't meant to equate here. The implication is that you are playing like a gay person would play, and that's bad because being gay is bad. There's no mystery here. Stop using the ****ing word.


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL

Can we please stop this >_>;

also Wobbles sorry for not MMing your Doc, I'm just really uncomfortable against Doc right now. I didn't know if you were looking for any Doc vs. Falcon experience. So if you were, sorry for requesting for your ICs instead lol


Smash Hero
Jun 25, 2008
Please don't tell me that the word "gay" isn't being used with derogatory connotations towards homosexuals.
Concurrence: (not continuing argument)

Well, speaking for myself, I use the word all the time in Melee, but I also have probably done more volunteer work for the gay rights than any smashboards member (besides D'oH?), and obviously have no intent to emotionally harm anyone.

If we stop using the word, and this is just out of my own curiosity, what will replace it?

Dark Iori Yagami

Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2006
Memphis,TN(Raliegh) (Equestria)
Yeah... I love hearing that word thrown around repeatedly. "Sorry I had to play so gay." "You play a gay character." "Playing gay is how you win." It's not what the word means goddammit, and it's really disrespectful.
Woobles stop coming to my tourneys and beating me out of being first.
Anyways good shiz bringing that shaky charater to toruneys and raising some hell.

Maybe one day I will be as amazing as you.

only shoutout...


Smash Champion
Jul 16, 2006
North AL
Woobles stop coming to my tourneys and beating me out of being first.
Anyways good shiz bringing that shaky charater to toruneys and raising some hell.

Maybe one day I will be as amazing as you.

only shoutout...
That's one less shoutout I have to give out. :)


Nov 10, 2005
Southaven, Mississippi
Jeez stop finding excuses to bring up a different argument that belongs somewhere else.

DoH brought up his concern, most (all?) of us agree, we learn and move on.

I love you all, and I want to thank you all for coming. We really hope you enjoyed the tourny enough to come back again.


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
Rob and coach: XFD

Replacement for word- F*cking magnets
True story, I am going to actively try to do that. "Aw man that was such magnets!"

"Dude come on stop being so magnets."

wiggins 4 prezzzzzzz

I love you all, and I want to thank you all for coming. We really hope you enjoyed the tourny enough to come back again.
Most definitely :D


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Thanks guys, I had an awesome time at this. First tournament I've gotten to go to in a few months. I need to practice some more and stop myself from sding so much, but it was great to play with all you guys.

I might do some shoutouts later.

Err, also do any of ya'll play tf2 by chance <.<;


Smash Lord
Aug 29, 2007
Thanks guys, I had an awesome time at this. First tournament I've gotten to go to in a few months. I need to practice some more and stop myself from sding so much, but it was great to play with all you guys.

I might do some shoutouts later.

Err, also do any of ya'll play tf2 by chance <.<;
I do :O

I can't play any TF2 for another week or so because of internet johns, but yeah after that :D
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