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Fact 54 - Mewtwo Is On The Way [Social/General Discussion]

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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
Wait what

I didn't ask anyone to trade
Could be joking around, as I'm the one asking for a trade. Or mistaking a post as yours... Yes, this incident I said in my post just happened today.
Dang it, I feel like an idiot now. I saw your post directly above Magius' and for some reason my brain registered that you had said that, the frak brain?


Master of the Disco Stick
Sep 11, 2014
Dang it, I feel like an idiot now. I saw your post directly above Magius' and for some reason my brain registered that you had said that, the frak brain?
That, and we both have 3D-ish Mewtwos as our pics


Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
I think Mewtwo will be better. Heck, it's possible he could get the Bowser treatment for this game where he gets massive changes and buffs. I would be all in for it as Bowser is a beast in ssb4.

By the way guys. I hate to interrupt with this question, but is there a pokemon social thread around the smash boards I can go to for trade or battle requests? I know I already asked the "does anyone have Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire" question for evolving Kadabra, but I want to trade with people who know the trader just wants to evolve his pokemon.

Want to know why? I was trading with a person known as JJ2014. I offered a trade that he accepted. I showed Kadabra and he offered a level 31 Duskull, which you can't get in Alpha Sapphire. We trade. I then offer his Duskull back as a sign that I want the newly evolved Alakazam back as I only wanted to evolve Kadabra. Instead, he offers Mantyke, I reject the offer, I then offered a Lotad since its exclusive to Alpha Sapphire and as a hopes to get Alakazam back. He offers a wurmple, I reject and I'm trying to get my pokemon back with different offers and ways of telling the dude, "I want my pokemon back". He quits the trade. I tried to request a trade, no avail. Give him 2 O-powers as a way to convince him to do another trade. Nothing! I got jipped. Very frustrating... Even though the Duskull was nice and at a high level.

I had to get a new Abra and level it back into a Kadabra. But it took a while to get an Abra with a good nature and the Synchronize ability. Man it sucked when that happened and A reason I don't trust online traders, unless you know them in online forums or as friends.
unfortunately online trades with random people very often suffer the inability to be understood. I think that guy didn't do it with wickedness, but simply he misunderstood your signals to have your alakazam back :/
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Smash Apprentice
Jul 21, 2014
Dang it, I feel like an idiot now. I saw your post directly above Magius' and for some reason my brain registered that you had said that, the frak brain?
It's okay. We tend to think the most recent post could be of that user. We do indeed have 3d like icons and have Lucina as one of our mains.

unfortunately online trades with random people very often suffer the inability to be understood. I think that guy didn't do it with wickedness, but simply he misunderstood your signals to have your alakazam back :/
Yeah, A big reason I avoid online traders for those particular moments. I don't get how he didn't get the point that the person just wants to evolve their pokemon, NOT give it to them. Even attempts with Duskull offer back as a sign I want Alakazam back didn't work...


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
I replied to that comment you sent me Mewtwo. Apparently this site is no longer working in Google Chrome. And I had went to bed by time you sent me your FC. So sorry about that.

Ryu Myuutsu

Smash Champion
Mar 24, 2013
Niigata, Japan
Whenever I try to requests battles from passerbies I get no responses. Yet, whenever I'm on the battle spot I get requests ALL the time.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
I occasionally get requests to trade/battle from randoms but I'm usually busy breeding or EV training to care. And my Sassy Giratina wall is the most unfun thing to fight against.


Dec 19, 2002
I think Mewtwo will be better. Heck, it's possible he could get the Bowser treatment for this game where he gets massive changes and buffs. I would be all in for it as Bowser is a beast in ssb4.

By the way guys. I hate to interrupt with this question, but is there a pokemon social thread around the smash boards I can go to for trade or battle requests? I know I already asked the "does anyone have Omega Ruby or Alpha Sapphire" question for evolving Kadabra, but I want to trade with people who know the trader just wants to evolve his pokemon.

Want to know why? I was trading with a person known as JJ2014. I offered a trade that he accepted. I showed Kadabra and he offered a level 31 Duskull, which you can't get in Alpha Sapphire. We trade. I then offer his Duskull back as a sign that I want the newly evolved Alakazam back as I only wanted to evolve Kadabra. Instead, he offers Mantyke, I reject the offer, I then offered a Lotad since its exclusive to Alpha Sapphire and as a hopes to get Alakazam back. He offers a wurmple, I reject and I'm trying to get my pokemon back with different offers and ways of telling the dude, "I want my pokemon back". He quits the trade. I tried to request a trade, no avail. Give him 2 O-powers as a way to convince him to do another trade. Nothing! I got jipped. Very frustrating... Even though the Duskull was nice and at a high level.

I had to get a new Abra and level it back into a Kadabra. But it took a while to get an Abra with a good nature and the Synchronize ability. Man it sucked when that happened and A reason I don't trust online traders, unless you know them in online forums or as friends.
Yeah, if I wanted to trade evolve, I usually ask someone. There is a thread in the Pokemon section of the forums for that kind of thing.


Smash Master
Nov 16, 2014
Well I fully EV trained my Pangoro, Absol, and Drapion now.

Absol and Drapion are going to be my Critmons.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
I'm not one to beg, but I met as well say, if anyone has any leftover Club Nintendo CodesCodes or just don't care about CN, hit me up.

But on Mewtwo I was actually thinking and I don't want his move set to change, at all, am I the only one? Sure he needs buffs by I like his moveset.
No, my friend. You do not stand alone. As long as I am here, you will never stand alone on that subject. Seriously, Mewtwo's moveset was really cool. It just has this stigma attached to it because it was awful in Melee. By modifying his two nigh-unusable Specials, Confusion and Disable, they actually become really useful tools. Project M is a prime example of what can be done with a useless moveset, and I definitely think that Mewtwo can return with a buffed-up version of his Melee moveset. It's what I'd honestly prefer. I personally think that if Mewtwo's moveset hadn't been garbage in Melee, people would actually really like it because it wouldn't have any stigma attached to it. He might've even returned in Brawl, if his moveset was decent in Melee.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
are you high

Do you actually think they will return?

Young Link-Doubt it. We've already got Toon Link, who is, more or less, a cel-shaded Young Link. In my opinion, his unique appearance brings more variety to The Legend of Zelda cast.
Roy-Probably the most likely. He's a clone of Marth, and we already have Lucina for that, but he's still different in his own respects. However, we've already got Ike as the guy who uses a flaming sword, so I don't know.
Pichu-Highly, highly doubt it. As much as I'd love to see it, he's probably the least likely due to his status as a clone and a joke character. However, we did get Dr. Mario, so we'll see.


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
Young Link-Doubt it. We've already got Toon Link, who is, more or less, a cel-shaded Young Link. In my opinion, his unique appearance brings more variety to The Legend of Zelda cast.
Roy-Probably the most likely. He's a clone of Marth, and we already have Lucina for that, but he's still different in his own respects. However, we've already got Ike as the guy who uses a flaming sword, so I don't know.
Pichu-Highly, highly doubt it. As much as I'd love to see it, he's probably the least likely due to his status as a clone and a joke character. However, we did get Dr. Mario, so we'll see.
if pichu returns, it will be my punching bag. young link may return, as there are still differences between young and toon link (up b and b neutrals are different enough) and we need some representation of majoras mask. roy may return, as theres a big enough outcry for his return, and performs differently from marth and lucina.....
but seriously pichu can go die in a fire.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
Oh what the hey, I'll throw my two cents into the fray.

:younglinkmelee: - Extremely doubtful. Sakurai's confirmed that Toon Link is his spiritual successor, and it would seem a bit much to have another Link in the roster. I don't doubt he could have a unique and varied playstyle (using the power of the masks, various other items from the series, etc.), but I still think I'd rather just see a decloned Toon Link. I'd see him as an alt of Toon Link before anything else. His purpose has already been fulfilled in another character's playstyle.

:roymelee: - Definitely the most likely. I'm not going to expect to see him anytime soon or anything, but of the three Melee vets, he's definitely got the highest chance, especially if he is decloned. Extremely low chance of appearing as an alt. Definitely going to be his own character if he ever returns.

:pichumelee: - Veeeeryyyyy veeeeryyyy doubtful. His role is essentially that of a last-minute joke character and isn't really necessary to the game for that reason. He definitely has a cool mechanic, though, and that essential premise could definitely be used for another character. Maybe he could be an alt of Pikachu, if his proportions and hitboxes are reassessed. Has a unique niche in terms of his mechanic, but there are better options to wield it, and Pichu doesn't really have much purpose anymore.

EDIT: Just to clarify, if they were to appear in a manner akin to Doc or Lucina - i.e. last-minute clone characters to pad out the roster / appeal to their fans - then I could see them happening and would be pretty cool for it to happen.
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Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2014
New Hampshire
:roymelee: - Definitely the most likely. I'm not going to expect to see him anytime soon or anything, but of the three Melee vets, he's definitely got the highest chance, especially if he is decloned. Extremely low chance of appearing as an alt. Definitely going to be his own character if he ever returns.
I'd love to have a further decloned Roy back (hopefully with a far better air game and mobility than he had in Melee, his bad air game and recovery (along with the fact he was a fast faller) made him a much worse version of Marth), as long as he still speaks Japanese (Marth can't be alone and needs his partner back), although Ike at this point has all but replaced him.

Be happy that we're getting 2 well-liked Melee vets back (Dr. Mario should have been an alt, instead of playable), only except 1 of which has to be DLC.
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Smash Ace
Sep 17, 2014
mmm... imho roy is pretty useless in a game where there are already marth and marth2.
Much more useful would be pichu, and also pichu is substantially useless... XD
melee's young link, same matter of roy; majora's young link (with the masks) instead would be awesome.

I'm not saying that I don't want these characters... I'm saying that before to replace these three, other veterans should come back (the brawl's ones, I mean)


Smash Ace
Aug 29, 2014
Some Far Off Jungle
If it helps, I'm an avid Pichu supporter. <3 I'd love to see him back.
...that is, unless he actually is the Pikachu we all know now. ...yeah, he probably is. The goggles though....
the main reason why i never cared for pichu is that all of its special attacks hurt it. which is a really lame way to gimp it.
if they remove that handicap then i wouldnt mind if it were added. i like pichu as a pokemon... just not as a smash player >w<
but eh, if it gets in, i already have mewtwo, so really i wouldn't care.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
the main reason why i never cared for pichu is that all of its special attacks hurt it. which is a really lame way to gimp it.
if they remove that handicap then i wouldnt mind if it were added. i like pichu as a pokemon... just not as a smash player >w<
but eh, if it gets in, i already have mewtwo, so really i wouldn't care.
That gimmick is actually what made me like Pichu. However, I'll agree that it was poorly implemented in Melee, and it's definitely a niche that's not for everybody. If they could change how the damage function works, then they could make Pichu viable.
One of the ideas I've heard that I really liked was to heavily buff Pichu up so that it's significantly more powerful in order to compensate for its masochism, give Agility three blips instead of two, and to significantly increase the size of its Thunder Jolt at the cost of speed. But the really cool part was to replace it's Down B, Thunder, with Discharge. Basically, the higher Pichu's damage, the more powerful the attack, and at maximum charge, it reaches ludicrous damage and knockback.
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
That gimmick is actually what made me like Pichu. However, I'll agree that it was poorly implemented in Melee, and it's definitely a niche that's not for everybody. If they could change how the damage function works, then they could make Pichu viable.
One of the ideas I've heard that I really liked was to heavily buff Pichu up so that it's significantly more powerful in order to compensate for its masochism, give Agility three blips instead of two, and to significantly increase the size of its Thunder Jolt at the cost of speed. But the really cool part was to replace it's Down B, Thunder, with Discharge. Basically, the higher Pichu's damage, the more powerful the attack, and at maximum charge, it reaches ludicrous damage and knockback.
That's how Pichu should have worked. They should of made his electric attacks seriously powerful to compensate for the damage taken. High risk, high reward.


Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2015
Well...we're down to three now.
Young Link, Roy and Pichu...I wonder if they'll ever return.
I really doubt that, although i would really love roy to have a comeback :D
No, my friend. You do not stand alone. As long as I am here, you will never stand alone on that subject. Seriously, Mewtwo's moveset was really cool. It just has this stigma attached to it because it was awful in Melee. By modifying his two nigh-unusable Specials, Confusion and Disable, they actually become really useful tools. Project M is a prime example of what can be done with a useless moveset, and I definitely think that Mewtwo can return with a buffed-up version of his Melee moveset. It's what I'd honestly prefer. I personally think that if Mewtwo's moveset hadn't been garbage in Melee, people would actually really like it because it wouldn't have any stigma attached to it. He might've even returned in Brawl, if his moveset was decent in Melee.
I would actually love to have a new moveset which has some moves of the old original movies, like shadow ball for example (okay, which was also in melee but maby they could make some visual changes, so that it distinguishes more from lucarios aura sphere, like a darker colour, or i think i can even remember of some kind of bolts flashing in it from the first movie) and the fight between red and mewtwo in pokemon origins.
There was some kinde of barrier which protected him from charizards slash and throw it back, which could be used as a counter. Then there would be the attack recovery, although i don't really know how that could be used in the game without being to unfair.
I always wanted to see swift which he also used and was part in his original moveset in r/b/y and of course psystrike which i think he used against articuno. Psychic and future strike would also appear to be very interesting IMO.
As for buffs, cause he is very fast and strong i think he should be some kind of captain falcon, maby a bit slower and a bit stronger instead. I know that the characters in smash are not exactly like they are in their original videogames (otherwise pikachu wouldn't stand a chance vs mewtwo) but i think the captain falcon thing would be a good direction i mean he is stronger and fast than lucario i think. Maby he is a bit weaker than chairzard but like i said i would recommend some power buffs and nerfs in speed for that.
When i am thinking about it, captain falcon seems a bit owerpowered in my imagination, i mean through the fact that he really is stronger AND faster than a lot characters at the same time. But in the game he doesn't outstand or comes out to be overpowered, its balancing is just perfect, i don't even know how cause his jumps and recovery aren't bad either.
Anyways enough of that, i hope u get my points.


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
I really doubt that, although i would really love roy to have a comeback :D

I would actually love to have a new moveset which has some moves of the old original movies, like shadow ball for example (okay, which was also in melee but maby they could make some visual changes, so that it distinguishes more from lucarios aura sphere, like a darker colour, or i think i can even remember of some kind of bolts flashing in it from the first movie) and the fight between red and mewtwo in pokemon origins.
There was some kinde of barrier which protected him from charizards slash and throw it back, which could be used as a counter. Then there would be the attack recovery, although i don't really know how that could be used in the game without being to unfair.
I always wanted to see swift which he also used and was part in his original moveset in r/b/y and of course psystrike which i think he used against articuno. Psychic and future strike would also appear to be very interesting IMO.
As for buffs, cause he is very fast and strong i think he should be some kind of captain falcon, maby a bit slower and a bit stronger instead. I know that the characters in smash are not exactly like they are in their original videogames (otherwise pikachu wouldn't stand a chance vs mewtwo) but i think the captain falcon thing would be a good direction i mean he is stronger and fast than lucario i think. Maby he is a bit weaker than chairzard but like i said i would recommend some power buffs and nerfs in speed for that.
When i am thinking about it, captain falcon seems a bit owerpowered in my imagination, i mean through the fact that he really is stronger AND faster than a lot characters at the same time. But in the game he doesn't outstand or comes out to be overpowered, its balancing is just perfect, i don't even know how cause his jumps and recovery aren't bad either.
Anyways enough of that, i hope u get my points.
Cap has no range whatsoever and his moves are easy to read.

He's a classic lightning bruiser: fast and strong, but not much good at anything else.


Smash Lord
Dec 16, 2013
The Exoatmosphere
I really doubt that, although i would really love roy to have a comeback :D

I would actually love to have a new moveset which has some moves of the old original movies, like shadow ball for example (okay, which was also in melee but maby they could make some visual changes, so that it distinguishes more from lucarios aura sphere, like a darker colour, or i think i can even remember of some kind of bolts flashing in it from the first movie) and the fight between red and mewtwo in pokemon origins.
There was some kinde of barrier which protected him from charizards slash and throw it back, which could be used as a counter. Then there would be the attack recovery, although i don't really know how that could be used in the game without being to unfair.
I always wanted to see swift which he also used and was part in his original moveset in r/b/y and of course psystrike which i think he used against articuno. Psychic and future strike would also appear to be very interesting IMO.
As for buffs, cause he is very fast and strong i think he should be some kind of captain falcon, maby a bit slower and a bit stronger instead. I know that the characters in smash are not exactly like they are in their original videogames (otherwise pikachu wouldn't stand a chance vs mewtwo) but i think the captain falcon thing would be a good direction i mean he is stronger and fast than lucario i think. Maby he is a bit weaker than chairzard but like i said i would recommend some power buffs and nerfs in speed for that.
When i am thinking about it, captain falcon seems a bit owerpowered in my imagination, i mean through the fact that he really is stronger AND faster than a lot characters at the same time. But in the game he doesn't outstand or comes out to be overpowered, its balancing is just perfect, i don't even know how cause his jumps and recovery aren't bad either.
Anyways enough of that, i hope u get my points.
For Barrier, which is that psychic shield you're referring to, I was thinking that Barrier could actually work as a Shadow Ball Custom Move. I know it sounds weird at first, but just hear me out.
Basically, Barrier would like a sky blue/deep blue Shadow Ball. Mewtwo would be able to charge Barrier up like Shadow Ball, only much faster and to a far larger size, so big that it completely encompasses his body, and then, when you hit B to fire it, instead of throwing it, Mewtwo would release Barrier and it would float in place where he let go of it. The Barrier would sit there for a few seconds and would block incoming projectiles physical attacks. Once it sustained enough damage or it's time ran out, whichever came first, the Barrier would shatter/dissipate. Touching Barrier would deal 1%-2%, but no knockback. While Mewtwo is still holding Barrier, it would retain all of its normal properties except for its ability to block physical attacks, and, while Barrier would have no time limit while Mewtwo is holding it, shattering Barrier while Mewtwo is still holding it would be like a weak shield break, knocking him upward a little ways and briefly stunning him. The maximum amount of Barriers onscreen at once would be 3.
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Smash Cadet
Jan 12, 2015
Cap has no range whatsoever and his moves are easy to read.

He's a classic lightning bruiser: fast and strong, but not much good at anything else.
I didn't see it that way
Maby u r right. But still a good character :D
For Barrier, which is that psychic shield you're referring to, I was thinking that Barrier could actually work as a Shadow Ball Custom Move. I know it sounds weird at first, but just hear me out.
Basically, Barrier would like a sky blue/deep blue Shadow Ball. Mewtwo would be able to charge Barrier up like Shadow Ball, only much faster and to a far larger size, so big that it completely encompasses his body, and then, when you hit B to fire it, instead of throwing it, Mewtwo would release Barrier and it would float in place where he let go of it. The Barrier would sit there for a few seconds and would block incoming projectiles physical attacks. Once it sustained enough damage or it's time ran out, whichever came first, the Barrier would shatter/dissipate. Touching Barrier would deal 1%-2%, but no knockback. While Mewtwo is still holding Barrier, it would retain all of its normal properties except for its ability to block physical attacks, and, while Barrier would have no time limit while Mewtwo is holding it, shattering Barrier while Mewtwo is still holding it would be like a weak shield break, knocking him upward a little ways and briefly stunning him. The maximum amount of Barriers onscreen at once would be 3.
That's some kind of duck hunt duo style, u have to be careful and watch out where u go, i like it :chuckle:
But do u really think that fits his character and playstyle? I mean M2 seems more like a offensive type without using that kind of tricks. Maby it would be a quite good idea if u could combo that move
For example down b lets mewtwo take a special pose (like other characters ready to counter) and when somebody attacks within this "time limit", he gets stopped and stunned, for example being hypnoticized for a short time, or being captured in that purple barrier (i'd rather prefere that). The opponent didn't get any amount of damage or maby up to 3% highest. But here is the clue: u have to combinate the move with another one, for example next side b, m2 will throw that barrier bubble with the opponent in it with his physic powers.
I think that woul also be nice option, maby even more enjoyable for better players if u could increase the distance of the throw through loading it while holding the buttons, while the other player will be able to break out of the stunning through pressing buttons after short amount of time so u will talulate what to do and risk ur opportunity:crazy:


Smash Ace
May 12, 2014
Oh what the hey, I'll throw my two cents into the fray.

:younglinkmelee: - Extremely doubtful. Sakurai's confirmed that Toon Link is his spiritual successor, and it would seem a bit much to have another Link in the roster. I don't doubt he could have a unique and varied playstyle (using the power of the masks, various other items from the series, etc.), but I still think I'd rather just see a decloned Toon Link. I'd see him as an alt of Toon Link before anything else. His purpose has already been fulfilled in another character's playstyle.

:roymelee: - Definitely the most likely. I'm not going to expect to see him anytime soon or anything, but of the three Melee vets, he's definitely got the highest chance, especially if he is decloned. Extremely low chance of appearing as an alt. Definitely going to be his own character if he ever returns.

:pichumelee: - Veeeeryyyyy veeeeryyyy doubtful. His role is essentially that of a last-minute joke character and isn't really necessary to the game for that reason. He definitely has a cool mechanic, though, and that essential premise could definitely be used for another character. Maybe he could be an alt of Pikachu, if his proportions and hitboxes are reassessed. Has a unique niche in terms of his mechanic, but there are better options to wield it, and Pichu doesn't really have much purpose anymore.

EDIT: Just to clarify, if they were to appear in a manner akin to Doc or Lucina - i.e. last-minute clone characters to pad out the roster / appeal to their fans - then I could see them happening and would be pretty cool for it to happen.
I just wanted to say one thing about Roy regarding the Alternate costume. I think we got the closest thing we could for that with Marth already, his 7th and 8th palette swaps represent Roy's Golden Armor and his normal Outfit respectively. The only thing that would've made it even more of an alt. is if they changed Marth's hair color from Blue to Red. I wish they would've though, all of Lucina's alts change her hair color, so i don't see why not for Marth. : P

The Goldenbrawler

Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2014
I'd find it humorous if Mewtwo was sent out on April 8th, the same day Greninja was revealed. :p
Although I'd prefer if it was sooner than that.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Speaking of Shadow Claw, yesterday I was thinking of how fun it would be to have Weavile as a Smash character.
It could be an extremely fast melee character and it forehead gem would give it special powers.
It's specials could be:
:GCB: - Ice Beam: Weavile fires an icy laser from it's gem.
> :GCB: - Shadow Claw: A dark claw attack that does very little damage, but very high knockback. Goes through shields and leaves Weavile open if it misses.
^ :GCB: - Icy Wind: Weavile does a spinning uppercut while surrounded by a cold tornado.
V :GCB: - Leer: Weavile's eyes glow and he glares at the closest enemy, decreasing their knockback resistance.

Final Smash: Blizzard: Weavile creates a hailstorm that steadily damages everyone onscreen. His attacks will do more damage during the storm.
Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Speaking of Shadow Claw, yesterday I was thinking of how fun it would be to have Weavile as a Smash character.
It could be an extremely fast melee character and it forehead gem would give it special powers.
It's specials could be:
:GCB: - Ice Beam: Weavile fires an icy laser from it's gem.
> :GCB: - Shadow Claw: A dark claw attack that does very little damage, but very high knockback. Goes through shields and leaves Weavile open if it misses.
^ :GCB: - Icy Wind: Weavile does a spinning uppercut while surrounded by a cold tornado.
V :GCB: - Leer: Weavile's eyes glow and he glares at the closest enemy, decreasing their knockback resistance.

Final Smash: Blizzard: Weavile creates a hailstorm that steadily damages everyone onscreen. His attacks will do more damage during the storm.
Wouldn't the Final Smash be "Hail"...? :p Cause, ya'know- that's what Hail does in the games.
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