"A mystical and ultra secret source has revealed us a few hours ago new details on the next Pokémon X and Y games. [The next phrase I couldn't translate, but they mention that they're publishing it as a rumor.]
1- The characters will be called Paco and Antonia [funnily enough, both are Spanish names]. You can't change their names, but you can dress them in sexy clothes. [This part made me lol]
2- There will be 169 new Pokémon. Of them, at least 45 will be legendary.
3- We will at last see an evolution or new form of Mewtwo, popularly known as Mewthree. [The next phrase I didn't understand, so here's a Google Translation:
It has the longest tail still, could be linked with the name of the editions.]
[From here on, it only gets better...]
4- You start in Paris. You're no typical little child [
niño means boy, but since you can choose the character's gender, I chose a gender neutral word] that happily starts his/her Pokémon adventure, as you will have to make your way between the "drug cartels" [
malos barrios literally means evil/bad neighborhoods, so I went a little creative, but I hope you still get the idea...]. You first Pokémon, you steal it from an ancient by decapitating him. Next, you believe to be a supermayor and think that playing Pokémon is cool. [Funnily enough, the words supermayor and cool were exactly in that text]
It seems that they have made the game a sandbox, like GTA.
5- You can be a Gym Leader, a member of Team Plasta [what?], army general, superman, Pokémon Professor, smuggler, kamikaze, assassin and even a Pokémon Trainer. [This part was ridiculous]
6- There are evolutions and pre-evolutions of older Pokémon, like Lucario and Scizor, who are begging for them to happen [in this last part of the phrase, I was a little creative when translating, but attempted to keep the general meaning].
7- They announced fourth evolution stages: Garchomp could evolve to make a small hole in the competitive game. [The Garchomp statement was likely an idiomatic expression, so I translated it literally, but I believe the meaning wasn't completely lost].
8- StreetPass mode will be used to randomly trade Pokémon with trainers on the street. No Pokémon is safe and you may lose your perfect Pokémon with EVs, egg moves, tutor moves, at level 100, winner of the last worldwide VGC, and in exchange receive a Level 12 Barboach with Mud Sport [had to check Bulbapedia here.
] and with the nickname Faloach. Game Freak always wants to troll a little, you know.
9- At last, the genetics [theme] suggested by the Japanese logos translates in one Pokémon laboratory with a crazy professor who creates a Magikarp, incorporating in it Machoke arms and Galvantula eyes. It is not known its finality.
That's all for now. This information is 101% authentic, was proven and you will have to believe, like the other rumors on the Internet these days."