Old times.
It was about DA Wes, Mike Nasty and Oro, HugS wasn's still considered at the time and criticized because of his abuse of Screw Attack, which was later a strategy of critical importance against the spacies, he later became a super monster in the tournaments and I think he also created a legend by defeating a roster full of dangerous spacies in an MLG earning him the title of pro smasher. Yes, I admire Mister Don Hugo.
¿The HUB is back? Nice, I remember I had a feud with a lot of guys because they were super rude with me, insulting my intelligence and my sex, and I just quit the HUB and said goodbye, WJ still randomly asks me if I want to return.
¿what do they do at the HUB? ¿Melee talk? I hope it's not full of 'Barwlers'.