Miltry, the pre-evolution for Miltank.
Hmm, I have to say, I would really prefer to see Miltank's prevo also serve as such for Tauros, given the Cow/Bull theme. It could still lean toward Miltank (Milkalf, perhaps?)
I love Rexlax, but I don't believe he should get Explosion given the numbers posted. We don't want the game getting
too Rexplosion-centric...
Guys, I'd like to get your opinions on a few prospective Pokémon:
Parasect Evolution
Snorlax Evolution
Noctowl Evolution
Girafarig Evolution
Granbull Evolution
I want to start drawing some more
If Parasect evolves the mushroom will take control completely, covering most if not all of its body.
If Noctowl evolves the clock element of Hoothoot should return. It could be called "Clocktowl"!
If Granbull evolves, its powerful jaws might grow to be so heavy it must walk on all fours, which would make it more intimidating in my opinion.
I can't draw well and I don't have a scanner or tablet anyway, but why not:
A male evo (Alkatty?) that evolves with the Sun Stone/Kitten Prevo (Skitten?) for Skitty, because not enough Pokemon use the SS to evolve, and Skitten writes itself.
A cymbal monkey based evolution for Ambipom, maybe with four "arm" tails, maybe just holding cymbals with its tails.
An evo for Chimecho with a wider body and multiple smaller "chimes"
Santa evo for Delibird (Deliclaus?) rumored to be tied to mysterious gifts that sometimes appear
An actual blimp evo for Drifblim instead of the hot air balloon it is
Pirate Floatzel evo
Scarab Heracross evo (Scaracross?)
A Kabuki-themed evo for Jynx, Ganguro being based on makeup and otherwise odd appearance
A Banyan tree evo for Sudowoodo, perhaps playing up the "petrified" wood concept by adding the grass type...