1. Something getting brought up a lot doesn't necessarily mean anything about how many people want that thing, it might only mean that there's an extremely vocal minority. The reason you aren't seeing droves upon droves of people generally supporting the current ruleset is because they're content. Angry people are louder.
2. Both the issue of stages
and the issue of stocks were discussed in great detail this last year, I believe both in the tournament ruleset thread. It's on any interested party to go back and read all of that, because most people from both sides are tired of rehashing the same points and having approximately nothing happen as a result of it.
2.5. An interesting consequence of both these debates happening around the same time was Cactuar proposing an alternate ruleset for experimentation. Two stocks, three minutes, lots more stages on. No one tried it. As I recall, one single Wisconsin local ran a tournament with that ruleset and a few people tried it in friendlies (including myself, mind you). Now it was contended that perhaps such experimentation attempts failed because it was too much change all at once, and very possibly that's correct, but still, the message seemed to be: we don't actually care. The broader community wasn't passionate enough about running a ruleset different from the now commonly accepted norm to switch back, or to something else. No one tried the same ruleset but 3-stock-5-min, no one tried adding back this or that or the other, etc. In fact, the broader community,
when given sufficient cause to voice their opinion, seems to come out in droves to support the current stage list--FC-Legacy was a throwback tournament that ended up having to reshape its ruleset because there was such spectacular backlash against their original stagelist (they ended up cutting it down from 11 to 9 for singles, I believe they cut their intended amount for doubles as well, and in any case you had two bans instead of one so you could basically avoid playing on any CPs that were actually bad for your character anyway), and some people strongly implied that the ruleset was one of their primary motivations for not coming. I don't see anyone refusing to go to Apex because of its ruleset.

It's not like every TO is some mystical tyrant enforcing a hellish ruleset, they just host with a ruleset people like playing under. Why do you think tournaments continued running with less stages after people started doing it? Because there was positive feedback from it.
3. This is quite clearly not the place for continued discussion on this matter. This topic was solely to determine an acceptable ruleset for Evo, and it appears (Apex ruleset, Wobbling legal) to have been set forth by none other than Mr Wizard himself. We've got our ruleset, the one that appeared to have the most common consensus earlier in this topic and that makes the most sense to run with since it's the ruleset we've been using for quite sometime now at virtually every major (and minor, for that matter) event. Continued debating about "where have all the stages gone" does not really belong here, it belongs in the ruleset discussion thread. And for that matter it belongs there after everyone has gone back and read through the whole thing to brush up on recent debates on the subject.
t;'dr bring back Mute City
Also, regarding things finishing on time, all that takes is sufficient setups and quality TOing. I was at FC-L this summer, I ran a pool round 2 and saw the whole tournament, and one of my most vivid memories for round 2 is having to tell Axe and Chad to delay their match because they were supposed to play on stream at some point but the whole tournament was running so far ahead of schedule that the entire rest of my pool was already done almost an hour before they were due up on stream, and every other pool was basically done except for stream-worthy matches too so they couldn't get moved up the line at all. Those guys had top 8 do a round robin and still got done by like 7 PM on the last day FFS. Now granted, there'll be more people and less time to do it all in, but given a large enough amount of setups and TOs that are keeping things moving and DQing people that aren't showing up and whatnot, and given that it's bracket pools and not RR pools, I think it'll all turn out fine and there's no reason to get all pessimistic.