Tipsy1. I watched all of your matches (except the ones with Tomacawk; you didn't post the links).
Your Marth is interesting. Very calm and yet you're good about not getting hit and making the most from your grabs. I'll go through and point out some notable things in your game with Anthony's Sheik.
0:08 - You tried to fair -> grab his shield. Didn't work cos he jumped over your grab. It was a good idea and would have gotten you more, but utilt would have hit and gotten you some juggle damage. You had no way of knowing what he'd do, though. For all you know he could have rolled behind you and JC grabbed you if you had tried to utilt his shield. Just something to think about.
0:11 - He dthrew you. You DI'ed his follow-up ftilt away and tried to fair out of any subsequent hit. Pretty good idea. I don't know what your DI on the dthrow was, but I find that down and away works well - she can't CG you and she'll only be able to follow it up with ftilt, which you can again DI away and usually get out by then.
0:14 You utilted him onto a platform and then FJ faired. This is a classic example of a high risk medium reward scenario. While, if your fair had connected, you had a chance to score another fair or an fsmash from the platform afterward and get Sheik offstage, she was at low percents and probably wouldn't have gotten gimped. On the other hand, you're throwing away the positional advantage you have. Sheik's on the platform above you. You're Marth. She already has a dilemma of getting down from the platform to solid ground, and you can keep her above you with uairs and utilts. You might have been better off just SH uairing. He ended up jumping up and hitting you with a dair, which netted him a fair and got you offstage. So you can see how there was a high risk to going up on the platform.
0:18 - You are on the ledge and ledgehop fair. He reacts with a dash attack which connects. Ledgehop fair is okay. You can always stall until he moves away from the ledge enough to ensure your safe return to the stage. But in any case make a mental note of how he punished you. Maybe ledge hop shield next time. ^_^
0:21 - You uair him onto the platform. Again, you try FJ aerial - uair this time. I don't know what your purpose was. I guess a standard uair to nair combo which wouldn't have gotten you an offstage even, I don't think. He jumps over you and bairs. Okay so you got punished for FJing again. Think SH uair instead of FJ, alway in a he-on-platform-you-below situation. Think "safe moves that keep him above me and me on the ground". If he tries to descend with an aerial, you simply dash dance grab him as he lands and uthrow to get him in the air again.
0:26 - you fair and he techs. You mistime the tech chase fsmash. He ftilt fairs you. Maybe you assumed he was going to miss the tech. Maybe you simply mess the timing. But missing fsmashes in this match-up gets Marth punished like no tomorrow. If you're ever uncertain that your fsmash will hit, just substitute a dtilt instead, because it has 28 less frames of lag. That's half a second. 0_0
0:34 - Pay attention to how he edgeguards you. He ledgehopped. That should be your cue to sweetspot. Instead you landed on the stage and got ftilt faired and died. x_x
0:46 - Third time you try to jump up and fair him on the platform. He jumps up and hits you again. At this point you should be thinking double jump fair / uair / nair, since he always jumps above me.
0:57 - He dash attacks your shield and you dair out of shield. Maybe you were hoping for a dair -> fsmash combo, but it didn't work. Probably should have just shield grabbed -> fthrow -> wavedash back -> fsmash his tech in.
1:00 - You waited for the side step. Bravo! It ends up getting you an fsmash for the kill. Remember that.
1:13 - You fthrow him offstage, he double jump fairs. Great opportunity to dtilt. Instead you whiff an fsmash. Oh well. He grabs the edge and you get hit by his ledgehop fair at low percents. Sheiks who ledgehop fair sometimes don't realize that you can CC fsmash / dtilt them back offstage. Try that once in a while.
1:31 - You roll away from his pressure and then nair in place. He dash attacks to follow your roll. The dash attack whiffs. Your nair goes over his head and you get ftilt -> faired. Instead of nairing, next time maybe dash dance away from him after your roll. He seems to like to follow you with dash attacks, which makes a dash dance grab ideal.
1:45 - Good tech chasing. You got him off the stage. 1:53 - You punish his poor recover with fsmash and take the edge. He up-b's onto the stage and you ledgehop dair. In this scenario, you always want to keep the pressure on. I like wavedashing onto the stage past where Sheik lands and fsmashing her off again.
1:57 - Sheik spot dodges your fsmash and dsmashes you for the kill. I know it hurts sometimes, but you have to wait for the spotdodge. Sheik players love that spotdodge to grab / dsmash / ftilt. Just be patient and fsmash after they commit to it.
2:24 good stuff, waiting for the airdodge. Got you the kill.
2:33 - Sheik spotdodges you fsmash and ftilts you. It makes sense to fsmash at low percents, because you can sometimes set up for a gimp that way. But at least mindgame it. Don't randomly fsmash. Try to read their roll or tech or something.
2:37 - Sheik puts herself on the platform. You dash dance and Sheik drops through with a nair. It hits you.
This shouldn't happen. Just abuse Marth's grab range and JC grab her during her landing frames.
2:45 - You ledgehop fair. Then you roll. I guess you're expecting to get dash attacked like earlier. Instead, he waits for your roll and jab -> ftilt -> fairs you. Make a mental note that he read your roll behind him.
2:57 - You ledgehop fair again. Then you roll! Um ... you get dsmashed. Yea.
3:03 - you wait for the airdodge and connect an fsmash. Then you wait on the stage. He sweetspots the edge with his up-b. Whenever Sheik is forced to up-b, you want to take the ledge option away from her. So go grab that edge.
3:23 - okay you wait for the spotdodge and fair. Good stuff.
3:32- you wait for the airdodge again. Gets you a kill. I guess you can read his mind.
3:45 - You try to get a tech chase going. You should avoid wavedashing while tech chasing grabs. It messes up your dash momentum, as you can see happened.
4:00 - You assumed he was going to roll behind you and utilted. It got you grabbed. Next time, wait for him to do it.
4:20 - He up-b'ed onto the platform and you whiffed an fsmash. Dreamland platforms are high. Bair is probably a better idea.
4:26-4:30 you got hit by two dairs. Just CC fsmash them.
Yea and you finished it with a nair.
I don't know. Look for little stuff to improve in your game. Things like controlling platorms better or waiting for spotdodges / air dodges.
I would say the biggest improvement you could make is to dash dance camp more, especially if that Sheik isn't needle camping you.
Eon - I'll get to your videos when I have a chance. Sorry to put it off so long.