Alright it's time to CROSS EXAMINE! You wanted Ace Attorney Pokechu so here it is!
Wild hip shot
Kantrip and Laundry? Possible scum team
Yay or nay
Thoughts ideas comments?
Now first, this doesn't really make sense. The two's interactions don't make sense for scum team. Also Laundry is for the most part being seen as town with the consideration that he or Ryker could be the big scum in the pool. And even then, no one has really stuck to this idea. I'd like an explanation on why this makes sense to you.
honestly ngl I got home not long after that post and blacked out
I only woke up an hour ago (and that hour was mostly spent... waking up and being groggy)
I know that I've played really horribly (sorry guys, I do feel really bad) but I didn't expect to be this busy and tired, and from the talks I've been skimming some people have been wanting to lynch me because they think all four are town, so nothing I contribute is probably going to change those minds
for when I said I'd declare war on Z that was slight ****posting and slightly real, I was faltering on my read on him, I'd place him or Fire with Laundry and Kantrip
IDK why but Laundry doesn't seem genuine; he's been like the beacon of the town, done a really good job, but just some of the things he's done. Like I think last day he was the first to actually consider I could be town, then start of this Day he questions why scum!Chu would put himself in the voting pool, but a few posts after that he went "will probably vote Pokechu because it'll lose me the least sleep"; if you're okay publicly stating your semi-good read of a really controversial slot, why slide it back in so quickly? IDK
Although in his defense mafia wants the inactive people.... IN LOL idk I just really had a hipshot feeling about this but it 99.9% isn't right now that I'm actually thinking about it
I think a lot of people have been saying why they found Z a little sketch
and hasn't Fire been a complete ghost???? find that really sketch doodles with a marker
Now you say Laundry is supicous for going back to voting you. Even though at this point the idea being thrown out there was you'd be the easiest to lunch due to your inconsistent behavior this game. And the mafia doesn't have inactives outside of fire. They knew third was switched to a much more active player and that was it. If anything an inactive first would be the better play because everyone would line up to vote them, from there they can manipulate next days lynch, and then put heavy hitters in their next pool choice.
I'm me!
Laundry is Laundry, I think I was only considering him as scum because I hadn't played with him before and I wasn't liking how he was coming off in some posts? Seemed artificial almost
Fire is a ghost
Lemme look at Joey's and Kan's posts
I kinda like Joey though, I'd put him in my town pile
Him and Soup
Again your sole target is really Laundry. With no reason behind it. How does he sound artificial or scum? He's playing pretty similarly to Ryker, asking questions and proposing ideas based on the current situation..
By the end of it I saw what someone said about Z and him acting sketch that's also why I said I'd declare war on him but I'm not sure what caught my eye now. I'll try and ponder about that still waves hand around orb
So a random person who you can't recall said I seemed sketch and therefore I was without you personally analyzing scummy? Sorry but joke or not, that's not needed and doesn't look good. Also I'm aware you weren't serious. Can I be oblivious? Yes, but I'm not always oblivious. And declare war is really unnecessary as a joke when your not in sure of your own opinions.
some of it was how Z usually isn't as... oblivious? I said last day "I'd kill Laundry because I'm scared of making new friends

" (at that time I wasn't really serious) and Z took it seriously
It's those small interactions, obviously that's not a real or serious read yet Z still reacted to it kind of awkwardly? IDK
See above. Also I asked you for a real reason and tagged you to no avail. Care to explain why you never answered my question? For someone so deadset on Laundry you can't even be bothered to offer a true opinion of him and double down on it?
I'm gonna cry if all my reads are wrong omg LOL
see, here's my thing, I think that Laundry has been contributing but that's the number one thing he would want to do as scum, scum wants an inactive game but they also want the trust of the town, so I think that naturally him being one of the most active, if not the most active, would give him that
And being willing to make those controversial PoVs like how he said he thought I was town, that shows he has a keen eye on the game, that was a really well thought out analysis, so I think just by proxy we're all going to trust Laundry
That's a lot of H's. You seem to just be reaching for whatever you can to eliminate Laundry, someone who being so active in discussions with great points, would be a threat to mafia. Hence why he'd be in the pool. Also what's bolded can be applied to you as well. Your "contributing" but you not staying active enough with contributions and alternate between joke posts. Something that as scum, you could do to seem town when needed and then just coast by otherwise. Someone contributing a lot=scum does not make any sense to me. That's a very shaky foundation.
I think Nabe is town too
Soup, Joey, Nabe
those are my ride or dies, my besties, my homies
Take me away
To better days
Take me away
A hiding place !!!!!
2008 was the life
My bottom four is
Z, Kan, Laundry, and Nabe
Nabe because I like his posts but I feel like he would have contributed more!!!
After thinking about it Kan doesn't look as bad as I thought he did but I'll still keep him in that four bc ride or die reads, wanna see how I did once I hit the graveyard
Here within like a 10-20 post span you have changed views for little to no reason. you had moments where you thought Kan could be town, and now he's scum?
Nabe was fully town in your eyes, then a few posts later, he's scum for not contributing enough? I only am on that list because you decided to take my last few posts and make them conviently work in your favor by having me as scum since my recent posts going against you were not liked for suggesting you to be lynched tomorrow.
Which my suggestion for that was for two reasons:
1) you might not have been lynched today although it seems you will be.
2)If scum you are a pretty easy pick based on your actions and how town has viewed you.
Here's my problems with your posts. You've stuck with Laundry from the start for no real reason, and over these past two phases, there still isn't really one. You've put out flimsy reasoning, like "he's contributing to much!" To me your just going after Laundry to go after him. He's a big mafia target if town because he's active and offers a lot of discussions. You've seemingly been trying to bus him for little to no reason.
On top of that you make completely 180s in your judging in only a matter of posts with again not offering reasons that logically make sense. You have taken to targeting players when it can make you look better. "Oh Nabe's gone inactive better say he's not town now" "Z came after me and people don't like his opinion? I can use that!"
To me your posts have just screamed that your trying to take advantage of the different situations that have arised this game. You appear to be contributing but your still not offering much. And I'll give you credit for saying you don't have the best quality, but your current quality just feels like the bare minimum to me. You seem to be trying to just fly under the radar and I don't like this. You've had plenty of chances to offer strong fundations and stick to one viewpoint, but yours are all over the place. This feels like a scum just trying to cast suspicion everywhere before getting lynch, something I've seen happen numerous times.
I don't trust it. If you flip town then so be it, I'll accept I was wrong. But Right now I can't buy that you have full town intentions.
And again maybe this post will feel wrong to people, but I tried my best and I'm fine with that if it meant I tried to help town. We'll see soon enough. In the meantime, I'm always down for discussion and I'll continue trying to make good analysis and improve myself so I don't seem like a fool to people here. because I do try to get better and gain ,ore understanding each game, but it seems I'm not quite there yet.
Vote: Pokechu