Sometimes it's true, but the extent to which is causes conflict is often exaggerated. The most commonly given example is the crusades for religion-fuelled conflict. However, when you look at it carefully, it seems highly unlikely that it was purely for religious reasons. Religion was simply a convenient excuse for them to go and take land that they wanted.
I agree with the bolded part, but sometimes it -really- does have to do with religious bias.
Israel? Palestine? Somalia? These people are usually so engrossed within their own limited cultural perspective that they truly feel hostility and anger at other people if they choose to profess another faith, especially if they're in the minority and the antagonist hasn't been raised in a world where these sort of actions are considered wrong.
I have a lot of Muslim friends, so don't take this personally. See, many people dislike the Islamic faith because of the stereotypes associated with it, and as you fully well know, stereotypes always have a foundation of truth embedded deep down within the lie.
Terrorist attacks? Prime example. No, I'm not talking about the 9/11 episode, which was probably staged and planned by the Bush administration themselves. Simply put, it was a conspiracy to get money and oil, and they used religion as a scapegoat. "War on terrorism", as they call it.
Now, radical Muslims most often cause problems within their own countries, is what I'm trying to say. Not all Muslims are radical, obviously, and my ex-girlfriend is Egyptian, and comes from a Islamic-based culture.
But, the unorthodox and violent manner in which they approach things, causes strife in the modern world, on their lands and Christian and Jewish lands.
Around 4,000 Christians are murdered every year by radical Muslims in countries such as Indonesia, and Somalia. How is this at all beneficial to mankind advancing?
Religion seems completely and utterly primitive and seems to be holding us back. Now that we have scientific explanations for various causes, no wonder religion is slowly dissolving from everyday life.
It's ridiculously meticulous and causes barriers due to ignorance and stupidity.
Ancient battles? Some of these were land-based, but were motivated by religious causes. It was the secondary want, that urged these men to exterminate the enemies.
No religion? Sure, other problems would exist, but -would- we be as advanced medically and technologically? Yes, perhaps even moreso, because if science was the mainstream notion accepted thousands of years ago... who knows.
I support the idea of people believing in science and religion equally, but bias often causes individuals to cross that invisible line which inevitably causes problems in society.
Now, imagine a world without religious strife.
Sounds pretty nice. This will never be, but just try to imagine.
Now, what her professor did to her was completely unfair. But, if religion did not exist... it never would have happened, and maybe sexism and racism would exist, but it wouldn't be as enforced as much.
Religion is poison. Sad, but true. Now, if everyone practiced their own faith and kept to themselves and let complete strangers and such practice another faith without negative thoughts, maybe this wouldn't be the case.
But you know, we're such an idiotic species with many flaws and irregularities.