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Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
I just think blatantly bluffing as dayvig is really odd. Saying that, he's making the assumption everyone will just take his word for it like it's all good.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
I just think blatantly bluffing as dayvig is really odd. Saying that, he's making the assumption everyone will just take his word for it like it's all good.
Not really. Dayvig gambits have been used a ton; it's a lot more common than actual dayvig roles.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Not really. Dayvig gambits have been used a ton; it's a lot more common than actual dayvig roles.
So you even admit that it's a common gambit
And yet you think that scum will slip
Gheb understand the holes and I gotta hand it
Unless you change something it'll be you that will flip

You're the only one who has set off an alarm.
It might just be you that fears to avoid harm.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
So you even admit that it's a common gambit
And yet you think that scum will slip
Gheb understand the holes and I gotta hand it
Unless you change something it'll be you that will flip

You're the only one who has set off an alarm.
It might just be you that fears to avoid harm.
Yea, Dark Horse is really leaning scum right now. I think I'll hold my vote a little longer until more people have their say on this. There are still some people not doing much.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
So you even admit that it's a common gambit
And yet you think that scum will slip
Yes, I thought it was a gambit.

Yes, I still thought it could possibly trip up scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
@DH: It stood out to me. It stood out to me because this is a rap game, so it would make sense to use something like that as a harmless 'setup' between scumbuddies, instead of any other reason. I felt it was something of interest to point out.

Yea, Dark Horse is really leaning scum right now. I think I'll hold my vote a little longer until more people have their say on this. There are still some people not doing much.
Vote: Gargalione

Why do you have to wait for other people's opinions before you give your own?

How do you expect others to do things while you do nothing?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
*Exchange 'give your own' with 'Put down a vote'


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
I didn't even notice the philociraptor
But for right now I don't see you as a threat
I do see opportunism in your attempt at scum capture
Although to put down a vote Gargalione shouldn't fret

Just don't be jumping at everything out of your britches.
Also I rhymed philociraptor. Get at me *****es!


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
@DH: It stood out to me. It stood out to me because this is a rap game, so it would make sense to use something like that as a harmless 'setup' between scumbuddies, instead of any other reason. I felt it was something of interest to point out.

Vote: Gargalione

Why do you have to wait for other people's opinions before you give your own?

How do you expect others to do things while you do nothing?
Not voting isn't necessarily the equivalent of not doing anything. I'm holding my vote because my opinion on Dark Horse might just be a lapse of judgement that could change seeing how he/she interacts with other players who haven't necessarily done anything yet. I'm not being deliberately passive, nor am I just waiting to blindly jump on a wagon.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ah, ok. I disagree, all we have is our voice and our vote. You are only using half. But I will ask you this:

Why do you have DH as a scum read, and why do you feel it may be a slight lapse of judgement?


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
Ah, ok. I disagree, all we have is our voice and our vote. You are only using half. But I will ask you this:

Why do you have DH as a scum read, and why do you feel it may be a slight lapse of judgement?
I was just waiting to see how DH responds to something else before I lay down my vote. In the last 2 (and only 2) games I played, there was that someone that we were so 'sure' was scum, then with the flip, they just turned out to just be a townie who apparently really sucked. You might think relying my personal anecdote is silly, but honestly, I don't want to make the same mistake again.

Voting would mean that I'm ready for DH to be lynched, and it's still pretty early to jump to that conclusion.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
again @Ranmaru

I'd like to add that it's also possible that you're simply misjudging me based off your indifference to my playing style. I don't like how quick you are to vote, as you apparently don't like how I'm cautious, but I don't see how either ways of playing are either town or scummy, seeing as they can be used either way.

Consider that by voting so quickly I can either think you're genuinely scum hunting or trying to get people to turn on any townie possible. The odds of it being either one are even, seeing as every one of your other actions through out the game were generally neutral so far. So judging me on the basis of my caution is honestly pointless, as it is for me to judge you off your anxiety, unless you have another legitimate reason as to why you think I'm scum.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Ok, playstyle or not, you'll always have a reason for thinking someone is scum. Which is why I asked you...

Why do you have DH as a scum read? (You didn't answer this question)


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
Ok, playstyle or not, you'll always have a reason for thinking someone is scum. Which is why I asked you...

Why do you have DH as a scum read? (You didn't answer this question)
Mainly because of his anxiety to attack Hound, calling him noobscum and whatnot. I'm aware I questioned Hound's actions earlier, but it was in no way an attack, like DH's post. It was simply scummy behavior on his/her part.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Bear with me guys it's been my berfday weekend. Look up dbz mafia for any meta fanatics out there. I'll get to this sometime tomorrow my fellow hobbits =D


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I'd really like to hear more from some people.

Gheb, you voted DH, so are you all caught up with the thread? What do you think of Ranmaru?

Marshy, I feel like you are more content to watch than get involved. Do you think that's a fair assesment, and do you typically play in this way?

JTB, is it too late for you to vote someone 'randomly'? Who are you most likely to vote at the moment, and why?

Kreative Whiz Kids, what do you think of Sherlock Hound's play so far? Do you still want him out of the picture?

& @Mod: Please prod Kreative Whiz Kids

Anyone I haven't mentioned is certainly not off the hook. It'd be lovely to hear a little more from everybody. thanks.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2008
Teaneck, NJ/Richmond VA
Ah, ok. I disagree, all we have is our voice and our vote. You are only using half. But I will ask you this:

Why do you have DH as a scum read, and why do you feel it may be a slight lapse of judgement?
If this is why you're voting him, then that's a stretch. I agree that more or less all we have is our voice and vote, but just because he doesn't want to lay his vote just yet doesn't make him scum.

I was just waiting to see how DH responds to something else before I lay down my vote. In the last 2 (and only 2) games I played, there was that someone that we were so 'sure' was scum, then with the flip, they just turned out to just be a townie who apparently really sucked. You might think relying my personal anecdote is silly, but honestly, I don't want to make the same mistake again.
Mislynches happen and it's part of the game. But I would recommend putting a vote on who you think is scum. If he was at L-2 then I would understand but it's just Gheb and myself voting him iirc. The only way town can kill scum is through lynching so putting down your vote is always helpful. If you think Dark Horse is possibly scum, put your vote on him.

Voting would mean that I'm ready for DH to be lynched, and it's still pretty early to jump to that conclusion.
False. Putting votes on people also forms pressure on the person which helps the rest of the roster get a read on him. By not voting you aren't using the only weapon town has to eradicate scum (assuming no vig).


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
If this is why you're voting him, then that's a stretch. I agree that more or less all we have is our voice and vote, but just because he doesn't want to lay his vote just yet doesn't make him scum.

Mislynches happen and it's part of the game. But I would recommend putting a vote on who you think is scum. If he was at L-2 then I would understand but it's just Gheb and myself voting him iirc. The only way town can kill scum is through lynching so putting down your vote is always helpful. If you think Dark Horse is possibly scum, put your vote on him.

False. Putting votes on people also forms pressure on the person which helps the rest of the roster get a read on him. By not voting you aren't using the only weapon town has to eradicate scum (assuming no vig).
... Honestly, you're right. Even if I change my mind, I could always just unvote. Vote: DarkHorse

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
Marshy, I feel like you are more content to watch than get involved. Do you think that's a fair assesment, and do you typically play in this way?
i cant tell if thats a fair assessment cuz i dunno how you reached that conclusion and theres no obvious way for me to deduct how you did so specially so early. can you go into more detail so i have an idea where youre coming from?

i like this question and the potential line of questioning that might occur from this

vote dark horse



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting
Not being on a computer has kept me coasting
Ill make time to read tonight
But for now, just sit tight


#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Mainly because of his anxiety to attack Hound, calling him noobscum and whatnot. I'm aware I questioned Hound's actions earlier, but it was in no way an attack, like DH's post. It was simply scummy behavior on his/her part.

Not even close. I said that Hound's gambit could potentially trip up noobscum. I never attacked him.

@DH: It stood out to me. It stood out to me because this is a rap game, so it would make sense to use something like that as a harmless 'setup' between scumbuddies, instead of any other reason. I felt it was something of interest to point out.
Can you elaborate on the bolded?


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
@Dark Horse: if you're here, please answer both my questions in #86

I'm not particularly concerned about town reads, but I wanted a bit more content from Gargaglione. I could have asked for scum reads but I felt like it is a little too early for that. I could equally have asked a question about RVS, posting habits etc. but I'm less interested in that. Asking for a town read with reasons gives me something to work with.
Damn, this guy is classy as hell; I like him so far. RVS is pretty miniscule and posting habits can change, so yeah I agree with that.

Not voting isn't necessarily the equivalent of not doing anything. I'm holding my vote because my opinion on Dark Horse might just be a lapse of judgement that could change seeing how he/she interacts with other players who haven't necessarily done anything yet. I'm not being deliberately passive, nor am I just waiting to blindly jump on a wagon.
I get where you're coming from here, but actions speak louder than words. At the end of the day, no matter what you say, your vote is meant to be somewhere where it's not. At least at this time, and all we have is the memory that "hey, he said he didn't like that guy". How are we supposed to know when your mind changes on Dark Horse or if it stays the same? How can we pinpoint that?

And ****, I feel like he just got prodded to vote on DH by the rest of the team. oof. Grag got targeted hard eh

Kreative Whiz Kids

Apr 4, 2012
Getting creative
Dun dun dun DAH dah dah dah

Your intention? Well, you're trying to get people talking, I guess. Or more specifically, me.
Why me, out of interest?
Why you want them talking, couldn't say.

@Ran, oh ok, never seen Lost. What do you mean by in your lane?
Hey Kary, could you explain the purpose of these questions? There are more questions of yours I can't see the purpose of, and I'd just like to know why you ask the questions you do. The first one, where you ask Soup why he chose you: What possible answer did you expect from him? Are there certain answers that would have changed your opinion of Soup? If so, what kind of answers were you looking for to make him seem townier/scummier? Otherwise, be honest, were you just asking for the sake of asking?

Not specific, just wanted to find a way to produce something relevant so people didn't have the excuse to be posting for RVS, I'm kinda stingy about RVS and I like killing it as soon as I can.

Town read on kary right now.
I don't agree with having a definitive read on Kary so soon. Is his intent pure with his questions that he's tossing around? Think back to Awkward Moments, when a certain newbie traitor (hint: It's Kantrip) was throwing out random questions. Is this not a similar scenario? Or do you see something I'm missing?

@Ran: just seemed like a really weird choice of rhyme. Wondered where you were going with it.

@D S Hound: you guyyys... got any thoughts on Soup's play so far?
Here's another one. Why are you asking the slot you're asking this question? Be honest: Was there a reason, or did you just randomly pick someone for some arbitrary reason? At the time of asking this question, what were your thoughts on Soup's play?

Well..I can tell you that the way Kary reacted to your call-out was more interesting than anything else, and I wanted to use it as a means of pursuit. (S)he had a very good reaction, and I was quite content with her responses.
Please elaborate for me. What about the reaction was "very good"?

This is basically the bulk of it, I wanted to pressure him/her into a situation where he/she would respond and I could get a tell of how he/she did. I can go further into detail with my perspective if you want.

I also really liked her motivation to pressure Ranmaru for voting Gheb, even though he's V/LA. I don't agree with the premise of the vote but it screamed to me that he/she is looking more into things, instead of just fluffling posts with unwarranted comments like in his/her newbie game.
This is fair enough, but I don't think it should be too telling. It's pretty easy to come up with something like that, but I can see where you're coming from on this one.

also, Kataefi...
could you please give me an opinion on Roxy/Purple and Gargaglione, if possible?
Why did you ask Kataefi this? Even worse, what made you choose Roxy and Gargaglione? Did you even consider how much content those two players had to work with. What kind of answer did you POSSIBLY expect? Once again, I'd like an honest answer: Are you putting thought into this question, or did you just ask someone random to give an opinion on two random players?

Hmmm... Gargaglione, could you please tell me your strongest town read so far, and give reasoning for it? That'd be great.
Oh my. What are you going to do with Garg's strongest town read?

Please, Kary, clarify this stuff for me. I'm on the fence about all these questions and whatnot and need help deciding what side to jump to.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
And ****, I feel like he just got prodded to vote on DH by the rest of the team. oof. Grag got targeted hard eh
I wasn't prodded to vote; Inferno made me rethink my actions, and voting seemed like the most sensible thing to do.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Day 1 begins! Deadline is set for 5/14 at 11:59 EST! With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Dark Horse (4) Kary, Gheb_01, Gargaglione, marshy
Gargaglione (1) Ranmaru
Ranmaru (1) Dark Horse
JTB (0)
Kreative Whiz Kids (1) Detective Sherlock Hound
Inferno (1) Soup
Sherlock Hound (Red Ruy/Dooms hydra) (1) Kreative Whiz Kids
Kary (1) Kataefi
marshy (0)
Gheb_01 (0)
Kataefi (0)
Soup (0)
Roxy (0)


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
Day 1 begins! Deadline is set for 5/14 at 11:59 EST! With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Dark Horse (4) Kary, Gheb_01, Gargaglione, marshy
Gargalione (1) Ranmaru
Ranmaru (1) Dark Horse
JTB (0)
Kreative Whiz Kids (1) Detective Sherlock Hound
Inferno (1) Soup
Sherlock Hound (Red Ruy/Dooms hydra) (1) Kreative Whiz Kids
Kary (1) Kataefi
marshy (0)
Gheb_01 (0)
Kataefi (0)
Soup (0)
Roxy (0)
You spelled my name wrong... I'll remember this... :glare:


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
Oh sorry, it wasn't by any means a serious post, so it's not a big deal. Wont do it again, sorry :(


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
KWK, a lot of your info is repeats of previous people. You said a lot, but concluded nothing. How do you actually feel about Kary. By that I mean which side are you leaning towards.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, you voted DH, so are you all caught up with the thread? What do you think of Ranmaru?
[glow]I'm all caught up now and I have no issues with Ranmaru
He's taking stances and seeks to get the game a-moving
In the past he used to jump around just like a kangaroo
But I heard he's good now as he's constantly been improving

I see him question the majority clear and upfront - more confident than ever before.
He's not the "go with the flow and ask inane questions"-player that he used be no more.[/glow]


#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
iight so dark horse is -2 lets finish him off no claim and call it a day


#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Marshy, I feel like you are more content to watch than get involved. Do you think that's a fair assesment, and do you typically play in this way?
i cant tell if thats a fair assessment cuz i dunno how you reached that conclusion and theres no obvious way for me to deduct how you did so specially so early. can you go into more detail so i have an idea where youre coming from?
Hey marshy. Here's what I was thinking about your play so far. In essence, I thought that you were more interested in responding to other players than creating discussion yourself.
gargaglione why do you believe sherlocks claim to be suspicious?

purple what did you mean by "I still got no answer but I do like why you choose marshy / Sosk"?
For example, both of these questions ask for a player to clarify what they were thinking- but they don't do very much beyond that. They also seemed like questions that anyone could ask. From this, I got the impression that you would rather watch how the day progressed than get particularly involved. As I said, it is just a feeling, but I was wondering whether this is typical of your play- and I recalled that Sherlock Hound suggested something similar:

Marshy is borderline unreadable for me. I can only get a read on him from the actions of others with relation to him rather than his own actions more often than not. There are a few times where he will gun ho and lynch and hit scum to get himself cleared in a sense but i dislike his mentality of lynch first and never ask for a claim. I do not want to fight this if he gets steam for a wagon.
Hopefully that makes my train of thought a bit clearer?
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