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#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
I believe that's L-2: Gheb, Garg, Marshy, Inferno and Soup voting DH.
Kat and I unvoted.

Regardless, I'd like to make it PERFECTLY CLEAR that I don't want any more votes on DH right now.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
From what I've been reading, the only reason you guys don't like me is cause of the whole voting thing (and only that). I'm gonna be completely honest, this is all pretty frustrating; even though I explained my all actions in great detail and whatnot, there's absolutely nothing I could've done without looking bad. If I held back from voting completely, I would've been criticized for my ambivalence, and voting apparently made it seem like I was easily persuaded or something, even though I honestly just thought it'd be better to vote after Inferno's explanation. Am I not allowed to take perfectly reasonable advice from far more experienced players?

and @DH, "I'm trying not to make a scene"? Ok, for the first part of the day, my lack of contribution to the game was out of being busy; I had SATs, then my cousin's grad party and s***. When I could, clearly participated as much as possible; if 'I didn't want to make a scene' I could just not be f***ing saying anything.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
@Garg: If it's any consolation, I like you.
Please tell me what you thought of each Ranmaru's and Soup's votes against you?
And don't worry about DH's vote on you, it looks to me like he's reaching because he's in trouble.

Ran, please unvote this guy or give me a good reason not to.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
Let me make this clear, not bull****ting dayvig claim, will shoot one of the people on his wagon if he gets quick hammered.

You better come back and explain your s*** when you have the time, cause just stopping by, leaving two comments, and repeating that you're dayvig isn't really much.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Sorry guys, more questions:

Gheb, can I please have your opinion/read on Kataefi, and reasoning behind it?

Marshy, is Dark Horse your top choice to lynch today? Who would be your second choice, and why?

Purple, please give me your thoughts regarding a) Marshy b) the Dark Horse waggon.

Ranmaru, see above (cheers) and then please give me a brief account of what you think of Soup's play so far.

As ever, it's lovely to hear from anyone. Some of you already have questions that need answering!

Reminder: I'd really prefer it if Dark Horse doesn't go any closer than L-2 just yet. I'm still very happy to hammer him, but I'd rather do it by the book. Cheers.


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2011
@Garg: If it's any consolation, I like you.
Please tell me what you thought of each Ranmaru's and Soup's votes against you?
And don't worry about DH's vote on you, it looks to me like he's reaching because he's in trouble.

Ran, please unvote this guy or give me a good reason not to.
I feel as I'm simply being scrutinized, as I'm one of the few players in the game with substantial content to analyze. I understand their effort, but their effort's in the wrong place. I feel as if I couldn't have said done any more to justify my actions, which is why I don't understand why they're still on this (and also why I got flustered).

Btw, some of you just drop by and say "Hey, I like/dislike that", some useless crap, and are just getting by with the least effort possible. Could you (you know who you are) actually say stuff when you have the time?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
sherlock hound

youre shooting today right?


dark horse is my first choice yeah


#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I sincerely apologize Gorf but i'm going to have to /out.

I don't mean to make this game more of a hassle than it already is but i'm going through a lot of personal things and I need time away.

Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Omg the suspense :chuckle: Shirley I think you should give us reasoning first ol' chum before you shoot on a whim.

Also how do you feel Kary has interacted with everyone in light of his/her experience so far? (considering this was something you wanted to know).
Leaning town, confused on some posts but it looks like blunt honesty, I like that from newer players.

But it's not a hiding scum like I would usually see.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Day 1 begins! Deadline is set for 5/14 at 11:59 EST! With 13 alive it takes 7 to lynch!

Dark Horse (5) Gheb_01, Gargaglione, marshy, Inferno3044, Soup
Gargaglione (2) Ranmaru, Zen
Ranmaru (0)
JTB (0)
Kreative Whiz Kids (1) Detective Sherlock Hound
Inferno (1) Soup
Sherlock Hound (Red Ruy/Dooms hydra) (1) Kreative Whiz Kids
Kary (1) Kataefi
marshy (0)
Gheb_01 (0)
Kataefi (0)
Zen (0)
Roxy (0)

Not voting: The rest.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
Sup you don't need rhymes to rap
you just need the n-word, hoes, weed, b****es, and leather jackets

I don't know my role yet, but I can tell from Soup's posts that I'm town. It may be a while before I can fully catch up. Just from the first page alone I'm not in support of the dark horse lynch.

Vote: whiz kids

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
What do you mean by the bolded?
[glow]'Behind closed door' means out of reach
It is really not that hard to understand!
He's safe there from the good one's preach
In his hideout, where finds a helping hand

The 'unwritten rule' is to not interfere with silly gambits hoping to trip the foe
Yet the careless and the inexperienced also slip easily and you know it often happens so![/glow]

Also, when I questioned ran, the game had just started. I had wanted to try and get the day moving.
[glow]Too bad I don't accept such generic excuses!
Those words many a-bad guy tried to tell
But it doesn't remove all those nasty bruises
Just because you pretend that you mean well!

Try to make it look like the results are good! - your intention was still sinister!
Like a politician you try to wiggle your way out but you're scum, not a minister![/glow]


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb, can I please have your opinion/read on Kataefi, and reasoning behind it?
[glow]The british friend seems to be a careless joker!
So friendly, so silly and so very full of cheer
The gambler does it in an intense game of poker
Opaque are his thoughts, confident he tries to appear!

Does he plays a charade with us? Does he wear a mask of shining diamonds and flowers?
We should be wary of him at all times! We may not be able to hold on to what he devours![/glo]


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
i lied, i caught up
still don't know my role so you can take everything im saying as genuine

*sniff sniff* for some reason I'm catching this smell of fear. No idea where it's coming from.
both of those are silly. just shoot scum

ooo a ninja!
in what way is this a flavour fish... mister!?!
What was the point of you asking this?

hai soup... can we kill you?

unvote vote: dark horse

I do love a quick Day
In this fine month of May

Dark is shaping up to be a bit of a sly fox... it's more the utility of his question that he asked toward Ran on page (2?) when Inferno/Roxy pretty much asked a variation of the same thing, though he's style looked geared toward trapping Ran in a bad answer than to legitimately investigate. Looked like he was more on the sidelines fanning the flames at this point which comes across as Mr Conniving to me. No likey :woman:

Someone state a declaration of intent to hammer first before hammering.

@Dark: outside of Ran who else would you be looking into? How do you feel about the momentum of your wagon?

Anyone up for killing gargoyle/soupah toDay as well somehow. *summons Shirley Dayvig*

Gargoyle was hesitant to throw down his vote on Horse despite "really leaning scum". One would think from the word choices there's a sense of urgency here to get rid Town's biggest threat but... nope. maybe he wanted others to chip in to see if there was potential to vote elsewhere? :awesome:

Soup 'pressured' Kary and from a 3/4 post exchange managed to somehow discern him as Town on page 2...? So much for fisting that RVS :chuckle: I'm just not quite sure how that small load of information allowed him to reach his somewhat detailed conclusion so perhaps he knows underlying info ?? :woman:

let's kill all these peeps!
the bolded questions are odd. like you're trying to put suspicion out there without actually committing to it. ur making suspicions in question form rather than just making the suspicions.

what do you think of them getting ****ed outta hear via vig right NOW?

id be all for this

marshy and kat interactions are weird. would shoot one of them
garg and whiz can go as well

@Ranmaru: y didn't u start out the game with your normal planned voting type of deal? y did you vote gheb rather than someone who you don't have a lot of experience with?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
hey hey i'm at work. will comment on more tonight but @zen: jtb's observation doesn't look like a fish to me in the slightest. I don't understand where this came from.

"ur making suspicions in question form rather than just making the suspicions."

"like you're trying to put suspicion out there without actually committing to it."

^the thing is those questions represent my suspicions. I don't see what's non-committal about this. think of my sexy voice >> it's more thinking aloud as to what's potentially causing this type of behaviour. curiously do you agree with my analysis on both accounts? why/why not? (plz be specific)... Also why did you point out something as generic as this??? because i swear i've been talking this way in like every single game i've played with you??? *makes note to find examples*

Gonna look into recent posts tonight and make something a little more informed when i can't be caught out over here my compadres.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
RaZen King: No one really that new to mafia that I wanted to pressure. Roxy came back but I didn't expect anything much out of him. It was more of a random vote. Even so, I still did something to progress RVS. It's not always about the vote, it's about the whole thing.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Unvote: Dark Horse

I'm willing to hammer, but not ASAP
This is confusing. Why did you say this, Kary?

My homeboy soup, have nothing to fear
I just see garga's intentions as very sincere.
So I decided to lend him a hand
as I see him as town in this ERB land.

Inferno explain your town read on Garg plz.

Is it just me, or did the pressure on Dark Horse didn't even get time to settle as actual pressure before it was relieved? *shrug*


Soup, you've improved when it comes to playing this game; null on you though.
Can you go further into this?

Do a proper re-read, DH. Because I disagree with Purple, I think you're still in the spotlight here.

And I think it's clear Gheb is referring to this post you made:

And suggesting that scum won't get tripped up by such a gambit, because they can talk to one another.
Kary the underlined seems more like you are trying to bring DH in the spotlight, rather then him still being in it.

Mainly because of his anxiety to attack Hound, calling him noobscum and whatnot. I'm aware I questioned Hound's actions earlier, but it was in no way an attack, like DH's post. It was simply scummy behavior on his/her part.
Can you quote where DH said this? Why haven't you questioned DH yourself then?

If this is why you're voting him, then that's a stretch. I agree that more or less all we have is our voice and vote, but just because he doesn't want to lay his vote just yet doesn't make him scum.

It's not. I voted him for waiting for others before voting. This means he would rather hear what others say before deciding to do something himself, so you are stretching what I'm doing. It should have been clear to you from the questions I asked him.

... Honestly, you're right. Even if I change my mind, I could always just unvote. Vote: DarkHorse
What exactly was he right about, and how did it affect your opinion on voting/not voting?

i cant tell if thats a fair assessment cuz i dunno how you reached that conclusion and theres no obvious way for me to deduct how you did so specially so early. can you go into more detail so i have an idea where youre coming from?

i like this question and the potential line of questioning that might occur from this

vote dark horse

Yo Marshy let's lynch Garg


Not even close. I said that Hound's gambit could potentially trip up noobscum. I never attacked him.

Can you elaborate on the bolded?
Yes. Inferno's vote on you seemed like possible distancing.

I wasn't prodded to vote; Inferno made me rethink my actions, and voting seemed like the most sensible thing to do.
How did he do that? Why didn't you re-consider when I voted you?

@Garg: If it's any consolation, I like you.
Please tell me what you thought of each Ranmaru's and Soup's votes against you?
And don't worry about DH's vote on you, it looks to me like he's reaching because he's in trouble.

Ran, please unvote this guy or give me a good reason not to.
No, I'm not unvoting him.

Tell me, why are you trying to relieve the pressure on him from DH?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Also I liked Soup's play, I had no problem with him. Why do you ask, Kary?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Re-reading you post and getting to your questions, Ran.

Can you give me a bit more on Soup, perhaps say what you liked about his play, w.r.t. particular posts etc.? I'm asking because I want to hear some of your thoughts this game. I feel like you've been quiet, and have now bundled in with a load of questions.


Detective Sherlock Hound

Dooms|Red Ryu
Feb 29, 2012
Red Ryu/Joey
Hey Kary, could you explain the purpose of these questions? There are more questions of yours I can't see the purpose of, and I'd just like to know why you ask the questions you do. The first one, where you ask Soup why he chose you: What possible answer did you expect from him? Are there certain answers that would have changed your opinion of Soup? If so, what kind of answers were you looking for to make him seem townier/scummier? Otherwise, be honest, were you just asking for the sake of asking?

I don't agree with having a definitive read on Kary so soon. Is his intent pure with his questions that he's tossing around? Think back to Awkward Moments, when a certain newbie traitor (hint: It's Kantrip) was throwing out random questions. Is this not a similar scenario? Or do you see something I'm missing?

Here's another one. Why are you asking the slot you're asking this question? Be honest: Was there a reason, or did you just randomly pick someone for some arbitrary reason? At the time of asking this question, what were your thoughts on Soup's play?

Please elaborate for me. What about the reaction was "very good"?

This is fair enough, but I don't think it should be too telling. It's pretty easy to come up with something like that, but I can see where you're coming from on this one.

Why did you ask Kataefi this? Even worse, what made you choose Roxy and Gargaglione? Did you even consider how much content those two players had to work with. What kind of answer did you POSSIBLY expect? Once again, I'd like an honest answer: Are you putting thought into this question, or did you just ask someone random to give an opinion on two random players?

Oh my. What are you going to do with Garg's strongest town read?

Please, Kary, clarify this stuff for me. I'm on the fence about all these questions and whatnot and need help deciding what side to jump to.
You think the chance of him as town asking questions though may not be linking it all together is possible?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Re-reading you post and getting to your questions, Ran.

Can you give me a bit more on Soup, perhaps say what you liked about his play, w.r.t. particular posts etc.? I'm asking because I want to hear some of your thoughts this game. I feel like you've been quiet, and have now bundled in with a load of questions.

Nope. All you need to hear is who I suspect.

I can tell you I liked the direction where Soup was going. He was trying to progress the game, nothing else stood out from me at the time.
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