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Epic of Woodbridge III


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
Be careful, Bolt. You're only a commoner to the Great ChuDatZ... oops. *snicker*

Korn, for godsake, don't call him ChuDat. He no like it.

Sarcasm is ^_^

So since this is high school:
Boss: the ****-talker
Chu: the "Jock"
Thumbs: spazzy AV kidd
EE- Token Black Guy



Smash Master
May 25, 2008
Rapture Farms
So since this is high school:
Boss: the ****-talker
Chu: the "Jock"
Thumbs: spazzy AV kidd
EE- Token Black Guy

man whatever, in the smash community there are token WHITE guys, i'm in the **** minority...

these are the characters in my miniseries though

chu'll look like johnny test, only of a different ethnicity and with taller, black hair



Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2006
Kyoto Prefecture Japan
lol cool.

so yeah let me explain this pic since im bored and i just made it, me and thumbs on the right side and our opponents are on the left chillin, so i fire my forward B rocket



GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
ahh man... Chu , why didn't you just PM Korn with that info?


Drama Island is now back


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
Now give him TO power and he might turn to a Power Ranger, using his strength to ban those who oppose him.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
Chu, I hope you read my post in previous page

because I got the answer that you asked me for

banned me all you want D: I mean, that's the only thing you can do when you hates someone
Yay for insecurity ^_^
ahh man... Chu , why didn't you just PM Korn with that info?


Drama Island is now back
GIMR, you do realize that he's done this every time?
I haven't threatened to kill myself yet :p

Anyway, I see what you all are saying, but do we really need all of MD/VA attacking him....? And in a thread like this...=/
JJ, stop.

Hey I pulled a Thumbs. ^_^

Deleted member

the stupidity stops here. now.

korn: PM me a generalized summary of what happened between you and Chu so I know what's going on.


Smash Master
Sep 7, 2004
Falls Church, California
What? What did kornn even do? Kornn talked behind someones back? This happens on a daily basis between tons of people...I seriously doubt kornn has any beef with you chu, and kornn is one of my favorite smashers in general.

If you're gonna ban Kornn from events like the DOJO, PM me. I really don't want to be part of an event that bans my friends.

You could always get his number and settle things.
Why would I allow a person that I dislike into my tournaments so I can see him and avoid him the whole day? That's just annoying and takes some energy out of u and distracts u from the tournament while playing and running it. Well, I really didn't intend to ban him. I sent him a PM asking him what the problem was and he ignored it. I "banned" him so it would force a response out of him and it worked.

ah ****ttt i guess im banned too xD

but i wanna talk about it !!! can i talk to you about it out in the open ??

i mean 50 bucks off cohosting an event but you didnt really do much of anything .... whats up with that o.0
U want to get banned too? I didn't know u were that eager LOLZ.

everyone one in this community does it.. stop acting like a baby when its about you chu, everytime someone "disrespects" you its such a BIG deal.. when really its just a few words bro. it will be ok, korn shouldnt be banned for anything get real. I'm sure you've done it a few times in your life as well sir : /

ALSO. you did not help with anything towards the event chu(neither did i and thats not like me, im sorry kenny), even though thats none of my business but everyone is right.. you dirty dawg. Also really smart in a way.. had a tourney the night before the woodbridge one, made cash, then come to the woodbridge one, made even MORE cash, man got a sick hustle.

EDIT: Thnx CK for letting me use your phone XD you da man
Why is "talking ****" globally accepted? Usually, people who talk **** are frowned upon. Apparently there are about 10 people in here that support it. I don't know how you guys were raised, but that's not right.

Yes, I have talked **** about people before. I'm talking **** about Korn right now (Korn is a ugly and skinny azn kid who can't speak engrish! :chuckle:). Usually, when people find out I talk **** about them they confront me about it and I get ******d at. Dude this is highschool stuff btw. I forgot all of u guys are still in highschool lolz. Be more mature, people.

Also, how do u know that I didn't do anything? Did you follow me around the whole time? It's just a rumor started by Korn because apparently he dislikes me for some odd reason O.o.

Wow. It's official. I don't like Chu. I've tried to stay calm with all the **** that happens between everyone but seriously... Banning someone because they talk about you? What are you fuking 12?

"Mommy, he's making fun of me!" *Spank = Ban*

You take advantage of the fact that your a Tournament Director. You feel you have power because your the almighty ChuDat of H2YL, well newsflash Chu, H2YL is dead and until they come back, your on your own.

Your not a god in the community Chu, your just a smasher that happens to be good at the game.. quit thinking your more than that by banning people left and right for outrageous regions. Sure I'm sure I'll be banned from your events because I don't agree with your methods but I could care less.

You won't get any meatriding from this scrub. No sir. You can have the other 90% of this community meatride you.

Wow, ****ing school girls. I want to quit this game because of its community. >.>
LOLZ thanks for the compliment man. No hard feelings. I hope ur not upset with me over some highschool stuff lolz.

i get what you're saying man, but this shouldn't be true. whether or not it is or isn't, i know i certainly don't, and neither does anyone that i play smash with regularly, there's nothing but peace and harmony and unity and love and gay ****, man. we should really be trying to get people to stop all this stupid ****, rather than saying it's cool just because everyone does it. trash talk is fine and all, but people take this stuff way too seriously on both sides and it just escalates. not that i'm saying anything actually happened here mind you, 'cause i really don't know or care, but come on now...

and don't think i'm targeting you oath, you know i love you, even when I'M IN A BAD MOOD

seriously though, this **** is like super smash bros.: junior high, God****.

i'm about to start a cartoon miniseries starring you guys
I appreciate u backing me up on this coney. Thanks man

No one seems to recall the good Chu has done for us....for example Chu's Dojo 1???

That's not meat riding. You are just defending me when there are 10 other people attacking me for no good reason. I appreciate this btw, thanks =). I barely even know Coney and urself, too.

Where is the rest of my back up? -_-. Friends? Hello? lolz

ahh man... Chu , why didn't you just PM Korn with that info?


Drama Island is now back
Good point. Like I said earlier, my original intention was to drag Korn out of hiding from my PM that he ignored.

Now give him TO power and he might turn to a Power Ranger, using his strength to ban those who oppose him.
Dude that expression you gave after Forte and I beat u in teams was priceless LMFAO


LOLZ @ Oaths pic

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008
Lol I know I had fun that match, and when BMX stage spiked you w/ the fart XD. Also my awesome Up b stage spike against you XD

I have no problems losing to one of the best teams in the nation.
I honestly think BMX could maybe beat you in singles though, Wario is too good.


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
This thread is amazing now, I just ****ed my gf then I come in here and blow another load at the hilarity, too good.

Chu, prove you are a man of the people and team with me next month at something, think of it as a publicity stunt! ;D

Hidden MachineS

Banned via Warnings
Oct 26, 2008

Last time you teamed with a pro, Oath and Tant took you out, next time you'll lose to lie and sin.

j/k EE <3


Smash Master
May 22, 2005
Fairfax , VA
nah man chu korn didnt start talkin **** most of the people that wondered why you were gonna get money for cohosting the event... you see me and esoj even said i wonder if money is being given to chu and such .. alot of people agreed with each other and said that idk if chu should get some of the venue fee... it is as simple as that

so do you think you should have gotten some of the venue?

the answer in PMs was good enough for me but you know some people need an explanation :/

cause like i said if i can get money for being a cohost like that might as well start cohosting xD

II Bolt II

WS|Tournament Organizer
Jan 22, 2009
Fredericksburg, VA
This thread is amazing now, I just ****ed my gf then I come in here and blow another load at the hilarity, too good.

Chu, prove you are a man of the people and team with me next month at something, think of it as a publicity stunt! ;D
EE be careful asking Chu to team.. you might get a response like this:

ChuDatz Yayuhhzzz! said:
Don't ask to be my partner. You know that I won't want to, you are just asking for an insult to the face. If you say "Well, there is no harm in trying!", you are wrong.


Smash Lord
May 20, 2008
Hoodbridge, VA
That expression you made when I farted on you when you tried to Kirbycide me was priceless ~_^

I believe I was wrecking you guys pretty well, but hey, like Taj said, you guys make an awesome team.

See me in singles. I'll be sure to Douche you there. ^_^


Smash Ace
Dec 21, 2006
Harmoniously Gripping The Wang of Society
People, I only speak for the man, don't confuse me with him D:

KeyKun: ***** n!gga
Taj On Fire: yeah yo
Taj On Fire: word life
Taj On Fire: it's your basic thuganmoics
Taj On Fire: thuganomics
KeyKun: yeah its sin, next time i see you ima bust ya jaw if you disrecpt me, u lucky deez told me to chill
KeyKun: **** boy
Taj On Fire: lmaaaaaoooo
Taj On Fire: who is this really
KeyKun: ***** u think its a game! i made this new account so that f@g lie would stop IMing me about team MM's but now the ***** hittin' my cell up
KeyKun: but anyway ***** u been told
Taj On Fire: huh what
KeyKun: i am 3 feet of rage, dont mess wit it
that was fun :3
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