(First up, if you're strictly a Melee only player and still want to put across an opinion, read the following by swapping the words Brawl with Melee and vice versa
Okay, so given the lack of Melee scene in Perth (we have Bringer, Quetz and, to an extent, Corpse...) I'm gonna try and work through an idea of a Brawl-only Major. I've had a couple of ideas, so I'm putting them through for public opinion in order to get more perspective on the situation.
1) ONE-DAY: I don't like this idea very much at all, given that if you're flying all the way across the country to compete you want to maximise your competition. Nevertheless, the ideas out there - this leaves open that extra day for willing people to go explore Perth and it's surroundings, or play more casual smash at people's houses. The only real "good" thing about this is that it'll cut down the venue fee by half, but that being said a $15-20 saving on venue fee pales in comparison to the hundreds of dollars that OoS'ers will be spending to come here. On top of that, it means the schedule will be jam-packed, not really leaving much time for any fun at all. 1/5 stars. Pretty much all the bad things here are for OoS'ers, and they are really bad for them
2) ONE "FUN" DAY and ONE COMP DAY: This is a more viable idea than the first in my mind. Have a two-day tournament - on the Saturday have a couple of fun (and free!) tournaments (an actual) Crews tournament, Random Character tournament, fun Melee tournament etc. to get people more into the social side of smash and "break the ice" so to speak, and also allow people the chance to have friendlies and money matches without worry of being interrupted by tournament matches. Then, on the Sunday, have the regular jam-packed schedule of Brawl Doubles > Lunch > Brawl Singles - people can still have friendlies/MMs but the idea is that this day is more competitive and hype. This sorta schedule provides the OoS'ers with two days of Brawl if they want it, but if they for some reason don't want to/cannot make it on the Saturday they have that option open to them to just show up for the Sunday (same goes for Perthites too). Moreover, it allows people that large chance to get a lot of friendlies with people so that less people leave the major thinking "I wish I could have played that guy more", which seems to be a common shoutout.
3) SPLIT DOUBLES AND SINGLES OVER TWO DAYS: This is the alternative I was tossing up with. Obviously the major pro is that the schedule can be very lax, which means a lot less stressed TO shouting at people to get matches done. Also paves the way for an afternoon start time so that people can sleep in if they wish, or show up in the morning for some socialising/friendlies/money matches/other smash antics. In the mornings we can also have pre-arranged free events as stated before like crews. Moreover, this allows us to have a larger bracket for Singles without worry of time restraints, which would be a major plus to all of the middle-ability players who aren't 100% sure they'll make it out of pools. The main con is that it sorta commits people to both days of the tournament, which I guess isn't too much of an issue for OoS'ers who expect a two-day tourney anyway, but for the local attendance it poses a bit of an annoyance if they only show up for about 4 hours each day, given the long commute for all of our smashers due to heavy urban sprawl in Perth.
3.5) MEETING HALF WAY: See option (4), but only having Melee singles, being played on the same day as Brawl Doubles. Then leave Sunday for Brawl singles.
4) SUCK IT UP AND HAVE MELEE AS WELL: This one will take A LOT of convincing. If we run Melee, not only will we more than likely barely make 16 entrants, we'll also be creating a crisis issue monetarily (as some people won't pay two days to just come for one) AND also be subjected to a chockers Brawl schedule unnecessarily. I realise Melee players would love to come over for the chance to play Bringer/Quetz, but there's not a guarantee they will be attending period, let alone if they're any good at the game anymore. Major, major drawbacks and risks to this, which I would only be willing to take if there were a fair few people who wouldn't come unless Melee was available.
There you go gang: discuss.
(First up, if you're strictly a Melee only player and still want to put across an opinion, read the following by swapping the words Brawl with Melee and vice versa

Okay, so given the lack of Melee scene in Perth (we have Bringer, Quetz and, to an extent, Corpse...) I'm gonna try and work through an idea of a Brawl-only Major. I've had a couple of ideas, so I'm putting them through for public opinion in order to get more perspective on the situation.
1) ONE-DAY: I don't like this idea very much at all, given that if you're flying all the way across the country to compete you want to maximise your competition. Nevertheless, the ideas out there - this leaves open that extra day for willing people to go explore Perth and it's surroundings, or play more casual smash at people's houses. The only real "good" thing about this is that it'll cut down the venue fee by half, but that being said a $15-20 saving on venue fee pales in comparison to the hundreds of dollars that OoS'ers will be spending to come here. On top of that, it means the schedule will be jam-packed, not really leaving much time for any fun at all. 1/5 stars. Pretty much all the bad things here are for OoS'ers, and they are really bad for them

2) ONE "FUN" DAY and ONE COMP DAY: This is a more viable idea than the first in my mind. Have a two-day tournament - on the Saturday have a couple of fun (and free!) tournaments (an actual) Crews tournament, Random Character tournament, fun Melee tournament etc. to get people more into the social side of smash and "break the ice" so to speak, and also allow people the chance to have friendlies and money matches without worry of being interrupted by tournament matches. Then, on the Sunday, have the regular jam-packed schedule of Brawl Doubles > Lunch > Brawl Singles - people can still have friendlies/MMs but the idea is that this day is more competitive and hype. This sorta schedule provides the OoS'ers with two days of Brawl if they want it, but if they for some reason don't want to/cannot make it on the Saturday they have that option open to them to just show up for the Sunday (same goes for Perthites too). Moreover, it allows people that large chance to get a lot of friendlies with people so that less people leave the major thinking "I wish I could have played that guy more", which seems to be a common shoutout.
3) SPLIT DOUBLES AND SINGLES OVER TWO DAYS: This is the alternative I was tossing up with. Obviously the major pro is that the schedule can be very lax, which means a lot less stressed TO shouting at people to get matches done. Also paves the way for an afternoon start time so that people can sleep in if they wish, or show up in the morning for some socialising/friendlies/money matches/other smash antics. In the mornings we can also have pre-arranged free events as stated before like crews. Moreover, this allows us to have a larger bracket for Singles without worry of time restraints, which would be a major plus to all of the middle-ability players who aren't 100% sure they'll make it out of pools. The main con is that it sorta commits people to both days of the tournament, which I guess isn't too much of an issue for OoS'ers who expect a two-day tourney anyway, but for the local attendance it poses a bit of an annoyance if they only show up for about 4 hours each day, given the long commute for all of our smashers due to heavy urban sprawl in Perth.
3.5) MEETING HALF WAY: See option (4), but only having Melee singles, being played on the same day as Brawl Doubles. Then leave Sunday for Brawl singles.
4) SUCK IT UP AND HAVE MELEE AS WELL: This one will take A LOT of convincing. If we run Melee, not only will we more than likely barely make 16 entrants, we'll also be creating a crisis issue monetarily (as some people won't pay two days to just come for one) AND also be subjected to a chockers Brawl schedule unnecessarily. I realise Melee players would love to come over for the chance to play Bringer/Quetz, but there's not a guarantee they will be attending period, let alone if they're any good at the game anymore. Major, major drawbacks and risks to this, which I would only be willing to take if there were a fair few people who wouldn't come unless Melee was available.
There you go gang: discuss.