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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Response to J:

1.) You are pandering to Kuzi, who to you, is a strong player and also has been the most talkative this game thus far. You also in the pink also had been giving Kuzi a compliment before you ask him to join you on the wagon.
I wasn't pandering to Kuz. Notice that Soup was on there too. I was saying that because I wanted people to know that I was liking some of the wagoners (except Swords). That's what I meant by 'kinda cool', meaning almost the whole wagon. I didn't think scum would be enthusiastic about joining your wagon that early, so that's what I based it off of. It wasn't anything solid.

2.) The reason you are on Rockin is just trying to go into a bit more detail of what Circus said and then just try and get him to join you when I believe his vote is already on Rockin. I don't like the fact that instead of going into more detail on why Rockin is scummy for what he did you are merely going to the people who you feel will buddy/support you and asking them to join you and complimenting them.
No. I agreed with his post. I didn't notice the vote though. I don't think I had to give more detail at that time, since it was borderline-RVS. I always ask people to join me.

The only thing I can honestly say I agree with in this post is saying Swords is fluffy because that is a true statement. Most of his posts have been fluffy besides his post in response to Kary where he reveals some of his thoughts. (Even then, not anything to grasp onto because they seem a bit paranoid and different then what I have seen from normal Swords)
So has this affected your read on him?

And finally you say that you don't like Bardull's vote on Kuzi which doesn't make much sense because nothing really seems to stem from it besides RVS with the gif he posted from it. When Kata asks you about this you seem to dig yourself into a deeper hole, to me at least.
It's more of gut, and me looking off the wagon. It wasn't anything solid, and I will be looking to see if Bardull can clarify the gif.

You say Kata's isn't suspicious at all. Could you explain how you found Bardull's suspicious. I've quoted his post and Kata's posts here so you could show the difference between the two and layer how Kata's was just "playful RVS" while Bardull's had more evil motives to it.
Kat was joking in his post alongside his vote. Bardull's vote was vague, and I was just looking at people off of the J wagon to see who may be scum from it. Bardull's did have a gif with it, but I didn't understand what the Gif meant without context. (Reasoning/statement/caption)

You say Bardull+Rockin is a scum-team to you. Can you tell me how you are drawing that conclusion and by what connection? Are you saying they are scum because they are have similar actions or they are both scummy individually?
I meant individually. I just was too lazy to say "And I think they both invidiually fit into the picture" or something like that. I didn't see any connections between them.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@Sword, look at the vote count above my post you were quoting, I was indeed voting Bardull.

Soup's admittance to being wrong felt genuine, felt real. As I stated in my most recent post, he's leaning town for me. So why would I be voting him now? I wasn't originally because I felt voting Bardull (which you missed?) would serve a better purpose. But I feel like we would have gotten similar content from him with or without the pressure, based on his posts, so I may have been able to better use it.

Still catching up but getting ready for church at the same time. Will be leaving for it soon, so more either after that or after work tomorrow morning (third shift).

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
First problem I see with revealing who we would hide behind is that it could give scum better odds at getting a 2 for 1. If a good number of us list X as our choice, and X is town, mafia can target him for the kill and have a better chance of grabbing the hider as a result. I was okay with the plan until that popped into my mind.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Still catching up, going to eat. Responses after.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I get that feeling, but my initial push was based on a mistake. It kind of crumbles the rest that I built up. I got a bit heated I admit and I'm not going to pretend like I had that planned. I genuinely felt like I was pursuing something of worth until I noticed that I ****ed up and it seriously just made me feel like ****. I'm gonna spare a bunch of 'woe is me' comments because they aren't very productive.

I'll get to your plan soon. I'm busy tonight too.
Really townie post, prouda you Soup. However, I can't read you from apologizing because you could definitely be this open as scum backtracking. Kudos if you are, it's well done.

Next post I want 0% why you're not scum and 100% who is any why. Your vote isn't anywhere and that bothers me. Also definitely still respond to the psuedo-hide thing


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Because if we don't cover all bases then scum will have a pool of people to kill from that will be "safe."

Like, think of it like this:

We have players 1, 2, 3, . . . 13.

player 1 "hides" behind player 2.
player 2 "hides" behind player 1.
player 3 "hides" behind player 4.
player 4 "hides" behind player 3.

So on and so on.

So then, who "hides" behind player 13?

Unless we can do it like a circle? I don't know if that's mathematically possible.


I THINK this works. Correct me if I'm wrong. If my circle system does work, then nvm my previous concerns.

But yeah, if you still don't get what I'm concerned about, it's basically just scum killing someone that no one announced that they would "hide" behind.
We don't have to do this. Just have everyone genuinely say they'll hind behind someone they're actually interested in determining alignment. We won't direct where everyone is saying to hide. Who cares if scum know where we've all pledged to hide, its not like they can do anything about it.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Highly unimpressed with Ran's response. That or his immediate disappearance right after. Still want him dead.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Nabe, what the name of the group you translate Hentai for?
You understand me too well, haha. The best way to get me talking is to ask me questions about myself.
@hentai, I work solo, mon ami.

This might not be the place, but given the natural opening you've given me, it's worth mentioning for Personaheads that about a week ago I started working on a Persona 2: EP PSP translation project. It's going very well. If that sort of thing is anyone's cup of tea, I should have something to show for it in a short while.

As for this actual mafia game, I'll inject myself into the reading and content tomorrow. That project's also what I've been spending my time on away from this. And away from my research project!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
It was RVS.

Ran, are you going to end up reading me as scum this game too? >_>;. Looking at other players so far, i.e. Nabe, there are plenty of people who made similar votes/posts in accordance with my own, so your pressing against my slot feels arbitrarily contrived, but I don't see it as scummy unless you think I'm an easy player to lynch.
Again, it was more of a vibe thing. Your gif to me seemed more like a "Ok, you vs me while I dance wub wub", basically, opposing him for some vague reason. Yes, it's napolean dynamite, but what he was doing could suggest a few things without context given. Even so, you seem to be focusing on my stance on you at the time, and nothing else. I can understand people thinking that my stance on you is WHOA HOW DA FUQ DID YA GET THAT? MUST BE SCUM!!! because I was throwing out my thoughts. Yet, I don't think you should focus entirely on that, but my entire post, and my entire play (which has yet to develop, I'm such a little flower :3, it was page 3 you know) I think others should consider this too.

You've got me here, I don't see anything sinister about posting a Napoleon Dynamite picture followed by a vote on Kuzi, this feels like textbook grasping.
I think I explained this to J. It was more of gut and just looking off the J wagon. It may have been too early, but it wasn't anything really solid, just to get things moving off of RVS. Just to be clear.

I mean, I'm looking back at J's/Kataefi's/Nabe's votes, and all of them look just like mine. I would be more content with your vote selection if you hadn't tried to justify it, but you've got me curious.
I'm also curious as to why you had no qualms with J at that stage of the game when J wasn't well substantiated. Or Kuzi for that matter. In your own words, you say they're fine, but why?
If I had to place a vote down right now, it would certainly be here:
Vote: Ranmaru
I went with gut. I just noticed J seemed to respond well to pressure. He didn't seem suspicious to me, so I was fine with hopping off that and trying to look for something else.

@Soup - Good point, I didn't make that clear. There are two so far things that stick out to me above anything in particular:

1. Ran's attempt to read too hard into my RVS post (it's friggin' Napoleon Dynamite!) and developing a scum read from it.
2. Ran throwing J/Kuzi town passes.
Yo, it was a weak stance that I threw out there, on page three. D: < I mean I was like "Maybe Bardull?" It wasn't anything definite. I was fine with Kat's, I couldn't tell what you were trying to do with yours. See what I thought may have been the case above.

Townmaru usually takes a bit longer than my first post of the game to develop a scumread as well as give out town passes. I also don't see him up to his usual "ask questions" mode that is typically distinguishing of his Town personality.
I would usually prefer taking longer, you are correct sir. One example is LoLupick. Yet here, I tried something different. Instead of waiting, I tried doing something myself this time, a bit earlier to shake things up. Consider that this game is ENTER THE HARDBODY, I can't just do the same thing and just camp and give my reads later wheee. Sometimes I do that, sometimes I just push on a scumread. Really, just to create discussion and to satisfy my curiosity. You have to consider that if I have a strong scum read out of the gate, I won't really need to ask questions as much, just push for a scum read. Just remember that I think what I did was needed to progress the game, and not just chill on the J wagon all day.

You can't just expect me to do the same thing every time. I like to mix things up, I think I can learn from it. Maybe. :awesome: Just see WL's Pokemaf. I think Zen had some qualms with my approach to RVS because of meta too.

If this is true then I can totally change my read on Ran.

Vote: Ran

Yeah Kat, I know you don't like meta, but what you described it actually consistent with how I feel about scum Ran.

To me, Ran IS one of those players that you can get away with meta on. This may seem like a weak base, but I base my meta on scum Ran on the quick three man game that me, Ran and BarDull were in. While me and BarDull battled it out, Ran went under the radar, claiming that he didn't have time for the game. However, he still did have post in a much more active, 13 man game while our game was going on.

What I'm saying is that I'm used to scum Ran being lurky.

Also, viewing a thread several times but not responding really is just scummy on its own right, with meta or not. Meta just compounds this for me. So I'm willing to change my read on Ran and lend you a hand.

I realize this kinda nullifies my questions towards J, but whatever. I don't really care to have those specific questions really answered anyways.
I wasn't actually hiding or anything. I was on the page around the time J posted the case on me, and then I had to deal with internet issues (we changed to a faster speed, long story short, we were out of internet for a day and a half for a mistake on their part; [We have faster internet speed though :3] If I actually get proof of that, I would show it to the rest of the class, because I think people can understand I may have had trouble responding because of an internet outage.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I'll give a summary of reads momentarily, and anything else.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
J, two quick questions while I get a read post up:

1. Where did you see Circus vote Rockin? I don't see it in the vote count log.
2. What is your current read on Kuz, and how do you feel about his approach with his scumhunting?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698

I explained to J and Bardull why it was meaningful to me. It was a weak stance, an "I dunno" even. I was trying to get the ball rolling. I just lost control and it rolled over me. :x I was wrong.

Highly unimpressed with Ran's response. That or his immediate disappearance right after. Still want him dead.
Hey Kuz, can you tell me in your own words why you feel I'm scum? I also want you to explain why you are unimpressed. All you say is that J's, Kat's, and Sword's responses express what you feel, but I think you should state why you agree concisely instead of letting them do the work for you here.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Post #97

Gut. I didn't have any problems with you, Kuz, or J at the time, so that was my conclusion, yet weak. Also consider I was trying to shake things up. It was borderlind RVS, so I felt trivial suspicions would be fine as the game progressed. I don't think there was a really serious wagon until me. Just trying to explain what I was doing.

Some reads:

I'm liking Soup, J, and Kary the most. I can see Soup is pushing for things he finds questionable, he quickly discusses with people over things he may find stupid (#97), not pushing in a direction just to gain a lynch. J I find his stances passionately townie, just wrong. He thinks I'm pandering to Kuzy because of being a stronger player than me, but I wouldn't just hide behind him, I'll deal with him if I feel I have to. I'll try. Now, his other reason, he feels that my Rockin read is made up. It wasn't, I just agreed with Circus's reasoning, and found Rocking suspicious because of that. There was nothing else I could find that was suspicious on page 2. (Except Swords and Bardull, Swords being a legit read here while my others were weak or just agreed upon) I'm also liking Kary, seems well opionated, don't see him really trying anything I would think scum would try to do. I will keep it at a town lean because I feel I would need to see more from Kary that I haven't already seen. (Like his pushes)

I'm dropping the Bardull read, he said it was RVS, and I was just thinking possibilities. So forget about it. If you guys still have issues with this, just speak.

Rockin vote was just to shake things up, I don't really think he's scum for voting somewhere and giving support elsewhere. I just think it's good to have half-scumreads at the beginning of the game to get a momentum. I don't have any problems with Rockin at this time.

Kuz, Circus, PJB, Nabe, and others are null. Kuz I feel I have to wait a bit longer to understand what he is doing and what he wants to do. I don't know why he agrees with the wagon on me, and do think he should explain this. Circus, PJB, and Nabe, I have to wait and see for their own pushes.

Another thing to consider, I think Kuz reasoning can support a TownSoup. I have modded Taco Bell maf while Soup was town, and he would push for whatever he felt was of concern to him, little or not. At times he may just be too focused on the smaller details than the bigger picture, but I don't find this as a suspicious trait for him, just more of a townSoup trait that I would expect him to do in his scumhunting.

I won't drop my Sword read though. I agree with Kuz that Sword admitting that he is indeed nervous invites more people to attack him for it, which would show he is possibly not scum for caring about someone else's words other than his own, meaning he isn't looking out for his own survival, but scum can do that to seem like they don't care. D: All this to say that I find that null. I would like for Kary to show what exactly he felt Swords was nervous about, and Swords can confirm or deny it and explain why.

Now, what I don't like is his change of reads on me. It's only been one day and a half that I wasn't here, and he already is fine with switching to me because I was having hard times responding to the 3p mafia (while I was mafia) while being interested in my other games. Sure, you want to use examples. I hate being mafia, because it makes me guilty. I got prodded 3 times in Rajam's game, I lurked pretty hard. :O Now so you guys can understand, you should all try to read Washed Laundry's Pokemaf game, and see that I was also being pushed on due to this reason. Zen was right, I dislike it, but I was just not as interested in the game as others. I like simpler games like this one. So usually, it's a case of interest, and how much time available I have to give to the games. Notice how i'm in less games than usual? I overloaded myself, and I took a break because of this. (Remember that I'll also have work and classes, so don't expect me to be on all frickin day) Now this is mostly for people going on my meta. If you are, I think you should read these to have a better understanding of my play.

Anyways, I find his switch to me opportunistic. I mean, I don't think he even waits for me to show up to just change it. He just states "You know... because he was lurking in one game, I think I can change reads now..." I mean I would understand if I have been playing other games while avoiding this one, and possibly being prodded as well, but again, it's only been a day and a half, and I have been having trouble with time in the other one as well. But here, it was solely due to a technical issue. I'm pretty damn interested in this game. Swords, did you check my other games to see if my activity lined up with this one?

Vote: Swords

This is the best I have right now. I don't see anything else of interest here. The only thing I want to see is votes from Circus, PJB, Soup, and I will eagerly await content from nabe. Would like to see Circus and PJB try to give some pushes, because I don't really know what they are trying to do. Nabe is understandable. Soup I trust.

Now to xbox live until later. :3 I bought lots of games (~$200) on the ultimate game sale. :cool: Psychonaughts, here I come.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.05
not voting (3) - pjb circus soup
circus (1) - nabe
rockin (1) - kary
ranmaru (5) - j kataefi bardull sworddancer. kuz
kary (1) - rockin
kataefi (1) - hilt
sworddancer. (1) - ranmaru

voting log
soup -> j -> none
pjb ->
rockin -> sworddancer. -> kary
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin -> sworddancer.
circus ->
sworddancer. -> j -> none -> ranmaru
nabe -> circus
kuz -> j -> soup -> ranmaru
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru
hilt -> bardull -> kataefi
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz -> ranmaru

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est

orboknown and xonar have been added as replacements. wow! everyone wants a chance to hardbody!


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Hey, this is me stopping in to say V/LA for today due my sister's birthday shenanigans and also to apologize for impromptu V/LA-ness the past couple days. I have alerts telling me people have quoted me, and I've skimmed through some stuff and have at least a couple things I want to get at, but that's all going to have to wait until I have time to do so. Hopefully I'll be up to it late tonight, after said shenanigans.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
My bad guys I've been a bit busy today and will be tonight as well. Ran/PJB are 2 players I wouldn't mind gone. Ran is unconvincing - why didn't he declare internet problems earlier when he was observing the thread and as we were ******** about him publicly? :chuckle: I've actually skimmed recent posts so when I'm around tomorrow I can look into his ones in a bit more detail and see if anything changes, but really I just don't get why any player would manifest a read out of completely nothing, especially when he said earlier he'd be saving his vote until later in the game, which makes me think he'd at least think things through a bit more rationally, right?...

PJB I find to be pussyfooting around doing nothing important. Aren't we all supposed to be scumhunters? Where is his vote and pressure? I don't think he's engaging with his scumspects at all, even if he has any...

I'm going to be looking into Soup/Bardull as well.

I'm liking Kary/J/Kuz and maybe Nabe. Everyone else is floating around in space :awesome:

@Kuz your plan sounds good but not as a strategy we should use throughout the entirety of the game! I ran some numbers on my very retro calculator and the hider role becomes a risky one assuming a worse-case scenario toDay (hitting Town). There's a 1/3 chance in dying toNight with no vig. Obviously the odds continue to get worse as the game progresses.

I think a strat like this should be used toDay and possibly D2, and then not used beyond this. We don't want our hider dying mid-game when lynches are more crucial and there are 2 other roles that yield potentially good results. Also, one role we should all refuse to discuss is the detective/psychologist, because it's a big mixup that causes a lot of stress for our dear scummies on the run.

Kat bothers me, like every one of his posts have made me cringe so far. Twice now he's talked about "reserving judgement" or waiting, as well as sitting on the fence whenever possible. Doesn't make a solid stance but makes sure to chime in on the major topics of discussion to seem like a presence. Playing extremely safe.
Er, where did you get twice from? Also there's nothing safe in calling for the death of a player at that stage in the game. If anything it's quite dangerous. Extremely safe players would be those who haven't placed their votes... can I invite you talk to about these players?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Er, where did you get twice from? Also there's nothing safe in calling for the death of a player at that stage in the game. If anything it's quite dangerous. Extremely safe players would be those who haven't placed their votes... can I invite you talk to about these players?
Your 125 and 191. In both posts you chime in on the topics lightly, only to say that you're going to wait to give your actual opinion. It hardly serves a purpose other than giving you the image of being involved.

I hardly think that players that haven't placed a vote whatsoever are playing safe. You can't cruise through like that, you can't go under the radar. Especially with the vote log, they'll be put on the spot like it's nothing. And I'm not necessarily talking about vote placement, your approach to the conversations on J, Bardull (to an extent) and Swords/Soup are what I'm talking about. Your 200 on Swords/Soup was really what got my attention first, and I read through to see more of it in your other posts.

Ran your posts felt really... defensive. Sure, you're being pushed for today's lynch, but even in your last post on your reads, you were hardly able to keep from gravitating each point from yourself. I can't decide if your reads were defensive in nature and you base them off of how someone interacts with you or not.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Kat, your reason for wanting to rid Ran and PBJ are understandable, but do you have any scum picks on your plate?

WTF do you even like about Nabe? That guy is as useless as your picks that you want gone

Circus - while I understand you have IRL stuff to worry about, it'd be totally awesome if you soon explain your thoughts on dicussion so far as well as possible people you find scummy.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
So after reading over it half a dozen times, trying to make heads or tails of it, I decided I don't think swordVsoup are aligned afterall. For now, I'm fine with swords, but soup smells kind of fishy.

vote: soup

Soup, you said your interaction with swords was muddied by your whole misunderstanding him, but that it wasn't completely based on your misinformation, and was still fruitful. What was your other reason for pushing sword, and what did you gain from it?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
So after reading over it half a dozen times, trying to make heads or tails of it, I decided I don't think swordVsoup are aligned afterall. For now, I'm fine with swords, but soup smells kind of fishy.

vote: soup

Soup, you said your interaction with swords was muddied by your whole misunderstanding him, but that it wasn't completely based on your misinformation, and was still fruitful. What was your other reason for pushing sword, and what did you gain from it?
I gained that Sword was town and that I was pushing him wrongly on misguided information. What else would I gain from it?

Also, why drop it? What's your current read on swords?
Because it was wrong. What's your deal with me dropping it exactly? He's town.

I got 20 minutes to tear through this game, let's do it.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I read your wall but going on about a broken topic and logic is not worth it. The feelings I had for your slot and play were incessantly there, however, just that it was stemming on the fact I thought you were backing down on Ranmaru trying to dismiss yourself as just being Nervous and ignoring him completely. I think not everything is completely busted however, and that even if it's not in the specific context, this interaction was fruitful. I thought about considering a couple of other things, but when I get down to what I said, they all come off as personal gripes. I'm not going to go on about this further because it's dumb in the first place and two there are other things I wanted to say.

I'll get to that in anothe rpost.
What else wasn't busted?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Really townie post, prouda you Soup. However, I can't read you from apologizing because you could definitely be this open as scum backtracking. Kudos if you are, it's well done.

Next post I want 0% why you're not scum and 100% who is any why. Your vote isn't anywhere and that bothers me. Also definitely still respond to the psuedo-hide thing
I'm not scum because I'm not scum. You're the only person who has really questioned me (besides PJB recently.)

I need you to be patient with me. I don't like outing my reads too soon. I trusted you to provide after you got done with that you're doing, so I just need you to trust me. Right now Me, You, Sword and J are basically spearheading this game so far. The early game was mostly just us conversing with each other with a couple of people popping in on what was going on. What do you think of those people? Would you agree with me that this Ranmaru wagon is highly influenced by power players being in general agreement about it? If you think Ranmaru is scum, then who is his partners trying to get in on this? How about the town? This is important to me and then we'll talk.

I'm getting to your plan right now. I might keep it short because I'm low on time.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also think about this:

I've been going over the second post (and I asked marshy in private to clarify what the Hider role entails) and I think we can utilize the hider as like a psued0-cop. Right before the end the day (someone hammers) we all pretend we're hiders and all publicly declare in thread that we're going to hide behind someone. That way, if the actual hider ever dies we'll know who he targeted and we know 1 of a few scenarios:
  • He hid behind scum, dies.
  • He hid behind vig, dies.
  • He hid behind the Night Kill target (that isn't the vig), dies.
Now, from this, we can eliminate the third option as a viable scenario if the person that shows up dead from the Night Kill is the person the hider matched in the body he stated he would hide behind. Basically, we'll be able to diagnose from the Night Kill whether the hider died via NK or died because he tried to hide behind someone with a gun.

The only con to this would be that it could potentially out the vig but I think thats a small price to pay for a possible scummy (3 in 1 odds). I think it would be a very good strategy, especially if the hider isn't a very active townie and thus could provide much more use with his result than being alive.

Another thing is that this would be inherently riskier later in the game as we get closer to MYLO or LYLO so it would definitely be more effective to use sooner than later.

I want people weighing in on this.
I'm not a fan of things like this because the practice usually causes a great amount of WIFOM and it's also implying that people will cooperate; I don't really care either way.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Was v/la toDay due to friends/homework and will probably still be toNight. May get to this tonight, may not.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Going to be out for probably all of today. Got a larp thing going on so I'll be there. Most likely will be able to catch up Sunday afternoon.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
Oh yay, Sherlock Holmes questions. I've played Lestrade before so I'll go with him even though he isn't all there he's still a fun character. Plus I can't recall Irene.
She's a minor but rather infamous character.
You've played Lestrade before?

And hey, that's my RVS vote. We can't be having the same vote...it's like showing up to a party in the same outfit...it's just awkward. (plus what will he think?)
Are you worried about Circus taking heat? I haven't seen any backlash so far; IMO work him a little harder.

That's horrible.

Man, new Smashboards is proving to be more and more sexually attractive all the time.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
confused and not sure why he is just ignoring your advances and calling it merely as 'kuzi being kuzi' it's non-commital even if you're just pushing his buttons

Read J in 100 posts from now.
you're jumping to silly conclusions

-Slightly suspicious of the people who don't put effort into their confirm posts. I know this might seem silly, but it shows me right from the start that they might be uncomfortable saying too much, even though the post itself would be completely frivolous. This is compounded by the fact that everyone who was making confirm posts was trying to be silly, which I would think would encourage other players to be silly as well in their confirm posts.
Is this how you feel in every game?

This isn't the first time I went into a game feeling nervous. Kittens vs. Domos I was nervous. Pretty sure I went into Britches and Hoes nervous.Every scum game I'm in I get nervous. Nothing here is really outside of my character, you're just not used to seeing it from me.
Swords: What alignment were you in KvD?
What alignment were you in B&H?

If someone has no knowledge of either, you can see how the bolded sounds like a summary of the prior sans context, yes? So in other words, I was asking "u scum?"

Kuzi, what is your read on Soup? Do you feel he is more agreeing with you to agree with you or what you have to say?
Bit of a leading question, don't you think? I take it you think it's the former?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
K, back.

Never once has he explained his reason for voting me and is now asking someone his thoughts without even explaining his own. It's scummy cause he could piggy back behind said reason.

'dude, what you think of rockin?'

'I think he's totally scummy because of that RVS vote'

'woah! That's the same thing I was thinking!'
Actually, wait.

Rockin, Kay voted you in post 100. You have yet to even make a splash in the game. What "explanation" could you possibly be expecting?

@Sword, look at the vote count above my post you were quoting, I was indeed voting Bardull.

Soup's admittance to being wrong felt genuine, felt real. As I stated in my most recent post, he's leaning town for me. So why would I be voting him now? I wasn't originally because I felt voting Bardull (which you missed?) would serve a better purpose. But I feel like we would have gotten similar content from him with or without the pressure, based on his posts, so I may have been able to better use it.

Still catching up but getting ready for church at the same time. Will be leaving for it soon, so more either after that or after work tomorrow morning (third shift).

It's not that I didn't think you weren't voting, it was that I saw you state support for two separate wagons, but fail to join either. It's not my concern that you changed your read on Soup, just that, at a time, you simply said "I like the nature of the Soup wagon" and left it at that.

So then, what you were essentially doing then was voting BarDull so to pressure him to become active, correct?

I won't drop my Sword read though. I agree with Kuz that Sword admitting that he is indeed nervous invites more people to attack him for it, which would show he is possibly not scum for caring about someone else's words other than his own, meaning he isn't looking out for his own survival, but scum can do that to seem like they don't care. D: All this to say that I find that null. I would like for Kary to show what exactly he felt Swords was nervous about, and Swords can confirm or deny it and explain why.

Now, what I don't like is his change of reads on me. It's only been one day and a half that I wasn't here, and he already is fine with switching to me because I was having hard times responding to the 3p mafia (while I was mafia) while being interested in my other games. Sure, you want to use examples. I hate being mafia, because it makes me guilty. I got prodded 3 times in Rajam's game, I lurked pretty hard. :O Now so you guys can understand, you should all try to read Washed Laundry's Pokemaf game, and see that I was also being pushed on due to this reason. Zen was right, I dislike it, but I was just not as interested in the game as others. I like simpler games like this one. So usually, it's a case of interest, and how much time available I have to give to the games. Notice how i'm in less games than usual? I overloaded myself, and I took a break because of this. (Remember that I'll also have work and classes, so don't expect me to be on all frickin day) Now this is mostly for people going on my meta. If you are, I think you should read these to have a better understanding of my play.

Anyways, I find his switch to me opportunistic. I mean, I don't think he even waits for me to show up to just change it. He just states "You know... because he was lurking in one game, I think I can change reads now..." I mean I would understand if I have been playing other games while avoiding this one, and possibly being prodded as well, but again, it's only been a day and a half, and I have been having trouble with time in the other one as well. But here, it was solely due to a technical issue. I'm pretty damn interested in this game. Swords, did you check my other games to see if my activity lined up with this one?

Vote: Swords
A lot of it was pressure Ran.

Ran, you started off good to me. You seemed comfortable giving out stances right from the starting gate, and I didn't buy that you were scum trying to force a case on BarDull (because honestly what scum really does that? What scum tries to attack someone for something so weak?).

What made me change my read on you so quickly was that Kat said that you were viewing the thread but then disappearing. This type of behavior sends up huge red flags for me. You don't even need meta for this one, it's just flat out a sign of a player playing under the radar. This does not help that you started doing this after pressure came your way, making me think that you were trying to duck under it. I had no idea that you were having internet problems; the most logical explanation to me was that you were being lurky. This suspicion was compounded by the fact that I KNOW your scum meta to be lurkerish.

No, I did not look up any other scum games you were in. I only know Newbie 10 and that one three man game that we were in together.

Now, I don't want to be "that guy," but can you prove that your internet was being repaired? Was you getting a new type of connection what kept you from posting sooner?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I can see how one may think I was trying to duck away from pressure, since this happened right after J's vote on me, which I think was the start. Yet, was the pressure really needed at the time? Also, why did you take Kat's word for it? Wouldn't it be better if you saw it yourself?

Also, opinions on Kuz and J?

Also, if I could, I would give proof. I'll try to find a way to show some. I was just looking at a log (of my connection) but it only goes up to the 8th (yesterday). I can screen shot that though. I use verizon for internet, so if anyone knows a way I can, I will.

Ran is unconvincing - why didn't he declare internet problems earlier when he was observing the thread and as we were *****ing about him publicly? :chuckle:
I couldn't. My internet was down. As in, I had to wait a whole day and a half to get on the internet, let alone even post. If it had went on after the first day and morning, I would have texted July to express my being down.

I've actually skimmed recent posts so when I'm around tomorrow I can look into his ones in a bit more detail and see if anything changes, but really I just don't get why any player would manifest a read out of completely nothing, especially when he said earlier he'd be saving his vote until later in the game, which makes me think he'd at least think things through a bit more rationally, right?...
Wait Kat... Did I ever say I was going to save my vote?

Ran your posts felt really... defensive. Sure, you're being pushed for today's lynch, but even in your last post on your reads, you were hardly able to keep from gravitating each point from yourself. I can't decide if your reads were defensive in nature and you base them off of how someone interacts with you or not.
Hilt, I was the only serious thing to happen. I don't think there was anything else to be suspicious of. If there is something I missed that you think is major, I'll look at it again and tell you what I think.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
^It's also strange. I mean what is the point in highlighting insecurities in a game of mafia of all places? How is this condusive to finding scum?

@Swords: what have you learned from how people have mentioned/interacted with you up until now? A lot of your time is taken up by Soup --> are you leaning scum?
Kat, what was the point of this post? Initially it seems like you are stating suspicion of my slot, but in your very next post after this one (post 200) you state that you were null until just then, and that after thinking about it you're leaning town on me.
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