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how swagged up is this game right now?

  • swag a thousand trillion!!

    Votes: 1 4.2%
  • swag on a zillion!!

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • incalculable amounts of swag

    Votes: 9 37.5%
  • enter the hardbody more like enter the swag

    Votes: 6 25.0%

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • wow! strapped with the swag!

    Votes: 2 8.3%

  • Total voters

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Lights up a cigarette, and stands, waiting.

I also don't like Kary's 139 because it seems....cop outty since that the only word coming to mind. He just seems to be sweeping his Ran read under the rug with a blanketed "Ran is always like this." meta reasoning. Kary is just confusing so far because his posts have fluff but not and then he makes bizarre statements which don't seem to reach a higher level of understanding which I am used to. Could just be laziness/having fun but I want to see more from Kary.

Kary, you have directed a bit of your questions to Kuzi. Can you give me a read on him and what do you think of Kata's vote on Ranmaru since you (I assume) dislike the wagon on him at the moment presented by myself and Kata.
You'll have noticed that the first paragraph of all my posts is more or less 'fluff' or flavour. I'm quite enjoying that, but i'm going to try and keep it from creeping into the main text of my posts for now, i'm probably not making myself clear enough.

In my experience, Ran is always town, but on this occasion, I also think he is town for reasons stated (that he seems relaxed, etc.)

On a related note, I have no problems with Kata's vote or a waggon on Ranmaru. I can only see it as something i'd learn more from. I think i'd have to be daft to speak out against a waggon this early in the game.

I don't have a read on kuz because I haven't seen enough to gauge why he's doing things yet. The things I have seen I don't think tell one way or another. To be honest I'm not even sure where Kuz stands because if memory serves, he was saying he agreed with Soup, and now he's voting him.

....aaand I would like to hear more from people who haven't got stuck in yet. If they find themselves short of things to say, they can tell me what they think of J, or kuz (but not both).


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
This may be true but I do get this strange vibe from the way you're laying your nervousness out. A subtle touch of AtE along the lines of proposing that your nervousness is null and could be done as either alignment, but said in a way to make you look like you're being genuine & innocuous. I see where Soup is pushing.
This. The AtE is the thing that feels off about the response, but I think it's more telling just how open he actually is here. I'm not going to find the quote, but Swords basically said "I was nervous as town this one time, and nervous as town this other time, and then obviously every time I'm scum...," the implication being that, while Swords feels this way as either alignment, it's predominantly a scum thing. He makes it obvious. I question ScumSwords' willingness to present an image like that of himself. There's brutal honesty for the sake of AtE, and then there's just honest-to-goodness lack of interest in keeping up appearances. Willing to give Swords the town lean on this for now.

I think J's effort and case on Ranmaru is good, but I don't think the push is correct. I don't see anything inherently bad with Ranmaru at all, and I felt like he was just being Ranmaru. His jumping to conlcusions attitude seemed rather more townie and something I would expect for him to do, along with the fact I don't feel that most scum would try and put themselves out there like that, because it really is reaching.

I have more to say, but my ride is here.
Yeah, pretty much. Although I wouldn't call it a "case" on Ranmaru. More like an understandable stance. Worth noting that J's stance on Ranmaru is much more laid out than Ran's stance on Rockin. Not something I would be quick to call as a positive for J, actually.

Kuzi, will you get at that question I posed to you earlier? I guess maybe it seems inconsequential to you or you're trying to be aloof and mysterious or whatever, but I'm kind of doing a thing here. How many scum are in the game and what makes you think so?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.04
not voting (4) - pjb circus soup sworddancer.
kuz (1) - bardull
circus (1) - nabe
sworddancer. (1) - rockin
rockin (2) - ranmaru kary
ranmaru (2) - j kataefi
bardull (1) - hilt
soup (1) - kuz

voting log
soup -> j -> none
pjb ->
rockin -> sworddancer.
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin
circus ->
sworddancer. -> j -> none
nabe -> circus
kuz -> j -> soup
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru
hilt -> bardull
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Threat to "myself" is, again, too vague of a question. Who do I think would push for my lynch? Surely that's not a question worth asking, is it? If not, what else could you have meant? Maybe it's moreso the usage of "threat", now. I don't personally feel threatened.

But when it comes to who's a "threat" to town, right now it's the obvious answers of those that threaten activity. To go into my response to J, I had completely even forgotten that PJB was in this game. That's my excuse on that end, I tend to lose track of what isn't around. When Bardull posted his seemingly random vote during the closing of RVS, I wondered if he'd leave it at that or become a presence. But we aren't that deep into the game yet, so a bit of effort wouldn't necessarily be late.

As for Rockin, I've always been of a mind to split the pressure if possible, when it comes to inactives. At least when there's plenty of daylight left. He already has two votes on himself 24 hours in, I don't think my vote being the third on him will be more useful than the vote on Bardull. PJB is still an empty presence, I'd like to see more pressure on him, but focusing too much on every single inactive constantly isn't entirely a step in the right direction.

That said, I like the nature of the Soup wagon.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Wow, I was gone for like, the first 24hrs and there's already all this content I have to try and sift through. One rather shallow thing I noticed was people asking stuff like how many scum there are?

....there's 3

the setup
  • 3 mafia goons
  • 7 vanilla townies
  • 1 tracker/vigilante
  • 1 hider
  • 1 detective/psychologist
How am I the only one seeing this in the op?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'm back and prepared to actually play mafia. I got a new outlook in life and I have seen the error in my ways. I gotta hardbody this game itself.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Kary said:
I don't have a read on kuz because I haven't seen enough to gauge why he's doing things yet. The things I have seen I don't think tell one way or another. To be honest I'm not even sure where Kuz stands because if memory serves, he was saying he agreed with Soup, and now he's voting him
J pinned it pretty well back then, that's just Kuz being Kuz. Right now I have a tentative town-read on him because I can understand it. I'm certain he'll produce result. Is there something specific that is bothering you about him? Your read comes off more or less as lack of understanding than anything.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Hilt, I was re-reading you because I don't really care for your #165. It seems like a jumbled collection of thoughts without any direction and I'm not certain whether to read you as that type of player, or just someone who likes pandering to himself. Do you have anything solid currently?


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Hiya fellahs.

First up, J.

You haven't played with Kary in a while Kuzi. What he says makes sense if you actually read, but he'll answer you eventually.
Feel like you're trying to get Kary on your side here. In the words of Kuzi, I'm not really sure why you're trying to "muddy up the interaction" otherwise. Also, Kary hasn't really been telling of alignment so far, so I'm not sure why you're providing the assistance.

Kary's smarter than you are giving him credit for...lol.
Again, I'm not sure what this is about.
J, talk to me about your mindset behind your approach to the game.
Moving on...
There we go, couldn't get it to work for me earlier.Afraid of? In what sense? Seems like a very vague question if it's serious.

I don't like the persistent pressure Swords seems to be getting and agree with his defense against it. I admit, it smells of AtE at times but him using the emotions to throw players off? Ehh.

Inactive I definitely want to see the most of is definitely Bardull. Gonna try to do some more reading into Soup vs Swords.

Vote: Bardull
This feels unorthodox since my role PM doesn't say anything about a connection to Hilt (there are other players that have been as inactive as me or more so [which is an impressive feat], so unless we're somehow connected, Hilt's distinction is odd). Either way, I'm taking it as null.


This wagon is kinda cool (meaning the people on it), but I don't have a problem with J now. I'm not getting scummy J vibes. Kuz join me? :3

Unvote Vote: Rockin

Reason: Supporting J wagon but not going on it. Scum trying to keep his options open. ALL ABOARD. Circus I know you are getting to this. Join me.

Maybe Swords and Bardull too? Swords seems kinda fluffy. I didn't like his question to J and Soup. Just feels like he's trying to fake contribution. Prolly scum who wants to be on the J wagon. Bardull I dunno, not liking his Kuz vote, but he's prolly being dumb tho.

Bardull, why you vote kuz? :o
It was RVS.

Ran, are you going to end up reading me as scum this game too? >_>;. Looking at other players so far, i.e. Nabe, there are plenty of people who made similar votes/posts in accordance with my own, so your pressing against my slot feels arbitrarily contrived, but I don't see it as scummy unless you think I'm an easy player to lynch.

Yours doesn't seem suspicious to me. I think yours was playful, rvs. I don't see Bardull's as that way. Yet, I don't know what he was doing with it, which is why I asked him what the reason was. I don't think the J wagon is heavily scum influenced, therefore I was thinking of scum off of the wagon, and Rockin + Bardull may fit. Bardull is tentantive, and I haven't seen anything alarming from others yet. (I do feel it's possible scum have tried to bite on the J wagon, that being Swords)
You've got me here, I don't see anything sinister about posting a Napoleon Dynamite picture followed by a vote on Kuzi, this feels like textbook grasping.
I mean, I'm looking back at J's/Kataefi's/Nabe's votes, and all of them look just like mine. I would be more content with your vote selection if you hadn't tried to justify it, but you've got me curious.
I'm also curious as to why you had no qualms with J at that stage of the game when J wasn't well substantiated. Or Kuzi for that matter. In your own words, you say they're fine, but why?
If I had to place a vote down right now, it would certainly be here:
Vote: Ranmaru
@Sworddancer, can't remember if anyone asked you this, but I'd like a reads list from you.
Next on deck is...
Because if I imagine Ran to have faked a read on Bard, then it could be of those tacked on reads scum place to lightly bus their scumpatriots. 3 is the liar's number after all, right?

Really I should reserve judgement here until Bard posts.

But I agree with everything in your post concerning the differences between mine and bard's rvs posts and how ran was able to differentiate them.
I mostly agree with you up until you seem to be setting me up for problems in the event of a Ran scumflip, when Ran COULD just be faking a scumread on a townie. Does Ran seem like the type to fake a scumread on his scum mates at that stage of the game?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
So after much procrastinating, I combed through the game to find something worthwhile, and the Ran wagon seems like the only thing people are taking seriously. At the very least, it seems to be the only thing with any substance behind it.

Unfortunately, I'm inclined to agree with Kary on the subject. I don't think it's a wagon I can get behind at this time. Ran seems fine to me for the time being. Everybody pretty much seems fine. :/ I'm afraid I may have some trouble reading this game, but I suppose it's still early.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I think your whole post comes off as 'look at me im townie look at my catchup whoopse wheres my vote townies gotta vote too'

Why exactly does Ranmaru hold more priority than any other player here?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
@Soup, pandering to... myself? Do you mean pondering? Because the former would be quite a trick, haha. Maybe you just mean pandering in general? Would make sense, but no, I try to keep from pandering. Admittingly, I do post a bit on the jumbled side at the best of times, especially with regards to responses.

First half of Bardull's wall feels... hollow. Second half I'm not sure how I feel about. So on normal days I have an irritation of the "you shouldn't vote this inactive, you should vote THIS inactive" argument. But to vote someone as a result OR response immediately? Bardull's vote felt rushed with regards to the atmosphere of his post. Doesn't sit well with.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Can you tell me how you're seeing it that way? That was a legit post of mine. Do you have any specific counter points to anything I've said or have any specific qualms with the questions I've asked?

For the record, Ranmaru is of prevalence because he's the most scummy player to me and subsequently stands out the most to me.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
@Soup, pandering to... myself? Do you mean pondering? Because the former would be quite a trick, haha. Maybe you just mean pandering in general? Would make sense, but no, I try to keep from pandering. Admittingly, I do post a bit on the jumbled side at the best of times, especially with regards to responses.

First half of Bardull's wall feels... hollow. Second half I'm not sure how I feel about. So on normal days I have an irritation of the "you shouldn't vote this inactive, you should vote THIS inactive" argument. But to vote someone as a result OR response immediately? Bardull's vote felt rushed with regards to the atmosphere of his post. Doesn't sit well with.
The premise of my vote on Ran doesn't have to do with the "you shouldn't vote this inactive, you should vote THIS inactive" argument. Ranmaru tried to justify his scum read by reading too hard into my RVS post. He also gave passes to Kuzi/J for no apparent reason based on what I could see. At the time, J was ringing null/possible scum, so for Ran to give J a town pass spells problems for me. Kuzi also had that little slip with the "2 scum" dealio, albeit it isn't really much, but it seemed too soon for Ran to give Kuzi any room for comfort. I'd like to know why he did that as opposed to keeping them on the backburner until something more substantial came into presence.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Sheesh, one day pass, and I'm considered inactive? lol

Man, new Smashboards is proving to be more and more sexually attractive all the time.

Vote on Swords with weak support for J wagon. Talk to me about this decision. Why no vote on J? Is Sworddancer a random vote?

Kuz, for clarity's sake, how many scum are in this game?
Nah, that's my RVS. I tend to be silly with my votes early on till discussion comes up. That's when I get more serious. I thought you knew that part about me XD

I never really understood why there was a sudden wagon on J. Never saw anything scummy from him (even now).

I'm not really a fan of the whole Soup Vs. Swords, mostly cause nothing is being contributed/benefited from the exchange. Just two people talking about nothing important. I also do not like Sworddancer showing his 'nervousness' so openly, and thus makes me hesitant to hold my hand to him. He needs to shape up and start hunting scum like the boss he's suppose to be.

I find Ran's reasoning laughable. Either desperate scum trying to pick off a possible easy lynch, or silly townie. Too early to call either.

Not liking Hilt either. Picking off easy pressure that won't answer back. There's been some discussion mentioned and instead goes for the inactive so as to not contribute. Scummy

Swords, Soup, anyone you feel is scummy and why?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I know, but I need more than a vague vote if you're going to hold him to that standard. You question his motive and take a few jabs, but I don't see anything that says you actually had a reason to vote him. His 'textbook grasping' was enough for you to vote him? Why is this telling for scummaru? Is there anything else you dislike about him? Specifics.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
@Soup, pandering to... myself? Do you mean pondering? Because the former would be quite a trick, haha. Maybe you just mean pandering in general? Would make sense, but no, I try to keep from pandering. Admittingly, I do post a bit on the jumbled side at the best of times, especially with regards to responses.

First half of Bardull's wall feels... hollow. Second half I'm not sure how I feel about. So on normal days I have an irritation of the "you shouldn't vote this inactive, you should vote THIS inactive" argument. But to vote someone as a result OR response immediately? Bardull's vote felt rushed with regards to the atmosphere of his post. Doesn't sit well with.
Yeah, I meant pandering in general. I feel like this response is pretty damn genuine so you've got me fooled if that's what you're trying to do.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
@Soup - Good point, I didn't make that clear. There are two so far things that stick out to me above anything in particular:

1. Ran's attempt to read too hard into my RVS post (it's friggin' Napoleon Dynamite!) and developing a scum read from it.
2. Ran throwing J/Kuzi town passes.

Townmaru usually takes a bit longer than my first post of the game to develop a scumread as well as give out town passes. I also don't see him up to his usual "ask questions" mode that is typically distinguishing of his Town personality.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I like that you showed me up but I've already made my stance clear on all this. I don't get why you couldn't just say these things in the first place, instead of making me get it out of you. What do you think of my stance on Ranmaru? Is Meta not enough for him? Your argument seems to be relying on it because you think Ranmaru would do certain things like break out questions or take longer to develop a read.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'm not a perfect person Soup, yeah I could've been more clear when I made my vote and substantiated it accordingly, but I forgot. Do you think I'm just making this up on the fly and trying to backpedal out of a mistake as scum?

My argument isn't relying on Ranmaru's meta, but they are definitely a plus. I've considered people's reads of Towngutmaru, but him reading me as scum from my RVS vote seems a little extreme, alongside Ran throwing J and Kuzi town passes when they had no particular substantiation that stood out to me as Town from what I could see. In essence, there's some meta arguments alongside questions of logic that aren't adding up in Ran's train of thought.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
I see people representing Ran's actions stating it is in his meta to do something like this as Town. It is in our best interest that he is here representing himself instead. Where art thou Ranny Scotts??? That early read on Bard needs fleshing out because unlike his read on Swords, it is based on a strange post...

I mostly agree with you up until you seem to be setting me up for problems in the event of a Ran scumflip, when Ran COULD just be faking a scumread on a townie.
it could be of those tacked on reads scum place to lightly bus their scumpatriots.
Really I should reserve judgement here until Bard posts.

plz do pay attention :grin: Regarding your question: I find sometimes the positioning of names in a player's list of reads telling. I'm referring to a generic scum tactic than Ran in particular. I don't know a lot about Ran's meta admittedly. Is there anyone outside of Ran you're looking into?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Swords did you ask me something about the J wagon? I didn't know how serious the wagon. Technically I'm in limbo waiting for someone to explain it to me, but that moment might have passed... Maybe kuz can explain his rvs approach?

Worth noting that J's stance on Ranmaru is much more laid out than Ran's stance on Rockin. Not something I would be quick to call as a positive for J, actually.
Circus where is your vote? Can you elaborate on this?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
They say good things come to those who wait...

Townmaru usually takes a bit longer than my first post of the game to develop a scumread as well as give out town passes. I also don't see him up to his usual "ask questions" mode that is typically distinguishing of his Town personality.
I like this paragraph. I would like to see Ran respond to it.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
Checks wristwatch, begins walking downtown

Did anyone else get the impression that kuz was calling J out for being non-commital, and then J came back around with a sizeable post about how he disliked Ranmaru?

J pinned it pretty well back then, that's just Kuz being Kuz. Right now I have a tentative town-read on him because I can understand it. I'm certain he'll produce result. Is there something specific that is bothering you about him? Your read comes off more or less as lack of understanding than anything.
Let me try and clarify. If it's just kuz being kuz, then it can't be telling one way or the other, right? I can understand why kuz might be doing what he's doing, but right now I think he could just as easily be faking that.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Let me try and clarify. If it's just kuz being kuz, then it can't be telling one way or the other, right? I can understand why kuz might be doing what he's doing, but right now I think he could just as easily be faking that.
It can be, much like it can be telling for any other player. I don't think you know Kuz like me and J know Kuz, so I can understand why you might be put off by how we're reading him and we're just giving him a pass. I've played about 20+ games with Kuz and I'm certain about how I read him. I can't exactly explain it in a way you'd understand, because you didn't play those 20+ games I did with Kuz.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
This. The AtE is the thing that feels off about the response, but I think it's more telling just how open he actually is here. I'm not going to find the quote, but Swords basically said "I was nervous as town this one time, and nervous as town this other time, and then obviously every time I'm scum...," the implication being that, while Swords feels this way as either alignment, it's predominantly a scum thing. He makes it obvious. I question ScumSwords' willingness to present an image like that of himself. There's brutal honesty for the sake of AtE, and then there's just honest-to-goodness lack of interest in keeping up appearances. Willing to give Swords the town lean on this for now.
This is exactly is what I'm not giving him a town-lean for. By saying that he normally does it as scum he's making it look like he's innocuous and isn't afraid to tell the truth. It's made to engender responses exactly like this.

Not enough meat as I've already said but don't give him anything for this. So easy to do as scum.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
^It's also strange. I mean what is the point in highlighting insecurities in a game of mafia of all places? How is this condusive to finding scum?

@Swords: what have you learned from how people have mentioned/interacted with you up until now? A lot of your time is taken up by Soup --> are you leaning scum?


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Actually... omg! I've just realised something. I'm null on both in terms of reads, though at this most present time I think I might be starting to lean Town on swords!

i think the ran wagon needs some development because i've seen him look at the thread multiple times now and run away... which is wasting time!
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