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*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008

Is this where we all got soppy and hold hands????

Really we should be killing one of Ran / Bard. Is anyone down for it? this is a marshy game after all :grin:

Why would Ran make up a "tentative read" on Bard? In what way can post #87 be meaningful to him? Either I've had an analysis bypass or Ran is making up a load of ******** here. Could this be a tacked on read?

vote: Ranny Scotts

lez run'im over!!

I'm confused by swords/kary...


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I swear, you send your kids to school to make 'em smart, they all come out as wise guys.

My bad, maybe I didn't say what I was thinking. Talk is cheap. You sound sane but you look crazy. I'm not gonna push it because my guess is your the theatre type.
Good. However, what were you thinking of gaining when you specifically asked Hilt about why I had not proposed a third scum pick, if you were just going to ask the question yourself and then later dismiss it as inconsequential?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Kata, why is Bardull a lynch option if you are pushing Ranmaru? Do you believe Ranmaru is trying to fake a scum-read on one of his possible scum-partners?

Also if I get to be bros with Kata instead of wanting to lynch him/have to, then I'm content with this game.


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Kata, why is Bardull a lynch option if you are pushing Ranmaru? Do you believe Ranmaru is trying to fake a scum-read on one of his possible scum-partners?
Because if I imagine Ran to have faked a read on Bard, then it could be of those tacked on reads scum place to lightly bus their scumpatriots. 3 is the liar's number after all, right?

Really I should reserve judgement here until Bard posts.

But I agree with everything in your post concerning the differences between mine and bard's rvs posts and how ran was able to differentiate them.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
Kary accused me of being nervous Soup, and I admitted to it. Had he not accused me I probably wouldn't have said anything. It's not like I'm going out of my way to state my nerves.
This may be true but I do get this strange vibe from the way you're laying your nervousness out. A subtle touch of AtE along the lines of proposing that your nervousness is null and could be done as either alignment, but said in a way to make you look like you're being genuine & innocuous. I see where Soup is pushing.

Drop this vein of conversation though, what do you think about Ranmaru (@ Sword)?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

Good. However, what were you thinking of gaining when you specifically asked Hilt about why I had not proposed a third scum pick, if you were just going to ask the question yourself and then later dismiss it as inconsequential?
I'll admit i'm not the smoothest talker. Let me try and lay it out again.

It was never what I wanted to have Hilt ask you 'bout your thoughts, I was just laying out an observation. When you seemed to pass it by, I thought I might put the question to you myself.

And i'm not dismissing anything- you could have named another scummer, but it seems you must be smoking something, because the facts are plain as day and you're at odds with them. What that tells me is that you're acting up some- though that's barely a surprise from the likes of you.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
This may be true but I do get this strange vibe from the way you're laying your nervousness out. A subtle touch of AtE along the lines of proposing that your nervousness is null and could be done as either alignment, but said in a way to make you look like you're being genuine & innocuous. I see where Soup is pushing.

Drop this vein of conversation though, what do you think about Ranmaru (@ Sword)?
I don't think that Ran is scummy. I would like to him to answer to how he was possibly distinguishing between Kat's RVS post being playful while BarDull's wasn't, when BarDull's RVS post clearly was. However, my meta on him colors my opinion on him ('ll admit) and I like the fact that he cares to share himself. I also suspect that I may know the reason as to why he's distinguishing between BarDull's and Kat's post. I would like to keep this possible explanation to myself until Ran responds if that would be alright.

Also Kat you didn't answer my question. When you made your post 84 (I think it was post 84, don't want to check right now), did you think that the J wagon was serious?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010

I'll admit i'm not the smoothest talker. Let me try and lay it out again.

It was never what I wanted to have Hilt ask you 'bout your thoughts, I was just laying out an observation. When you seemed to pass it by, I thought I might put the question to you myself.

And i'm not dismissing anything- you could have named another scummer, but it seems you must be smoking something, because the facts are plain as day and you're at odds with them. What that tells me is that you're acting up some- though that's barely a surprise from the likes of you.

Did you not ask Hilt: "if you see Kuz, ask him why he hasn't put out a third scum read" or something of that nature

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Which part of my 110 pains you? It's not really something that I can just drop.

This isn't the first time I went into a game feeling nervous. Kittens vs. Domos I was nervous. Pretty sure I went into Britches and Hoes nervous. Every scum game I'm in I get nervous. Nothing here is really outside of my character, you're just not used to seeing it from me.

IRL issues have nothing to due with in game nerves if that's what you're worried about.

Also, as time goes on I find myself settling into things, and things will go back to "normal," rest assured.
it's not really the content you're posting that is bothering me rather it is more your attitude. i get the feeling you're not into the game and you're kinda just floating by. my usual expectation of you is that you always have a reason to post something, and your thoughts are usually backed up and precise. here it's just a giant mess and even to the point where you can't conclusively say if it's more than just "WIFOMy." why did you feel the need to add those notes, or perhaps look into those things? can those slight bothers develop into something more concrete? do you feel differently than before?

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
votecount 1.03
not voting (3) - pjb circus hilt
j (3) - soup sworddancer. kuz
kuz (1) - bardull
circus (1) - nabe
sworddancer. (1) - rockin
rockin (2) - ranmaru kary
ranmaru (2) - j kataefi

voting log
soup -> j
pjb ->
rockin -> sworddancer.
j -> circus -> ranmaru
ranmaru -> j -> rockin
circus ->
sworddancer. -> j
nabe -> circus
kuz -> j
kataefi -> kuz -> sworddancer. -> ranmaru
hilt ->
kary -> hilt -> rockin
bardull -> kuz

d1 ends 3/15 11:59:59 pm est

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Rephrase this. I'm asking you if J being non-committal is scummy or null because, despite not everything having to be bluntly said, I have no idea how you feel about J from your response.
more so leaning scummy but now he's hopped into the wall-mobile so let me look into it, how did you feel about him before?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Soup every single game I'm in I take a bunch of notes. I felt the need to post my notes because I was asked to. The reason I called the notes "WIFOMie" is because they are. I wrote down in my notes "Some WIFOMie thoughts: stuff" and I literally just copied pasted my notes here. Your feelings are unfound, I am into this game, and plan to still "in tune" with this game. I think that you are jumping the gun here with this accusation.

I don't really see what "my attitude" has to due with "not being into the game."

do you feel differently than before?
I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. Do I feel differently than before what?

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산

Ran is always town.

On top of this, I think he's town. He reads natural/relaxed to me in that he's not afraid to just put his opinion out there. That what he's saying isn't totally watertight (like his distinction between Bardull's and Kata's votes) reads more to me as townRan going on gut, than scumRan with some sort of agenda.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
why are you nervous like what exactly intimidates you right now these are all familiar faces
it's the fact you're nervous that is bothering me, because i don't see reason to feel threatened at all, your lack of confidence is unsettling disregarding whatever might be going on in your life
Also don't really see what your most recent post has to due with these accusations Soup.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Soup every single game I'm in I take a bunch of notes. I felt the need to post my notes because I was asked to. The reason I called the notes "WIFOMie" is because they are. I wrote down in my notes "Some WIFOMie thoughts: stuff" and I literally just copied pasted my notes here. Your feelings are unfound, I am into this game, and plan to still "in tune" with this game. I think that you are jumping the gun here with this accusation.

I don't really see what "my attitude" has to due with "not being into the game."

I'm not quite sure what you're asking here. Do I feel differently than before what?
you had vibes from j/kuz based on something they did which you noted down. have those feelings progressed or are they different and are you using them currently to read them?

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Also don't really see what your most recent post has to due with these accusations Soup.
you don't? you think a confident person would bother with speaking of WIFOM? you think a confident person would be bothered by one small accusation from a player? you think a confident person would hide underneath their shell and excuse themselves as merely being nervous?

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Oh yeah, there different. I'm feeling better about both those slots. J's leaning town (despite how early it is I feel comfortable saying this) and Kuzi's null.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
you don't? you think a confident person would bother with speaking of WIFOM? you think a confident person would be bothered by one small accusation from a player? you think a confident person would hide underneath their shell and excuse themselves as merely being nervous?
Whoo hey there buddy.

Soup, earlier you accused me of "being nervous without any real reason to be nervous," correct? I admit to this, but I don't feel like this says anything about my alignment.

Now you're saying that I'm "not really into the game?" That has NOTHING to due with the fact that I admitted that I'm nervous. I wasn't excusing myself of anything. I was being honest when Kary accused me of being nervous. "Excusing myself" and "hiding underneath their shell" implies that I'm not trying to hide my true intentions. Which part of my play so far indicates this?

How do you expect my early game notes to NOT be WIFOMie? We've only just started. Me stating IN MY NOTES that my notes where WIFOMie isn't a lack of "being with it," it's intellectual honesty.

So what if the accusation was small? It still bothered me. We've went over this.


#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
Soup, my main question to you is this: Why are you interpreting my posts the way that you are? What makes you think that I'm "hiding underneath a shell" and "excusing myself?"

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
fun wall time

Soup, earlier you accused me of "being nervous without any real reason to be nervous," correct? I admit to this, but I don't feel like this says anything about my alignment.
how does it not? why would a townie get so nervous about one small accusation? why would a townie get nervous if it wasn't true? your reaction to ranmaru was that you shrugged it off and played off the fact you were nervous.

Now you're saying that I'm "not really into the game?" That has NOTHING to due with the fact that I admitted that I'm nervous. I wasn't excusing myself of anything. I was being honest when Kary accused me of being nervous. "Excusing myself" and "hiding underneath their shell" implies that I'm not trying to hide my true intentions. Which part of my play so far indicates this?
you're not into the game because you're not directly approaching anything rather you want to hide behind the guise of how you feel, i was trying to get past that fact and get over this sudden lack of confidence and start getting the grind of things because i generally felt you were lacking. this isn't a matter of 'game being 3 pages' rather it's about the fact you've posted so much yet i feel like i know so little. recall what i said to you before and my expectations of you.

How do you expect my early game notes to NOT be WIFOMie? We've only just started. Me stating IN MY NOTES that my notes where WIFOMie isn't a lack of "being with it," it's intellectual honesty.
yet i wanted to know why you would post such thoughts or why they were relevant, and all they did was make me feel like you weren't being genuine at all and just acting really strangely, you even told me you just posted it because 'kary asked me to.' what does that mean to me? you're doing things just for the sake of doing them, not because you have a reason. is this all clear? am i making sense now? the nervousness is merely an icing on the cake.

#HBC | Dancer

The nicest of the damned.
Feb 22, 2009
Orlando, Fl
fun wall time

how does it not? why would a townie get so nervous about one small accusation? why would a townie get nervous if it wasn't true?your reaction to ranmaru was that you shrugged it off and played off the fact you were nervous.
Okay, I don't see how admitting to an accusation is "shrugging it off" for one.

Two, tbh you're right that it's not logical for me to be nervous about Ran's accusation since it wasn't true. But I was, that's just the truth of it, and I don't know what else to say to you about this subject.

you're not into the game because you're not directly approaching anything rather you want to hide behind the guise of how you feel, i was trying to get past that fact and get over this sudden lack of confidence and start getting the grind of things because i generally felt you were lacking. this isn't a matter of 'game being 3 pages' rather it's about the fact you've posted so much yet i feel like i know so little. recall what i said to you before and my expectations of you.
Okay, again I'm just not seeing it. How does one "hide behind their feelings?" Isn't me, telling you guys how I feel, what you want? Where am I "hiding" in this whole thing?

Unless you think that I'm using AtE to not scumhunt, which simply isn't the truth. Like I said, I take notes, and I've already given out a couple of reads. List off what you do know about me so far this game, and tell me if in the context of how far we're in, I'm truly lacking.

yet i wanted to know why you would post such thoughts or why they were relevant, and all they did was make me feel like you weren't being genuine at all and just acting really strangely, you even told me you just posted it because 'kary asked me to.' what does that mean to me? you're doing things just for the sake of doing them, not because you have a reason. is this all clear? am i making sense now? the nervousness is merely an icing on the cake.
Soup, let me go over what happened from my perspective:

1. I make a couple of posts, Kary asks me if anything is on mind, states that I seems a little bit nervous.
2. I admit that I am a little nervous, tell him that I do have some thoughts on my mind (I'm referring to my notes), but say that they are trivial. Asks Kary if he wants me to post them anyways.
3. Kary tells me to.
4. I post them.
5. You come in, accuse me of doing things just for the sake of doing things, and use my notes as evidence for this.

Do you not see why I don't think your accusation of me holds up? It's because your judging my intention to be fake contribution, when in reality I never tried to play it off like I was seriously contributing.

The fact that we're early in the game means EVERYTHING about this. OF COURSE my feelings on things aren't going to be very strong. Your setting up a standard which I just don't think I can possibly meet.

Your ball Soup.


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
@Soup, Sword: I want updated scumpicks from both of you.

Not going to post anymore until I hear from Ranmaru/inactives. Don't want to clutter the thread.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
There we go, couldn't get it to work for me earlier.
It's easy to point a gun in this town. Hell, there's even enough places that deserve an iron point' at them.
But that doesn't mean you can go waving a shooter around and pretend it makes you righteous.

J's just the sort of broad liable to find themselves getting a little too much attention. Same sad story played out a hundred times.

Personally, i'm more interested in the sort of thing you don't see, the things you only hear rumours about.

Vote: DtJ Hilt

Pray tell me, friend, who are you most afraid of in this town?

Oh, and if you see kuz, ask him why so tight-lipped about the third scummer.
Afraid of? In what sense? Seems like a very vague question if it's serious.

I don't like the persistent pressure Swords seems to be getting and agree with his defense against it. I admit, it smells of AtE at times but him using the emotions to throw players off? Ehh.

Inactive I definitely want to see the most of is definitely Bardull. Gonna try to do some more reading into Soup vs Swords.

Vote: Bardull

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Uhm Hilt, why Bardull? What an odd pick of the inactives to pressure if I am being blunt. Why not Rockin or PBJ? (moreso the former)

As two quick notes: I would like to see more of Soup vs. Swords but I am leaning on disliking Soup the more this argument goes and liking Swords more because I find myself nodding along with Swords and scratching my head at Soup. I'll provide what I mean later because I agree with not wanting to clutter the thread too much as it is. But yeah Soup vs. Swords i don't know whether to call it scum vs. town but in a battle of who I trust/like more out of the fight, I'd have to say Swords.

I also don't like Kary's 139 because it seems....cop outty since that the only word coming to mind. He just seems to be sweeping his Ran read under the rug with a blanketed "Ran is always like this." meta reasoning. Kary is just confusing so far because his posts have fluff but not and then he makes bizarre statements which don't seem to reach a higher level of understanding which I am used to. Could just be laziness/having fun but I want to see more from Kary.

Kary, you have directed a bit of your questions to Kuzi. Can you give me a read on him and what do you think of Kata's vote on Ranmaru since you (I assume) dislike the wagon on him at the moment presented by myself and Kata.

@Kuzi: Since it seems Soup has answered your question, can I get a response to mine now?


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2010
I'm impressed with your play. Regardless of alignment you're play much more mild-mannered and logical so kudos.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I'd like to say sorry for being an idiot and misreading something. Sword, I thought #103 was to Ranmaru and responding to him, not Kary. My argument crumbles completely and I think that's why you didn't understand me. I feel embarrassed that I made such a dumb mental error. I wanted to play this like #hbc #notimeforwalls for the sake of marshy game, but I find myself not satisfied with the results.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I read your wall but going on about a broken topic and logic is not worth it. The feelings I had for your slot and play were incessantly there, however, just that it was stemming on the fact I thought you were backing down on Ranmaru trying to dismiss yourself as just being Nervous and ignoring him completely. I think not everything is completely busted however, and that even if it's not in the specific context, this interaction was fruitful. I thought about considering a couple of other things, but when I get down to what I said, they all come off as personal gripes. I'm not going to go on about this further because it's dumb in the first place and two there are other things I wanted to say.

I'll get to that in anothe rpost.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
I find myself a bit frustrated because in my head I'm playing double-standard with myself.

I think J's effort and case on Ranmaru is good, but I don't think the push is correct. I don't see anything inherently bad with Ranmaru at all, and I felt like he was just being Ranmaru. His jumping to conlcusions attitude seemed rather more townie and something I would expect for him to do, along with the fact I don't feel that most scum would try and put themselves out there like that, because it really is reaching.

I have more to say, but my ride is here.
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