Ally is on the same level as Atomsk, NinjaLink, myself, BlackWaltz, etc. He's not at Mew2King and Azen's level yet. People need to stop being delusional. I think he's incredible and all, but playing against him in both singles and teams, it was pretty clear to me that he is much closer to me than he is to Mew2King.
You make absolutely NO sense whatsoever. Im really doubting the way you judge things. You don't allow ally to be viewed on the level as m2k, azen why? Because you did decent vs him in TEAMS, and some friendlies? Hmm ok lets ignore the fact that
He destroyed the person who beat you in singles.
3 stocked the person who ***** you all of the time.
Made many many statements showing that he was beyond the atomsk inui level.
Lets just assume that YOUR logic is the way to go, that letting people do well vs you, keeps you on their level.
Wouldnt that mean, that you aren't on the NL atomsk level, and that you infact are on the yes!, Ksizzle level?
There are plenty of people who almost lose, or lose in friendlies, that doesnt change ANYTHING, no 1 is delusional but you. You cant accept that someone is a much better smasher than you are, but sorry, no 1 is buying it.
Did you forget we watched on livestream? We SAW ally being a BEAST in teams, and Holy being the reason they loss, because he recovers like a "brain dead idiot"( SPammer)
Why are u even bringing up that bs anyway? You have said that friendlies inaccurately show the skill difference between to people have you now?
Teams...are you serious? Lets look at some of the multiple reasons, no one should base someones skill in singles, off of teams.
1. A good teammate is not concentrating completely on the fight they are taking part of. They are viewing their teammate, and not committing to anything that would cost their teammate a sock.
2. The player could be holding stock, and not playing as aggro as they would in singles. Therefore, their decision making is impacted by something OTHER than his opponent, which automatically makes it almost impossible to compare the 2.
3.SPECIFICALLY FOR THIS CASE, ALLY PLAYS SNAKE DAAAMMMIIITT! Have you ever teamed with a snake Inui? His stage control is highly dependent on his explosives, When he has a teammate on the field, he obviously has to compromise this amazing ability his character has, resulting in him being much less of a threat than he would be in singles. He was an amazing teammate from what I saw, but snake cant blow up EVERYTHING like he can in singles.( Im not at all saying snake isn't an amazing teammate...)
If anyone were to say these things about you, you would pop an artery. They did well vs u in friendlies? And in teams? Just imagine the faces and posts you would make. Stop it with your nonsense plz, I've been asking you to post consistently for a while now and you wont listen. I watched Malcolm and Umbra **** you in teams, YOU IN TEAMS, so Im guessing they can claim that you arent on a higher level than they are huh?