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Enemy Controller: PRiDE has returned to us, now super hot!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
because of inui's incredibly well said post.. i am staying in this crew :D jk XD
I'll stay in the crew (technically) but it sucks that i can't just go practice with you guys cuz i am too young to be able to get places by myself lol.
I wish I could practice with you a lot, too. You should come to my hotel and stay for a weekend sometime. :D

"When we see these people at tournaments, we root for them, consider them for crew battles, chill with them, etc."

This is kind of false. you guys root against eachother sometimes that i've seen.. and while i have been in the crew not one of enemy controller's members has rooted for me in any match or said a good comment about me ='( lol
I have never rooted against Atomsk. I root for Enemy Controller members almost 100% of the time. I love seeing BlackWaltz, teh_spamerer, Atomsk, and other good players in the crew win. I want players like Blue and Doom to win and place higher.

We don't need to tell you you're amazing constantly. You're a really good player that usually does very well in teams and pretty well in singles.

i also don't think you really do consider anyone for crews other than your usual line up.
if you guys were to crew battle someone and i actually got to be in it that'd be cool and actually make me feel like a part of the crew, i know chrome pirate wanted to be in the crew battle too.
crews at the SWR tournament was an example of you not considering members... you picked only 4 members.. when you could've had 5 and let chrome pirate in, whose placing was the same as yours and wanted to be in it badly. =/
We go in order of skill in order to increase our chances of winning, and we usually use 4 players over 5 in order to increase the amount of money per person in the end and give more stocks to very strong players like Atomsk and Mew2King. Just because ChromePirate tied with me doesn't mean we're even in skill.

Our order of skill/preference for crew battles is probably:


Hey, top 5 on NJ's rankings are the top 5 in this crew, lol.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
Inui write stuff so i can put it on the first page. As in like crew stuff. Like the way it was in THP

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
If you really want to...

Doom: Lucario, Olimar, Meta Knight, DK, Falco, Kirby, (Snake, Ike, King Dedede, Captain Falcon, Sonic, Wario, Bowser, Wolf)

Put down the first 6 for characters I'll use in tourney, lol.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
Btw incase he didn't get this idea from my post

Pierce i lost a lot of respect for you


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Btw incase he didn't get this idea from my post

Pierce i lost a lot of respect for you
Same here.

Combining his repeating of the offense known as "squandering" with that last post about this crew, I lost respect for Pierce both as a player and a person.

It's sad and I hope he earns it back someday.


Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2008
opps... lol your there now
sorry XD

Also if any of you in EC ever hold practice sessions or something let me know. I don't live too far from Princeton and I drive. Hit me up on AIM or something, I'm always willing to learn new things and improve.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
Your always welcome to come hang out with us when we play. Whats your cell #? So we can call you when **** happens?


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
Some quite true stuff.
This post was win. I'm not just saying that to say it, I honestly read the post and feel that way. You know I speak my mind on these things.

As for losing respect for me, that's sad to hear. Not gonna front and act macho. Even with skill aside, you (Lucas) and you (Trevor) are both people I care about.

However, also remember that I'm also talking about what I see. When you talk about Spam being such a good friend, that's legit, but let's be honest with ourselves here. If Rigel was here and wanted to play, and Spam was not here, you would not have put Rigel in because he's your friend, you would've selected the strongest option. At least, this is what you've previous shown me.

You have to take into account what people from the outside looking in see. Hell, I could be totally wrong, you guys could call each other on the phone all the time, etc. But from the outside, we (and when I say we, I don't just mean me, I mean the community at large) sees internal strife. You might lose respect for me, but I still want you to know that to the rest of the world it does not look pretty. To me, Team MOB looks tight. SWR looks tight. Hell, even Impact has the whole "We'll be losers together" gung-ho attitude, and from the outside, they look like tightly packed garbage. Enemy Controller does not LOOK like this, whether they are or are not.

I know you all personally. Inui, I know you are a very, very adamant fan of rooting for the home team, and I respect that greatly. All I'm trying to say is, you don't always portray a sense of connection with all the members of your crew.

Of course, you'd be completely right to say that it's none of my business, and that if they felt this way, they should say it themselves. Pardon me.

EDIT: One thing I am glad about is that it seems that now that this is all up in the air, you're actually at least listening, and becoming a closer knit crew. That's what I like to see. Anyway, lemme get outta this thread now.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Since I'm too lazy to quote and delete a whole bunch of ****, I'll just do this.

Regarding Rigel vs. Spam for a crew battle thing: Yeah, Rigel is a great friend of Trevor and Lucas. But like, he doesn't play the game. It'd be stupid to pick him over Kashif in a crew battle. That's not only caring about winning, that's just not being a moron. When there's money on the line, things change. I'm sure that in a fun crew battle with nothing at stake, they wouldn't be so inclined to pick Kashif first.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
However, also remember that I'm also talking about what I see. When you talk about Spam being such a good friend, that's legit, but let's be honest with ourselves here. If Rigel was here and wanted to play, and Spam was not here, you would not have put Rigel in because he's your friend, you would've selected the strongest option. At least, this is what you've previous shown me.
Rigel doesn't even play Brawl. :dizzy:

You have to take into account what people from the outside looking in see. Hell, I could be totally wrong, you guys could call each other on the phone all the time, etc. But from the outside, we (and when I say we, I don't just mean me, I mean the community at large) sees internal strife. You might lose respect for me, but I still want you to know that to the rest of the world it does not look pretty. To me, Team MOB looks tight. SWR looks tight. Hell, even Impact has the whole "We'll be losers together" gung-ho attitude, and from the outside, they look like tightly packed garbage. Enemy Controller does not LOOK like this, whether they are or are not.
I am very good friends with Atomsk, Rigel, Izumi, Mew2King, Lord Knight, teh_spamerer, and Magus. I frequently talk to them and Smash is not a requirement for me to have fun with them. There are other close friendships within the crew. For instance, Atomsk basically shares the same friendships that I do with the rest of the crew.

I know you all personally. Inui, I know you are a very, very adamant fan of rooting for the home team, and I respect that greatly. All I'm trying to say is, you don't always portray a sense of connection with all the members of your crew.
That is because a lot of of them are newer members, live in bad locations, or are too young to get anywhere.

We also are the largest crew by a lot. I'm quite sure we have double, if not more, the amount of players of any crew in the area. It's hard for everyone to be close with each other given the big number of members. It's mostly just smaller groups that are close with each other. Most of the groups of friends in the crew revolve around Atomsk and I, but there are others.

Of course, you'd be completely right to say that it's none of my business, and that if they felt this way, they should say it themselves. Pardon me.
Enemy Controller runs stuff differently than other crews.

Winning, dominating, taking home the cash, and being the best are all very important things to most of us. We also take pride in hosting the biggest and best tournaments in the area. It's not just about being close with other and hanging out to us. It's also about forming a group of powerhouse players that can't be beaten by another group.

Seriously, what group of players can take Mew2King, Atomsk, teh_spamerer, Inui, and BlackWaltz in a crew battle? I can only think of H2YL, but they only have three top players instead of five, so... Having that near auto-win in crew battles is important to us.

Our competitive attitude helps make us the strongest crew out there. Our internal rivalries make us stronger.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
My 2001 black controller is no more.

Just now, I went to play some wi-fi matches, and the R button is busted. Anyone know if there's hope?


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Trevor, you should probably include some of that silly stuff you had before but make it look neater. Just quote this post and copy what you see between the quote tags in order to keep the formating.


Mains: Dedede, Olimar, Wario, Kirby
Status: Crew Founder/Leader, Crew Battle Starter #3, and Co-Host
Location: Western Central NJ
Current Ranks: 3rd in NJ, slated to be ranked high on a regional list
Info: Atomsk is probably the best Dedede player in the country. He and Inui are an extremely dominant team most likely second only to Mew2King's teams. Atomsk started off as an average player in NJ and quickly improved to become a dominant player in the region and then the country, surpassing Inui in the process. He and Inui, despite being partners, can be bitter rivals at times, and they currently go even in tournament sets. Out of all the players in Enemy Controller, Atomsk is second only to Mew2King in terms of big tournament accomplishments. Atomsk has beaten Inui, Snakeee, BlackWaltz, NinjaLink, Azen, NEO, ChuDat, Forte, and other top players, some of them multiple times. Atomsk is also a dominant player on AllIsBrawl's Wi-Fi ladder. Atomsk can be really immature at times, but he's a good kid and has his mature moments. He's generally a silly and strange person, but he can get along with just about anyone. He's more cocky than he appears.

Mains: Meta Knight, Snake, Dedede, Marth, Pit
Status: Crew Leader, Crew Battle Starter #4, and Venue Host
Location: Western Central NJ
Current Ranks: 4th in NJ, slated to be ranked high on a regional list
Info: Inui started off as a top NJ player due to his previous status as a top Melee player in the region. He originally mained Pit, but quickly moved to Marth. He then switched to Snake briefly before finally settling on Meta Knight at the end of September. He always kept Dedede as a secondary the entire time. Inui has never been ranked below top 5 in NJ in Melee or Brawl and he's been 4th rank in NJ since the first rankings list was made. He and Atomsk are a very dominant team, taking 1st at nearly every tournament they touch regardless of who's there. Despite this great partnership, they can be bitter rivals at times. Inui is known as an incredible teams player and Atomsk generally admits that Inui is better than him in teams. He lacks the singles accomplishments that many other top players can brag about, but he's taken out big names like Forte, Hylian, BlackWaltz, teh_spamerer, NEO, Bum, NinjaLink, and Chillin before. Inui is intelligent in not just Smash. He's regarded as a top Fire Emblem player in terms of knowledge and debating the game, for instance. He's pretty arrogant and cocky, but he's earned it for the most part. He's known for being blunt and honest. People that get to know him will see his generous and nicer sides. He lives in a hotel due to his dad being the chief engineer, and that hotel is the venue used for NJ's largest and most successful tournaments. People may not believe it, but Inui has a girlfriend and has been with her for almost two years. Unlike most members of this crew, Inui is also skilled at Melee.

Elite Members

Mains: Meta Knight, Dedede, Snake
Status: Crew Battle Starter #1
Location: Southwest NJ
Current Ranks: 1st in NJ, slated to be ranked 1st on a regional list
Info: Mew2King is, without a doubt, the absolute best player in the world, as well as the best player in Melee. His membership in this crew makes it probably the strongest crew out there. Mew2King has a vast amount of accomplishments in singles and teams, and listing off all of the big names he's beaten would take ages. Mew2King created and/or greatly improved on the metagames of Meta Knight, Dedede, and Marth in the earlier days of Brawl. Some people say he's a robot and other nonsense, but he's actually pretty human. He's strange, like most of the people in this crew, but he's intelligent too. He's a generous person, sometimes a little too generous. Even though he's the best player in the world, he doesn't trash talk too much and he often keeps his bigger-than-it-appears ego in check.

Mains: Olimar
Status: Crew Battle Starter #5
Location: Northeast NJ
Current Ranks: 5th in NJ, slated to be ranked on a regional list
Info: BlackWaltz was never involved in the competitive Melee scene, but his natural intelligence and love of Olimar helped him get good quickly in Brawl. He got 4th at a large NJ tournament back in the beginning of summer and has since established himself as a top player. He's taken out Plank, Atomsk, Chillin, teh_spamerer, and other great players. He's possibly the best Olimar in the country. He's usually a quiet person, but he's pretty fun once you get to know him and a really nice guy. He only uses Olimar in tournaments. BlackWaltz's beautiful girlfriend often attends tournaments with him.

Mains: Diddy Kong
Status: Crew Battle Starter #6
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: Slated to be ranked high in NJ
Info: ChromePirate started off as a weaker player in in-person tournaments after being a dominant Wi-Fi player, but he's improving rapidly and has started to take top placings in big tournaments. He's possibly the most rapidly improving player in the region right now. He's one of the youngest members in the crew and not too talkative at tournaments since he hasn't formed any real friendships yet, but he'll get there soon as he attends more events. A lot is expected out of him, but he's sure to not disappoint. He's very loyal to his main, Diddy Kong.

Mains: Meta Knight, Dedede
Status: Crew Battle Starter #8
Location: Southeastern NY
Current Ranks: Slated to be ranked high in NY
Info: Shadow is widely known as a very dominant teams player in and out of NY. He usually teams with his brother, Snakeee, who happpens to be considered the best Zero Suit Samus player in the nation by many, but he has also been very successful with NinjaLink, dmbrandon, and others in tournaments. Shadow is the youngest member of the crew, but he's actually intelligent and mature. He's quiet at tournaments until he gets to know you. He only uses Meta Knight in tournaments, but he's been known to use Dedede on ocassion, but very rarely. He's taken out big names in tournaments, but nobody too high-profile just yet. Shadow is Enemy Controller's only member that lives in NY.


Mains: Meta Knight, Toon Link
Status: Crew Member and Official Driver
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: Slated to be ranked in NJ
Info: Izumi, also known widely by his real name of Dave, started off as a random scrub that went to the same college as Inui. He originally mained Toon Link but now he uses Meta Knight for the vast majority of his tournament matches, especially in teams. He's a really nice guy and drives a lot of the crew to tournaments. He's been improving, although a bit slowly, and has been doing better than he used to in tournaments. He's known to be pretty good in teams, like most of this crew, and he prefers teams over singles by a substantial margain, just like Inui does. Despite him seeming stupid at times, he'll probably make more money in the future than most of this crew since he's going to be a commercial pilot. That's right, Izumi knows how to fly a plane.

Mains: Meta Knight, Falco
Status: Crew Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: 14th in NJ
Info: Another young member, he unfortunately can't get around much, making him pretty inactive in the tournament scene. He's been improving but hasn't had many chances to show it. Hopefully he'll get around to more tournaments. He's a former member of Paradigm, a small crew in NJ that was recently disbanded due to the retirement of their top player, Bajisci.

Lord Knight
Mains: Dedede, Meta Knight, Ike
Status: Crew Member
Location: Western Central NJ and Philadelphia during college semesters
Current Ranks: None
Info: Lord Knight, unlike most members of Enemy Controller, is very good at Melee. Lord Knight started off as a dominant player in the area, but a long period of inactivity caused him to fall behind. He's close friends with Atomsk, teh_spamerer, and Inui, and he's been playing them recently and going to a few tournaments, so he'll hopefully improve quickly and catch up again. He's a fun guy to hang out with outside of video games. He's a top Melty Blood player and talented at fighting games in general.

Mains: Meta Knight, Fox, Falco, Captain Falcon
Status: Crew Member (Inactive)
Location: Western Central NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: AAAA is another young member and is a classmate of Atomsk's. He doesn't like Brawl a lot, but he shows up at tournaments occassionally and manages to never get last place. He's very quiet and seems pretty shy. Hopefully he starts attending tournaments again.

Mains: Lucario, Meta Knight, Olimar, Falco, Donkey Kong, Kirby
Status: Crew Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: Following a trend of youth, Doom is yet another young member of the crew. He's trying to improve, but he can't find enough chances to play. Hopefully he gets that practice in and gets as good as he wants to be. Doom's a fun person to be around and pretty smart. His pretty and much older girlfriend often attends tournaments with him.

Mains: Sonic, Diddy Kong
Status: Crew Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: 15th in NJ
Info: Kai is one of many Sonic mains in the region. He's pretty inconsistent, but he can place high and take out some decent players occassionally when he's playing well. He's not as active as most players in the crew, but that will hopefully change soon. From what we know, he's a normal person and cool to be around.

Mains: Sonic, Toon Link, Donkey Kong
Status: Crew Member and Co-Host
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: 9th in NJ
Info: Blue is a loyal Sonic main that always dresses in blue. He's a hyper guy that's really fun to be around. Like our other Sonic main, he's inconsistent, but he does well when he's playing at his best. Hopefully he will continue to practice and become the best Sonic main in the country, which is one of his important goals in Brawl. He has been helpful to the crew as both a driver and co-host numerous times.

Rule 34
Mains: Falco, Zelda/Sheik, Captain Falcon
Status: Crew Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: He fancies himself to be a Captain Falcon main, but he's really just a big fan of Captain Falcon disappointed in how shafted he was in Brawl. He's a very strange person online, and quiet in person, so not much is known about him. Despite not being able to drive himself anywhere, he gets to tournaments by any means necessary, and is probably a master of public transportation by now.

Mains: Toon Link
Status: Crew Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: A loyal Toon Link main, he always stays his character in tournaments. He often brings his young nephew to tournaments with him. Like Rule 34, he's not very talkative at events and he doesn't go to that many, so not much is known about him yet. Hopefully he gets more active soon.

Honorary Members

Mains: Meta Knight, Snake, Zelda/Sheik, Falco, Jigglypuff
Status: Crew Battle Starter #2
Location: Western Central NJ and Northern NJ during college semesters
Current Ranks: 2nd in NJ, slated to be ranked high on a regional list
Info: teh_spamerer was friends with Inui long before he entered the competitive Smash scene. Inui and teh_spamerer went to the same high school for two years and became good friends there. teh_spamerer was originally taught by Inui, but he surpassed Inui within about a year in Melee and stayed better than him in Brawl since its release as well. He is possibly the second best Meta Knight in the country and most certainly one of the most dominant players in the region. He doesn't do so well in teams anymore, but he does extremely well in singles and really only loses to Mew2King. He doesn't like Brawl much, but he obviously plays it more than he seems to given his knowledge and skill. teh_spamerer is a top Melee player known for destroying Sheik players, camping, and counterpicking Poke Floats. teh_spamerer's willingness to camp a lot and tolerate large amounts of boredom helps him win so much. Like Inui, he can be pretty cocky, but he has a lot more tact. Getting to know him used to be pretty difficult, but he's more open and friendly now and has formed real friendships in the community.

Mains: Luigi, Peach, Marth
Status: Honorary Member and Co-Host
Location: Eastern Central PA
Current Ranks: None
Info: like teh_spamerer, he prefers Melee over Brawl. Magus doesn't even own a Wii, but he can play an intelligent Luigi and pull off unexpected wins here and there. He's known for getting cheap kills in teams and having an incredible Ganondorf and Jigglypuff in Melee. Magus is a quiet guy, but he's pretty funny once you get to know him, and he makes hilarious and intelligent posts frequently. He's very useful as a Co-Host for events because he provides two TVs and a Melee set-up and helps with setting up tournaments and cleaning up afterwards.

Mains: Dedede, Meta Knight
Status: Honorary Member
Location: Northern NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: Tec0 is another skilled Melee player in Enemy Controller. He barely plays Brawl, but he knows enough about Meta Knight and Dedede to beat players and place well when he feels like entering something. He's known for being cheap with money, like teh_spamerer, but actually due to a lack of it. Hopefully he finds a way to make some money so he can get around more, because he's really fun to be around and has a lot of potential. He's known for being an anime fan, and you can easily tell from his profile and posts.

Mains: Snake, Wolf
Status: Crew Battle Starter #7
Location: Eastern Central NJ
Current Ranks: None
Info: Ether is actually a member of Montage, but his coolness apparently got him a spot as an honorary member of Enemy Controller. Montage went through a period of inactivity due to dmbrandon and NinjaEdd retiring for a while, which is another reason he partially joined Enemy Controller. Ether, like many other members of this crew, is known for being a brilliant teams player. In fact, he usually does extremely well in teams and the gap in his teams and singles abilities can be pretty big sometimes. He's a humble person despite being pretty good and he seems intelligent.

Did I get anything wrong? Should I add something?


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007

Inui puts up and doesn't shut up. d:

Honestly though, I'm unsure as to who says they don't feel like they are a part of EC enough. If that were the case even, why not just come out and tell us? Hey, I mean... why not just have DM ask them if it were ok to tell us who it was? Maybe a little face to face time between said member and inui/atomsk/me/anyone would be good?
I'm more than sure every member is reasonable enough to actually contact us at a tourney, hell, even on the phone as to get to know us.

For the record, I am more than willing to talk to anyone or anything for a long period of time on the internet and a possible amount of time on the phone.
I dislike e-mail kk?

SetoKaiba97321 (1:20:17 AM): wtf who did these descriptions?
UltimaDemiDragon (1:20:24 AM): I assume inui
UltimaDemiDragon (1:20:30 AM): (note the length of his desc?)
UltimaDemiDragon (1:20:30 AM): xD
UltimaDemiDragon (1:20:31 AM): xD
UltimaDemiDragon (1:20:31 AM): xD


Smash Apprentice
Mar 5, 2008

there are a lot of young boys in Enemy Controller. I wonder why? :psycho:


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
Another note.
Most people were added not for skill, but for being nice people overall.
See:Why put money at risk? Just have them to hang out with and have fun once in a while dood.

Extra note, I root for people in my head more than out loud.


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
I'd root for you guys most of the time unless you're fighting my crew :3

Inui I think you should edit Kashif's info to make it this:

Teh_spamerer is a lil peesha shiet.



Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2008
Due to my inactivity the last month or so I kinda just noticed this thanks to waltz. I dunno who doesnt feel like an EC member but it wasnt me complaining. IDC how many of you are better than me, you're all cool people and if It's fine with you guys for me to be in the crew then its definitly fine by me. I would like to hang out with you guys a bit more but due to me living in north jersey it is difficult but I'd be more than willing to drive down and do stuff( I always do for tournys) especially if its more than just a day. Waltz and mrdc are the only 2 I talk to often outside of events so I guess its my fault for not putting contact info up.

AIM= Setokaiba97321 ( usually signed on)
Email= Setokaiba97321@yahoo.com ( checked often)
Cell=973-862-9532 ( rarely on but leave a message)
Gamertag= S3to Kaiba ( on about once a day)

Let me know about stuff lol

Shadow- I support you in your matches, just not during them bc I dont wanna distract you and I hardly see you play. I apoligize if you felt that way about me but trust me when I say that I do wish you the best in your matches and I'll definitly make a mental note to stop worrying about stupid **** in between matches like bad sonic matchups and try and be more supprtive. You're one of the few players who I enjoy seeing at events and knowing that if I play you I will get my *** handed to me lol.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Mew2King will take all of your stocks and most of those players are super rusty. Bum hasn't touched Melee in ages and PC Chris and Cort have disappeared.

The people I listed actually still play Melee often, lol.
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