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Enemy Controller Presents: No Maps! Princeton, NJ

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
My one shoutout for this entire tournament goes to Dark.Pch.

You are so amazingly awesome when you're not in a bad mood. I love the new attitude you've developed. Our set was incredibly good and intense. Shame it ended the way it did, but the rest of it makes up for it.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Seriously tho i wish i was there i never knew Doom coould trash talk and i also dont think easy and doom should get flamed its fun to trash talk straight up


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Great tourney, if only NE had tournies these big or with this much skill. **** was fun and was nice meeting people. Ggs to everyone I played, too lazy for shoutouts. Fatal and I will deff be back for Viridian.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
Eazy, Rookie, Diem, Inui( he's gunna be the tank, and DEF malcom!

vs any other smashers in a trash talk mm?

Doom get your team together girl.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
wowwwwwwwwwwwwww, i gotta give props to my nuggah doom.

when you make someone cry over a game where giant penguins with hammers are fighting against little chimps who shoot peanuts at you...

**** man, that trash talk must be ****ing legit

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Lol, what? Hell no. I do it for fun to people I don't like. Given that I like everyone on that list (A LOT), it's not the same. Though I'd probably pick...Blackanese, Malcolm, and maybe Wes or Dire.


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
lol i love malcolms trash talk

and blackanese doesnt really trash talk, he just makes the crowd (and person hes going against) laugh hysterically


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2007
im so glad malcom is on my team, boy I hope doom doesnt try to steal him, claiming he was originally on his team.

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Whoa, slow up son. You can't just take a member of my team 'cause you forgot him on yours. Malcolm's mine.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
1: Mew2King (Meta Knight)- i had a lot of fun playing you. i'm glad i did better than i usually do against you, especially in teams.
2: Atomsk (Ice Climbers/Dedede)- sorry about what happened during our matches in winners. for me, it was still a very great set and i got really scared at times, lol. losers finals was meh, it hadno hype to it and there was hardly anyone there anymore. no johns, i wasn't sandbagging as you said, you outplayed me. i'm looking forward to our next set ^_^.
4: Ksizzle (Meta Knight/Snake)- our team was too good! great seeing you man, looking forward to all the tournaments we'll team for in the future. we came soooo close vs inui+ m2k.
5: Fatal (Snake)- great set. nice comeback in game 2, i was sure i had that game, lol. i'm glad we finally got to play again and that it was so close.
7: Seph (Meta Knight)- nice seeing you. we have to play soon.
7: Xzax (Meta Knight)- good seeing you as well. good stuff placing well, from what i've heard, you've gotten much better. :D
9: Vex (Bowser)- 9th with bowser! too good! lolol. i hugged the panda =(. XDD
9: Inui (Meta Knight)- not sure what to say. you keep claiming you'll destroy me even though i won our last set by a considerable amount. oh well, good job running the tournament and getting it done. the doubles grand finals set was amazing lolol.
9: Keitaro (Falco)-we finally got to play! the first game was really close. you had me worried there. i outplaced you in low tiers! =P wahaha
13: Dark.Pch- good stuff man. i saw some of your matches and you really impressed me. i hope you start placing even better ^_^.
13: Rookie- yeah, we have been getting cooler with each other over the last couple of tourneys. let's play soon!
13: Eazy- our friendlyset wasn't as fun as it usually is =/. you seemed upset and weren't having as much fun as usual.
17: Cable- you talk too fast! hahah good seein ya. hope to see you at more tourneys soon.
17: Kai- we ***** low tier doubles! good stuff man. great seeing you of course, i had a lot of fun in doubles and just hanging out.
17: Bleachigo- really stepped it up.
17: Kid- good set, your forward b tricks scared me O_O.
17: Zucco- ahh, you weren't feeling it yesterday, oh well. get some sleep, lolol.
17: dmbrandon- **** talks people who are still far in the tournament, while he's already been knocked out. LOL too good. good seeing ya.
17: Dark Paladin of Chaos- O_O lol at this name XDDD
25: DaPuffster- don't care about what anybody says, you're a good player. i hope you don't quit, cuz i don't dislike you. that rest that you got me with after i tripped was actually amazing, and the coolest punish i've ever seen from a trip, lol.
25: Rhyme- awesome guy. thanks for rooting for me. =)
25: Doom- fun hanging out with ya mah d00. i do think your trash talk was a bit too personal, but you really helped me out. i appreciate you looking out for me like that man :D.
25: Allied- too good! thanks for rooting for me against m2k as well. you helped me out a lot. great seeing you as well.
25: Panix- good matches man. your snake surprised me.
25: Camalange- ahh, it's a shame you had to drop out man. i'm glad you showed up though.
25: .Com- too loud! hahaha
33: JG Wentworth- thanks for recording and cheering for me and kelvin in doubles! hopefully we will get to play soon.
49: kingz-night-mare- hahaha, small baby. good seeing you too.
49: Pierce (dropped out)- i wanted to fight your marth today! oh well, next time.
49: Lawz- great set in low tiers. amazing link.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
Holy **** I'm ridiculous for having feelings. God **** well ****. You clearly are the smartest person in the world

Suntan Luigi

Smash Lord
May 31, 2006
Bethlehem PA, Lehigh U.
Out of curiosity, when did the tournament finish? I couldn't stay for singles, had to leave early. I didn't think things would run so slowly either.


Your very good for your age, and having haters obviously proves that. :)

Max Ketchum

Collegiate Starleague Smash Director
Dec 9, 2007
New Jersey
Holy **** I'm ridiculous for having feelings. God **** well ****. You clearly are the smartest person in the world
What? No, you're ridiculous for wanting to PHYSICALLY ATTACK ME over a stupid and sarcastic comment during a video game match. How the hell could you possibly take offense to something like that? It wasn't even a well-crafted joke. It was silly bull**** that I just said 'cause I felt like saying it. It's nothing remotely true or serious. Why react so hard to such a pointless remark?

As for the feelings part, you say plenty of disrespectful and mean **** when people are playing as well. Not used to having the tables turned? :(

Out of curiosity, when did the tournament finish? I couldn't stay for singles, had to leave early. I didn't think things would run so slowly either.


Your very good for your age, and having haters obviously proves that. :)
He's like, 17.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2006
What? No, you're ridiculous for wanting to PHYSICALLY ATTACK ME over a stupid and sarcastic comment during a video game match. How the hell could you possibly take offense to something like that? It wasn't even a well-crafted joke. It was silly bull**** that I just said 'cause I felt like saying it. It's nothing remotely true or serious. Why react so hard to such a pointless remark?
Once again. If you bother me as bad as you did at this event I'm gonna hurt you. I'm not even kidding. There are certaint things you don't say.

*Takes the infraction points like a man XD*


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
My one shoutout for this entire tournament goes to Dark.Pch.

You are so amazingly awesome when you're not in a bad mood. I love the new attitude you've developed. Our set was incredibly good and intense. Shame it ended the way it did, but the rest of it makes up for it.
Thanks :D I feel special now ha ha ha! And a shame for me or you?


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
yoshi stfu please kthanksbye. Atomsk is gonna get physical over smash? Where big penguins carrie hammer and chimps shoot peanuts? lmao never gonna forget that..


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
yoshi stfu please kthanksbye. Atomsk is gonna get physical over smash? Where big penguins carrie hammer and chimps shoot peanuts? lmao never gonna forget that..
kingz no offense and anything and i know your having fun

but stfu leave atomsk alone u dont know the situation

anyone get info on that hot girl?

phone number :3?
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