You play this matchup well for the most part. You just gotta keep a few things in mind:
1) Use more Nair, and not just teleport nair but also mix up with plain hover nairs. It's a nice mixup to keep people guessing and in my experience it's really good against Yoshi, especially if you follow up with a side B since he has no reliable OOS option to beat it (correct me if I'm wrong)
2) Respect Yoshi's egg roll. It's possible to beat it in trades but you have to be on point with spacing when you throw out your tail against it, so what I like to do is charge a shadow ball and throw it at incoming egg rolls since it beats it.
3) Be mindful of his % when you attempt to combo him since he can just combo break with DJ armor. Space your fairs very carefully so you don't trade.
Finally just mix up your tilt and Side B game a little more often. This is a matchup that's weird initially but once you learn the spacing of your moves vs his it gets a lot easier.
On a different note, here's a couple videos from a monthly this week. vs ESAM vs MVD
Note to self: never take Samus to PS2 EVER. And idk the Pikachu matchup that well lol