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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

Apr 17, 2011
I only just noticed this post in all the clutter that was popping up at the time.

What teeth did Swiss and Gheb give the wagon? Particularly, Swiss. What'd Swiss say that had you so convinced it was a good wagon? Quote it for me.
Rather than actually answering your question, I want to know: why me? Who else on your wagon is scummy?
Apr 17, 2011
I dislike this post. It states sheeping is bad because it could put you in a bad position later if you were sheeping scum and they flip. That drawback is purely self-preservation. I don't like that that is the kind of thing Joker is worried about.
Yo, why is self-preservation bad?
Apr 17, 2011
For the record, the objective of town is to kill scum, how much attention you grab doing it is irrelevant. Town will defend themselves when necessary cause you don't want any confirmed town to die, but if no scum lynches happen, town loses by default because they're on a timer, every no lynch is a free scum kill but a town lynch is a faster route to endgame. So town needs to be pro-active and do what it takes to kill scum, only caring about self-defense if it's necessary to prevent a confirmed townie (to the townie, themselves) from dying.

There are finer points of putting this into practice, especially when you consider strong PRs, but the fundamental weakness that scum has is their priority is survival, town reveals scum by showing their priority is survival over killing scum. Of course, there are ******* town that do this too, but part of being a good townie is to recognize whether somebody is being dumb or scummy.
Yo Adumb, do you get paid to talk mafia theory instead of playing the game?
Apr 17, 2011
For the record, the objective of town is to kill scum, how much attention you grab doing it is irrelevant. Town will defend themselves when necessary cause you don't want any confirmed town to die, but if no scum lynches happen, town loses by default because they're on a timer, every no lynch is a free scum kill but a town lynch is a faster route to endgame. So town needs to be pro-active and do what it takes to kill scum, only caring about self-defense if it's necessary to prevent a confirmed townie (to the townie, themselves) from dying.

There are finer points of putting this into practice, especially when you consider strong PRs, but the fundamental weakness that scum has is their priority is survival, town reveals scum by showing their priority is survival over killing scum. Of course, there are ******* town that do this too, but part of being a good townie is to recognize whether somebody is being dumb or scummy.
Megaman X Mafia, you ************.
Apr 17, 2011
This is a post from Gheb, and it contains a post from S&C. The post from S&C is directed at another player, not me. If you think this post has anything to do with the "teeth" my wagon has, you are sadly mistaken.

Your vote on me reads as the most opportunistic by far. It's clear that you just threw your vote on a building wagon, and cited 2 power players as justification.

Vote: Aggressive Mediation

You're gonna have to explain why it's me other than the fact that I'm the one that responded.
Apr 17, 2011
Scylla, earlier you mentioned for me to give results on Kantrip. I can't, as I haven't made much progress on that, but your PJB wagon has gone farther. So now I ask for your results from this, and what you seek to do with it for the rest of the day if you are ready to say.

I also want everyone else who got on the wagon to commit to it now, either saying if they are willing to lynch him, or look at something else. Especially the people who have got on without much reason, like Swords/JTB. If you intend on finishing PJB, then I want to see the reasoning as to why he is the best lynch today.

Lynch 'em. Cause he's scum.
Apr 17, 2011
I think what sealed the deal for me was his vote at me above. It just doesn't fall in line with everything else he's been doing. It's opportunistic at best and just does not seem like he has any sort of good intentions about it. It's just a desperate place to throw a vote because he believes he can throw it there and get something (Gheb, for example, earlier mentioned I should be paid attention to, and BadWolf tried to remind people of it). What he was doing earlier just wasn't striking me right either. That "I am town because I am town" thing just reeked of a self-fulfilling prophecy without actually fulfilling itself, and he's spent more time talking about sheeping and less time finding a better direction. I'm still surprised he hasn't jumped at Swords for that "I'm voting you because Swiss asked you to" thing.

Like, nothing in his place has given me a good feel. I joined the wagon to see how he'd handle the pressure. The answer was poorly, and not in a good way. I'm aware he'd get reactive but his reactions have shown me nothing of value at best and scummy play at worse.
Damn, I'm good.
Apr 17, 2011
Joker is playing badly at best, can't confirm that he's scum, but I'm thinking likely.
Kantrip is his scum mate and busses him from the get go.
Foxy is also (potential) scum mate and backing Kantrip's stance and explaining his actions for him.

Hando on Joker scum?
Apr 17, 2011
Let it be known that JTB latches onto the first non-PJB thing. I don't know what that means but I just want everyone to know that he's a hipster and nobody should associate with him.
Apr 17, 2011
Possibly. I need to look more into Gheb. I admit to reading his initial posts to see his direction but then skimming his later ones because they read like typical "I'm Gheb, I'm salty, I follow no one and everyone is a sheep/tool" posts. What Lego*******es brought up intrigued me enough to go back and take a second look.
What, no, go away, Gheb is town.
Apr 17, 2011
1. Handorin - hasn't posted much. Null
2. BadWolf28738 - same
3. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry) - Despite what you guys may think, my earlier scum read was legitimate. I can see why it may have just been a misunderstanding on my part. Other than that, still Null
4. Dark Horse - Null
5. Gheb_01 - I can see the scum arguments, but I still just kind of feel like it was Gheb being Gheb. I don't feel very strongly either way. Null.
6. JTB - Not sure what to make of him poo pooing my wagon while simultaneously being on it.. it's weird, but I dunno if it's scummy. Null
7. frozenflame751 - hasn't posted much either. Null
8. Potassium - Probably town. Misguided Town.
9. Legolas - it would've been really really easy for them to just roll with my wagon, if they were scum. His defense of me read as townie. Town
10. Red Ruy - He's all over the place so far. Not sure why he's so hell bent on asserting his authority, but I guess it's not inherently scummy. Just not really what I expect from Ryu. Null
12. Foxy the Silver Fox (Anomandaris_Rake/Ranmaru) - Pretty much the same logic as Legolas. Not rushing to conclusions based on such minimal evidence looks townie from this slot. Town
13. Scylla & Charybdis (adumbrodeus/Swiss) - Dunno what scum Swiss looks like, but I think the way he pushed me was town swiss. Prolly town?
Force a read on those nulls you haven't really explained. I get that they're null, but what is your current impression based on the way they've played?
Apr 17, 2011
1. Handorin - about the same level of lynch as ruy
2. BadWolf28738 - better lynch than ruy
3. Aggressive Mediation (Ryker/WashedLaundry) - worse lynch than ruy
4. Dark Horse - better lynch than ruy
5. Gheb_01 - worse lynch than ruy
6. JTB - better lynch than ruy
7. frozenflame751 - worse lynch than ruy
8. Potassium - worse lynch than ruy
9. Sworddancer. - worse lynch than ruy
10. Red Ruy - ruy
11. PrivateJoker-Brown - best lynch
12. Foxy the Silver Fox (Anomandaris_Rake/Ranmaru) - better lynch than ruy
13. Scylla & Charybdis (adumbrodeus/Swiss) - worse lynch than ruy

Badwolf, Dark Horse, JTB, Joker, Foxy better lynch than ruy
Hando the same as ruy
Everyone else worse lynch than ruy

There you go, but that really wasn't my point. The big point here is that I'm not basing my D1 lynch choice on my own reads because I don't trust them yet. Would rather go for info+policy+someone who is playing badly, aka Joker
Woah, I like this guy! He did what I wanted before I asked him!
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