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Elements and Attributes Mafia - Game Over!

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
Rodrigo, is there any particular detail/quote that makes you think my disagreement with the wagon is fake, or is it entirely just me disagreeing with the wagon that you find suspicious?
Apr 17, 2011
This is a post from Gheb, and it contains a post from S&C. The post from S&C is directed at another player, not me. If you think this post has anything to do with the "teeth" my wagon has, you are sadly mistaken.

Your vote on me reads as the most opportunistic by far. It's clear that you just threw your vote on a building wagon, and cited 2 power players as justification.

Vote: Aggressive Mediation
So, wait, you spend the entire game saying how sheeping is bad and that people shouldn't do it. And yet you disregard two people voting you off of seemingly nothing (Swords Legodumbasses even said that they were voting Swiss asked him to), the most blatant sheep in the game, to vote for a guy who agreed with the direction to read a volatile player early? Okay.
Apr 17, 2011
This Pjb wagon startred out strong but seems to be dying. The initial speed of this wagon initially gave me uncomfortable feels. Usually wagons that are that fast and easy are incorrect.
I'd be voting for him if I could. And we've had super fast wagons like this before and been right. I think it happened to Acrostic once and he sunk a scummate while doing it.
Apr 17, 2011
@Swords: Kantrip asks PJB a question, as if he is expecting a right answer. It seems PJB answered incorrectly, and Kantrip was not pleased, as you can see in the last quote here. It shows that he is displeased and that may be why he voted him, or was leading to voting him. I say lead him to a weak position, by asking him a question and the answer is automatically displeasing to him (which really is only PJB disagreeing with Kantrip about mafia theory, not actually doing anything suspicious), and votes him.
So what you're saying is that you find Kantrip's question in the first place loaded.
Apr 17, 2011
Scylla, earlier you mentioned for me to give results on Kantrip. I can't, as I haven't made much progress on that, but your PJB wagon has gone farther. So now I ask for your results from this, and what you seek to do with it for the rest of the day if you are ready to say.

I also want everyone else who got on the wagon to commit to it now, either saying if they are willing to lynch him, or look at something else. Especially the people who have got on without much reason, like Swords/JTB. If you intend on finishing PJB, then I want to see the reasoning as to why he is the best lynch today.
I think what sealed the deal for me was his vote at me above. It just doesn't fall in line with everything else he's been doing. It's opportunistic at best and just does not seem like he has any sort of good intentions about it. It's just a desperate place to throw a vote because he believes he can throw it there and get something (Gheb, for example, earlier mentioned I should be paid attention to, and BadWolf tried to remind people of it). What he was doing earlier just wasn't striking me right either. That "I am town because I am town" thing just reeked of a self-fulfilling prophecy without actually fulfilling itself, and he's spent more time talking about sheeping and less time finding a better direction. I'm still surprised he hasn't jumped at Swords for that "I'm voting you because Swiss asked you to" thing.

Like, nothing in his place has given me a good feel. I joined the wagon to see how he'd handle the pressure. The answer was poorly, and not in a good way. I'm aware he'd get reactive but his reactions have shown me nothing of value at best and scummy play at worse.
Apr 17, 2011
I'm pretty dang convinced with how you've opposed the PJB, reads fake. You're opposing for similar reasons PJB is just your saying it more "wordy" than he is.

If he flips scum or vice verse you will me my center of attention.
Give this man a cookie.


Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2005
Joker is playing badly at best, can't confirm that he's scum, but I'm thinking likely.
Kantrip is his scum mate and busses him from the get go.
Foxy is also (potential) scum mate and backing Kantrip's stance and explaining his actions for him.

Dec 6, 2011
Putting that first over scum hunting is not something a townie should do.
True, but it can be very natural though. When reading people, it's not really so much a matter of what people should logically do, but more so a matter of what people do do.

/Zen of Sworddancer

The point is that self-preservation was the only point Joker brought up. If I were to cite a drawback of sheeping it would be that you're not thinking for yourself and could therefore be liable to following a flawed thought process. Furthermore, he could have used the reasoning that if you're following scum you're not going to hit scum because you'll be sheeping their mislynches. Instead, all he focused on was that if you sheep scum you'll look bad later. I have a major problem with this line of thinking.
I remain unconvinced. You're suggesting that town PJB would have thought of other reasons against sheeping, but I think that's an unfounded assertion. It's totally possible that's just what came into PJB's mind at the time. Not answering optimally != scummy answer.

@BadWolf, DH, FF: What do you make of PJB's 125 (I want more than just "bleck" from you DH)?

How is that "Highly Generic"?
Because it's an accusation that leaves out significant factors from consideration. Kantrip's just saying "Oh look self preservation, scum!" without really considering that that just may be his thought process (WHICH IT TOTALLY COULD BE BTW). I mean there's no real way to know if PJB was acting out of self preservation or just being honest, so how could one be confident in that sort of accusation?

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
@BadWolf, DH, FF: What do you make of PJB's 125 (I want more than just "bleck" from you DH)?
It's a pretty clear attempt to try and make it seem like nothing's his fault. "Since I'm town, everything that you're saying is just you misinterpreting stuff!"

I remain unconvinced. You're suggesting that town PJB would have thought of other reasons against sheeping, but I think that's an unfounded assertion. It's totally possible that's just what came into PJB's mind at the time. Not answering optimally != scummy answer.
If the only thing that came to PJB's mind is about self-preservation, then it shows that he's thinking with a self-preservation mentality. If he was thinking about scumhunting and the like, you really think he wouldn't have brought up anything beyond "I could get lynched because of it"?
Dec 6, 2011
@Last paragraph: True, but I don't think that really tell us too much about his alignment. It's generic to think that only scum are going "act with a self preservation mentality."

I have more to say on this matter, but I'm still waiting on PJB.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
@Last paragraph: True, but I don't think that really tell us too much about his alignment. It's generic to think that only scum are going "act with a self preservation mentality."

I have more to say on this matter, but I'm still waiting on PJB.
Other than really dumb town, there's no reason to act with a self preservation mentality as town. I think that PJB has been around here long enough to not be that really dumb town.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
You haven't refuted ****. You took the only argument I've had time to make and gave an halfassed response to it. If it's really necessary to wagon you to L-2 to even give some reads then lynching you is already more than justified. But when you mention only one lousy read, backed up by one very weak quotation and act as if you refuted anything then I really think it's time for you to roll over and die. Because it's obvious that your interest is entirely spent on you surviving and not one bit on town winning.

No no, Gheb don't get up! you just keep sitting there doing nothing but park your vote on me and make demands. As the early game wagon, it's my responsibility to give out super awesome reads on everyone else, while they just vote for me and do little else. Why should you be any different? Sit! Take a load off!

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
"@PJB: Why do you think people are wagoning you? Do you think there is any benefit to your wagon? If so what is it? Ignore Gheb and S&C for now and focus on the others."

There's a lot of reasons people might be wagoning me. Some people may think my answer was legitimately scummy, others are probably doing it because it's really easy to do, because there's only one possible reason to be on me at this point and it's really easy to just repeat that reasoning when asked "why?".

The biggest benefit, for me, is that it gives me a wagon to analyze. Problem I'm having is that the entire playerlist is either on the wagon, or has expressed interest in the wagon. So while everybody else is sitting with their thumb up their ass and pointing their other fingers at me, I'm expected to give reads on the entire playerlist.

The more I look at the wagon, the more pissed off I get at the very idea that people's justification for initially wagoning me was, "He's really reactive and defensive all the time, let's wagon him and see what he does!" And now they're all appalled because I reacted exactly the way they expected me to.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
As I already stated, I think AM's reaction to the wagon was opportunistic. When I asked him why the reasoning for the wagon was so good, he gave me some quotes about Gheb and Scylla responding to Silver Fox about why an early wagon was a good idea, because I'm reactive. He didn't mention anything about me actually being scummy.
Dec 6, 2011
Let me start off by saying that I think this PJB wagon still living is justified, so don't get me wrong on that aspect. What I do think, though, is that some people are totally treating it wrong.

Let's start with one thing;
Other than really dumb town, there's no reason to act with a self preservation mentality as town. I think that PJB has been around here long enough to not be that really dumb town.
Hurpadurp I have limited mental capacity which drives me to lynch people.

You have to be kidding me if you really believe this. Self preservation is not a ****ing priority, but every post spent pressuring YOU (who is confirmed town to yourself), is a post less spent on finding SCUM. So yes, he is right to want to avoid being pressured, as it impairs his ability and everyone else's to hunt scum.

Swiss is right that a towny looks for scum regardless of how much attention he gets, but if it impairs town's progress then you're just being ********.

On to another (not entirely unrelated) thing, which is his "poor" reaction. Yeah, he prioritizes self preservation, which is a weird thing on knee-jerk, but thinking about it, it's not bad. His actions add up. While I personally don't agree with some stuff, I can see where he's coming from because his thought process doesn't just adapt to whatever's convenient (except for arguably the AM vote, which I agree is off considering other people on the wagon).

The biggest issue I have is that people seem to look at his actions face-value without looking at the intent. Sure, he's low on reads right now. Is that scummy considering the context? Not at all. Look where we are, not even 5 pages in and all he has to work with is people pressuring him, which automatically throws an even larger bias filter on everything, as well as making him defend and attack simultaneously. And he's right, meanwhile other people are just sitting and riding the wave on him. That's not a bad thing, but these double standards are simply unfair.

What about the fact that he says he wants to self preserve? At face value, scummy, sure. Would a scummer really go out of his way to say that though? As WIFOM as that is, think about it considering PJB as a player. It's not like he backtracked out of it, he stands by it. It's not hard to see his point of view, so why does nobody try?

The person I have most issues with is Gheb. While I normally expect Gheb to latch onto this and ask further, there are some things that stand out.

Sometimes he just says things that are off, followed by reasoning that's just plain ****. "Actually playing like town"? Are you ****ing kidding me? "Playing like town"? HE is making this game a matter about himself? Did you even read this game? What part of "PJB is a reactionary player" is hard to understand? Let him pick up his own pace, don't ask him for reads not even 150 posts into a game. Some people haven't even posted outside of RVS. In general those posts read way exaggerated and too hard too fast.

Even reading on, you get posts like this one. WOW. Just wow.

If it's really necessary to wagon you to L-2 to even give some reads then lynching you is already more than justified. But when you mention only one lousy read, backed up by one very weak quotation and act as if you refuted anything then I really think it's time for you to roll over and die.
Every single sentence here just reads all kinds of wrong to me.

Now, like I said before, I expect Gheb to go hard in a game, but normally he stays reasonably level headed, but not this time.

It's a combination of his points with his force that makes me doubt his towniness currently. Taking command of this early wagon is an easy way for scum to come across as town without much risk.

Vote: Gheb

Why don't you start giving us some reads, bro? What do you think about AM? If I recall correctly, you're giving him extra attention. What's happening with that?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
tbh I just took Gheb being a **** as Gheb being Gheb. Like, we're just coming off of a game where we were butting heads, and it seems to be continuing in this game. I don't think Gheb likes me, or my playstyle :smirk:

I guess it does seem like he's fully aware of what my playstyle is, and he's using it as reason to call me scum. Maybe.
Dec 6, 2011
tbh I just took Gheb being a **** as Gheb being Gheb. Like, we're just coming off of a game where we were butting heads, and it seems to be continuing in this game. I don't think Gheb likes me, or my playstyle :smirk:

I guess it does seem like he's fully aware of what my playstyle is, and he's using it as reason to call me scum. Maybe.
If this is the case then why attack Gheb in your 175? What are your feelings about Gheb right now?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
This Pjb wagon startred out strong but seems to be dying. The initial speed of this wagon initially gave me uncomfortable feels. Usually wagons that are that fast and easy are incorrect.
This post really resonates badly with me. Considering how you wanted to go to Kantrip early, I feel like you are just trying to alleviate pressure on PJB rather than pull information from his wagon. Just because wagons are 'usually' incorrect does not mean they are always incorrect, surely you know this?

(@PJB) Tell me why you are town.

what do you expect to get from a question like this?


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
I can dig (:xXx11!1!LegOLAAAzz!!11XxX:) wrt Gheb. I felt like his early posts about PJB were looking moreso to discredit him and paint him as scum rather than get info out of him (example, PJB 'spreading' FUD, bashing him for having a different scumhunting style than innocent until proven guilty).

Have you gained any impression of what's happening and what the players are doing yet? If you want to give people a reason to think of you as town then you should - y'know - actually playing like town.Stopping to act like this game is all about you surviving and starting to share reads would be a start. You're not doing that and that *is* a fact. I've got more later but I think you have a lot of work to do so start doing work for once instead of making this game a matter about you being ... yourself.


Didn't like this post one bit. Gheb stated in his 42 that PJB is exactly the type of player to be defensive, so why is it a surprise when he does exactly as you said?

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Legolas said:
Gheb said:
Laundy should be payed attention to early, imo. He has the habit of starting off with an acceptable activity level and dropping various scumtells during Day 1 [check Ryu's Toonami and Golden Sun for reference]. Later in the game he has the tendency to become inactive and I have reason to believe that Ryker won't be that much more active. The earlier we can read the slot the sooner we can be sure whether we should lynch it or ignore it.
Gheb why did you feel the need to point this out? Even if it's true, don't you think that it might have influenced how he behaves in thread? Why WL specifically? You could probably call anyone and say "watch out for this guys meta guys, he usually does this so we should act upon it," so I'm just curious about why you added this seemingly random tidbit in your post when AM hasn't even posted yet.
Do you know what the bolded means? If you do, you wouldn't have to ask such a superfluous question. Don't ask questions just for the sake of asking them, you're not Ranmaru.


Scylla & Charybdis

Smash Journeyman
Feb 6, 2013
That which does not bend - breaks.
Unless I missed a factor, this post puts PJB at L-2.
Point of this post....?

I don't think my reaction was that bad. Considering the fact that I'm town, anything being viewed as scummy is just clear misinterpretation.
The perspective here is just...so...........********.

I wanna say I like this post but I have a feeling Adumb made it...

FUD is a corperate term actually, "fear uncertainty doubt", generally applied to consultants who spread that baselessly.

Wrong head for your answer, I'm sure swiss will have plenty to say when he's done being drunk all weekend. Either way, not if we bus you first bro ;)

thread useless and boring - back later. How none of you can generate content is beyond me

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Gheb do you think PJB is being scummy or just anti town? You're voting him, but you're 47 seems to just make the case of PJB simply being anti town. Where is his scummy intent? Specifically your second paragraph. There you seem to be more or less on PJB's case for not thinking like you.
Stop asking loaded questions and actually put forth your own stance. If you think I'm reading PJB wrong then just tell me how and why instead of making this a silly question and answer game between you and me.

Yes, I think PJB is scummy. Duh.
No, I don't see why I should give him the benefit of the doubt and read him as dumbtown playing anti-town over him just being scummy.
No, I'm not on his case for not thinking like me. He's scummy because he's playing unbearably unconstructive on purpose.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Sometimes he just says things that are off
Even reading on, you get posts like this one. WOW. Just wow.
Yes, let's all cherry-pick quotes, post phoney reactions to them and most of all do not in any way elaborate on what the issue is and why there is an issue with them in the first place. That's how we win mafia these days after all.

I mean wow, just WOW. You DARE making a post like this? ARE YOU ****ING SERIOUS? Post like these are just soooooooooo scummy. Like holy ****, just WOW. Really Lego, you're being DAMN scummy right now, just WOW.
Don't ask me to elaborate on what I mean. Just take my word that I am serious about Legolas' points being just WOW and like COMPLETELY wow and just plain **** and off but don't ask me to elaborate because his points are just ****ing wow.

"Actually playing like town"? Are you ****ing kidding me? "Playing like town"? HE is making this game a matter about himself? Did you even read this game? What part of "PJB is a reactionary player" is hard to understand? Let him pick up his own pace, don't ask him for reads not even 150 posts into a game. Some people haven't even posted outside of RVS. In general those posts read way exaggerated and too hard too fast.
Some people have not posted and I do not pretend to have reads on them either. A lot of people have posted though, have given clear stances [Ryu, Foxy, AM, S&C, myself] and yet PJB is only capable of offering a read on one of them? Based on one quote with reasoning that just about nobody finds convincing? That by itself is already bad enough but the fact that it took people to wagon him to L-2 and remind him explicitly that this game is not about self-preservation but finding scum shows that PJB is not willing to cooperate. I mean, he could also have pointed out his reads on all active players or make a point about inactivity. But no, he had to push the one guy who attacks him the hardest, post one lousy quote to back it up and pretends that he "refuted" the idea that he's just playing to stay alive as long as possible. The truth is that his way of sharing his "reads" only served to confirm what people have accused him of in the first place. I highly doubt that his read on AM is real in any way.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Xonar, can you please replace out or let Sworddancer do the posting? I just remembered how this went last time and it wasn't pretty.

tbh I just took Gheb being a **** as Gheb being Gheb. Like, we're just coming off of a game where we were butting heads, and it seems to be continuing in this game. I don't think Gheb likes me, or my playstyle :smirk:

I guess it does seem like he's fully aware of what my playstyle is, and he's using it as reason to call me scum. Maybe.
No, don't make this a personal matter now. I don't know what's happening in your brain but any butting of heads stuff from previous game is gone and forgotten. I have a couple of legitimate points against you and not only do I not feel like you've even tried to refute them seriously but I think most of them apply even more than before.


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
why is it a surprise when he does exactly as you said?
Where did I say it's a surprise? Or a problem? I'm pretty sure you're not read up and don't quite understand what my points are.


Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
This post really resonates badly with me. Considering how you wanted to go to Kantrip early, I feel like you are just trying to alleviate pressure on PJB rather than pull information from his wagon. Just because wagons are 'usually' incorrect does not mean they are always incorrect, surely you know this?


what do you expect to get from a question like this?
How does it being Kantrip effect it ? Any opposition to the main ideal of PJB could have garnered a similar response, so where's the line ?

We are pulling information in our own way, neither of our heads is particularly convinced by this joker wagon and I just felt like I needed to hash some of my feels out. If someone felt the same then we can start a dialog.

True, wrt your wagon point, but I'm not sure why your devil's advocating the idea when you yourself aren't interested in Joker. Don't you think this wagon happened a little too quickly ? Plus, my other point isn't inaccurate either, the fact that Joker's been sitting where he is makes me all sorts of hesitant to just be okay with this going through. I also agree with the other defenders of him to an extent, him being condemned for acting as expected seems like a pretty accurate point from mypov.

I expect an answer, of course.

Foxy the Silver Fox

May 7, 2013
Here you show a fundamental lack of willingness to work alongside me.

Clearly your 'wagon' on Kantrip will be far more successful than a concerted push onto PJB who becomes agitated easily.

Please - show me your results since you seem so intent on halting mine.
The same could be said of kantrip, when he is scum it becomes incredibly obvious as the day continues and as pressure is applied to him, especially from my(Rake's) pov. What results has your PJB wagon led you to, you started it and yet I have not seen you here pursuing it, which would either suggest your disinterested in his demise aand are more or less letting it go or believe his wagon will carry through to completion.

Something Swiss told me in a previous game was when you wagon someone you want lynched early, it's not a suggested route, being as the day goes on, the thread will become distracted / cluttered with other ideals and pushes , and yours will fall to the wayside, so how serious was your wagon on PJB in the first place ? has it become any more or less legitimate over the days it's been active ?

If we submit to your PJB scum ideal ? Where do you think that takes us ? Who would you pick as early scum-mate possibilities ?


I'm goin' for it!
Jul 16, 2008
Austin, TX
1. Handorin ()
2. BadWolf28738 ()
3. Aggressive Mediation (PBJ)
4. Dark Horse ()
5. Gheb_01 (Legolas)
6. JTB ()
7. frozenflame751 ()
8. Potassium (Foxy)
9. Legolas()
10. Red Ruy ()
11. PrivateJoker-Brown (K, S&C, JTB, Gheb, Handorin)
12. Foxy the Silver Fox ()
13. Scylla & Charybdis (RR)

Not voting: BW, DH, FF, AM

With 13 playing it takes 7 lynch!

Deadline is Monday, May 27th at 11:59 CST (GMT-6).
Dec 6, 2011
As I already stated, I think AM's reaction to the wagon was opportunistic. When I asked him why the reasoning for the wagon was so good, he gave me some quotes about Gheb and Scylla responding to Silver Fox about why an early wagon was a good idea, because I'm reactive. He didn't mention anything about me actually being scummy.
I still don't think that you've really responded to AM's point that you're calling him opportunistic when people like me and JTB were on the wagon as well btw.

I can dig (:xXx11!1!LegOLAAAzz!!11XxX:) wrt Gheb. I felt like his early posts about PJB were looking moreso to discredit him and paint him as scum rather than get info out of him (example, PJB 'spreading' FUD, bashing him for having a different scumhunting style than innocent until proven guilty).

Didn't like this post one bit. Gheb stated in his 42 that PJB is exactly the type of player to be defensive, so why is it a surprise when he does exactly as you said?
Yet your vote is still on PJB.
Do you know what the bolded means? If you do, you wouldn't have to ask such a superfluous question. Don't ask questions just for the sake of asking them, you're not Ranmaru.

Ran does not ask questions just for the sake of asking them! :mad: You just don't see the value of his questions, but HE sees the value in them. /throwback to my interview


I'll concede that you've already made your intention with that statement about AM clear. I'll also say that the statement by itself is not totally damning. However, it still bugs me because it seems like content for content sakes. While I suppose it's possible that a town Gheb simply thought to post something like that, I doubt it because it would have been a just a random thought process to have.

Stop asking loaded questions and actually put forth your own stance. If you think I'm reading PJB wrong then just tell me how and why instead of making this a silly question and answer game between you and me.

Yes, I think PJB is scummy. Duh.
No, I don't see why I should give him the benefit of the doubt and read him as dumbtown playing anti-town over him just being scummy.
No, I'm not on his case for not thinking like me. He's scummy because he's playing unbearably unconstructive on purpose.
I guess I could just straight out say "Gheb I think you're wrong about player X for Y and Z reasons" and then wait for you to respond to that, but I think challenging you with a question achieves the same end. There's no reason to make a charade out of my methodology.

Here, let me quote your post for you:

OK, FUD might be a bit too harsh a word but the fact that you say "it remains to be seen whether he's town or not" bothers me. For two reasons mainly: first, what remains to be seen is whether he's scum or not because we're all innocent until proven guilty. You've twisting this inherently fundamental logic of scum hunting. As long as it's not being taken overboard then it's OK to sheep a power player a little and see what happens. It's not like we don't learn anything about the waggoned player, the "leader" and the sheeps. Discouraging a wagon on such principles is anti-town. Getting hooked on a provokative term like "sheeping" and "buddying" not a justficiation imo especially if you look at the way these terms have been handled in this game's context so far.

Second, you create a problem that doesn't exist. Why is it a problem that Kantrip chooses to sheep Swiss? Not only is Swiss' judgment more trustworthy than Kantrip but we can also learn a lot about the relationship between Kantrip and Swiss by seeing how far Kantrip is willing to sheep Swiss. All facts considered, it's pretty clear why the wagon makes sense and we might just found our first scumbag already. You can't hide behind your destructive cynicism forever.
First paragraph:

Ignoring the logic of rather or not it's everyone's innocent until proven guilty or if it's everyone's null until proven innocent/guilty because it's irrelevant to the point I'm making.

My main qualm with this paragraph is that none of it is really a reason to think PJB is scummy. Who cares if PJB got the "fundamental logic of scumhunting" wrong? How is that seriously scummy in anyway? Did you consider that, oh, idk, maybe he was just wrong?

"As long as it's not being taken overboard then it's OK to sheep a power player a little and see what happens. It's not like we don't learn anything about the waggoned player, the "leader" and the sheeps. Discouraging a wagon on such principles is anti-town"

You even call his actions "anti-town" here, and not just scummy.

This is just you disagreeing with him on his opinion. How is him having a different opinion then you scummy? Especially considering the context of the situation. He was simply asked by Kantrip if he'll okay with Kantrip sheeping. He replied no, because there's no reason to believe Kantrip was town. Even if he didn't consider the benefit of sheeping so ****ing what? Literally you're just accusing him of not playing optimally (anti-town) but you're calling it scummy.

Second paragraph:

Same story as the first. He thinks there's a problem with sheeping, and you're saying there's not because it can lead to somewhere. I agree with you, but again so what? Difference of opinion/him not considering every facet of it does not equal scummy and you know it.
Dec 6, 2011
No, I don't see why I should give him the benefit of the doubt and read him as dumbtown playing anti-town over him just being scummy.
Iunno, maybe because your own self stated philosophy is "innocent until proven guilty?" Maybe it's something to be considered because it could actually be a real possibilty?

No, I'm not on his case for not thinking like me. He's scummy because he's playing unbearably unconstructive on purpose.
And what, up to post 47, did PJB do that was "unbearably unconstructive?"
Dec 6, 2011
Yes, let's all cherry-pick quotes, post phoney reactions to them and most of all do not in any way elaborate on what the issue is and why there is an issue with them in the first place. That's how we win mafia these days after all.

I mean wow, just WOW. You DARE making a post like this? ARE YOU ****ING SERIOUS? Post like these are just soooooooooo scummy. Like holy ****, just WOW. Really Lego, you're being DAMN scummy right now, just WOW.
Don't ask me to elaborate on what I mean. Just take my word that I am serious about Legolas' points being just WOW and like COMPLETELY wow and just plain **** and off but don't ask me to elaborate because his points are just ****ing wow.

Some people have not posted and I do not pretend to have reads on them either. A lot of people have posted though, have given clear stances [Ryu, Foxy, AM, S&C, myself] and yet PJB is only capable of offering a read on one of them? Based on one quote with reasoning that just about nobody finds convincing? That by itself is already bad enough but the fact that it took people to wagon him to L-2 and remind him explicitly that this game is not about self-preservation but finding scum shows that PJB is not willing to cooperate. I mean, he could also have pointed out his reads on all active players or make a point about inactivity. But no, he had to push the one guy who attacks him the hardest, post one lousy quote to back it up and pretends that he "refuted" the idea that he's just playing to stay alive as long as possible. The truth is that his way of sharing his "reads" only served to confirm what people have accused him of in the first place. I highly doubt that his read on AM is real in any way.

I'll let Xonar reply to the first part of this post.

About the second part.

Me and Xonar agree that the scummiest thing PJB has done this game is his vote on AM. Mainly, my (Sworddancer's) problem with it is that it looked so incredibly rushed and half assed. He barely went into AM's play at all, and futhermore he didn't take into consideration two players who LITERALLY didn't give any reason at all for being on the PJB wagon.

However, I don't really have a problem with PJB not giving out any reads until then. When just about half the game bum rushes you and 85% of the thread is focused on you then NATURALLY you're main focus is going to be on self defense. The post you made before PJB made his AM vote pressured him on this (IIRC) which given the circumstances I don't think was fair to him.
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