So here's something I wanted to ask. Fire Emblem Heroes always has a "Choose Your Legends" event at the start of the year, and I think it's safe to assume that next year's will have Three Houses characters as part of it.
First, I want to ask how much they'll go into it. Do you think they'll include as many characters as they can get away with, or will they only use playable/story-relevant characters? Secondly, I was wondering how they would handle the timeskip designs. 2019's CYL merged all the characters into singular versions, but it made a few exceptions. Namely, if the character underwent a new alias (Owain/Odin), had a long amount of time pass (Tiki), developed a shift in personality (Hardin) or is an entirely different character altogether (Anna). Now, I'm pretty sure these rules only apply to different games, but at least two of those of those rules would apply to most, if not all of the students at least. Do you think this will be taken into account, or will each character just use their pre-timeskip appearance?